BRITISH WHIG_ THURSDAY, MARCH- 15, 1928. THE DAILY eee | GRAND TONIGHT, FRIDAY, SAT. Matinee Saturday, St. Patrick's Day, 2.30, Evening 8.135. | : BOR 0 His Talented ASSOCIATES WILL OFFER THE BIG MUSICAL TICKLE "WHAT WRIGHT LEFT" With the Young Bewitching Song and Dance Chorus. Every Offering is Musically Refreshing With a Complete Story. SPECIAL--FRIDAY NIGHT---SPECIAL - appep artracrion: BIG AMATEUR SHOW ST. PATRICK'S DAY IRISH SONGS AND DANCES MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ----A MUSICAL CAPER---- "THE JUMPING JACK" MATINEE ....10c-20c-80c. Horse Races T0- Beautiful Women DAY GLORIA Swangon Antonio Moreno Most Dazzling Display of New Style Creations Shown in Any Picture This Year. VAUDEVILLE rc. Monon Singing MATINEES 16c-25c. EVENINGS 23c.-85c¢. Matinee Daily 2.30 p.m. Evenings 8 o'clock $ A ee BLUN aman azzmania A cinsvin of syncopat and splendor ms DAZZLING ms CHEERFUL What rule of cooking is violated bere? . The answer will be found among today's want ads. AN EYE-FULL AN = EAR-FULL -- Cooke's Men's Club Banquet Cooke's Men's Club held its an- nual banquet and concert, on Wed- nesday evening. .After a splendid supper provided by the Ladies' Aid a programme of addresses and music was given by talented members of the congregation. Thomas Donnelly, president of the club, was" toast- : ass, and the speaker of the even- g was Prof. Roy, Queen's univer- sity, who gave a most interesting ad- dress on "Present Conditions in Ger- many." Those contributing to the programme were: J. Tomkins, ten- or, solo, Jack Elder, Scotch songs, Cooke's quartette composed or H. W. Newman, A. Lemmon, W. Thomp- son and T. Donnelly... A hearty vote of thanks was tenaered to those taking part on a motion of R. J. Diack, seconded by J. S. Johnson. ROCKS WITH LAUGHTER STER KEATON "THE BOAT" TO-DAY FHTWEIGHT WRESTLING 4 . . I's Champ TREMBLAY (Montreal) Ve. JACK FORBES (Toronto) fay Eve., March 19th ONTARIO HALL kets on sale at McGall's, Best Store, Pa Cigar Store, Kings- Barber Shop; Lawrence's Barber It is estimated that 8.000,000 me- teord strike the earth every day. HOCKEY Friday, March 16th HARTY ARENA, 8 pm. Verona vs.' Young Irishmen 's something radically wrong man who complains about home and family in public' _ Sydney | Whether are a client of ours not any of these 3 offices will supply you with desired Manoir oe RESERVED SEATS .............. 50c. RUSH SEATS .....................2%¢ SEE at the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions What Wright Left. "What Wright Left" will. be pre- sented at the Grand, Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday. This bill {3 of exceptional worth, brim full of laughter. It is a straight. line of! |tfunny situations, splendidly handled, | interpolated with musical and dance! numbers. Mildred Vaughn will have an excellent part in this production. Miss Vaughn's rich sweet voice never fails to score. Ann Ott is another delight--this lady is a gleeful danc- er, going through her steps with all the grace and abandon of certainty.' "JiHer eccentric work is equally as! clever as the best on the musical] comedy stage. Raymond Marr, he| of "cut yourself a plece of cake," | fame, will play opposite Bob. Mr. Marr is a very young man, talented, much loose joints--He can dance with the best of them, and can do all | sorts of funny stunts. Fred Wright | has been with the Ott organization | since its first production, eight years | ago.--He is a very careful actor, and an excellent singer.--All of his make- ups are perfect. It is a pleasure to announce Fred Wright in '"What Wright Left." Those who have seen James Mack in the different produc- ticus, proclaim him a dignified per- former. We have watched all of his | performances, and we .can very truthfully say, that his work ranks {with the best of them. Mary Ott, | jpetter known as Mrs, Bob Ott, is ox- tremesy funny, as Ann. In this roe she has the cream of all the comedy | {lines, and situations. Her creation |1s quite quaint, and resembley the { 'Sis Hopkins" type. Louise Adams (has a part that fits her to perfection | --her singing and dancing are fea- jtures of the performance. The Breen sisters, the Kane sisters, Alice Down- ley, Lillian Green, Are all important | {members of this happy organization. Bob Ott does not need any introduc- tion to the Kingston public. His work, in the past, has been perfect in every respect, and one looks for- ward, every day, to his clever produc- tions. - | Mae Murray in '"Jazzmania." | The latest picture starring Mae! Murray is by far the best this un- usual star has made. "Jazzmania" is {te title and it won frequent out- bursts of spontaneous applause wherever the pioture has played. Miss Murray's most ardent admirers agreed that her new picture is sup- erfor in every way to "Broadway Rose,' "Fascination," or 'Peacock Alley," extraordinarily successful as these have been. "Jazzmania" will be the feature-attraction at the Al- len theatre starting Thursday. . No one can possibly say of this photo- play that it follows the beaten track. It Is one of the most original stor- ies seen on the motion picture screen in a long time. Its originality lies in the fact that it combines many familiar situations in a novel man- ner. 