Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Mar 1923, p. 15

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THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1923, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG a ---------- [Every day scores of new people learn the result power of these A.B.C. Ads. ' THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE GOLF CLUB f. J. Rigney, K.C., Is the Presi= dent--Hopeful of Coming Season. raqui Golf amd Country held in the Board of Trade rooms, on Wednesday evening, with a large attendance of members present. Re- [commences May 24th and the last half ends on August eleventh. Space | does not permit of running the {schedule in this issue and it will be | (given Saturday. WILL ISSUE THE BILLS "EVERY SECOND MONTH The annual meeting of the Cata~ | Club was |. Electricity Abolished by ! Utilities Commission. 'Monthly Payments For Gas and | | the news of the day. A Word To The Wise Is Sufficient And wise housewives and business men know that the words that mean opportunities to-day are gathered together in the A-B-C Classified Section. Opportunities to get what they want and save money in getting it, opportunities to sell what they don't want and make money in selling it--these are the kinds of opportunities that the A-B-C Ads are offering every day. Almost everyone believes in keeping in touch with And more and more people are ______Business Service Merchandise Real Estate For Sale. Legal CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Streel, Kingston. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. SHEA--Ambrese, BEA, Barrister and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock over Royal Bank. Money _to loan. Phone 1989. Medical 281. BENNETT, C. W.--M.D,, 133 Clergy St Office Phone 851. Res. 1845m. Office _hours 10-12 a.m. 3-4, 7-85.30 p.m. Usteopathy 28g. ASHCROFT-- Drs. Robert and Edna, 204 King Street, near Earl. Phone 447. Hours: 9-12 a.m, 2-6 p.m. and by ap- t t 28e. | Articles For Sale 51 HAWAIIAN GUITAR--Practically new, best condition, Apply 77 Pine Street. HARDWOOD--7 cars of mixed wood, $3.26 per quarter cord. One car Slabs $3.00 per quarter cord; hardwood (green) $3.76 quarter cord. Also saw- dust for sale. W Talbot, § St. Catherines St. Yard, Concession St. MATTRESSES--In stock and made to order; ail prices from $4.60. Cot Mat- tresses $3.00 and up. Mattress reno- vating a specialty. Frontenac Mat- tress Co., 377 King Street. Phone 1961J. PHONOUGEHAPH--Columplia - Grafonola, slightly usca, with 10 selections of Your own choice for only $41.76. Terms $5 cas! and $5 montnly. CC. W. Lind- say. Lim ed = an 84 BIRCH AVENUE--SIX roomed brick, veneered, 2 piece bath, electric light, gas for cooking, hardwood floors up= stairs, large lot and garage. Rent at $34 a month. A bargain to quick buye= er. Apply E. Burten, Cataraqui. HOUSES--ANA lots In all parts of the city, from $1,000 to $20,000. Come in and make your selection. Money te gi T. O'Connor. Moved tp Uptowa HOUBE--One modern brick; all Ime provements; § rooms; $5,000. Another 10 rooms, $7,000. LLL Appl t Cooke. Phones 8i2w 503w, SEE--Bateman's large Real Estate ad vertisement, page 3, column 1. BE. W. MULLIN & SON v ports were received from the secre. | : : Tide and the various com-| The utilities commission met this | wi otion mittees as to the progress Tyiring Moruiug 2 doa} with ihe _ C SHOE REPALIRING--AIll work neatly done. Rubber heels a specialty. Skates put un. W. H. Purvis, corner Bagot and Larrack Streets. learning that it pays to keep in touch with the thrift news--the Classified news--Iif they want more satisfac- tion and less expense in filling their needs of everyday RUBBERS--Army Hip Rubber Boats, new and used. Full supply for trap- pers and fishermen. Reasonable prices. A. 45 Priucess St. Phone Real Estate