YT TE ------ In the Realm of Women----Some I nteresting Features DUKE OF WESTMINSTER'S DAUGHTER ENGAGED TO A . SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 192%. Children's Teeth Parents' most important duty is to protect the health of their children. One of the greatest menaces to the health of the child lies in the neglected mouth. In some localities 95% of children suffer from disease of the teeth. In cities where an efficient school dental service has been in operation the number has been reduced to 52%. Scientists agree that abscessed teeth and diseased gums are causative factors of children's diseases. The poisonsand bacteria from these diseased conditions enter the blood and are conveyed to some other part of the body where a secondary infection occurs. The poison from ft] teeth is mixed with the and is carried into the stomach causing severe ailments. When the teeth are sore the child does not bite upon them but swallows his food without properly chewing it, thus developing the " bolting "' habit which often persists - =at life. Cavities in children's form ideal bisating places for germs, w| cause contagious diseases. The first or deciduous carefully i : gE 2 re ------ A -------- ET -------- E: An Architectural - Triumph to By KAY P. ALLEN Oe (®. 1922, by McCiure Newspaper Syndicate.) 'was ludicrous, to say the least. Bur- ton recalls it now with a half-hearted grin, and Lois dates all important events from the day that she first heard his knock at the back door of her cottage. Wing, Burton's Japanese boy, was making a cake and discovered that be lacked the necessary cupful of sugar. Being very 'whbliging, and incidentally fond of cake, Burton consented to go in search of some sugar. . Armed with a glass measuring cup, and feeling rather foolish, he started up the shore. Lois saw him coming through the pines, 'a tall, bronzed fellow in soiled sey, and she fluttered to her mirror, instinctively, "You want to borrow a cupful of sugar, I'll bet a cookie," she said, an- swering his knock. He swept the smmull white hat from his head and handed her the cup, grin- ning. "You win the cookle! Wing forgot to bring sugar from the village this morning, and we simply must have a cake for lunch." "Of course you must," she agreed. "I met Wing this morning down at the launch, and I gave him a lift. That's how I knew you wanted sugar. The poor man discovered his loss on the way up the lake." Lois went into the tiny kitchen to fill the cup, and Burton seated himself on the rail, "Now, 'why didn't I go to the village for the supplies |nstead of sending Wing?" he asked himself in disgust, When there seemed to be no excuse for staying any longer, Burton took his precious sugar and rose to go. "I'll returp this sugar just &s soon as I'come-back from the postoffice in the morning," he sald. "It's awfully good of you to lend it to us." "Oh, that's all right," protested Lois. "Don't be in a hurry to return it. Just send Wing up with it any old time." Burton nodded In farewell and said, "I'll bring it up myself. Wing would probably spill it, or something." "Perhaps he would, at that," smiled Lois. "But don't feel that you have to hurry." Burton set out through the fragrant pine grove, carrying the cupful of su- gar at arm's length, carefully and with exaggerated caution, Lois happened to be at the wharf in her powerful little ynotorboat the next morning as Burton came down the path. Her surprise was real, but his was feigned, for he had watched the little red power boat for half a mile as it approached the village dock, and only left his. hiding place around a bend of the path as she tossed the painter to & small, freckled boy. "Good morning," she said, stepping up onto the wharf. "If you are going back up the lake, put your things in the 'Streak' and I'll be back in & minute." a Joyously, Burton tossed his bundles and his sweater into the boat and waited for her to come back from the boathouse with the basket of groceries that had been left there for her. . "Lovely morning, isn't it?' she said over her shoulder as they headed out across the lake. Burton agreed with her willingly. "I've been up since dawn and have done a day's work already," he told her. "Oh, you up here to work, too)" she sald, surprised, He nodded. "Working on some plans for a municipal hall my Dad is pre- senting to his native town." This