1 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = : : ' es . oe ---------- eevee -- a \ . BLAZE ON VESSEL GAVE CN ------------------------ -------------------------- GWYA ANNUAL MEETING Fre STUBBORN FIGHT |N : h---------------- | -- : a SPECIAL SALE LATEST FICTION (Gy Ovunch Reged For Net, staat Gly of Ottawa Sut. $2.00 BOOKS AT $1.50 | Organizl ty's 250th An- fered Heavy Damage on VU, ey mirdtion, | etna Neary Darags SHADOW OF THE EAST by E.M. Hull (Author of The Sheik) STONE.. I Tin: fl] Te annual meeting and election | Fyre which broke out on the HOUSE OF MOHUN by George Gibbs (author of Yellow Dove) : of officers of the Kingston branch, steamer City of Ottawa, shortly be: THIS FREEDOM by A. M. S. Hutchinson (Author of If Winter MINK Great War Veterans' Association, |fore 4 o'c'zk on Monday atternoon, [Jf was held on Monday evening, With igave the firemen a stubborn fight. Comes). SOE v s fn very Srcoresing rps so. siete of 1 vas Eivn. The Lp PE soyeny OF ENGLAND........ by Stephes Leacock | | was given by Comrade A Seamer a na Erte vale sivininisisines sin olsivivie oun - GREY SL RREL th orpwianion, In whieh he sated | Sion have: been at work on tie (Il' CAPPY RICKS RETIRES... .. . 1. "1" "by Peter B, Kyne that nearly $1,500 in outstanding vessel, and it is stated that tho fire COUNTRY BEYOND... ......y..... by James Oliver Curwood i liabilities had been cleared off dur- |was caused as a result of a hot WO in colors, etc. ] abies that the local [rivet falling through one of the THE PAGAN LOVE ................by John Murray Gibbon ing the year and Your inspection invited. Prices are the low- [| {brauch nad a cash buianes of $70 |piates into a tank of gasoline. THE TALE OF TRIONA ........ 0... eve. by W. L. Lock Your inspection invi ree ore ie OWS Hin the bank atter all expenses had | Tho won me wiass (II 'HEAD OF THE HOUSE OF COOMBE by Francie a] Bure the i i i i been deducted. conéiderable water on eat, consistent with the high quality The election of officers resulted: | quickly, and prevented which might ; . we maintain. President, Dr. D. A. Volume; first very easily have resulted in a mors nett. Wa vice-president, J. Halliday; 2nd vice- | serious fire. 3 wl president, T. H.. Flint; secretary, N. The firemen had a line of hose laid TH Turner; treasurer, J. W. Connor, [from the corner of plete 2 ™- B OK STORE executive committee, F. D. Van [Queen streets, crossing the y . 4 ' ; Eres: H. Ashton, F. L. Stephenson, |tracks, and as a result a C.P.R. PHONE 919 . - . OPEN NIGHTS C. Hicks, D. N. McDonell, W. Bur- | train, coming into the city, was held rows, and W. Bowker (Hon.) up for some time. Comrade Susman advocated an| The fire was confined to the stern immediate campaign for membership (of the vessel, and the greater por- and his suggestion brought about a [tion of the damage was done in the discussion of plans to this end. stock room. Comrade Hicks addressed the At 8:35 p.m., Monday, the firemen members upon the necessity of action | Were given a call for a fire in a shed with regard to the 250th anmiver- |at the rear of 66 John street, owned sary and the following resolution was | by Mrs. Jarrell, with Heiiry Secor as moved by the speaker, and carded | tenant. The shed and contents suf- unanimously: fered extensively, but it is stated "In view of the fact that the year | that the loss is covered by insurance. 1923 will mark the .250th anniver- [The fire was ear the home of sary of the founding of the City of | George Cotman, Chestnut street, Kingston and that we the members | Which bad a close cail, TIT Co EE EET of the Great War Veterans' Associa | At 5:22 p.m., Monday, the firemen . were given a run to the iome of Mrs. tion are ud of the long and hon- orable Fre of our eid Roberts, 128 Nelson street, for a -- ) "And whereas it would eppear to chimney fire. No damage. The call ® < us that the matter of celebrating the | V8 sent in over the telephone. Yoo thoof Canoe | [5755 5 575"SE RUBOATIC PEOPLE | NJ EW ARRIV ALS 0h Beary and is Lite Sister | |] 058 ve we wee | FIND