anz Insurance' Brokers Phone 639w. See Display Advi. on Page Two. the year and the members are en- |PT®S€ coming statement thusiastic concerning the season. The financial showed the club to be on a very sound basis. officers resulted as follows: The annual election of President--T. J. Rigney, K.C. Vice-President--Dr. J. L. Austin. Secretary - Treasurer -- F. Smythe. Directors--Dr. J. D. A. Black, A. A. Li Austin, Dr. B. Cunningham, | Nickle, at a prewlous meeting, to |change the systemd of billing domes- [tie consumers of ghs and electricity [so that payment would be maae {every two months instead of month- [1y as at present. Mr. N'ckle reaa [reports received from Belleville, { Napanee, Port Hope, Cobourg, Pet- |erboro, Toronto, Hamilton, Wood- {stock and other cities all of which |issued accounts every twg months. |Ho claimed it would be an aavang life. Use it regularly! Here is helpful and profitable service--as easy to use as your dictionary or your 'phone book. that it saves your dollars, your disposition and your steps. THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE, ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. K.C.,, Prof. A. L. Clarke, W. B. Dal- ton, H. W. Davis, Dr. F. Ethering- ton, Dr. Bruce Hopkins, W. Jackson, W. C. Kent, T. A. McGinnis, J. B. McLeod, T. J. Rigney, K.C., George Robertson and @. G. Robertson. Dr. Black will be chairman of the greens' committee; Dr. J. L. Austin tage. Chairman Elliott opposed the {change on the ground that consum- ers found it easier to pay the small {monthly bill than a large amount (called for in the two months' sys- |tem proposed. |the arrears He predicied that would be' heavier fin You'll find CORRESPONDENTS --British Girls de- sire Canadian correspondents. Propo sition 1vc. Clane, 16 Cembridge St. »! almost new, perfect conaition, sp ly built body; suitable for retail de-| -- livery; trial run on appointment. Ap- RL Ms LD A CINE FURNITURE FINISHING--OTf all kinda. Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 Joan street. Phone 206F. SHOE REPAIRING--AN hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient sere Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- 1d Queen streets. --Repalred; saws sharpened Es- timates given on all kinds of paper- hanging. Satisfaction my motto. W. Mclennan, 283 Division Street, G--New or used furni- ture, work aranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot street. LPHOLSTERING--ADRd genera! repalr- ing. Leave orders at or drop a card te F. W. Harold, 174 Clergy Str UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Good- i 244 University Avenue. Phone Employment Help Wanted--Female 32 Shapiro, 1451m . SHADES--Fancy shades for any kind of lamp made; also umbrellas repair- ed ana recovered. I. Menhinick, 253 King street. STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, kconomy Ready Mixed Paints and var- nishes. 337 Princess Street. Phone _83 opposite vUrange Hall. VULCANIZING OUTFIT --Very cheap, half cash; balance easy terms. These outrits must be sold at once. For full particulars and price write Box F-28, Whig Office. VICTOR GRAMAPHONE--Wi{th 10 Re- cords, $15; davenport couch $16; baby's cot 33, $5, §7; bavy carriages $12,315; Square dining room tables $5, $7, $10; Columbia Grafonuvla Cabinet Grand with 20 records, $556; sideboards $5, $7. Lesses Antique Shop, 607 Princess ireet. Phone 1045w. WOOD---Dry Mixed cordwood, for furs naces or stoves; also dry slabs, $4.00 a load. Dry sawdust $2.00 a load. All delivered. Phone -~1038w. WW. C HOUSES--- PAIR OF BRICK HOUSES---On Barria Street, two blocks from Princess St; nine rooms, each three piece bat electric lights, gas and furnace, g liar any yard. Must be sold at onoe. - ON MACK STREET--Brick House, nine rooms, three piece bath, electric lights, gas and furnace, hardwood floors