information thrsw a new light on Burton's personality and Interested Lois exceedingly. She thought he must have very liberal ideas, and that his architectural plans must reflect them. That afternoon when he brought the rough draft of the hall for her criticism this opinion was confirmed. "That's only a draft," he explained. "Tll have te work pretty steadily to Gnish the thing up in time to take it to New York next Saturday." Lois openéd her ayes wide in as tonishment. "I should say you will. { to be in New York on Saturday?" "Positively not later than midnight," i answered Burton, I can't help you with the elevations i7 i i g E 1 The occasion of their first meeting | white duck navy trousers and blue jer- | wharf in the village waiting for the { | forcing his idle, carefree son to go to work. Since leaving college, only sub- % | debs and golf tournaments bad occu | pled the young man's attention, so that his father had grown disgusted. | tractor. | yet." "I'll have to take the launch that | leaves In an hour," groaned Burton. "It's the only ene till afternoon." { "Nonsense! I'll take you down the | lake In the 'Streak'. |" "You--you're a peach!" gulped Bur- ton, and seized his T-square, : Campers along the shore watched Ifthe little red power boat scatter spray i far out to each side as it shot through {ithe water. A young man in a dark {blue suit and straw hat, carrying a | briet case and leather traveling bag, | crouched behind the windshield to | avoid the spray, and a girl in a scarlet | blazer did wonders with controls and | tiller, leaving the two small cottages { far behind. | There was no one at the village | wharf when they drew alongside. Bur- | ton tossed his bags up onto the wharf | and turned to help Lois ashore. | *"I- don't think I'l stop, Ralph. | You'd better hurry; it's train time, now." "Hang the train! Lois, before I go, t I--" "A minute later F.ois was staring aft- ler him, her hand pressed to her star- {tiled lips. She whirled the starter | thoughtfully, and went slowly back up | the lake, to wait, with the memory of { that kiss and the short sentence that | accompanied it, until. her architect re- | turned. =. | FANCIFUL NAME FOR BIRDS { | Many Explanations as to How Feath. { ered Specimens Became Known i as Birds of Paradise. When * the earliest European voy- agers reached the Moluccas, or Spice islands, in search of cloves and nut- megs, which were then rare and prec lous spices, they were were presented with the dried skins of strange and beautiful birds.- The Malay traders gave them thé name of "Manuk de- wata," or God's birds; and the Portu- guese, finding that the skins had no feet 'or wings, and not being able to learn anything authenti¢ about them, called the birds "Passaros de Sol," or Birds of the Sun; while the learn Dutchmen, who wrote In Latin, called them "Avis paradiseus," or Paradise bird.) One writer in 1508 sald that no one had seen these birds alive, for they lived in the air, always turning' to- ward the sun, and never lighting om the earth till they died; for they had neither feet nor wings. More than a hundred years later another voyager wrote that he had seen specimens at Amboyna, and was told that they came to Banda to eat nutmegs, which intoxicated them and made them all fall down senseless, when they were killed by ants. Down to 1760 no perfect specimen had been seen In Europe, and absolutely nothing was known about them. Bullets Turned From Their Course. At a rifle meeting In Switzerland it was discovered that the steel-Jacketed bullets of the marksmen were swerved from their course by the influence of telegraph and telephone wires running alongside the range. Experiments were then made at Thun by placing four steel cables parallel with the range and about forty yards di=tont from it and leo vests WH WA ly, Wg, %, \ Win WN 7 2 » N Mig Lols thought swiftly. "I wonder if DON'T BE FLUSTERED Serve / THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG JOCKEY. i. "Cheerio," smiled Lois, waving a pro- | _ "We've got six hours to work | We. with Jack Anthony, a famous is. to marry. three occasions." Lady Ursula sending a current of 8,000 volts through them. The effect, it is said, was to turn the bullets so far from their course that the deviation amount- ed to 24 yards on a range of 200 yards. The bullets on 'being taken from the targets were found to be magnetized. Next, on an artillery range of 3,000 yards 'the electro-magnetic Influence was generated 200 yards In front of the targets and 40 yards to one side. The projectiles were swerved 14 de- grees from a straight line.