THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1038, I Craps Yo | crickET 0 WOMER NO FIGHTS APPEAR Must Meet Terms Like This. he discreet silence from the gen- eral direction of Shelby, Mont. on $260,000 matter of a Dempsey- bout, July 4th, is probably of conditions laid down Kearns, Mr. Dempsey's man i ness. These are such that it Shelby has further to say on the sub- only a lip reader will be able interpret the message. en last heard from, some days Shelby went on record as de- that Kearns had accepted for the match. That is what be tevmed as inaccuracy, ng generously. What Kearns was that the purse wae satis- and the match would be provided the citizzens of by would guarantee the follow- financial arrangements: payment, outmght, of $50,000 . Dempsey and Kearns the mo- articles were signed; the post- of an additional $650,000 with responsible party as evidence of faith, the money to be turned to Dempsey and Kearns the day the fight; the remaining $100,- of Dempsey's share of the purse paid him before he entered the In short, the burden of proof was rest upon Shelby, Mont. It was take all chances, the Dempsey- interests to take all the ey, with the possible exception Gibbons' $50,000, it being as- ped that Tom also would insist pre-payment. This would mean that the > promoters would ' go ,000 "on the nut" so to speak they took in a dollar. With erection of an arena and Incl- expenses, they could not hope got out in the clear for less. The e is letting them down rather at that. - . The arena necessary to an event this magnitude would cost more $100,000 and incidental ex- have a way of running races the keyboard of an adding bine, For further information o? § subject. Shelby would do well eonsit Tex Rickard, who took 800,000 at the fer bloomer in Jersey and fo New York with a net i sald to have been less than 000. pro- about proposed Dempsey-Gibbons | at Shelby was to have been under the auspices of the Toole ity post of the American legion, Rone LL. A. Sampson doing the yy work. American legion is an organ- bn of interprid souls, but brav- has its limitations once the at- is concentrated on the wallet PRINCE OF WALES' COLORS ed for Racing Under Nation al Hunt Rus The Prince of Wales has register- hie "colons--ved, wae cap -- for racing under the Hunt rules. Friday he rode two races at ' Guards' Point-to-Point meeting. a 3. Little Favorite, and finish- bnd in the Grenadier Guirds On Just an Ida. Prince's action In registering eolors is believed to presage his entrance nto racing. Al- hls activity will undoubted- confined for a time to steeple- pg. It is believed that he will invade flat racing with a goou many thing how Canadian and 0 Universities can meet in jotic events and have a fine time they cannot seem to agree dealing with others of thelr es. L. Sullivan was aixty<wo p old when he died; Stanley was shot and killed when Dempsey- | 0 the Welsh Guards' Cup os | QUEEN'S RUGBY CAPTAIN, "Bill" Campbell Has the Confidence of Tricolor Players. Queen's Journal has the following refercnce to Willlam "Doc" Camp- bell, who was unanimously chosen as captain of the rugby team for 1823: "'Doc' is a very popular choice and both in personality and ability is a worthy successor to Jack McKei- Ivey, who led Queen's to a dominion championship last fall " 'Bi)' is ancther of the long suc- cession of brilliant players develop. ed by Kingston Collegiate under the regime of Principal E. O. Sliter. He entered Queen's in the autumn of 1217 and became a member of Arts '21. In 1919 he transferred to Medl- cine and is now a member of Meds. '24. "Since 1919 he has played for- ward on the senior hockey team and on the back division of the senior irughy team. From 1919 until 1922, ihe played on the half Mne and in 11921 made a brilliant sixty yard run {for a touchdown which defeated {Varsity 9-5 in the oprning game in the Richardson stadium, "Last fall he was shifted to flying wing and his brilliant tackling made him 'a very important cog in the Evans - Batstone - Leadley-Harding reargudrd. He was unfortunate enough to suffer a broken arm in {Montreal agaist Varsity and was un- | able to play against Argos ana kd- monton in the Dominion title games, Queen's has every confidence that 'Doc' will lead them to another championship in 1923." | PORT NAP HOTS What the the wild waves saying? | Well, just about now it's probably: | "Move along, ice, give us air." | What have they said all winter? { Well, if the young ladies have been {doing much skating on the lake's lservice it has probably been a song | entitled; "Oh, Say, Can You See-- From the Sea?" hold on Kingston this year we ex- {pect to see them jumping to Point { Frederick from the Fort. Hill next winter or leaping from Rockwood to the penitentiary without any ex- tra exertion. And that reminds us that some of the players in the interfaculty hock- {ey matches at Queen's are quite beautiful gliders--not on skates, but on various parts of thelr anu- tomies. However, we've all had a turn at that so can sympathize. Great is the man who turns out knowing he can play, but greater still is the fel- low who knows he can't play and {comes out anyway. He puts the {sport in sportsmanship | | | --_-- 1 | After the City Hockey League's playoff with the county that frst | mentioned body should have a meet- | jing and turn its constitution over, [to a neutral committee for revision 'and improvement, in order that next | year's secretary will have something ion which to base his decisions, i --- -- | - And when the selection of officers | is made, it might be well to remem- | ber those men who have attended the !eity league games all winter. They'- re the fellows that count and they | know what's what. i Frontenacs and 4th. Hussars meet !for the final game of the indoor {baseball tonight. Both teams should ibe given a cup. 12-11 and 11-10 scores in the firet two finals make it seen too bad that one or the oth- er should be rated higher. To- night will tell if either has a weak spot. DRAWS BIG SALARY New Menger Takes Charge of Spring _ Grid Tuaining Percy D. Haughton, accepted an offer to become head football coach ; SPORTING RUGBY | "ooo N TO "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER" You not only read It, you sing it. Try it on your plano. Watch nightly for this big comic hit. ; SPRING THIS ON YOUR SPOUSE. 