downstairs. Good location. Possession 1st of May. Price $4500. M. B. TRUMPOUR Phone 704 or-848J. $7 Bagot Street $4,800--Brick house, new, 8 rooms, &ll oconveni oak floors, fireplace, 3 plece bath, domestic heater, H. furnace, electric lights, gas, good lot, garage; London, 8.W., England. Mes War fans es arranged. Apply Box SKIN BLEMISHIKS--ralr, Moles. a ah ALLL Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, gm ete, removed permanently, Satisface Lots tory Glasses fitted and furnished afier others have falled. Goitre cured withe out operation, 38 years' experience. Dr. kimer J. Lake, Kye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1138J. Lost and ound ply i. H. Fair, 179 Stuart Street. Auto Accessories--Lires--Parts 13 OILS--We have all kinds in all quanti- ties, at prices you cannot afford to _miss. Corner Queen and Ontario Sts. PREST-O-LITE DISTRIBUTORS--City battery Service, 3% Montreal Streei. Armature winding and magnetos re- charged and repaired. : Electrical and Ignition Bpecialists on automobiles and motor boats. New and rental bat- teries always on hand. Special atten~ tion to winter storage. Kepairs to anything eiectrical. Bring us your housenodd appliances. We can repair them at low = Gi TAXI--The only place which furnishes a proper 24 hours taxi service. 549J. M. Corkey. SR A. particulars, jc. stamp, Dept. ¢8-C., Business Service Auto-Knitier Toronto. ee cricnced, married, to work Business Nervices umered = 18 x y month or year. Good AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--ARnd finish-|{ house and garden furnisned. Apply, ing a specialty. Also Fiano and sur-| stating wages and experience to rv. C. niture Polishing. Gordon Young, shop| Shibley, K. R. No. 2, Harrowsmith, Queen streel, rear of Abernethy's Shoe Ont. 0000000000 0000 Store, or phone 1876W. SHOW CARD WRITING--F or us. Make money at home, $156 to $60 paid week- ly Iur your spare time writing show cards for us. Nu canvassing. We in- Slruct ana supply you with work, West-Angus dnuw, Card Service, 17 Colvorne pid, gz 3 TRAVELLER -- A n Ss the at reasonabie prices. W. Smith,! montns ot July and August free each 37 York Street. 7 | Year and cousd aevote the whole of -- Carpenter Ena these montns to travelling witn Wall raper. vne having own motor oar COOK---General. Apply Mrs. Hamilton Bruton, yard 248 University Ave. Roberts, 26 Wellington Street. yersny o WOOL--AIL kinds of fancy goods, knit- ting needles, crochet needles, house dresses, everything in the faney line. Mrs. "in chairman match committee, and Dr. Bruce Hopkins chairman of the house committee. J. J. Newman, the golf profession- {consequence also that the landlords {would be hit harder ty those ten- {ants who default and leave tnem to | {pay the charges. He could not see al, who has been with the local club {4.4 the change would be ecounom- | for several years, will not be inj. Kingston this year, having accepted | qp0 motion was passed being sap- | @ position in Denver, Cold A hearty |n,ria4 by Commissioner R. E. Burns | vote of appreciation was tendered to /.,3 R. N. F. McFarlane. -- Mr. Newman f@% his services while | ne resolution read; 'That dom- | with the local club, and general res |agtic accounts for gas and ereetric- | gret was expressed that he was leav- lity be issued every two montns ana ing. No successor has been appoint- |that the working out of the; plan as] Bn Yai. [to dates be left to thv manages and | ly ne hundred and thirty-seven new |sccountant." RL Lae a A mombers wero admitted during the | A list of arrears on account of (FUE CAL Lest WERICRINted Kinder past year, the total membership now | water, gas and electricity was pre. _ceive a reward. TTT Tod being 352. It is proposed_to limit sented end the manager and ac-| LICENSE CARD --° No. 197-444 los the memberschip to 375, but no ac- [countant were Instructed to proceed | Finasr please return to or notity Whig tion has been taken on this to date. with the collectibn and report at | LICENS] C. Bermingham has donated a ver every second meet'ng of the com- | Lhuren handsome cup to be competed for an- {mission all consumers who are three | -- nually In handicap competition by months in arrears. They are to give both men and women. A shield for | notice of cutting off of service. | men's championship competition has The chairman was authorized to , been provided by the retiring pres!