QUICK RELIEF | bers of the Great War Veterans' As- CROTHERS - Kingston Jociation go 00 TS00d 4 AUOFOVIE |... Bnrlchiug Theit Blow) With Dr; IN HOUSE FURNISHINGS J h | Trade Mark Registered Soctety in their efforts to revive the Williams® Pink Pills, DRAPERIES ---- memory of the founding of our an- Rheumatism is a disorder of the . . . «a0 NX . . clent- city, and furthermote that 'we | blood. It attacks people when the Everything that is new and artistic 1n Draperies will be deplore the fact that the above |blood is overcharged with impuri- o sian organizatfons have not | ties, thus setting up inflammation of found here, and marked at Po, pular prices, 7 beh . the muscles and joints. Wet weather sel' fit- to get nd the ListoriSal or cold weather may start the tor- RUGS---- society In their splendid work." tures of rheumatism, but this is not . * Ana the jogulal OE, a short | the cause. The eause is in the blood. . Our Rug Department is prepared to supply your' every executive session of officers was | Victims of this malady have every : : : . , . held. Comrades Hicks, McDonell | reason to tear the first dull ache in See ol Carpeting. Big ange of fo eon, Axminster, and Burro e unanimousl - | the limbs and joints, followed by / pes . we oon pre keris or oo sharp pains through the flesh and hr s 4 1 try; a. 80 © oom ugs and Mats all resignation of T. Partls, centeen | MUSCles; these are the symptoms the fated color combinations, in all the wanted sizes. which may shortly leave the victim : steward for a number of months was | ain racked and helpless. Rubbing Prices to please. We are offering a number of Connecticut Phone Head Se(s, Accepted. A vote of appreciation was | jinimonts and applying hot applica- OILCLOTH AND' LINOLEUM-- 8 extended to Comrade Partis for his | tions may give relief, but that is all, - 3000 ohm at $6.00: These are high-grade and worth $8.00. services during his tenure of duties. | and the pains are soon back again. The largest stock in Eastern Ontario to show you--Stair of all . tions for th You must treat the trcuble through < ' . . Radio and legtric guppies kinda... Campiete yota ta Suiiicerions Mite Dita we the blood, and the value of Dr. wil and Floor Oilcloths, Passage and Floor Linoleums in neldered. Com was i 4 : finaly accepted. ms INE PHia 1p sass of this kind beautiful patterns. We carry all widths up to 4 yards Clarence, N.§., who says:-- "Some. id our prices are low. Call and select your patterns years #goT had a bad attack of rheu- -- matism which left me helpless. 1 O . FIRST IMMIGRANT had to bave help to dress and up- : dress myself and could not even lace oe ---- my boots without help. Of course . y = : CAME FROM IRELAND the trouble caused me much suffer- 3 TI ORI r errr rere ing, and I was in this condition for Po-- shout Xu months. Oné day a friend 4 who called to see me advised the use ; Young Man Says. Things. Are nko culled to ses me advised the use More Settled In Ireland NOW | taking them and soon found some Kingston's Big House Furnishings Store ---T ork relief, and a short while after all ° w on Farm, signs of the rheumatism were gone, The first immigrant from the old ang) have no since had any return country to arrive in Kingstomwso far|{ You can get Dr. Williams' Pink this eeason, reached the oity on Pils from any Sealer an odicive, be rénewed on the fate of Tock Whith a ---- Ee Monday morning. The yo man, | or by mall a Cc. & box from @ lis already open. The stone w. r, who en ay age, | Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- Wehman hi out is for building REAL ESTATE came from Irvland. He came to | Yille, Ont. purposes, Some of the members of FOR SALE FOR pv Canada 'on the steamer Metagama, ; the committee suggested that the F $3700--O M k RENT - and arrived at St. John, N.B. When | (ITY PROPERTY COMMITTEE Board of Works might want to 'use or n ac Y k S t S . he left the old country, it was his ---- the quarry for road batlding PUL: Street, detached or treet -- emi- intention' to settle in the United | Will Not Repair