Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Mar 1923, p. 4

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BRITISH WHIG 'WEDNF SDAY, MARCH 14, 1928. THE DAILY a EASTERN ONTARIO CHAIN 'STORES THE J."A. MCNABB CO. LIMITED SPECIALISTS IN WOMEN'S AND MISSES' HIGH-GRADE READY-TO-WEAR OWNING AND OPERATING STORES AT > PETERBORO BELLEVILLE KINGSTON BROCKVILLE 371 GE(RCE ST 234 FRONT ST 164 PRINCESS ST. LO KING ST W. Has Fate Smashed Gladys Deacon's . Marriage To Her Friend's Husband? THE STORES WHERE SMART 8TYLES MEET POPULAR PRICES FENELON ogacaveeoft GREATER BUYING POWER. GREATER VALUE {CALL OR WRITE TO OUR NEAREST STORE STYLE » QUALITY = SERVICE "LAKE ONTARIO Gloricus New Spring-_ Fashions in Dresses - Blouses Suits - Coats and Skirts Are now -displayed 'in comprehensive assortment in each of our four stores. All of Fashion's lates' whims - are portrayed in the New Frocks, - Suits, - Wraps, Blouses and Skirts -- those The Secret of our Success Which has enabled us fo open four stores during the past year -- has been our policy of combing the mar- kets of New York, Mofitreal and Toronto for the very latest creations and utilizing our constantly increasing buying power of our Peter- borough, Belleville, Kingston and Brockville stores {to secure greater and better value for our thousands of customers. Ye form 2 Duchess of marfhorough, : now Firs. Jacque Basan The price advantages and sav- wedding photos ings we have been able to secure Vanderbilt of the Duke and J Gladys Deacon ~ NEW YORK---Reports that the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, the later the former Gladys Deacon of New York, are contemplating a separation, are shocking society For many years the present duchess was the close friend of her predecessor, the one-time Consuelo Vanderbilt. married the duke, however, her mother, Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont, When Consuelo refused to allow the then Miss Deacon to attend the wedding because of an old scandal. When the duke fell in love with Gladys Deacon, Consuelo secured a divorce and her friend succeeded her as Duchess of Marlborough. Thus, irenically, the very woman barred from the wedding 'married the Duke herself And now society hears the end of her romance is near. Tut! Tut! Not All "Ruins" Are In ~ Egypt; Pre-Roman bE ' I nnd Relics in Panama ARI SRE A Chersqui potlery laken From ofd aves sn the province of (Kiriqus Params SALT LAKE CITY~Why ¥o to Luxor, Egypt, to of an ancien The wonders of ancient this eity, railroading in Panama, has t volcanic mountain, which rises } art found there include uncovered the glyphics carved on rocks, the remains of a eiviliza 'Which existed long before the days of Cassar on gt NOTES FROM WELLINGTON. J. E. Clark Home From Spending 4 Winter in Detroit, ~ Wellington, March 13.--Hubert ! Webster spent the week-end at his home here. Dr. Bradley is away on. holidays. W. J. Luffman is under the doctor's care. Charles Peters has bought a lot from George Gar- ratt and is preparing to build a Louse. One of the baby boy twins of Mr. and Mre. Alex. Dunn died on Friday last. : : : Miss Flossie IColliver- spent Sun- y at Gilead, at Miss Eva Qleave's. iss Pearce was at Toronto last week. M. B. Olark has amrived home from a business trip in connection with the Dominion canners. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McKinnon and son, Hilton, spent Sunday afternoon in Miler. J. BE. Clark errived home on Saturday ing after spending the winter months in Detroit. He enjoyed his visit immensely. On his return he remarked that there wus more snow in his yard than he saw all the time he Was away in Detroit. the thermometer reaching only four Mrs. lafter a heavy sickness of pneumania. Sanger Harris was on the sick Hast last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyle spent Sunday with Mrs. Boyle's parents, mear Hilker, Mr. and Mrs. Gus MacDonald refurned home on Saturday evening and were greeted with the ususl serenade, Dr. and Mrs. Bradley returned to Weilington a few days ego. Miss Helen Pettet is out again after a severe sickness. Mr, and Mrs. F. Benway spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Thit's. Miss Hilda Tait spent a few days, the guest of Mrs F. Benway's, last week. The first of the great modern telescopes was made fu: wir Willams Herchel in 1779. aa - The man who has no tact usually brags about his frankness, Babies and grievances er by nursing,' ® themes. Eetter Values Better Styles ask. entrancing whims that come only with spring-time. The width of seleetion in each of our stores allows for per- sonal preference with oul sac- rificirg ary of tke n.cde Better Qualities Always for Less Visit our nearest store--you will be delighted with the --= and beauty of our styles from manufacturers in our pur- chasing we cheerfully pass on to our patrons. . Value Satisfaction have been the foundation stones of the reputation we have built up, and our aim is to constantly strive fo serve you even better. Every garment we sell in each of our stores is sold under an iron clad guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt- ly refanded. We solicit your patronage and invite your inspection of our stores and merchandise. Out-cf-Tou n Customers Take Advantcge of our C.0.D. Service "0 all points in Eastern Ontario we deliver free. M ail orders receive our prompt attention. If your pur- chase or our seléction is not satisfaclory return goods and money will be promptly refunded. WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE WITH BETTER VALUES AND ALWAYS FOR LESS. Service -_ or . EASTERN ONTARIO CHAIN OF LADIES' AND MISSES' READY-TO-WEAR STORES PETERBO. CUGH -- BELLEVILLE -- KINGSTON -- BROCKVILLE HOPING FOR BRANCH RALWAY 10 ENTER It Will Help Greatly If It Is Constructed Through Northbrook. Nontharook, March 12.