- attend the Hamilton convention on 'dent, A. B. Cunningham, K.C., and Dr. J. L. Austin have donated a pair Wednesday, April 3rd and 4th. of cups for a mixed foursome compe- COOK~--General, no washing or iron- ing. Apply Mrs. Garrett, 2 Johnson| Steet. BUILDING JLOT--On Livin _St Le | gston Ave, Lot Number 38, west side, near King Street, 66x182, or will sell 33x132 if des sired. Apply W. H, Friendship, 81 Frontenac Street. ELECTRIC MOTOR--One, used, 5 horse power, stagle phase, 110 or 220 volts. Must be in'good condition. Apply Box 28, Whig Office. OLD GOLD--silver, of False Teeth, for \ cash or exchange. G. W. Lyons, 244 Princess street, Kingston, Rooms For Rent Rooms With Board 67 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 243 -- First class rooms and board; all improve ments; centrally located. ROOMS--Warm, good board, reason- able rates; close to the down-town business section. Mrs, Todd, 144 John- _son street. =~ a Ee ROOMS--Unfurnished, for light house- keeping, gas for cooking, electric lights. Apply $54 Brock Street. / ROOMS--First class, on bathroom floor, with or without board; centrally lo- cated. 2156 University Avenue. }Fhone _1216J. re. Rooms For Housekeeping 69 ROOMS -- Two or three, unfurnished, newly decorated; suitable for light housekeeping; electric hight; hot wa- ter heaung, gas for cooking and other conveniences. Apply 360 Bagot GIRI--Must be good sewer. Apply 291 Princess Street. 10 FOUSEREEPER -- For small famlly, near Gananoque, middle-aged lady preferred. Apply to pox l-27, Wg Dice. FOR SALE. STEAMERS FOR SALE _ Side Wheel Passenger Steamer Empress---suitable for excursions. Small Passenger and. F:./ght Steamer, "Victoria." CRANK--Found, for Overland car. Owner may have same at 329 Earl St. 33 HOME-WORK--Good wages, We need JUU to MaKe SOCKS on tne fast, easily- learned Auto Knitter; experience un- necessary; distance immaterial; posi- tively no canvassing, yarn supplied; GLOVES--Found, two pair woolen, 1 pair kid gloves, 1 chiid"s right hand kid glove, 1 cu Mnk, 2 neck scarfs. Apply Sexton, Sydenham Street pr b Empress Navagation Co., Ltd. OTTAWA, Ont. ar in corners and name in _Apply 314 Albert or phone 1072J. ROBE--Black, plush lined. Will person seen picking same up, between Uni- versity Avenue and bath Road P. O, return same to 495 Princess Street. SHAWIL--Found, small black, on DIVi- sion street, Monday night. Owner ap- ply 47 ergy st tf, AUCTIONEER--Book your sales with W. A. 1wigg, 192 Barrie Street. Phone 8204. CARPENTERING--ARd cement work by contract or day. First-class work ¥. 80 ELGIN ST. - RP The matter of salaries paid to clerical s'aff, hours of work, etc, tition. preciation over these gifts. The members expressed ap- A review of the competition dur- ing the past year was given by Presi- dent Cunningham in the course of lof $65 accepted on six 'inch pipe, | The club championship his address. was won by Dr. McKee, the runner- up being C. G. Shannon. The Berm- ingham series was won by Dr. F. Cays, the runner-up being Prof. Clarke. The club played home-and- home matches with Brockville, win- ning at home and losing away. The Kingston players visited Peterboro and lost, but they were more suce cessful at Picton. Many plans were discussed for\the coming season, incléding improve- ments