Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Mar 1923, p. 15

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | The House That SPORTING NEWS | You ndex to Classifications The following classification headings appear in thig newspaper in the numer. cal order here given, closely allied | classifications being grouped together. | HOCKEY RESULTS. i { arranged Allan Cup Final. Toronto Granites 6, Saskatchewan University 1. : | -- t L.O.H.A: i Ottawa Alerts §, Morth Toronto 2 Alerts win championship. : | V{muld Bar Intercollegizte The Ontario delegates attending the Canadfan Amateur Hockey As- sociation meeting in Winnipeg, are rather peeved at the suggestion of faskatchewan and Manitoba that] the intercoMegiate unions be barred | trom Allan Cup competition. The Ontario men even go as far to say that if the intercollegiate is barred Ontario might as well be couuted ous. It is rather a drastic move be- cause the intercollegiate in the East is a very wold body. In the west, especially in Saskat- chewan, they want rules changed covery time it affects some team and then if next season that new rule proves a hardship they want it | re- | moved again. They do not look to | the future. However, none ot tne others are like that, in a general sense, though Manitoba is for bar- | ring intercollegiate umions. | SENIOR CITY BASEBALL LEAGUE MET ON TUESDAY Plans Discussed for Coming Season---Encouraging Reports. S------ ! The "fathers'" of the new King-/ ston Senior Amateur Baseball Leag- | ue met in the Whig building on | Tuesday evening. One of the main | items on the programme was the | drafting of a sound constitution for | the organization, which carries a uumber of iron-bound rules and re-| gulations. | President James Kane occupled | the chair and owing to the absence | of any but those directly interestel and those who hal to do with the reorganization of a senior baseball | league in this city, a great deal | more of the preliminary work was | accomplished than if the meeting | had been a general one. { After the tentative constitution had been drafted and accepted in de- | tail, a general discussion took place | with regard to various plans for the] league. . It is expected that a double- | schedule will be played. All gamcs | in the league must be concludea by | the third Saturday in August iA or-| der that the championship ean muy | participate in the O. B. A. play- offs. The league has been approached by several teams in the past few days, who are desirous of entering the new senior circuit. It is point- ed out that the membership will be limited to four teams, and the leag- 16 reserves the right to-refuse the applicaiion of ang team which does not come up to th standard requir- ed. Other important measures f{n- clude a by-law that requires every player to have in his possesion an amateur card from the Amateur Ath- lotic Union of Canada before he will be allowed to compete in any regu- lar game. . Another meeting of the executive will be held early week. league next SOOTCH CURLERS WIN Delsat the Irishmen by (oq Scores 54 to 53 On Tuesday the Scotch and Irish locked horns in the annual com- petition at the curling rink. After six very exciting games, the Scotch- ten were victorious by a score of B4 to 653. Some of the games were very close. 'The rinks and scores were: * Aftrnoon Sides Scotch ¢ Irish F. Lumb C. C. Abbott -#.C. Calvin W. H. Reid R. C. Cartwright 7. Copley R. N. McFarlehe A. A. Turcotte skip 2 \ skip 11 oC --- i M. McCartney D. B. Murray P. D. Lyman W. Jackson A. BE. Treadgold J. McCartney M. P. Reld W. MoCartney skip 12 skip § Evening Seles J. B. Angrove L. T. Best * J. Angrove J. Pigeon H. Angrove +. Lumb G. Hanson . 