SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1923, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG RAILWAY " EE INK Evsvem § AGENCY FOR ALL | OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES | Bpecial attention given your family | or friends going to or returning from | the Old Country. Passports arranged for. For information and rates apply to J. P. HANLEY, C. P. and T.A G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: . C.N.-G.T. Station, Johnson and Ontario Streets, ston, Ontario. | Open Day and Night. { 'PHONE 99. a corner | King- | -- ----- APP vy : Real Estate 00--- Brick, ¥ rooms aud 3- bath, good cellar, hot water pis BE. ipa floors, electric Hight, gas, garage and shed. Very convenient to Queen's University. $7,000--Brick, » roums and 3 piece th, sun-room, het wa. ter furuace, hardwood floors, cleetric light, gas. Very central- iy Jocaied, Brick, 7 rooms, eleetric King p | Might, harny lot 66 x 132. Street R. H. Waddell { homens 346-8506. »6 Brock St. Le ere esc | ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM . (CHapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. p { Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Dental Surgeon, DPR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S, Wellington and Brock Streets. Eatrance, 159 Wellington St. Evening by appointment. PHONE 679. | DR. A.W. WINNET - DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 363 4 Fer Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. Evenings 133 WELLINGTON STREET. ------ WATTS | People's " Florist | 177 Wellington Street. © | Fresh Flowers and Plants dally. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1763. Residence, 1187. ' ! be in disorder. i 8ix i kept on using them and after a while ! the tingling heat. | it warms the sore spot through and | through. Pain and soreness are gone, |GASSED 'OVERSEAS | SHELL SHOCKED and RHEUMATISM Mr. F. M. Blaquiere, Morinville, | | Alta., writes:--"After three years service overseas I returned to Canada | | almost a complete wreck. I had been | gassed, and was suffering from shell shock and rheumatism, and was 80 | nervous I could not sleep at night.ll tried many medicines and doctors, but {none of them did me any good for any length of time. I got so bad, in the Fall of 1919, my hands were and it'seemed as if I had a stéel band , bressing on my head. The least ex- { citement would almost drive me into | fits, and my whole system seemed to I had cramps in my | legs nearly every night, and hot and | cold chills running up and down my | back nearly all the time. One day I] decided to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and after I had taken boxes I began to feel better. I I (was completely relieved." Price 50c. a box at all dealers or | mailed direct on receipt of price by { The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. Pr A A A A NRA a TAXI PHONE 32 PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. - Butcher, 27 Pine Street. y PHO 1819w. THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. See us for all kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates given on uew floors ilaid. Have your hardwood floors clean- ed with our mew floor cleaning ma- chine. SHOP: 68 QUEEN STREET. RED PEPPER FOR RHEUMATIC PAIN Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch" from sore, stiff, aching joints. It cannot hurt you, and it certainly stops that old rheumatism torture at once. When you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Red Pep- per Rub and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel In three minutes Ask any good druggist for a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on éach package. 'Real Estate 22004 room, R. .C. Bungalow, elee., ! op W. R McRae & Co GOLDEN LION BIOOK- | mn SOFT COAL: and Cannel Coal. Mixed Wood cut in ' stove lengths. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard © Phone 133 Fruit and Choice sasortment Dananas, Malaga Oranges, . Sanpecirutt, byte Foi Son preg ini fRny GROCERY } MARCHE Corner King and Earl Streets Phone 1544. New and slightly For sale at low prices L. Cohen & Co. 207.473 ONTARIO, STREET $2500---8 room, R. C., T. and B,, elec. garage. $2500--8 room, T., elec., 3 bedrooms. | $3790-3 room Bungalow, 3 p. B., het air. | $3000--7 room, elee., 8 p. B, hot afr, barn. room, elec, 3 p. B., south. & #32007 reom (double), T.,, gas, gar- en. room, 3 p. B, gas, mear school. - room, 3 p. RB, elec, garage. room, 3 p. B., elec, extra lot. room, B. and T,, elec, hot alr room, Frick, elec,, hot air. room, brick, elec., hot air. room brick, elec, hot alr. room, brick, elee., hot alr. room, elec, RB. and T., south. room, elec, 3 p. BN, south, room (double). Easy terms. room, stome, elec, south. room, brick, hot air, south. room brick, hot nir, south. room, 3 p. B., elec., south. room, brick, modern, south. room, brick, modern and new roem, brick, house and store room (double). See this. room brick, hot water, elee. room, elec, hot air, south. room brick, modern, south. room brick, mew, south. room, brick, modern. room, brick, modern, as south, reom brick, hot water, south. room, brick, hot water, brick, hot water, room phic urn ished. #53008 room, b: a modern, south. E. L. Martin hs BROCK ST. PHONE 220 Rea. 22005. Res. 1150W. for a husky throat-- relieves irritation im- mediately. Red Pas- tiles in the red box, 25¢. Buy a box to- day from-- south. . room, south. 