and enlargements to the pres. ent course. The application of the Kingston Automobile Club for a site for a motorists' camp was referred to the board of directors. SPORTING NEWS To Form A Unl.n The Queen's basketball club is to write Varsity and McGill regarding the formation of an official Inter- | collegiate Baske:ball Union and the standardization of rules, ball, bas- kets, size of floor, etc. Bill Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. re-eected man- ager of the senior basketball team D. A. Shaw, was for next year. Buy Fast Stepper L. O. Charlesworth, Paisley, has sold his fine standard bred rac'ng "South Dakota Maid," Messrs. Turley and Dunlop, Frank- 'This mare was bred at Clark, ! imported from Iowa in 1921 by Mr. Charles- | She has started in sixty- and never finished uut- side of the monéy. Her record is mare, ford. South Dakota, and was worth. one races, 2.13%. \ GYMNASTIOC COMPETITION Held At Thy Royal Military Coliege | Ve Afternoon "B"" Company won the gymnastic competition held at the R.M.C. on Wednesday afternoon and thus ad- ded ten more points to thelr aggre- 'gate for the cham This competition has one team of Sach company entered ana hest men count on the final result. The results were: * "B" Company, 368 pointe-- Hol- Jand, 91, Meleod 91, Camtl'e 87%, six from the four Carr-Harrls, B. G., 88 "A Company, ton 82%, Acer, 79%. _ lleard on a "The schedule for Group B. "Central Ontario Si iuiats Russell §73% C. §. M. Gill 84, Creigh- ww Hag. was brought up by Mr. Nickle, but was lald over for consideration at the next meeting. At the pevious meeting the tender fittings and flanges was not $65 per ton, but the price for the articles specified. BN OBJECTS TO COUNCIL CONTINUING SESSIONS Dr. William Spankie Says It Is Adding Unnecessary Ex- pense to County. The county council meets again Thursday afternoon at 4.30 o'clock to consider reports of committees. A Kingston deputation will ask the co-operation of the council in the celebration of the 250th anniversarf of the founding of this city. At the morning session Councillor Drew objected to a statement in the Whig of Tuesday regarding the com- {promise between the Ontario h'gh- |way department and the council. {He thought some of the councillors must have been talking too much. Dr. Willlam Spankie wanted the council to adjourn after the Thurs- day morning session, claiming that it was adding unnecessary expense to the ratepayers to remain in ses- sion any longer. LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re= porters. morrow (Good Friday). Oysters for Good Friday. ovsky's etore will be open noon. Roscoe Scott, Division street, has been appointed tho eastern represen- tative of the Toledo scales, with headquarters at 209 Princess street. The first shipment of Fodder cheese, forty-seven boxes from Od- essa factory, was sent by express to Montreal to-day by L. W. Murphy. The remains' of the late Mrs. E. Austin arrived from Anolea, Ont., at noon on Wednesday. The remains were later sent to Hinchinbrooke for interment. The Whig was informed on Thurs. day morning that Sergi. ¥.-J. Darn- ard, who is now awaiting trial on the charge of stealing money, has never been in charge of the canteen, as has been stated. _ Fireman John Hall, who was over- come with smoke while fighting the fireat the home of Thomas Purvis on Wednesday, was much Improved. on Thursday morning, and expects to go on duty tonight, : uuth 'Post Office Department Bulletin. "Remomber the kiddies. Send them at least a post card of _the holiday kind and be sure. to get it mailed in plenty of time." See the re 'night The Whig will not be issued to-' Carn- | TIRE CHAIN--Found, fo on King stpeet. Owner apply at Lee Grocery, corner Albert and Earl Sts. UMBRELLA--Found, between Kingston Mills and Joyceville. Owner may have same at Wiliiam Gordon's, King- ston Mills. . _ Automobiles Automobiivs ror Bale -- ii GRAY AND GRAY DORT -- MOTOR CARS. PRICES $695 TO $2500. TERMS TO SUIT EVERYONE. THE SENSA- TIONAL GRAY HOLDS WORLD'S RE- CORD FOR ECONOMY. 