8. W. Dyde skip 8 skip 10 _-- L. C. Lockett R. O. Patterson J. H. Derry L: Sleeth skip 12 A. Fowler W. J. B. White L. N. Langdon A. W. McLean ekip 11 -- 0 R. D. Sloan H. W. Newman H. Douglas J. M. Elliott skip 10 Thompson T. Hawkey MoFarlane Slater skip § J. 8. Asselstine 'W. G. Laird D. A. Shaw J. B. Cooke A. W, McMahon skip § skip 12 Total 54 Total 53 -- With the curling season almost A. J. J. T. { which {two ¢onviets made their escape in the individual advertisements are; under these headings In alphabetical order for quick reference. ANNOUNCEMENTS The { Engagements. Marriages. Deaths. ™ 2--In Memoriam 3~Cara of Thanks 4--Funeral Directors. f~Funeral Flowers. §--Co 9-~Personals. 10--Lost and Found AUTOMOBILES A---Automoblie Agencles. 11--Automobiles For Sale. 12--Auto Trucks For Sale. 13--Auto Accessories--Tires--Parta, 14--Garages--Autos for Hire--Tax:, 16--Motoreycles and Bicycles. 18--Repairing--Service Stations. 17--Wanted--Automoblles. BUSINESS SERVICE 18-- Business Services Offered. 19--BuNding--Contracting. 20--Cleaning--Dyeing---Renovating. --Dressmaking--MIillinery. Heatir g, Plumbing, Roofing, ~Insurance. --Laundering. --Moving, Trucking. Storage. Painting, Papering., Decorating: ~Printing--kEngraving. ~- Professional Services. 28a----Accountants. 28b--Architacts 28¢--Chiropractie. 28d--Dental. 28e--Legal. 28f--Medical 28g--~Osteopathy. 28h--Osteopathic Physicians. Z9--Repalring. 20--Talloring and Pressing. 21---Wanted--Businesg Service. EMPLOYMENT 32--Help Wanted--Female, 33--Help Wanted--Male. 24---~Help--Male or Female. 35---8olicitors, Canvassers, Agents. 35a----Teachers Wanted. 36--8ituations Wanted--Female. 37--Situations Wanted--Male. FINANCIAL 38--Business Opportunities. 39--Investments, Stocks, Bonds. 40--Money to Loan. 4{1--Wanted--To Borrow. INSTRUCTION 42--Correspondence Courses. ~43--Local Instruction Classes. 44--Musical, Dancing, Dramatic. 45---Private Instruction. 46--Wanted--Instruction. LIVE STOCK 47--Dogs, Cats, Pets. 48--Horses, Cattle, Implements. 49--Poultry and Supplies, p0--Wanted--Live Stock. MERCHANDISE 51--Articles For Sale. sla---Barter and Exchange. 52--Business and Office Equi t3--Boats and Accessories. 54--Buildings and Building Materials §8--Farm and Dairy Products. 66--Fuel, Feed, I'ertilizers. 1--Good Thihgs to Eat. 58---Homemade Things. 59--Household Goods. 60--Jewelry and Watches, 61--Machinery and Tools. 62--Musical Instruments. $2a--Radlo Equipment.' $3--~8eeds, Plants and Flowers. 64---Specials at the Stores. 65--Wearing Apparel. 66--Wanted--To Buy. ROOMS FOR RENT 67--Rooms With Board. 68---Rooms Without Board. 69--Rooms for Housekeeping. 70---Vacation Places. 71--Where To Eat. 72-~Where To Shop in Town. 3--Wanted--Rooms or Board. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 74--Apartments and Flats. 756--Business Places For Rent. 76--KFarms For Rent. 717--Houses For Rent. 78--Oftice and Desk Room. 79--Suburban lor Rent. $0--Summers Places For Rent. $1--Wanted--To Rent. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE R--Brokers in Real Estate. $2--Business Property. §3--Farms and ud. For Bale. $4--Houses Fur oale. $6----Lots For Bale. $6---Hesort Property For Sale. §7---Suburban kor Sale. 88--leal Estate For Exchange. $9--Wanted--Heal Estate. | pment. | they have given during the season. We must not forget to thank the vice-skips and ekips for seeing that the score cards were filled out each day. Had it not been for the fact that all were will- ing to assist, the Whig would not have been able to give the full curl- ing reports that it printed. P.. D. Lyman, pecretary of the club and Harry Smith, the ice makes, have been very thoughtful and the Whig appreciates it all, Juvenile Hockey Licagied The post session meeting of the juvenile hockey league which was scheduled for Tuesday evening was indefinitely postponed. A number of business matters have to be ad- justed and plans discussed for next winter. CONVICTS ESCAPED IN PRISON MOTOR Though Handcuffed, Overpow= ered Quards and Drove Trusty From Car. Chicago, March 21.