--Natural- ly our vicinity is very enthused over the prospect of a branch line of the C. P. R. being put through here, leaving the main line at Hunger ford, east of Tweed and passing through these north counties, touching the Ore Chimney and Co- bait Frontenac mines, the Boa 'Echo' and other summer resorts LIVER TROUBLE - . Pains in Stomach Most of the misery and Sia that humanity is burdened with arise from disorders of the liver, stomach' or bowels. s If you are feeling out of sorts, have pains in the stomach, especially after eating, sour stomach, bilious spells, sick or bilious headaches, heartburn, water brash, ete, few doses of Milburn's Pills. They will liven up the liver, regulate the bowels, and tone up the stomach. Mr. T. C. Hallman, Highgate, Ont., writes: --"1 have had liver trouble and pains in the stomach for a long time. I startéd to use your Mil- burn's Laxa-Liver in a short time 1 noticed help ing me. Now I would not be without and recommend them grow larg-| and making i§ possible for the timb- er limits north of here to be cut. Mr. and Mrs, Cole Cummings, and family have moved to th: Header- son farm near Harrowsmith. Mrs. Flora Thompeoon is confined to her bed suffering from a sévere attack of heart fadlure. Mrs. Charles Rut- tan is suffering from a complete breakdown and is in a very weak condition, We hope for their speedy recoveries. J. A. Lloyd spent last week on business in Harlowe, Dead Creek and Arden districts. Miss Florence Bott, Harlowe, is giving music lessons each Saturday in the burg and has ten pupils. A. E. Fletcher and 8. G. Both, of the Ore Chimney mines, are spending the week in Buffalo in the interests of the company. C. C. Thompeon is hauling sait from the car at Arden to' fill orders. W. Cassada purchased a young team from William Amder- son. Mrs. R. Moon spent the week- end in Peterboro. Gordon Wood has purchased the blacksmith shop and is temring ft down to rebuild for a garage which will be open for work in a few weeks. Miss C. Slater, Woodstocs, is 'her sister, Mrs. A. E. . Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Wye, a few days in Toronto. Markle is home agaain A number of our Rockfield Boy Enjured. Roedkfiedd, Manch 12. --Master Forest Earle met with a serious ac-' cident last week at school. le was thrown from his sleigh cutting his face so badly that several stitches had to be put in, A sleigh load of Young people from this place drove to Frank Chick's, Caintown, on Fri- Mrs. Amnie Austin returned to her home in Lansdowne on Friday, after spending the past two months with friends here. Mrs. Frank McCready 2nd deughter, Marion, Brockville, visited at E. Foley's last week. Miss Leita Chick, MaNlorytown, ie spend- tng = few days here, the guest of Miss Irma Earle. K.J. Warren spent' Saturday afternoon in Brook- ville. Quite a number are still suf- fering from grippe. Miss Nora Dickey, Athens, was a recent visitor at Harold Warren's. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Green have moved here from Mallorytown, #n preparation for cheese making as sgon as the season opens. Miss Helen Warren entertained a féw friends on Satur day evening. Doings at Denbigh Denbigh, March 12.-- Mrs. L. Marguwardt has arrived home from the Hotel Dieu hospital, Kings on, where she underwent a successful cperition for a tumor under her chin. Arthur Ready, who ony se ely arrived from Toronto, where he had some nevessary changes or ae- justments made to his artifical leg, is suffering from appendicitis and left for the Kingston General ao» pital, hoping for a successful opera- tion. Mr. and Mrs. John Both and . {baby, who went to visi* some re- latives in Douglas were all taken sick there, but have recovered enough to stand the journee home. Mrs. L. Both left for Hinchinbrook {to visit her Qanghter ani sonm-im-, day and spent an enjoyable evening.' TELLS RHEUMATICS TO BEGIN ON SALTS Says Excess of Hydrochloric Acid is Cause of Indigestion. A Joll-kiowa authority states that stom trouble and indigestion are nearly always due to acidity--aeid } stomach--and not, as most folks be- Heve, from a lack of digestive juices. He states that an excess of hydré- chloric acid in the stomach retal digestion and starts food fermen tion; then our meals sour like gat bage in a can, forming acrid fluids and gases, which inflate the stomach like a toy balloon. We then get ' heavy, lumpy feeling in the chest, ; eructate sour food, beich gas or have heartburn, flatulence, waterbresh of. nausea. Be 3 He tells us to lay aside all diges~ tive aids and Instead get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Bal and take a tablespoonful in a water before breakfast, w! effervescing, and furthermore, to tinue this for one week, While re= lief often follows the first dose, it' is important to neutralize the acidity, remove the gas-making mass, ES the liver, stimulate the kidneys thus promote a free flow of digestive juices. Jad Salts is inexpensive and made from the acid of grapes lemon juice, comb ned with ith and sodiwm phosphate. This harms less salts is used by thousands of stomach sufferers with excellent re sults. -------------- ------ ~~ law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson, whose baby is reported to bp very sick. Mrs. H. Glaeser was suddenly ' en seriously ill and her son HN Northbrook, was sent for and already arrived. William H. lans, one of the earliest settlers i this municipality, passed away at p heme in Vennacher, after about week's illness of pneumonia, at the age ofl eighiy-eight years,

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