40 MILES ON 1 GALLON OF GAS. CHARLES PES- TER, DEALER, KING STREET GAR« AGE. PHONE 939. HOME OF USED CARS--- D45 TOURING, McLAUGHLIN FOUR ROAD- | McLAUGHLIN STER, CADILLAC TOURING, | McLAUGHLIN D63 TOURING, | FORD ROADSTER, FORD BAK- ER'S TRUCK, FORD TON TRUCK, STUDEBAKER TON TRUCK, BABY GRAND CHEV. ROLET, CHEVROLET ROAD- STER, ALSO USED PARTS FOR ALL MAKES AND MODELS. COMPLETE MOTORS, WIND- SHIELDS, GEARS, ETC, PALMER COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN STS. lo-Day's Blunder (Corrected (See Illustration on Page 14.) Tue baby should be kept out ot the kitchen. This room is usually too hot, causing sickness and colds. Place a screen before the kitchen door eo that you may watch .ne baby while at your work. The Bank Ci The total bank clearings at King- ston for the week ending March 29th, 1923, were $490,193.63; pre- vious week, « $545,839.98; week 1922, $490,388.39. April Ladies' Home Journdi. For holiday reading April issue now on sale at College Book Store. The classes at Queen's university ciosed at noon on Thursday and will not resume until Tuesday morning. April 3rd. The public schools and Collegiate Institute closed om 'Thursday afternoon and will open on Monday, April 9th. C. A.' Jordan, Ottawa, O.T.A. in- spector for Hastern Ontario, is in the city. He reports conditions very quiet throughout his territory, as circulation at the present time. Mr. Johnson, a provincial officer wil again act on the Kingston-Gen- Collage Book Store line, Open to- and Friday. anogue highway to prevent ing. there is little liquor apparently in | ----== C ~ : | builder. --kstimates given un all class-| es of work; hardwood ficoring. James| I. Jarrell, 211 Bagot Street. Phone| 06 v PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY -- Verbatim Reporting, Auditing, Advertising. Bus- iness Service, 14 Market Street. Phone 8917. Lx HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging, pleat- ing; work guaranteed. Mrs, E. A. Card, 368 Barrie Screet. 1% blocks from Prince Street. PLAIN SEWING--Sewing and repair- ing reatly Jone. Estimates given for chiidren and women's clothes. Mrs. J. LX. Whlare. 101 Barrie Street. FIRE--Automobie and Casually Insure ance, IE. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Phone 1782M. FIRE--Protect your property, delays are dangerous. Sickness and Acci- dent insurance at low rates. Call or phone KE, Willlams, 2 Couper street. CG. HUNTER OGILVIE-- Representing reliable companies in all branches of the business. 107 Gore Street. Phone INSURANCE--Only the mtst reliable companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Fost Office.' st hk he iris Baudet Boni pnd Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, _24 Russell Street. Phone 2255, BAGUAGUE--R. Taite guarantees good service in Baggage, Express and mov- ing; reasonable prices. 104 Montreal Jiteer Next to Armouries. Phone STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dary, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, _306 Queen St. Phone 516. Hes. 989w.. Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 AUTOMOBILE PAINTING. Apply BE. Jenkins, corner York and Raglan Road. Phone 15535. ESTIMATES -- Given for painting, paper-hanging, decorating and hard- wood floor nnishing; workmanship guaranteed. H. Horton, 205 Alfred Street. Phone 1881w, ice Stations 16 PAINTING--Papering, Decorating ---- first class work and work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 165 Bag t street. Phone 1966. PAINTING--Papernagiging, Decoratlii 'Glasing, Hardwood i'loor Finishing etc, st class work, reasonable prices. Wallpaper samples. Estimates submitted. A. Mounteer, 208 Alfred PAINTING--H; painting, plano and furniture fi ng: all work given careful att Nn. Charles Hebert, 25 Frontenac Sf. North. FPhune 2070w. PAINTING--Paper Hanging and Deco- rating; wall paper samples; metallic gold Jetters for store and office win- dows. Estimate submitted J. Flana- gan, 247 Montreal Street. Phone 1432. ROOMS PAPERED--$5.00 per room, in- cluding paper; nice patterns to ch from. Have your work done now be- fore the rush. Work satistactory. owley. Phone 1361w. SIGN PAIL . 