--Overpower- ing a prison guard and a grusty while they were being driven from the old penitentiary at Joliet to the new prison at Stateville, Ilis., yesterday automobile, and are believed to have made thelr way inté Chicago. They apparently took the guard with them. The prisoners, Thomas Pruett, 23, serving a life term for murder, and John Hale, sentenced to from tem years to life for robbery with a gun, were handcuffed together. They sat on the rear seat of the automobile beside C. N. Wilkey, the guard. Frank Cressi, a "HNfer," drove the machine. Arriving et Lockport on the way to Stateville, the two pridoners, us- ing the one hand each of them had free, forced Wilkey to the bottom | BOX-- lost, of the tonneau. One kneit on his shoulders, while the other compelled a Want to Live in May | The Encyclopedia of Opportunity A general assortment of the world's knowledge 1s gathered together in the volumes of the encyclopedia. No one thinks of sitting down and reading through cll of them. They're simply there with their informa- on on any subject--whenever anyone wants it. You'll find a general assortment of the buying and selling and renting news of this city--opportunity and thrift of all kinds--gathered together for you in the A- B-C Classified Section. Very few 1eaders take these little ads. particularly futerest them, Turning to any Classification is like taking down a volurac of the encyclopedia--you'll find that its informa- tion is listed in alphabetical order, too! 1'se this service regularly! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY, | But wide-awake people take a minute or so each day to glance through the Classifications that the time to go through all - Che British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular= ized according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. All ads. are restricted to thelr proper classification, and to the regular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Charge Cen "ee 3 8 6 charged. Marriages, Daily rates per line. ¢ days 3 days ... 1 day sieeve essy Deaths--One insertion, Births, Engagements, $1.50; cash, $1.00. Card of Thanks and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertsing vrdered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken tor less than basis of tour lines. Count six average line. Charged ads. will be received by telephone and If pald at The Brit- ish Whig office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate witl be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telep words to the hone 243, ask for a want ad. _ taker. = CORRESPONDENTS --British Girls de- sire Canadian correspondents. FPropo- sition 10c. Clane, 16 Cambridge St. _London, ngland. CARS. PRICES $635 TO $2500. TERMS TO SUIT EVERYONE. THE SENSA- TIONAL GRAY HOLDS WORLD'S RE- CORD FOR ECONOMY. 40 MILES ON 1 GALLON OF GAS. CHARLES PES. TER, DEALER, KING STREET GAR- AGE. PHONE 939. 3 CHAINS--You will need chains for the sloppy weather. - We have the best makes, at the Maxotire Shop, Queen and Ontario streets. MOTOR TRUCK--- Reo speed waggon, almost new, perfect condition, special ly built body; suitakhle for retail de- livery; trial run on appointment. Ap- ply K. H. Fair, 179 Stuart Street. PREST-0-LITE DISTRIBUTORS--City Battery Service, 39 Montreal Street. Aimaiure winding and magnetos re- charged and repaired. klectrical and 1gnitivn Specialists on automobiles and motor boats. New and rental bat- teries always on hand. Special! atten- tion to winter storage. Repairs to anything clectrical. Bring us your househoid appliances. We can repair TANI--The only place which furnishes a proper 24 houls taxi service. 549J. M.- Corkey. Repairing--8ervice Stations 16 | AUTO REPAIR SHOP Btreet. Reasonable _guaranteed. i AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--And finish- | ing a specialty. Also Piano and Aura niture Polishing. Gordon Young, shop Queen street, rear 3 Abervethys Shoe 5 rates. Business Service = Dressimaking--liline 21 DIRESSMAKING -- Whitework., Child. ren's clothes a specialty; all work guaranteed. Miss 8S. E. Piglon, 218 University Avenue. SKIN BLEMiSHas--Hailr, Moles, Warts Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanently. Satisfac- tory Glasses fitted and furnished afier others have failed. Goitre cured with out operation. 