'Jazzmania' has the flavor of the best Mae Murray pictures in one: | yet It is totally different from any- | thing she has yet done. The film is the contribution of Robert Z. Leon- | Jard, who presents and directed it, to the vogue of costume plays. The greater part of the action takes place in.'the tiny kingdom of Jazzmanla, but it shifts to different parts of 'the world--to Paris, Monte Carlo and New York. In this ~ manner the! quaint customs of the imaginative | kingdom are contrasted: with the modern civilization of the leading cities, Miss Murray plays Queen ! Ninon, a pleasure-loving, piquant | personality, who escapes from her | kingdom to avert a revolution, and | then returns to it when her people | need her. Buster Keaton in his lat-| {est comedy *"The Boat" will have the | laudlence rocking with laughter. PARIS OF AMERICA IS SCENE OF PHOTOPLAY "The Paris of Latin America" on the screen. The life of one of the! most striking cities of the world has | at last come under the glare of the motion picture camera. The beautiful city of Buenos Afres, capital of the Argentine Republic, "the Paris of Latin America," is the locale of Sam Wood's new Paramount production "My American Wife," starring Gloria Swanson, which will be the feature at the Strand Theatre today. Although the city is the third larg- est In the western hemisphere, fol- lowing Chicago in population, and is second largest Latin oity in the world, being second only to Paris, its highly civilized and cultured people, its politics, its beautiful architecture and its fine art academies have been practically obscpire, because it is one of the few great cities of the world, the life and institutions of which have not yet been presented on the motion picture screen. "My American Wite," is practical- ly the first screen production which is entirely concerned with the people, architecture, customs and traditions of that great city, and for this reason will doubtless prove a unique revela- tion of an interesting, virgin locale. The picture is a romance, the prin- oipal characters being a young Ar- gentine politician and sportsman, and CULLEN'S CASH--ALFRED AND PRINCESS STREETS--CARRY Friday and Saturday MARCH 16th and 17th INONDAY age "GOOD BABY" ATES LTT AR TT es I Es Ts ROL Salada, Green, 3 1b.; 1 bar . Fairy Soap White Beans .. Shredded Wheat 1 Gold Dust 6 Bars Laundry Soap . Corn Flakes Chapman, Eileen Pringle, Loyal Un- derwood, Walter Long, F. R. Butler, and Jacques D'Aumay. A special added attraction is 'Raymonde, novelty singing and musical. This is one of the best acts on the vaude- ville stage today, and has been a hit in every large city in the United States and Canada. DECLINE IN THE PROFTIS Of Canada Steamships Limited But Company's Working Position Is Favorable. ep Montreal, March 15.--There is little in the profit and loss account and surplus account of the Canada Steamship Lines, Limited, and sub- sidiary companies, as shown in the annual financial report for the year ended December 31st, 1922, subse- quent to a meeting of the directors kere this afternoon, that will be in any way a surprise to the Street or an American girl with whom he falls in love. Scenes are shown in the Ar- gentine chamber of deputies, in a low-class cafe-dive, in an aristocrat- fc, yet Bohemian studio party, and in one of the historic old estancias or haclendas of the aristocratic La Tas- sa . Other colorful scenes show the Hippodrome, the race track at Buenos Aires and one of the big thereon. business conditions affecting the company duripg the period under review naturally led to the expecta- tion of reduced income and this is borne out in the report. A farther substantial write-off for deprecia- tion was anticipated apd this expeect- ation was also fulfilled, the balance left available for dividend purposes after depreciation and other charg- 8s being equivalent to 3.41 on Sie ess DEAL 1. 5 CAKES FAIRY FREE 1 Bar Sunny Monday "x White Laundry Soap DEAL 3. 5 Bars Santa 1F 2 bots. (20c.) Pickles, 1 package A MESSAGE ON ECONOMY THAT WILL BE WELCOME BY EVERY WOMAN There have been times in the last few years when it has been a problem how to make the house money stretch through the week. At such times a little saving here and there means so much. It has been the aim of this store to help make the dollar do double duty, to give the best mer- chandise at the least cost. To-day we are especially fortunate in being able FREE. SPECIAL PRICE 39¢. VALUE 3c. SPECIAL PRICE 36¢. VALUE 50c. Claus FREE CUT THIS OUT AND BRING IT WITH YOU. 1 bot. Raspberry Jam, 3 pkgs. Corn .. 