THE DAILY BRITISH. _WHIG : ; : THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1923. -- rm-- ee {CREDIT EXPERT'S WARNING HALL FLEET APPOINTME NTS. Na . j Captains and Engineers for the Sca- | i son of 1928. |Special Representative of n= The George Hall fleet appoint- BEAUTIFUL | "0 oes Govoperation, | Sm Aids "a. X) Easter Cards ' Booklets | engineer. | V. Kearns-Batchelor, a special re- 3 : \ presentative of the United Creditors' A Jo. Maver, 8. y Anderson. | 0 oo vim. 1 woiting this city to] "VRili James W. Esces, euginesy. an 0S Y {aid members of the association and | Ls ays 5 Romineon, Henry Russell, MINK ; $10 to $20 |] | other local merchants in establish- "17 n; E. A. Barker, engineer. WHITE CONEY . : if ing credit upon a sound basis. Se . WHITE NATURAL ERMINE ..$12 and up {Credit ib necessity," said Mr.|V Foam Bushy Wood. wag | { ' |] | Kearns-Batchelor to the representa. ro yi, > : : BROWN AND WHITE | onens- Batchelor to the representa: |tain: Elijah Hyatt, engineer. | All the latest designs in novelty cut-outs, cards and book- JAPANESE MINK | iatt creat ss the backbone of busi-| XN. H. Botsford, Charles Ma-, 1 ith : . JAPANESE MINK |e Over sixty per cont. of retail Loney. captain; Archie Brewn, en- | ets, with most appropriate sentiments for the Easter season. NATUR L SKUNK If | business is done on the charge ac- gineer. < | . ) : UNK ir oiunes 315 Hi cant baste. If credit were destroy-| F: A. Augsbury. W. I. Jewett, | Priced from Se to 50c. STRIFED SKUNK .. rprrerneerenes ed the whole international structure captain; Urcisse Hamelin, engineer. | CIVIT CAT . i} {of business would collapse over-, Edward L. Strong, Walter Mills, | NATURAL GREY FOX ... : | night. Captain; Henry Lamoreoux, engin- FOXES, STONE MARTINS, FISHER | "Business and banking authorities eer. Every wanted Fur. Your inspections |} are agreed, however, that the expan- J. C. Howard, W. H. Ranson, | THE COLLEGE , invited. sion of credit has been so rapid that captain; Frank Collier, engineer. RE THE LOGICAL PLACE TO BUY FURS fts momentum has carried it past the! Brignogan, A. Barrett, captain; PHONE 919. OPEN NIGHTS {danger line until it threatens to des- Milo Perry, engineer. | {troy the very foundation upon which | Royan, William Liddell, captain; | lit rests--Confidence. |T. Aussant, engineer. ---- Mr, Kearns-Batchelor explains that | Ignifer, Edmund L. Groix, cap- || -- the putposs of the association he re- tain; A. Carrier, engineer. - present not to check or 'hamper | John M. Morrow, R. Chatel, cap- Joho McKay Limited the growth and expamsion of credit! tain; M. J. McFaul, engineer. KINGSTON, CANADA business, but to make increased cre-| Lehigh, Barry Sullivan, captain; dit business practicable and profit- A. E. House, engineer. able through providing the means of{ John B. Ketchum, Victor Gend- handling credit . business upon a yon, captain; O. D. Thurston, en- d basis. |gineer. | ! 1 | , | { ® ®- We want mot fewer, but more| senator Derbyshire, Joseph E. | charge account customers, according Quilette, captain; Omer Croteau, en- { + 1 | {24 ui e - J i | { 1 | Liberty, Thomas Legault, captain; t . GET THE HABIT OF EATING to Mr. Kearns-Batchelor, but we also |gipeer. need a better understanding between| Rockferry, Thomas Mills, captain; ' dealer and customer, between credit- in. Gouin, ongineer. | or and debtor, a sense of mutual res- | John Rugee, Wesley Scarrow, cap- ann ¥ ponsibility and fair dealing. tain; S. Legendre, engineer. | These principles are, Ot! ' yames W. Follette, J. L. Hurley, course, universafly recognized captain;, A. Cote, engineer. by all business authorities, Se -- but their application to business, CREAM SODAS : in order to increase sales, keep Easter Holidays : prices down and eliminate credit] There is nothing like travel tu : loss, is an ever recurring problem.|open the eyes of the mind. Human . . . Avisos service. along hose. llags beings long for change, for move- Broadcloth finished Sport Flannel Dresses, in smarter is one of the functions of the asso- ment, for a broadening of their range than usual styles--low price medels that will appeal to particu- The largest package on the market. "and I am obliged to render all pos. | Mother Nature provide for the pro- lar people Color combinations of Sand H N C Always fresh. . sible co-operation to Jooal merchants. {per development of her children. . 