38 yedrs' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J. Lost and Kound 10 BAG--TFound, small, silver, mesh, on Stuart street. Call at 545 Albert St. BOX und, containing clothing. The owner may have same at Muller's Bl- cycle Works, King Street. hel on Saturday afternoony containing hat, handbag and other ar« ticles. Finder please leave at Whig Office and receive reward. BRACELET-- Found, near Glover's store. Owner may have same at the Whig Office. CUFF LINK--Found, at arena. Owner can have same at Whig Office. BNVELOPE--Found, on Brock street, comtaining ribbon. Owner may have + same at 136 Ontario street. = = GLOVE--Found, man's kid, for right hand, on University Avenue. Owner may have same at Whig Office. GAUNTLET-- Found, child's, leathdr, on Wellington street, near P. O. Ap- ply at Whig Office. GLOVE--Found, black le of Earl and Barrie Streets. may have same at Whig Office. ____ GOLD WRIST WATCH--Lost, on Bar- rie, Johnson, Clergy or Princ streets, or in Strand Theatre. Finder notify 236 Earl Street or phone 1664. JBewe. LICENSE Found, for automobile, 1823. Owner call at 426 Princess Street or telephone ' 1944, Mr. Smith. MITT--Found, childs white, on Mont- rea] street. Owner apply 257 Mont. real Street. 2 PURSE--Found, small, leather, on Al- fred Street. Apply at 372 Alfred. Phone 1703w. Tr. Owner SUM OF MONEY--Found. ply at 20 Frontenac street. 1478J. Owner ap- Phone emma LE Ag ate Amel SUM OF MONEY --Found, on Saturday morning, In Weigh House on Market Square. Owner may have same by calling at 73 York Street. SUM OF MONEY--Lost, on Monday, ei- ther in Public Utilities or on Princess Btreet. Finder please return to Whig Office. WATCH--Lost, Waltham, open face, between Collingwood Street and Bri- tish-American Hotel. Finder please leave at 38 Collingwood street and re- ceive a reward. Cressi to climb out of the car, leav- ing the trusty standing in the middle of the road. They headed the ma- chine for Chicago at break neck speed, . ---- A true bill was found against David Roy, Winnipeg, Man., former secretary of the Dominion Football Association, charged with the theft of $4,000 that body. The Otta government has de- clded that Americans working 'in Canada but resident in the United States are fo remain exempt from the Canadian income tax. ~~ Strikes threaten the desired tran- quility of the Bomar Law govern- HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging, ing; work guaranteed. Mrs. Card, 368 Barrie Breet. 1% blocks _from Princess Street. PLAIN SEWINt--~8ewing and repairs ing reutly Jone. Kstimates given for and women's clothes. Mrs. J, Py rd. £01 Barrie Street. ~ Insurance Automob d Ca: E. M. Crumley, 420 Phone 1782M. FIRE--Protect your are dangerous. Sickness and dent insurance at low rates. Call or _phone E. Williams, 2 Couper street. G. HUNTER OGILVIE-- Representing reliable companies in all branches of the business. 107 Gore Street. Phone pleat- | E. A.| Har] Earl Street. | RE tt Coa eats eect INSURANCE--Only the mcst reliable companies represented. Strange & Strange, established In 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Fost Office. A a Te i ee ge ST Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars ana yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. I'hone 22685. BAGGAOE--N. 1aite guarantees good service in Baggage, Express and mo ing; reasonable prices. 104 Montre Piiver. Next to Armouries. Phone STORAGE--Ior furniture. clean, a5. airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Siorage, 209. 