80 | i shaky I could scarcely hold anything, || | Smith administration, | Kingston and Vicinity A Sale of a Farm. David Bowerman who sold his farm at Salmon Point to Mr, Fer- | guson, expects to move back to Cher- ry Valley. --ee-- Purchased Team of Horses. "The Pembroke council has author- ized the Fire Department to pur- chase another team of horses "and 300 feet of hose. Purchased Perth Residence. Henry Allore, Westport, has pur- {chased a brick residence on Beok- {with street from Isaac Thornton, Drummond. Body Sent To Peterboro. The body of the late Miss May Dunnett, which was brought to Kingston for the inquest Thursday | night, was sent back to Peterboro on Friday for interment. \ x Is Improving Rapidly. T. M. Asselstine, Clerk of the su- preme court, who underwent an op- eration at the Kingston General Hos- pital, is rapidly improving and will soon be able to return to 'his office. Country Roads Are Bad. Farmers who have been in the city during the past couplé of days re- port that the country roads are in very bad condition, due to the heavy snow fall. Dress Up For Easter Our made-to-measure suits are of best material and workmanship. We are showing a large rarge of English Worsted, Scotch Tweeds also blue and black Serges, prices from $33 to $45 a,suit. Prevost, Brock street. Furnaces Being Removed. The furnaces in the buildings at the corner of King and Market streets are being removed. As soon as mild weather comes, the work of tearing down the buildings to make, way for the new Bank of Montreal will commence. A Small Audience. ; There was a very small audience at the preliminary hearing in the Dunnett case in the police court on Friday morning. It was not gener- ally kmown that the case would be up and no doubt this was the cause of the small attendance. Mr. Bromley in talking on tourist traffic in Frontenac says a man who ran a small place had to turn away a hundred persons during the sea- son, One small hotel man making $1,000 in other days, made $3,000 last season. At another lakeside a caterer to tourists not only filled his hotel but accommodated scores in tents. The flow of tourists is on and should be epcouraged. To Make Reductions, After looking into the matter of overhead charges in connection with public utility," the Commission finds it is quite evident a reduction must be made in expenses at once and the manager has been asked to go into the matter and see what reduction can be made. A Movie Director, A second moving picture dictator has entered the lists. Francis M Hugo, Watertown and New "York City, secretary of state in the first will be the guide at a large salary for the com- panies making educational and re- ligious films now being used in 40,- 000 churches, olubs, schools, and similar institutions dn the country. Mrs. J. B. Christie, Belleville, Dead. | The death took place on. Tuesday, of Malissa Flindall, aged seventy- seven, wife of J. B. Christie, Tren- ton. member of the St. Andrew's Presby- by the husband, three sons and one daughter. her life. To Wait on Government. On March 15th the federal .gov- ernment will listen to a deputation from Kingston in regard to harbor improvements. J. M. Campbell is to sscure the presence of a strong dele- gation in presenting the case. The mayor and members of the council will be requested to attend. The settee. The late Mrs. Christie was a || terfan church, and she is survived || The deceased was born || and had lived in Hastings county all |seen and there. was a big demand | william Stewart Singleton, William | {for it at the Montreal sale. John Aitkin of Ramsay Dead. the person of John Aitkin, Ramsay. | Mr. Aitkin was eighty-two years of age. He was born in Huntley, but 1871, crossed oyer into Ramsay and| has been a resident since. He is sur- vived by his wife, formerly Ellen Stewart of Beckwith, and four sons and five daughters, his death being the first break jn the family circle. To Advertise Our Loveliness. The matter of forming an associa- tion and prosecuting work in adver- tising Frontenac and the chain of Rideau ILAkes will be before the Board of Trade at its April meeting. Mr. Bromley, working for the provin- cial government, appeared bsfore 'the Board of Trade on Friday and ar- ranged for a conference. It is hoped to gather representatives from Nap- anee to Prescott and as far north as Ottawa and to combine on a plan to show the tourist world the charm and beauty of this section. Mr. Bromley says while we have the Thousand Islands on the front we also have-a 1,000 lakes in the inter- for, wonderful to behold and rich in scenery and fishing possibilities. The presenting of these facts to the pub- lic will be the chief feature of a big gathering here. 