8. Ro 215 Bagot street. Professional Services pointment phone 24vw. Street. son, rear or ap- 78 Division * Limited, preterred. 'Territory Central Ontario. I'ne waison, roster Co. Limited, 2646 Oniarto Street E., Montreal, Help--Male or Female 34 BOYS AND GIRLS--16 years of age and over. ARply Dominion Textue Co, Limited, Livaraqul Street. I MAN--Single, to werk'on farm, for sea- son. Experienced. Apply Box W-22, Whig Oitice. __ COAT-MAKER--At once, C Livingston & Bro. Apply Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85 NULSEKY DTUCK--An agency for a rellabie nursery firm § profitable. You can sell in country, town or city. We gruw and sell the pest unly, and want reliable, energetic agents tor unrepre- sented terr tories. Write now. Fel hum N C oronto. 38 iF--An average monthly {income of $6.82 paid monthly, which has actual- ly been done tor the past three years on every $100 invested or $24 to $65 yearly, appeals to you, write M, M. Wolff, 72 wall Street, New York City. mortgages of various amounts bearing interest at 7%, to close an estate. Apply to Walkem & Kalkem, 43 Ciarence Street, Kingsto Investments, Stocks, Bonds 89 ~Several hundred dollars' worth of stock in a going Kingston concern or will exchafige tor woud lot. Apply 26, Whig. an 40 FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Boclety, incorporated 1861. President, . ¥. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mortgages pur- chased; investment bonds ior sale; de- osits received and interest allowed. . C. Cartwright, mauager, 37 Clarence Street, Kingston, Instruction Musicai, bancing, Dramatic 44 Ee re A Tatar eee at ORCHESTRA--The best costs no more-- get Treneer's Orchestra. Ted Treneer, 261 King street. Phones 1164F or 979w, __ Live Stock Poultry and Supplies 49 EGGS--White Wpyandottes' Eggs for hatching; bred for egg production; all my pens head by Ottawa winner. Joseph White, Fortasmouth, Ontario. Phone 2301 ring 4. first class 51 AWNINGS--urders taken for Awnings, and Tents; best service. Repair work, satistdction guaranteed. F. W. Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. * BABY CARRIAGE--White Wicker. In &ood condition. 147 Frontenac St. BICYCLE--In first class running order; first class brake and a number of new |' things. Will sell very cheap. 515& Albert Street. Phone 2373F. BABY CARRIAGE -- Wicker, dress form, pair of curtain stretchers. Ap- ply to 210 Frontenac Street. COAL~<Choice pea coal, $15.00 deliver- ed. Chestnut, $16.60 delivered. Phone 1975, 1962J, 2211m. VUKNITURE -- We have fo: and stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dis) of, we will pay highest prices, hope 33 Princes: Street, ne 1600w h, 39] Pho d walnut ol and wi | Union Street West. Phone 1050w. jce box, camp stove and lantern, walnut Sideboata. wal- nut was , bound books. Phone 1848J. R. tages, steel 'warehouses, steel shingles, 'water ie nn for Poem, te " B. agent S. & 8. Co., 345 Alfred. Phone 2293w. ; : pe eonditéen. CG Sic. Apply Box D-31, Whig Office. 121} _Street, two blocks from Princess St. Real Estate For Ren RTMENT--May Ist, five rooms, in- cluding tiled bath room, fireplaces, 848 range, refrigerator, hardwood noors, electric hights, well heated. Ap- ply 69 Brock Street. FLAT--One 4 room unfurnished flat, also 2 rooms on bath room tat, both suitable for light housekeeping; all conveniences. 