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 389w. A ISS =P inting, Papering, Decorating 26 AUTOMOBILE PAIN 3 Poly EB. Jenkins, corner York and Raglan Road. Phone 1558F. ESTIMATES -- Given for painting, paper-hanging, decorating and hard- wood floor unishing; workmanship guaranteed. Horton, 205 Alfred Street. Phone 1891w. PAINTING--Papering, Decorating -- first class Work and Work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 156 Bagot street. Phone 1966. PAINTL pernanging, Decorating oor Finishin prices. Wallpaper sam Ton. atimates 4 ma submitted. A. Mounteer, 208 Alfred PAINTIN ouse painting, furniture finishing, all fo Sri given careful attention. Charles Hebert, 2b Frontenac St. North. Phone 2070w. PAINTING--Paper Hanging and Deco- rating; wall paper samptes; metallic gold letters for store and- office win- dows. Estimate submitted J. Flana- plano and | CARPENTERING--ANd Cement | PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY -- Verbatim | _891J. | UPHOLSTERING--AnRd genera! | MATD--Immediately, good general, ref- 3| LEARN TO SELL REALTY--Under ex- = Business Services Offered 18 | | AUCTIONEER--Book your sales with| W. A. Twigg, 192 Barrie Street. Phone| 820J. work work mith, by contract or day. At reasonabie prices. 37 York Street. CARPENTERING -- Carpenter and builder. Estimates given on all class- es of work; hardwood flooring. James ere 271 Bagot Street. Phone First-class F. W. 8 Reporting, Auditing, Advertising. Bus- iness Service, 14 Market Street. Plone; Professional Services MASSEUSE-- J. B. Capell. For ap- ointment phone 2148w. 78 Division Street, $ Architects 28b. ARCHITECTS--I'ower, Soa and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner o Brock and Wellington. Chiropractic MA. 3---Wm, A, D. h.C., cor. ner Princess and Barrie Btreets. 3nd tioor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone 822J. Hours § to 12 am. 1 to 6 p.m. LUCY--Dr. George F., Dr. Jennie A. Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be- tween Princess and Brock. Telephone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m, 1 to 6, and 7 to 9 p.m. Spinal analysis and con- sultaticn free. Residential calls appointment. Bac. Dental SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentist Wellington street, corner of Phone 346. | KNAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 258 Princess Street. Phone 652w. Open evenings by appointment. bee eee ee , 159 Brock. | 3» 28e. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C; Cyril M. Smith. SHEA --Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law oftficeg'corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money _to loan. Phone 1999. - Medical 281. RENNETT, C. W.--M.D., 133 Clergy St Office Phone 851, Res. 1346m. Office 10-12 a.m., 2-4, 7-58.30 p.m. Osteopathy 28g. ASBHCROFT-- Drs. Robert and Edna, 204 King Street, near Earl. Phone 447. Hours: 9-12 a.m., 2-6 p.m. and by ap- pointment. hour Repairing 20 Dogs, Cats, Pets TOY FRENCH POODLE--and Pomera- nian Pups for sale at 104 York Street. orses, Cattle, Implements. 48 BULL--Pure bred, Posch Korndyke Segis ---- write for four generation pedigree, to Edward Whitty, Syden- ha Ont MARE --Wall bred Chestnut, 1 rubber tire runabout, Top buggy, 2 saddles, Robinson, 477 Princess St. Phone 1453J. ha Articles For Sale AWNINGS --Orders taken for Awsings and Tents; best service. Repair wor satisfaction guaranteed. .F. W. Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. BICYCLES--Two, also records. Phone 1846J. 51 Apply BRICK --Quaatity of hard and soft. Ap- py. E. E. Wathen, 143 Nelson street. hone 618 or phone 1381J. BOOTS--Army and Rubber, new and used leather leggings, clothing all kinds. Bargains in every line. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess. Phone 1451m. CORDWOOD--Four carloads of mixed cordwood, Elm, Ash, Soft Maple and some Cedar; five dollars per cord f.0.b. car Ardendale Station, C.P.R. J. A. Newton, Box 61, Arden, Ont. FURNITURE -- We nave for sale al kinds of good, second-hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of, we will) pay highest prices, . Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w FURNITURE -- Cofisisting of parior able, child's white enamel sulkey, two electric Kewpie lamps, kitchen' cabinet, Victrola with 30 se- lections, kitchen table and few chalrs. Apply 83 Colborne Street. GRAMAPHONE -- Latest model, one cedar chest; cheap for quic. buyer. Apply 45 King Street West. GROCERY EQUIPMENT -- Sherer counter, cash register, electric coffee mill, Dayton computing scale, plat. form scale, cake case and other arti- cles. Apply Martin's Grocery, corner Frontenac and Princess Streets. GARAGES--Cottages, steel truss barns, warehouses, steel shingles, sidings, corrugated sheets, water tanks, fence poets, etc. F. B, McNamee, agent for . 