--Washing- ton Star. Gas Production at a Glance. The question of the conservation of natural gas led the Smithsonian in- gtitution to construct a model which is exhibited in the national museum, showing all the steps between the pro- duction and utilization of this natu- ral fuel. On account of the rapid de- cline In quantity of natural gas, the time is not very far off when many towns, now using natural gas will have to"use manufactured gas, and for this réason the Smithsonian institution has just completed and placed on exhibi- tion a model showing how manufac tured gas is made and delivered to the home, and hds in preparation a bulletin covering in detail the future manufactured gas rituation for the purpose of bringing within the expe rience of the layman the salient fea- tures of both the natural and manu- factured gas situations. Peculiar Milestone. A recent picture showed one of three old milestones that are found on the old Bdy road which runs from Boston te Portsmouth, N. H, Thou sands of motorists pass it yearly, and the popular superstition is that it Is a marker over the grave of a thief, whom our Puritan forefathers con- demned- to be buried, "where every- body might walk across his grave." There is a quaint inscription on the stone--written with the old-fashioned "s" which is llke an up-to-date "f"-- Job 80:23. "For I know that thou wilt bring me to death and to the house appointed for all living. 1710." This milestone is to be found outside the old Wenham burying ground In Massachusetts, where it has stood for more than two hundred years. Neer 'HIC OUTFIT FOR TRAVELING He rode the winner at the Grand National = Lady Ursula Grosvenor, the Duke's elder daughter, seen cross-country rider, whom she 'on is twenty-one years of age. -- Springer-Montgomery. The marriage of Mary Montgom- ery, ald Institute, and Dietitian at the to Stephen Springer, Superintendent of the Ontario College, Guelph, took place Tuesday in Holy Trinity church, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Springer left for California, New Mexico, and other pcints south. They will return to Guelph in the lat- tor end of May. -------------------- Engagement Announced. The engagement is announced of Miss Martha Francis Bateman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Caleb Bateman, Sfwling, Ontario, to Dr. Frank W. Wilkinson, son of Mrs, Wilkinson and the late Rev. James W. Wilkinson, Toronto, the marriage to take place quietly in April. GENTLEMEN ITREMOVES DANDRUFF A lic. UII) SRE SCALP CLEANER SHAMPOO For sale byw Lanark, a gradyate of Macdon- Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph | a -- : " When the stormy winds do blow™ * 1 So goes the old ses song, and it would be good advice to add DRINK , Baker's Cocoa: It is warming and sustaining, for it has genuine food value, and may be safely indulged in any hour of the day for it is stimulating only in the sense' that pure food is stimulating, It is delicious too. MADE IN CANADA BY WALTER BAKER & CO. LIMITED Established 1780 Dorchester, Mas, CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free TRADE-MARK I COUNTER CHECK BOOKS ! ALL STANDARD STYLES AND SIZES, OR i SPECIALS TO SUIT ANY REQUIREMENT. LOW- EST PRICES AND GOOD SERVICE. PLACE | YOUR ORDER WITH-- i | || BRITISH WIG JOB DEPARTMENT - ! 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. PHONE 243.. "VIC" EATS "VIC" SERVICE Can't Be Beaten THE VICTORIA CAFE King Street. Jewly Lee, Manager. Telephone 762. age For Something Good for Sunday Have a Loaf of BARRIAN & BRAC : Price 25c. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE KINGSTON | | Signs of Good Health | Sug Bewy ov Dr. Mariel Female Pil | EERO dled tn Dackage only. One | booker ae 1 8. Frou GRAY'S SYRUP" {43 PRUCE GUM g 2 i i id t i tl i 1 LACKIE'S rose TEA rRooM 302 KING STREET. PHONE 141. OPLOUS 'CALF MEAL i. We have sow in stock this superior Calf Meal and in order to introduce it we are offering it ate 25 LBS. FOR $1.00, W. F. McBroom "42-44 Princess Street. Phone 1688. If your oven is slow to heat you will find Egg-O just as slow to act--its le action insures eavening with a slow or hot oven. Ed Sn