'Were Incorporated. For Salem Co-Operative Dairy As- soctation, Limited, the following pro- visional directors are named in the charter: Jeremiah Donahue, William David Bresee, James Duncan Cam- eron and John Joseph Scanlon, all of the township of Bedford, farmers, and Wright Sickler, of the township of North Crosby, farmer. The head office is in the township of Bedford, with Westport as postoffice, and there is no share capital. "Sop@rton Dairy Co-Operative Com- pany, Limited, with no share capital, has the following directors: William Henry Irwin, Thomas Johnson Frye, Another of the well-known farmer | Sopenton' settlers passed away Wednesday in| Thomas Sheridan and Peter Hille-| brand, all of the township of Lans-| downe, tarmers. The head office is at| i Was a Former Kingstonian, : On Saturday, Dec. 9th, 1922, Mrs. Louisa Jones, aged ninety 'three | about the time of his marriage, in| years, born in Cheltenham, Glouces-! tershire, England, married . to the | late George Jones, in 1850, who pre-| deceased her in May, 1900, passed away. They came to Canada in 1852! and settled in Kingston, Mr. Jones! opening and conducting a barber | shop and trunk making establish- ment on Princess street. In 56 | they moved to Brampton, thén in| 1886 they moved to the township of | Derby, county Grey, North Gravel! road, where they resided until their | death. Deceased left two sons and | three daughters living, out of a fam- | ily of eleven children, also twenty- nine grandchildren, and over thirty! great-grandchildren. "The sons are Arthur W. Jones, Isaac J. Jones, } North Gravel Road, Derby, Ont; daughters, Mrs. John Biggar, Mea- | ford; Mrs. John Crichton, Sarnia, | and Mrs. Danjel McArthur, Owen | Sound. The funeral was from her | son's, Isaac J. Jones', residence, on | | | 2 fr | | | Dec. 12th, to the Greenwood ceme- tery, Owen Sound. Services were conducted by the Rev. P. T. Pilkey. WINTER HARD ON BABY The winter season is a hard one on the baby. He és more or less confin- ed to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It is so often stormy that the mo-! ther does not get him out in the! fresh alr as often as she should. { He catches colds which rack his little | system; his stomach and bowels get | out of order and he becomes peevish | and cross. To guard against this the mother should keep a box ot Baby's Own Tablets in the house. They regulate the stomach and bow- els and break up colds. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, ome Gers / | STOP WONDERING " What you are going to get for dinner. You have puzzled too long In thinking of a change. Bring the family here for a pleasing, well-cooked meal. He'll enjoy the change--and you'll be glad to rest. NEW ENGLAND CAFE 331 King Street. Kingston, Ont. Phone 635 "WINTER During the changing, trying build up the buds. days of Winter, with the frequent exposures, is the time when throats become irritated, the body weakened, chests tender, and troublesome coughs develop. The safe way isto nourish your body with rich, strength-building SCOITS EMULSION Tt isfhe food and mieficine that thousiuds take every day ted and rundown in vi Buy a bottle li " Emulsion today * and fortify the system against weakness. Scott & Bowne, Torontd, Ontario COUGHS Do_not on until TS meeting will be at 11.30 a.m. with the premier and ministers of mail- ways and canals, public works and marine and fisheries in attendance. Effect of Revival. At Spencerville, (during the mis- sion recently conducted there by Rev. D. T. McClintock, says the Presby- terian Witness, the skating rink was practically put out business for two weeks. Two nt hockey tohes were called off in order not to interfere with the services. The business men closed there stores at night that people might have the op- portunity of attending the meetings. 'Atl the reception service following ii the mission, fifty were received om profession of faith. A ---------- Largest Robe in Canada. What is claimed to be the largest and in some places even 141 King E. European Plan Dining Room Service De Luxe CHATEAU BELVIDERE M. C. FENWICK, Prop. Phone 1743 each inches. Mr. Budd says It is the largest robe he has 'ever Hardwood Flooring in Birch, Maple, plain Red Oak and Quart- seed Nike Oak. Thicknesses 3" and High grades, made in the best mills of the Province. Stocked in a heated storeroom. Lay Hardwood Floors in winter. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Factory Phone 1413 LN wr Office Phone 66. am nn Advance Styles We are now showing the newest in Men's Footwear for Spring. Call and look them over. For example-- ; Tony Red Calf Blucher on a real new last -- the snappiest yet . $7.00 JACK JORNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street FUR COATS A FEW LADIES' COATS AT SPECIAL PRICES GOURDIER"S 78-80 Brock Street Sie 340 42. TWEDDELL'S Clothing House TO-NIGHT ROLLER TOWELS -- 24 yards long -- made from good, strong, Irish Crash--ready for use, for . .50c. each WOMEN'S FLANNELETTE NIGHT DRESSES--well made, in good, large sizes, for . . .. .$1.00 each MEN'S PURE LINEN HAND- KERCHIEFS -- hemstitched -- real Irish makes, for ......... 25¢. each.