8. & 8. Co., 345 Alfred. Phone 2202w. HARDWOOD--T7 cars of mixed wood, $3.26 per quarter cord. One car Slabs $3.00 per quarter cord; hardwood (green) $3.75 quarter cord. Also saw- dust for & W. H. Talbot, 8 St. Catherines 8t. Yard, Concession St. INCUBATOR--(140 eggs) and chick Drooder Brand new. Apply 16 Pine treet. FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John street. Phone 298F. a SHOE REPAIRING--AIll wor neatly done. Rubber heels a specialty. Skates put on. W. H, Purvis, corner Bagot and Barrack Streets. SHOE REPAIRING--AIll hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf' Kaminski, corner Mont. _real and Queen streets. SHOES --Repdired; saws sharpened Es- | timates given on all kinds of paper. hanging. Satisfaction my motto. W. McLennan, 283 Division Street. UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 21¢ Bagot street. repair. orders at or drop a card JF) ld, 104 Clergy Street. UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Good- ridge, 244 University Avenue. Phone _2044F. 4 Employment nted--kemale, good plain cook; no laundry; references. Apply Mrs. Lo T. Best, 144 L Albert Street. ing. Leav LW Greenwood, erences required. Mrs. Phone 2344 Royal Military College. after 6 p.m. WOMAN----Young, for general house- work, good, plain cuok, small family, no washing, good wages. Apply Mrs. Oliver Chown, 162 University Avenue. WOMAN-- Young, for general house- work; good, plain cook; work by the day or month; small family; ood wages. Apply Box T-19, Whig Office. Holp Wanted--Main 33 pert. Experience unnecessary. No tuition fee. Liberal commission while learning. 300 Grand Opera House BK, Terre Haute, Ind. MARRIED MAN -- To work on farm, wife as housekeeper; man must be good milker; hired by month or year. Apply Leonard Donovan, Mallorytown, Ontario. SHOW CARD WRITING--F or us. Make money at home, $15 to $60 paid week- ly for your spare time writing show cards for us: No canvassing. We in« struct and supply you with work West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid, Toronto. AG % in one week, selling tube flavors from house to house. Write 'quick for terms. Craig Brothers, Niagara Falls, Canada. ' MEN AND WOMEN---To travel and ap- point local representatives. Yearly guarantee $1092 (weekly average of $21.00) and expenses, and commission besides. Write at once for particu-| lars. to. NURSERY STOCK--An agency for a reliable nursery firm | profitable. You can sell in country, twa or city. tl grow And sell the best only, and want reliable, energetic agenis for unrepre« sented terrtories. Write now. ham Nursery Ceo.. Toronto. __ Situations Wanted--Femalo__36 NURSE Open Phone 1208W, for engagements. Situations Wanted--Male 37 MARRIED MAN--Wishes position on farm; would hire or work farm on 2hbres. Apply Box N-14, Whig Of- ce. sn 247 Montreal Street. Phong 143%. ROOMS PAPERED--$5.00 per room, in- fuding per. Nice patterns to choose rom. 'ork done quickly and satis- {setoriy, H. Rowley, 13s Bay streer ® Ww. Phon SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robi 5 15 : ic nson, rear To-Day's Blunder Corrected (See Illustration on Page 14.) Actors should pever stand in a straight line. They should follow a triangular patiern, which makes more pleasing "picture to the audi- ences. A straight row of players before the footlights does not blend well. I An actor should always drop om the knee nearest the audience. Maurice Gendron, aged two, was burned to death and two other children narrowly escaped when fire destroyed théir home at Beau- barnois, Que. 2 % iF--An average monthly income of $5.82 paid monthly, which has actuai- ly been done for the past three years on every $100 invested or $24. to $65 yearly, appeals to you, write fe Wolf, 72 Wall Street, New York City. . Money to Loan ONTENA Society, W. F. Nickle, B. Cunningham. «-M and farm properties; county debentures; mo 2: Inv bonds for sa posite received and imierest 8 Cartwright, mauager, 37 treet, Kiagston. no more-+ get Treneer's Orchestra. Ted Treneer, 361 King street. 