The Building on Tho |poses. Mr. Wehman was quite satis- . yo States, but he was not permitted to Murdock Farm. 2 fied to allow the city to take out brick dwelling, 8 detached stone cross the border, so he decided to| A brief meeting of the city pro- S140 Yet other Janta: ot. the ons rooms, h.w. floors, dwelling, 5 rooms accept a tion on a farm near perty committee was held on Mon-|{Pro ng they no er w " . Inverary. pel po y oD John Wenhman; who [the face of rook on which he bad furnace, elec. light and toilet, $15.00 Speaking to the Whig, the man |had the lease on a small stone [Spent a considerable amount of and gas. per month : - stated that he had a very rough |quarry located on the Murdock farm, [money to open. Fire . Mf #2 Co. » Jesage. Upon arrival at St. John, which was recently purchased by the | The matter of renting the resi- Insurance. . Moiey to Loan. 050 MONTREAL en's was informed that he ould get city, asked that the lease be renewed |dence located on the Murdock farm E. W. MULLIN & SON 5 STREET a position on a farm, so he decided [for another year. The committee de- [came up for discussion, but it was ' . PHONE 1681. { CASH AND CARRY to accept it. in view of the fact that [cided to recommend that the lease |decided that in view of the fact that ( Phone 539w. Sue A IES Brokers: Division Streets. ALFR PRINCESS he had® worked on a farm dn Ireland it would cost considerable money to =) sud S18, all his life. He stated that condi. ot put the building in a habitable con- | ¥ CS wm ---------- tions in Ireland were more settled / ] # lditdon, it would not be wise to make now. There was a great deal ot Li the repairs as the property might be newspaper talk about things taking neaded at any time for industrial J place in that country. He claimed RY purposes and then the money ex- 66 that the papers made a great dea! 'pended would be lost. DECIDELY more over the disturbances than "It was decided that all the elects RE! ee pe CORRECT" 4 ngs on Brock and stree ! * s When the young Irishman arrived d be put under ground so the re : THIS ONE, MEN, in the city, he immediately went to Omntairl les can be taken down. All the . tne hamid be RUSSIAN CALFSKIN -- a master- plece for smart Spring wear, of rbd Large ) : Fresh Salt Water Herring, per 1b. Smoked Bloaters, per 1b. .12c, I Finnan Haddie, per Ib. ..18c. Red Salmon (large tins) ..25¢c. } Pink Salmon (choice) 3 for 27¢ p 3 p p- p b ; b a wd Matched Pine at Special Prices. 1 The K. D. ay Hex 8 1 wy daha ddd bd A AA A A A RA AALS RAR ; parties on these streets where the agent, directed him to the stage pavement was put down last year quality and style, \through and which conveyed him to - his new have complied with the request of / g through, and at a price which. is 1 i g the city and put their wires under- i } 1 truly remarkable, A beautiful, rich, 3 ground. ; nut brown shade that will take a - -- . ni] | nice polish--heavy, single sole; med- / fum ch toe and rubber heel. : : Headaches pu The vortiticaios Fecarved Keen competition demands it. : Moor, J. McManus, adjutant of Better eyesight will insure it. Know signatu eel : : . : .morn- that your eyes are 100% efficient ; : , that the qualification certificates and not handicapping you. We will : ; OTHER NEW STS IE RICED 45.00 to 52.00. - examine your eyes scientifically, ac- : = curately, thoroughly. If you do not ry) : the your we Riana re: S. J. MARTIN if need Glasses we will tell you so -- : NT ; sergeant- My SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION" with pleasure. If you do, we can fit or this ofice on Saturday te A : : you nicely to a pair of Shelltex Shur- speaks for I n Fir You : : - : ons, which incidentally are complete BARGE. 5 3 Fe ; Tr ¢ yt) Somfqrt insurance, foes si ct Winter J 0 on thie | COUNTER CHECK BOOKS || i ~ I| congratui - lance ¢ * erosain : SPECIALS TO SUIT ANY REQUIREMENT, LOW-~ EST PRICES AND GOOD SERVICE. PLACE | YOUR ORDER WITH-- BRITISH WRIG JOB DEPARTMENT $06-5-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. PHONE 243. TRAE Te