vy ¥ R. ARTHEY, R0. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1928, Beaver Board Artistic--Sanitary--Durable--Economical The exclusive "SEALTITE" treatment gives Beaver Board an ideal surface for decoration, making a priming coat unueces- sary and insuring & perfect band with any good paint. : Ask for free samples and illustrations at office. ALLAN LUMBER C0. VICTORIA STREET. 'Phone 1042. Our Glasses Are Sight Preservers They are buoys of hope to ship- wrecked eyes. They save sight, dispel the gloom of defective vision and render a ser- vice beyond price. Do your eyes require saving ? | VISION SPECIALIST 143 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2108. Open evenings by appointment. NOTICE! . CAR OWNERS Now is the time to have your car overhauled before the rush. ACETYLENE WELDING CARBON BURNING CLARK'S GARAGE Cor. King and Princess Sts. PHONE 235TF. AUTOMOBILE TOPS RECOVERED Write for Prices to JAS. W. JUDSON BROCKVILLE, ONT. Phone 668. a JUST CALL FROST'S When You Want a Thorough, First-Class Job of AUTOMOBILE PAINTING PHONE 526. 290-305 QUEEN STREET) 0. WIGHTMAN : ERNIE B. SUTER 151 WELLINGTON 151 -~ CARS PAINTED and REFINISHED Small Cars $15.00 to $25.00 FIRST CLASS WORK ~~ W. SYMONDS KING STREET GARAGE 335 KING STREET KING'S BATTERY SERVICE FRED KING, PROP. "BUSINESS AS USUAL" IN THE YELLOW SHOP, 275 BAGOT STREET, PHONE 410w. RESIDENCE S971. (OWNERS ATTENTION PHONE 545, We are now fully equipped to take care of your Auto Repair needs--First Class Mechanics to do your work, and all work guaranteed. Car Washing, any type Gasoline and Olls for Sale. Distilled water always on hand. STANDARD AUTO SERVICE QUEEN STREET (Behind Standard Office) Car Owners me Attention Have your Batteries Charged and Repaired before the ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Kingston Battery Service ; 113 BROCK ST. " Ya hohe BELOW W. P. PETERS We Bave a few good Used Cars which we are offering at - Reduced Prices, as. we need the floor space for our new cars. The Central Garag Brock and Montreal Streets, Phone 600. e Limited ge "VIC" EATS "VIC" SERVICE % Can't, Be Beaten - THE VICTORIA CAFE : I N | deg THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG I: is certainiy bad business for the storekeapers as much custom must PRESIDENT ASSELSTINE'S ! be diverted to their .competitiors { ADDRESS T0- MOTORISTS | zrovee their short-sightedness in | | Laving their own vehicles parked in inion {front of their places of Jusiness for | (Confinued from Page 12.) {hours at a time. Another | elected third vice-president of the | that should be brought to the atten- {league. This election came as a tio of the school authonities is the {complete surprise to me and I feel [institution of scme safe method dis- | that it wus intended to convey a | missing the school at noon and after- |tribute to our club rather than any- | noon and clearing the school prem- i thing personal to myself, {Ises of the children, and particularly Among the matters considered at those schools where there are rail- the annual meeting was the insur- | way tracks or much. motor traffic, a jance of motor cars and steps taken {system in usa in some of our cities |that will in a very short time give [might work very well in Kingston. {Insurance to members of this club |J refer to the appointment of senior at a very reduced rate, The matter | Loys and girls to act as traffic officers of a tax on gasoline was also spoken [jn front of the schools when the of and t proposition put up did [general exodus is 'being made, they not appear to me to be as unfair as are provided with "Stop" and "Go" gome of the other propositions for signs and they feel their responsibil- raising revenue from motorists. Tho [ity to their school fellows so much proposition was to tax half a cent a that the competition for these posi- gallon and in this way the man who [tions is very keen indeed. used 100 gallons a year driving| In conclusion, your directors ask 2,000 to 3,000 miles yearly would [for the co-operation of every motor- pay an exira $1 for the use of the [jst in carrying on the work of the roads while the man who drove his |club, individual effort is fire and all car 10,000 miles and upwards would jyught in many cases, but no club can ray in proportion to the number of (continue to exist unless there is co miles he travelled. In connection |cperation, as one speaker put it at vith the proposed tax on gas it was |Toronte: "A man cannot pointed out that Ontario was, with irretty two exceptions lowest licensed prov- without co-operation," so I ask every ince in the dominion. License on a jauember of this club to come to the Ford car In Ontario #8 $14 while in Quebec that car has to pay $27. The [ycur observations, tell us your dif- average cost of licenses in Canada is as follows: Nova Scotia, $26.07; Quebec, $25.27; Prince Bdward Is- land, $21.82; New Brunswick, $20.- your help matter | kiss a | girl with any satisfaction | Cirectors and give us the benefit of | ficulties. ask us for help and give us | 65; British Columbia, $18.27; Al- berta, $17.83; Ontario, $14.19; Manitoba, $13.68; Saskatchewan, $12.43. In this connection, the own- ers of cars paid into the treasuries of the provinces 87 1-3 cents fo. each man, woman and child in the dominicn, while the owners of motor | Another greatly treasures, vehicles total 5.3 per cont. of the | 47d throleh the lent of ether eves population. "If you will promise to look up - the long words in the dictionary, Local Problems. Teddy," said Uncle Frank, "I will There are 2 number of local prob- [tel] you about beche-de-mer, but I lems concerning motor car owners ahsolutely rofuse to give a lecture that might well be mentioned here. {on echinoderms at this stage of the I feel that the parking of cars on | game Beche-de-mer consists of sev- Montreal street should not be per- era] Wpecies of echinoderms, mitted vnless this street should b2 |; will go as far as to say are sea an- made a one way street. When cars imals or vegetables, and aregener- are parked thero the space remain-|gjly referred to as the genus Holo- ing is too narrow for two lines of | syuria. I just call them sea slugs, cars to bo operated. Another mat- |ju¢ 1 am only Uncle Frank, and it ter is the congestion of trafic on | would never do to classify - things Princess street and other business | jive that." streets, particularly on Saturday. Some method should be intrcduced to give motor cars an opportunity of stopping at any place of business they care to and not as now having to go on past by reason of the own- ers' car or some other car blocking up the front entrance of the store. Husband Didn't Dare Leave Her Alone Heart Was So Bad Those feelings of faintness, those dizzy spells, the all-gone sinking sen- sations which come on from time to [Could get along without some sort time indicate a weakened condition [of jargon they all understand. of the heart and a disordered state |There are Clinese, Japanese, Malays of the nerves. Europeans, Japanese, and hundreds . of others engaged in the business in Milburn's one form or another." Heart and Nerve Pills "Tell me about it, Uncle." have no equal as a remedy to "To begin with, Teddy, the word "echinodermats™ comes from Greek strengthen the heart, invigorate the nerves end build up the run-down words: "echincs" meaning '"hedge- system hog" and 'derma meaning skin. . That gires you some ldes to work a. C. 2 3hora, Eekville Ali, on. The odies are from six to fifteen 08: -- ut a year ago a - heart trouble. My husband didn't A a fey are 5 dare leave me alone, and often had to |. * . stay up at night with me. I would thet they are also known as sea just feel kind of faint and my heart | Cucumiers The skin is sometimes would seem to stop beating. I would [covered with spicules, or prickles, Just faint away, and it would some-|and Is sowretimes qujte smooth. times be an hour before they could # 38 hour haters Sometimes it has "teats" or ambul- ring me o life. meone told disposed in rows. There' me about Milburn"s Heart and Nerve Sort Sout fod another hard word for you to find Pills. I got three boxes; I took them i and felt much better, so continued Set te meaning Af. 1 13 quite an all Winter, and now. I never feel any | ®88Y one when you know Latin. such faintness. I surely do appre- There are thirty-five varieties, I un- ciate -the good they have done for |defitand, but only five varieties are me." 