1184F or 979w. The Methodist church " at Coati- cook, Que., was burned, and Louis Fournier, aged ninety lost Ms life in a grocery store fire. Capitalism was pilloried British commons as an antiquated in the, 5 Winston Co., Dept. W.U,, Toron-| === M.| RGOME--Three unfurniyhed, for light MATTRESSHES--In stock and made to order; all prices from $4.50. Cot Mat- tresses $3.00 and up. Mattress reno- vating a specialty. Frontenac Mat- tress Co., 377 King Street. Phone _1981J. 2 = PEDESTAL--lavatory basin, profes- sional chair, hair drier, Violet Ray, lady's English bicycle, New York pi- ano, mirror, 'dresser with mirror, and other articles. 258 King Street. PRIVATE SALE---Columbia Grafonola, Den Set, Wicker Rockers, Tables, Rugs, Linoleum, § plece bedroom set, white; beds, dressers, stove and other household artiéles. Apply to 968 Vic- toma street any time after 9.30 a.m. PIANO S3Taranteed, very n right API--Columbia Qrafonola, slightly usea, with 10 selections of your ewn clicice for only $41.75, Terms $3 cash aud £5 monthly. C. W. Lind- say, Lim'ied. SCALES Canadian Toledo, honest weight, no springs, also num ol second-hand Dayton and Bramford Scales, I. A. Bterling, 209 Princess St. Phone 1228, BHADES--Fancy shades for any kind of lamp made; also umbrellas repair- ed and reouvered. 1}. Menhinick, 2565 King street. STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and var. nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone 339w., opposite Orange Hall. VICTOR QRAMAPHONE--With 10 Re- cords, $18; davenport couch $15; baby's cot $3, $5, $7; baby carriages $12, $15; square dining room tables $5, $7, $10; Columbia Grafonola Cabinet rand with 20 records, $35; sideboards $5, $7. Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Princess Street. Phone 1045w. WOOL~--AIl kinds of fancy goods, knit. ting needles, crochet needles, house dresses, everything in the fancy line. Mrs. Lavin, 51 Princess Street. WRITE--Me for prices on Red, Mam- moth and Alsike Clovers; also on White Blossom Nweet Clover. Special attention given to club orders. John Douglas, byl Water Street, Peterboro. WOOD~-Dry Mixed cordwood, for fur- naces or stoves; also dry slabs, $4.06 a load. Dry sawdust $2.00 a load. Al delivered. none 1u3sw. WW, C. bruton, ya A Wanwed--To buy 00 OLD JOLO--bllver, or False Teeth, for cash or exchange. G. W. Lyoas, _244 Princess streeti Kingston. TYPEWRITER --8econd hand, Undér- wood preferred. State age, price and Sondiuep, Apply Box P«i6, Whig OI- A SIR Rooms With Board 67 ONIVERBITY AVENUE, 243 -- First cla rooms and boara; all improve i centrally located. good board, reason able rates; close to the down-town business section. Mrs. Todd, 144 John- Bon street. - on ROOMS---First class, on bathroom floor, with or Witnout board; centrally lo- cated. 215 University Avenue.. 'hone _1318J, ROOMS AND BOARD---First class, o large double front room; hot water heating; all convenlences. Apply 298 _University Avenue. Hooms Wiwmout Board 8 ROOMS---Furnished, to let. Apply 44 ordnance Street. pPly Gi et ei n------ Rooms For Housekeeping 69 ROOMS--Two or three, furnished or uti- furnished, tor light housekeeping; all improvements; possession Apri: 1st. Apply 438 Princess street. Phone iw, Apartments and Fists 74 housekeeping, on bath' room nat; ali improvements; possession at once, Ap- Py 64 Livingston Avenue or phone Ww. Do not send original testimonials in replying for a position. A copy will do Just as well. be Advertised on this Page To-day : ' Real Estate For Rent Business Places For Reat LODGE HOOMY--Koving on K ~--formerly occupled by t Apply to Cunningham and 8 Houses nt EARL STREBRT---Bric ouse, below Barrie; can be had April 15th if de- | sired, $43.00. Also one at $15.00 on West Clergy. R. Chas. Bell, 130 Clar- _ence Stre = SC. HOUSES--Two, seven