8 ' enna, avy, Copen, No charge is made for advisory ser- |The spring full moon brings Easter, Jade, Brown, etc. Special prices $9.90 to $12.50 . siriileainy steele . . For sale at all grocers. vice, which is given solely in the in-|when ell the world takes a holi- | terests of better business.' | dag. By means of the Canadian | Mr. Kearns-Batchelor will give National Rallways one may travel | CROTHERS CO E 1869 confidential talks under the auspices with comfort in any direction. Go | BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF CHIC STYLE SUITS, 3 st. of the Board of Trade and the Retail {to beautiful Ottawa, the Capital of | Merchants' Association upon "Cred-| the Dominion, and visit the stately | COATS AND DRESSES its and Collections," "Retail Credit,| House of Parliament. See Mou- St 1 d B d Ke How to Make It Pay," "Credit as a|treal where an enormous business yies away up-- rices awh own e sure and see the |} | Business Builder," "Credit and Prof-|is carried on according to the nos. y P y it," and similar topics. up-to-date methods in an atmosphere range. 1 Mr. Kearns-Batchelor and his as- | redolent of the romance of the old sociate, J. L. Kennedy, are stopping | French regime. See Quebec, Can- at the Randolph hotel. ada's ancient Capital and one of the . -------- most interesting cities on the Am- N M di M l : CANADA POSTOFFICE erican continent. Sherbrooke, Tor- ew Qa ras us ins We are offering a number of Connecticut Phone Head Sets, IS COLLECTING FILMS onto, Kingston, Belleville, Hamilton. 8000 ohm at $6.00. These are high-grade and worth $8.00. Braniford, Woodstock, London and placed in stock to-day. Lovely colorings that are bound to Radio and Electric supplies of all kinds. Complete sets in- : Windsor are cities full of interest. stalled. n In Endeavor to Oreate an In- All are easily reached, being on tne please. ' terest in Workings of the |rcute of the International Limited, ® " Department. Canada's train of Superior Service. Halliday Electric Co. For those who wish to travel in an- other country, the Canadian Nation- * PHONE 4. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. To try and create more interest in |.) "pyyiways make it a simple and the wide scope of the dominion post - delightful matter. Chicago, Detroit, offi e0- y 'e department, and to make } Buffalo and Porilana, Me, New ple realize more and more than they |, r rl _ have a the put te tater working |r Sepres of Industry In ae ewiimai a 8 of the department in cold and inp ioq States are reached by their = : POTAT OES Seay FoRionS, 11 SUmSE SM lines. Niagara Falls, where the : THE. ALWAYS BUSY STORE $ ® if * s P" | tremendous cataracts and mighty The Same Good Quality White eeat Praline ig rapids have been skillfully harnes- : Rose Potatoes--90 1b. Pp sed to supply power to industrial : tba ada for use in making slides. 8 : ° plants all over the country; the | Canned Plums, 2 tins .... The post offices throughout the |g en ang White Mountains, "with -- ~ ilps Canned Pears, per tin . . country have been requested to send |.) i. hasms and cataracts and tow- | 4 pe 5 We specialize on E Canned Pineapple, per tin' 29c. to the department at Ottawa, pict- lering heights are other places with E. ' ] full len h Door Mir- Cafed Poachies (large), 9 {ures typical of the working condi- innumerbale attractions. Arange- EAST. R! FOR SALE : gt : Ct Raspberrios. (ote § [fons on their Joipective disteiels.|nepis gun be made to deliver tick-{| HATS AY REDUCED PRICES rors for dressin g 3 eholce) thi B0c, § [When the collection o slides is com- |g} o persons out-of-town by de- Parisian Shop $5, 800 EARL STREET-----detached brick vemeer, 9 rooms, q | | | ciation," said Mr. Kearns-Batchelor, of vision. Thus does wise old ' oh serpy b iete, it will be sént to every city in s ! . Canned Pumpkin (8 I, tin) P ¥ oi3 positing the value of same with : three piece bath, gas for cooking, electric lights, rooms or halls; fitted for 25¢. § (Canada, to be exhibited to school |cypaqian National Rallways Agent. | 322 BROCK STREET hardwood floor in hall, hot water furnace, barn. 1 . 3 Canned Corn (new poor children, and to the general public |pascengars will consult their own | ~ complete 1n your p per tin 2c. at meetings and conventions. | convenience by purchasing their tick- | $4, 600 MONTREAL STREET--{ramie dwelling, suitable Canned Peas (new pack), The following is a partial list of | for shop and dwelling, five blocks from Princess and home. 3 tins 39c. the views received to date: The eis. early. SOME WEEKS BEFORE one block from the car line, occupied by three ten- Saunod Tomaroes (best 3 | cabin post office, ocean mails, load- . NAVIGATION OPENS ing ocean mails, unloading, first | Sydenham street Methodist church Fire Insurance. Money to Loan. Extra fancy, large Prunes, holds its 71st tversa Sun- Peaches, Dried Apricots, mail steamer on the Pacific, hydro- |Rolds Its J anniversary Sun- |Last Year Island land Ferry Steam=- J e Milk and Cream. plane service. dog team mail ser- | dag. Dr. Trever Davies, Toronto, Cros arbor 0 WwW . o vice, rural couriers, sorting mail be- |Special preacher. Come. er sed Sheds ron E. . MULLIN & SON Mfg. Co. 9 fore starting" out, sorting paper and Beecher McGillis has sold his farm Apr . Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. ens parcel post mail, sorting letter in Brighton to Mr. Harder and has ne Phone 530w. Corner Johnson and Division Streets. 680 MONTREAL STREET ants, bringing in a monthly revemue of $46.00. mail, wreck of mail train, barrel gone to his daughter's, Mrs. Thos. One of the real Soldiers stat- y CASH AND CARRY ng mails from the Magdalen | Mikel's, Consecon. ed today that the average date for PHONE 14313. ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. souvent ] the aa £8y = the opening of navigation here dur- . ing the past fifty years was April or "THE HAT STORE" 5th. From present indications, which Wood Burning In an Oven might include a casual glance at the Qives the Firemen a Run icy surface of the harbor, over which ---- ! the residents of Wolfe Island ere The firemen were called out at | drawing hay and other heavy loads, 9:39 a.m. Thursday. No. it was not | it may be nearer to April 25th for a chimney fire this time, dear read-| i this eeason's opening. er, you guessed wrong. Last spring, on March 29th, open Just by way of variation, the en- 1 water was reported im the chanmel try on the fire hall slate for this between the island end Kingston, fire was recorded as "wood burning and on April 4th, the steamer Wolfe in oven of #ove." Wood put in an Islander made its first attempt to oven at the home of Mrs, Long- ] cross the harbor. This will be re- shaw, at 31 Rideau street, caught membered " yey citizens, » the . - fre and filled the house with smoke, erry made good progress un The N Col al P but no serious damage was done. reached a point several hundred feet ew oni ps from the Marysville whart, and fin- ee thor i " of i " -- --SiNCE ave about them the touc nality---t Escaped From Reformatory; Wo rot Tiers far Bvory JLT Sue TRlugers hud 30 some vu 9 prin fright oben i i Arrested by Looal Police|l body" and are proud of our de- However, long before open water The model as illustrated, in Patent Leather, has a large -- partment devoted to Children's was actually seen, the ice was in bad Colonial Tongue, with Black Calf Leather inserts in same, On Thursday morning, Detective Hats. In Straw, Cloth, Linen, condition, no crossing by horses was marrow ome strap running anderneath tongue and Louis James Cotter and Constable Fred- Velvet and other materials, we being done, and we had enjoyed covered heels. Oné of the very newest styles and attrac- erick Clark took into custody a lad, many days previous to April 4th, UvEly priced BL '...cucsssivess sssnceress 3 181 3 1 who about a week ago, made his {ji What is to be {he verdict this year? . have, defective vision. Think of it! who spout 4 week sss. meds Biff £3 LWaE 18 10 be $18 verdict Siw your) . Youngsters fighting the battle with tory. The boy will be sent back to sudden change the islanders will not io) J MARTIN the institution, but it is understood mibe.ig dT 19g have a peep at their proud ferry, ex- ; '® ° - b broken swords, handicapped in Life's ee' 1a pelng Jnede 10 0 cept from the Kingston side, for : "SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION hing plac- 3 o some weeks yet. : ut ur you ters? cure his release and have hig race. How abo yo y ngs ed in a home, In the meantime, the various navi- We can tell you quickly 2 and i inexpen- rT arian pave 2 : \ gation Ilard of Trade Baauet {tered in the local harbor, busil sively. - : : | ' Transportation is the most impor- engaged in outfitting for he rnd Berea he prt tie A Ee ir COUNTER CHECK BOOKS tend the Citizens' Banquet ia On- : tario. Hall, Friday evening, March ALL STANDARD STYLES AND SIZES, OR 33rd, at 7.30. Sir Henry Thornton, ; SPECIALS TO SUIT ANY REQUIREMENT. LOW- president of the Canadian National: : kinds, EST PRICES AND GOOD SERVICE. PLACE ® Railways will have an. interesting J A fa ; YOUR ORDER WITH-- EYESIGHT SPECIALIST story to tell you, Come and bring | pues SG : 32 KING STREET yout trinds. Intormat ares. Tick: [JANGUAIMOIVIIRENUONIRE |. c, co oooee oc 0 fromm ff pRITICH WRIG JOB DEPARTMENT "Factory on the Promiar cts at McGall's Cigar Shop. & \ and the Sustine Bi ere oavared | American stamps for sale at the - Unless there is cold 'weather, there 306-810 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. Whig office. ill be no more skating or curling.