'eccgnized in commerce." Tice 10s. a box at-all Segloss 0.8 'They surely are not worth much mal rect on receipt of price by | money, are they, Uncle?" The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- net. finest Ny are brown with to, Ont, : "teats" and they sell for about = thirty pounds sterling a ton, A large HARD PIMPLES black kind are worth twenty pound, a red-bellied kind eH for fifteen, end a white variety for twelve Very Sore, ltched and Burned. Could Not Sleep. Cuticura Heals, SUNNY TALES IN SUNNY LANDS Beche De Mer. "And oft"times things that we despise was spoken in the South Seas. I re- member you did tell me that a very rich soup was made of it, but per- haps, I am thinking quite different." "Well, Teddy, beche-de-mer is collected by queer folk from many different islands, and they talk a sort of lingo that they call all more or less understand. That is what the beche-de-mer language is. I could not tell you few many different speaking people are enwaged -in the beche-de-mer trade. and they never pounds per ton. Some very fine ones even go as high as' one hundred pounds in China, where they are greatly prized. I forgot to tell you that they are also known as "tre- rang." In Fiji they were formerly known as the "rpyal fish" and they eéuld only be taken by command of the supreme chief." "Do the natives cook them, or do anything to them, before export?" "Yes, they boil them for twenty minutes, split. them and gut them, and then smoke or dry them over a brisk fire. They are generally dried k i ih are well soaked in fresh water ana gutted before boiling, but that is a detafl. The great thing is to get them properly dried and shipped before they go bad: They absorb moisture very quickly and a damp one will spoil a whole bag of them--a loss of about a couple of pounds or so. That's all for to-night, Teddy." Satunday"s tele is about Cambier Islands, i FElEy Dai £2 Fil the i... Phute 2217), A Sve|Of, a dish of ried cooked with & ture. . Pupi's may monds, and colored yellow with saff- begin at any date. Terms on applica- follo : witteh-- "I thought beche-de"mer was a | language. I am sure I heard that it | of something | in sheds or trays. Sometimés™ they |: 13 = . THE HIGH SCHOOL SUIT *10.95 Sizes 30 to 36. To fit ages 12 to 18 years. The material is all- wool Donegal Tweed. Made in the popular belted style. BOYS' SHITS in hard wear resisting materials, in Greys, Browns and Heather mixtures. All sizes. \ "1.25 BOYS' JERSEYS © Boys' All-wool, Spring weight Jerseys in Greys, Brown and Blue, with pleasing color trim. Regular value $2.25. SPECIAL *1.59 ea. CHEVIOT FINISH ALL- WOOL BLUE SERGE SUIT A real smart Suit to put on your boy this Easter Sunday. All sizes *10.95 JUVENILE SUITS For the wee fellows, in Home- spuns, Tweeds and Serges; real smart models with the popular straight pant. 4.95 REEFERS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS All-wool Reefers of Cheviot fin- ish Serge, finished with an em- blem on sleeve, brass buttons and lined throughout. Sizes 21 to 30. Regular $7.50. SPECIAL . *5.00 | Louis Abramson PHONE 1454W. i BY v vv wise aieu 5 See B 336 PRINCESS STREET. a THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. a See us for all kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates gives om new floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean a with our mew floor cleaning mae chine, SHOP: 68 QUEEN STRENT, WHITE ROSE GASOLINE insures a smooth running mo. tor. Get the car overhanled NOW MCcALLISTER'S PRINCESS ST. Phone 1750. Hardwood ABSOLUTELY DRY 1 Suitable for Furnace and Stove. --Also-- SOFT WOOD AND SLABS. KENNY & FALLON PHONE 687. 187-141 CLERGY STREET bs v vv | Spring Suggestions" | '| O"Cedar Mops O"Cedar Oil Liquid Veneer Johnson's Wax Old English Wax Old English rtm Tiree agg og Cult Ug gl Cpl Uogll Goll Ul Ta Np CA CV LDN KV CN NINN INN INN IN INN SN INN INNING Ln a Ti ie applegate gossip gigs og. cf eg gg frmsgis sig sss grabs ightner : 0 eE 'Step Ladders Brooms ; --at---