roomed, north side, electric light, 3 plece bath, fur- . nace; close to Princess, $27.00. Also ~ two apartments, $20 and $35. Apply IF. Norman, 69 Patrick St. ___ HOUSE--Immediate possession. eight heating. Apply rooms, hot water James Rew or phone 147. HOU! ick, nine rooms, hardwood floors, § fireplaces, fully modern. Ap= ply phone 1788w. SUMMER COTTAGES -- At Eastview Park, a heautiful spot on the St. Law rence, 5 miles from Kingston, furn- ished bungalows, fireplaces and screened verandahs, with 6 or 6 rooms. Apply J. D. Boyd, 332 University Ave. Phone 1083m. $1 O'Kill htreél--Eleven rooms, fur- nished or unfurnished, hot water heat. ing, electric. range, gaa. Apply _bhone 3§43w. BROCK eleotric Sicasion Mey 1st. Apply piione 1760m. 359 RIDEAU ST.--§ rooin house, mod- ern, $23. Concession Street, No's 39, 41, 45, 47, each 6 rooms and extension, $10.00. 'Single garages at 69 Queen, next Harkness Butcher Shop. Apply _185 Queen Street. Phone 988w. Rea sire he 8 Sond bmith. a erib, | BUNGALOW --Or small house, to reat April 1st, electric light and gas. Ap- _bly Box U-20, Whig_Office. BUNGALOW -- Furnished, or small house, from May 1st to Oct. 1st; must contain three bedrooms. rite, give ing full particulars to «17, Whig Office. Ma La A raid Rr ouse Aan mn. 0 Gibson, Sunbury, ony IEEE II ITIL s and Land For eo '® ma ap a 80 ACRES--Good work land &nd new house, good wutbuildings, never-failing well; 3 miles from Ploton. Apply Stephen Head, R. R. No. 7, Platon, Har. FARM--OT 125 acres for sale oF to rent, or would exchange for city Jrovertys 12 miles from Kingston, 3 miles from 3 villages, 76 or 80 acres plow land, 30 acres seeded, 36 fall plowed; well wit- ered; frame and barns. Bate- man's Real te Agency, 159 Wel. lington Street, Kingston. Houses For Sale HOUSES---For sals and to let In &l1 parts of the city. Apply to H. B. Wii { Son Rel Estate, Uptown Post Office. HOUSE i-- SOLID BRICK--2 gtorey and attie, 10 rooms, double parlor, dining x kitchen, sun room, 3 bedrooms, fireplaces, French doors, hard floors, 3 piece bath, separate toilet, hot water heating, divided cellar with stationary tubs, foor and wall eleétric plugs, plate glass in front window, deep lot with hen house and brick garage, excellent location. No Infos mation given over phone. Please call at office. = M. B. TRUMPOUR Phone 704 or B48J. 237 Bagot Street Houses For Rale f| HOUSE--W. F. Inman offers for sale hig residence, also an adjoining lot. all information given at t 282 Albert Street." ithe "House, HOUSE--One modern provements; 8 reoms 10 rooms, $7,000. to J. B. Cooke. 508 w, rie mi I5000, Auct r OL x Phones Vitw rand BEE--Bateman's large Real Estate ad- vertisement, page 3, column 1. HOUSBES-- BARRIE STREET SOUTH--80lid brick, 7 rooms, hot water heating, hardwood floors, all improvements. $7,600 ORDNANCE SBTREET---Solid brick, 7 rooms, all improvements, one quarter acre of ground. §4,500. T. O'CONNOR, Opposite Y.M.C.A. 372 Princess Bt E. W. MULLIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers hone 539w. See Display Advt. on Page Two. Dally Whig want-ads--R. At--Use for Results. 4d for Pros W. Kent Macnee Bank .of Commerce Bullding, Broek om. and King Streets. Phone 701 or General Insurance Agency, Writing: --Automobile, Aoci. dent, Sick: Plate Glass ari etc. Representing only reliable com- panies. MERCHANDISE FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Rea - able. Price: aon 1] STOVES Well repaired, at & rgiht price. J. Turk's PHONE 1705. ' ee -- FOR SALE | All kinds of machinery --En- | Eines, Gasoline Motors, Pumps, Automobile Parts, Automobile Engine (second hand but rebulit), Life Boats, Motor Boats, general repairs. THE BUSY SHOP DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. East End of Wellington Street ANTHRACITE BOULETS (BTOVE SIZE) These are the best hard coal Briquetts on the market and should not be confused with inferior products. $1 5.50 per ton. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street

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