'A'elephone. Apply 2%6 _Queen Street. mal 269 PRINCESS STREET---F lat, 5 rooms, 3 plece bath, electric light, gas: for cooking, good condition, $25 per month, Possession May 1st. apply I _Zacks, 271 Princesq Street. Business Places For Rent 75 LODGE ROOMS--HRooms on King siree; ~-formerly occupled by the 10.0.F. _Apply to Cunningham and Smi Houses kor Men: 7 HOUSE--By May ist, furnished, 7 room detached; all modern improvements. Apply 91 Beverly Street, or phone 1soom. after § p.m. == usinmes wi ERY ee vermis a BUSINESS VeRvICK ~_ 7 W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Building, Brook and King Streets. Phone 701 or em, General Insurance 'Agency. Writing: --~Automobile, Fir A dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burs vtec. Representing only reliable co; panies. & MERCHANDISE FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Reason- able Prices STOVES Well 'repaired. at a rgiht price. J. Turk's * PHONE 705. HOUSE--Seven roomed, electric light, 8as8, 3 plece bath, garage if desred. Appply 86 Pine Street. HOUBE---Seven rooms, all conveniences, centrally located. Apply 1565 Syden- ham Street. HOUSES--Two, seven roomed, north side, electric light, s piece bath, fur- nace; close to rrincess, $27.00. Also two apartments, 320 and $25. Apply _H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick St. HOUSE--Immedlate possession. eight rooms, hot water heating. Apply James Reid or phone 147. SUMMEI COTTAGES -- At Eastview Park, a beautiful spot on the St. Law. rence, § miles from Kingston, furn- ished bungalows, firepiaces and screened verandahs, with » or 6 rooms. Apply J. D. Boyd, 333 University Ave. Ponone 1083m. = STREET--6 rooms, elec- tric light, gas, toilet, large yard. Rent $20.00 per month, from May 1st. Ap- bly 1. sacks, 271 Princess Street. 317 KING STREET---Furnished, seven rooms, 3 piece bathroom, new hot air furnace, electric light, etc. For par- _ticuiars phone 832w in the eveniug. 269 RIDEAU ST.--8 room house, mod- ern, $23. Concession Street, No's 39, 41, 46, 47, each 5 rooms and extension, $10.00. Single garages at 69 Queen, next Harkness sutcoer Shop. Apply Queen ¢§ .__Phone 985w. 81 HOUSE--By April 15th or May ist, eight or nine room detached house; all improvements; south of Princess St; central locatio Phone 1580m. UNGALOW--Or small house, two or three bedrooms, uptown or west end. State location ana rental. Apply to Box G-28, Whig Office. FARM-Ot 135 acres for sale or to rent, or would exchahge for ropert 12 miles from Kingston, 3 Inhios ff om 3 villages, 75 or 80 acres plow land, 30 acres seeded, 25 fall ri plowed; well wat- ered; frame house and barns. Bate- aban's Real Estate Agency, 159 Wel- lington Street, Kingston. Houses For Sale 84 HOUSES---+'or sale ana to of in all parts of the city. ly to IX B, Wil. son, Real Estate, Uptown Post Office. Phone 1098. -- eet] All kinds of machinery --En- gines, Gasoline Motors, Pumps, Automobile Parts, Automobile Engine (second hand but rebuilt), Life Boats, Motor Poats, general repairs. THE BUSY SHOP DAVIS DRY DOCK (CO. East End of Wellington Street A NICE PLACE TO STOP Densmere House Comfortable rooms with all conveniences. ; First-class meals. 1 Special attention to transients. 72-74 Sydenham Street West Telephone 791m. MRS. E. P. DENISON [Lakeview House Corner Queen and Ontario Sts UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, First-class rooms and meals. Good yards and stables. Special rates to Marine Men. P. M. DRISCOLL, , Proprietor. ~~: ANTHRACITE } (STOVE SIZE) i These are the best hard coal Briquetts on the market and should not be confused with inferior products. $15.50 per ton. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street BOULETS v

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