1 BOUGHT MY THATS ACT SO LF A NEW SPRING HAT -- TWELVE BUCKS- Dear - AND THAT'S NINETY MORE ~ "THE BILL WILL SOON BE HERE --~ | smn. -------- | Now that ski-ing has taken such a divulge detsils of the agreememt. fore, as Haughton, it was pointed out to- day w..l have absolute control or the gridiron game on Morningsiie Heights, when he staris preliminary work April 10, No miraculous results are expect- ed this year, but university men are confident that the new coach will lay the foundation of a system char will put the Blue and Whi e =r.) on the football map in the future. | TREMBLAY-FORBES. | Sporting Editor: Just a few words to tell you that I have received some wvews from Eugene Tremblay, light- weight champion of the world. He ie training himself for the wrestling match here on the 19th, with Jack Forbes, as he has never trained be- THEM CONE -- DAYS IS FOREVER ! 1*ost serious rival in seven or eight 'years. I can also tell you that Jack Forbes will do all he can about this chance to win the lightweight cham- pionship and the belt of the Police Gazette of New York, emblematic cf the championship of the world. 1 thank you in advance for pub- hshing this on your sporting page. Yours very truly, (Sgd.) EMILE NEPVEU. Mr. Nepveu tells us also that some Igood preliminaries will be staged on this occasion, He will wrestle with iD; Bradley, of this city, weighing in at about 125 pounds, while Bradley will 'be about ten pounds heavier. There will he two or three other bouts algo, with J. Bradley and other wrestlers taking part. The meeting | is to be in Ontario hall and Mayor Angrove is to preside. NEN GUIDE TORONTO BASEBALL TEAM. Dan Howley (full face), manager of the Toronto Baseball Club of the International League, and Lol Solman, President at Columbia university, New York, thas signed a two-year contract cal- Lng for an annual salary of $15,- 000, according to repor:s today. Columbia football authorities, in announcing the engagement of the and owner of the club. Howley, who has long been promin- ent in the baseball world, managed the Toronto club of 1918, which won the league pennant. 'positions since, including two seasons as coach of the Detroit He has had other baseball Tigers, now led by the famous Ty Cobb. Mr. Solman is wide- former Harvard mentor, refused to ly known for his many theatrical and other business interests. BRINGING UP FATHER he considers Forbes BN ROSS STABLE'S RECORD | Tv pnty-Four Horses Accourted For $169,134 in 1921 It was only a few years ago that J. K. L. Ross became actively iden- tified with racing as an ownur of thoroughbred horses. Buying the horses of H. G. Bedwell, who train- ed for him, and strengthening his establishment by further additions. Commander Ross' success was in- stantaneous. The acquisition o1 Cudgel from J. W. Schorr was the master stroke that placed the Ross establishment at the head of the winning owners' list of 1918, the first time a Canadian owner has oc- cupled that exa.ted position. Again in 1919, the Ross stable won that cove ed honor for the second time, Since then the Montreal has figured close to the top, fas: year finishing in fourth place. His campaign of 1922 included racing in the east, Canada, Ken.ucky and was his largest winnar Registrar, Prismar, Baby Grand, Diadema, Hildur others collectively winning seventy- eight races and earning\for their owner the magnificent total of $1869,- 134. ) We sometimes call it hard luck when we have suffered and lost be- cause of downright foolishness. Nineteen nations now front on the Mediterranean and Black seas. "BADMINTON 70 BOXING GET RIGHT WITH NATURE Save Money--Ride A Massey If you buy 4 tickets for 25¢., six days a week, you pay for a MASSEY Wheel by September, and then you owa your own Street Car. WHY WAST MONEY Your health will be better and you will feel more like work whea you ride a licyele. YOU CAN SMOKE on our MASSEY street car. Huy now and have your Wheel half pald for before yom take it home, ONLY ONE PLACE TREADGOLD'S Sporting Goods Co. 8Y PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529. eas turfman ! far away Tijuana. The old-reliable | | Boniface, now retired to the stud, | last year, | and a host of ANNOUNCING OXFORD CLOTHES FOR MEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 16th and 17th. We will display a range of over 300 patterns in the very latest models and Suitings and Top Coats for men. You are invited to call in and com- pare these values with any being shown elsewhere. . A call obligates you in no way to buy. We will be glad to have you bring your Mother, Wife or Sweet- heart, who usually know values when shown. ? ALL MADE TO MEASURE - GUARANTEED FIT '25.00 10'45.00 COLLIER'S MY VALET 214 PRINCESS STREET MACDONALD HONEY-S A A wn S-- © S | -SUCKLE % BRIGHT "CHEWING, mend By GEORGE McMANUS THIS CENTLEMAN 1S THE ARRANGE - FOR THE © or nerv. Posen Sewncs, tne)