6 lbs. 39c. 8 pkgs. 89c. 1 Magic Baking Powder (16 oz.), 8 Palmolive, 1 tin Keep Sweet Cream 89c. 2 Jars Ras. Jam (25c¢. 15 1b. tin Coffee, 1 1b. r "SAVE THE & ~~ portion of the exhibit. Here, there is to be found a further substan- tial trimming of sail, and, what is more important, a comfortable working ital position, . current Habilities \having been reduced by nearly fo millions, as against a reduction 4f about a millon in our- rent assets. Total revenue amounted to $11,- 614,870, as compared with $12,786,~ 679 in 1921. Of this total, operation of vessels furnished $11,099,772; docks and wharves, $176,104; mis- ceManeous, $127,488; while other revenue amounted to $211,506. Ex- penses are shown at $9,674,122 as compared with $10,434,100, leav- ing net earnings before charges at $2,040,748 as compared with $2. 352,579. Thies was distributed as fol- lows: Interest on funded debt, $635,807, and' other interest of $84,101, making a total of $719, 818 as compared with $643,951. To depreciation reserve there was allot- ed the sum of $808,524, as compar- ed with $787,126; while bad debt reserve took $30,000; directors' fee $27,495, and income taxes $25,000, making total deductions $1,610,835 as compared with $1,579,728 and leaving net operating profit at $429,910 as compared with $772,- §50. ' 5 to announce a big saving in Soap pro- ducts of the N. K. FAIRBANK Co., on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAR. 16th and 17th, 1923, at prices, un- heard of before in Kingston. A rep- resentative from the manufacturers of Fairy So:p and Gold Dust will be at my store all day Friday and Sat urday for the purpose of showing my customers better and easier methods in the care of. the household. Special Combinations have been arranged. The follow- ing are several that space permits me to print. With every purchase of five bars or packages of Gold Dust, Fairy Soap, Sunny Monday White Laundry Claus Yellow Laundry Soap, I will give one bar or pack- Q ~~ DEAL 1 large GOLD DUST FREE 1 Cake Fairy 1 Cake Pummo Soap DEAL 4. 3 bars Sunny Monday 3 bars Santa Claus FREE 1 Pkg. Gold Dust 1 Cake Fairy stock. Cleaner .) . Tapioca . DIFFERENCE" good-will account and bond discount i and expense. As against a profit of $225,317 from sales of fixed assets in 1921, there is this year shown a net loss of $2,490, bringing total net profits down to $427,420, as compared with $998,167. Application of the pre- vious balance of $3,610,719, made a total of $4,038,139, to which Is added $330,366, being surplus aris- ing from sinking fund purchases of debentures stock transferred. This makes a total of $4,368,605. From this $1,424,646 is written off leas- es, contracts and good-will and $41,- 174 is written off bond discount and expense account, leaving at credit ot profit and loss the sum of $2,902,- 686. A ct Ait HAVE YOU EVER in your travels found a hotel (probably of moderate size) where the owner or manager by his personal interest in your comfort and welfare made your stay conspieu- | ously pleasant? If so, and are looking forward to a visit or make your home, | and that is just the atmosphere that now pervades THE QUEEN'S HOTEL. Speciaity, Sunday Dinners. Brock St AAA AAA A iA rer. Cement block, 8 rooms, 5 hedr in for hot water It will be remembered that in the | 1921 statement, upwards of five | millions was written off the value of | ocean vessels and transferred to re- | serve for depreciation of investments ' out of surplus account. After such a drastic write-off, further charges of their nature upon surplus ac- count may not have been expected but in the steamboat under revi: : nearly ome and a half millions ysis off leases, contracts i ; eh lot. Price $3,200. oap or Santa SPECIAL SPECIAL PRICE 79c. VALUE $1.05 3 pkgs. Cut Tobacco, Matches Free 3 tins Tomatoe 3 tins Mollasse: 2 bots. Javalle Water, 2 tins Window 1 package Excello Cake Powder, 1 pack- age Jorn Starch 1 doz. Sweet Oranges, furnace, 2 piece bath, good ce Yell _.w Laun- dry Soap 2. PRICE 39c¢c. VALUR 57c. "THE BUSY CLEANER" , any Oc, 2 pkgs. Tooth Picks 89c¢, 89¢. o = tins Sardines 39c. = A et Arar atrn TRANSATLANTIC SAILINGS Season 1923. Lists and Rates mow ready. Apply C. 8. KIRKPATRICK Steamship Ticket Agent, 36 Clareace St. Kingston, Out. Tel. 568w. Hotel Frontenac Kingston's Leading Hotel Every room has running hot and cold water. One-half block from Rallway Stations and Steamboat Landings. J. A. HUGHES, Proprietor NOTICE! CAR OWNERS Now is the time to have your car overhauled before the rush. ACETYLENE WELDING, CARBON BURNING CLARK'S GARAGE Cor. King and Princess Sts. 'PHONE 235TF. FOR SALE COLBORNE STREET DWELLING ooms, electric and gas, all p'ping ilar, hea house, large COUNTRY GENERAL STORE Situated twelve miles from Kingston, on a main r store and dwelling combined, good Price for property, $2,500. market price. Stock The J. K. Carroll 56 BROCK STREET. oad, frame , Basoline tank, at wholesale out hiliidings, can be bought ll Agency