o THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ™ i 19 ---- At Once ; | Read Every Ad. That Interests You And Meet Those Advertisers 'SPORTING NEWS LIVE WIRES AND CRELE SIX WI Two Good Games at Harty Ar- ena on Friday Night-- Ice in Bad Shape. . The Live Wires defeated R. C. A. by 3 to 2 and the Circle Six trim- med Granites by 4 to 1 in the double- header staged by the senior hockey league aj the Arena mms night. The win for Live Wirés set- ties the issue in the older group, but the fuexl between Granites and their friends' 0f the Circle Six may last until the hot weather is with us. However, the majority of the crowd were pulling for the white- sweatered lads and from their all- round play they more wuan déserved the victory. Some of the niftiest stick-handling of the season was dished up by these youngsters and the game was never dull at any moment. Although the teams may have to play two more games betore their issue is decided, the Circle nit deserve all credit for their game showing when a loss would have meant elimination, Although not winning as decis- ively as the Circle Six sextette, tne Live Wires nosed out R. C. A, in the opening game of the evening. and convinced their opponent and the fans alike that they have a dis- tinct edge on the latter team. "he soldiers pressed all the time, but the winners had just the rightamount of staying power to slam in the odd goal and to hold this advantage until the ehd. The ice was soft throughout, and when the second game opened there were miniature lakes all over the surface. In spite of this both - games were fast and the fans were given several times their money's worth, The teams were Live Wires--Morris, goal; Sugel and Dunlop, defence; Bellringer, centre; Bullock and Watts, wings! Lawler and Murray, subs, R. C. A. Constantine, goal; Brownfield and Panet, dJefence; Doughl, centre; R. Pugh dnd M. Pugh, wings; McGrath and South- well, subs. he Circle Six--Matheson, goal; Mec- Kelvey and Reyngkls, defence, Mac- Pherson, prt rn and Hartley, wings; Jesqet ad Patterson, subs. Grénit olman, goal, Bracken Cand Rice, defence; Carson, centre; Compeau and Grant, wings; Fowler and Montgomery, sugs. Reteree--Jeo, Smith, pr -- HOCKEY RESULTS. Senior O. H. A. Granites 2, Hamilton 2. Granites win championship § to 4. Stratford 8, Guelph 0. Stratford win'championship 12-2. Allan Cup Elimination. Hull 5, Perth 4, No Curling Matches. _ There were no games played at the Kingston curling rink on Friday. Weather Man was to blame for but it is of interest to note that ds the first break in the weather interfere with the curling 'match. this winter. The followers of the arin' game have had a great sca- son of sport, but it is by no means ended. Colder weather is predicted for next week, and then the remaind- or of the scheduled games will be played off. os Granites Again Champions. A Hamilton despatch says: For ® third time in four years the Tor- onto Granites won the senior 0.H.A. city | Index to Classifications ical order here given, closely The individual arranged under these headings alphabetical order for quick reference. - ANNOUNCEMENTS Engagements. Marriages. Deaths, 2~In Memoriam. 3--Card of Thanks. 4--Funeral Directors. b--Funeral Flowers. §--Cemetery Lots, Monuments. 7--Lodge Notices. §--Coming Events. 9--Personals. 10--Lost and Found. AUTOMOBILES A--Automobile Agencies. 11--Automobliles For Sale. 12--Auto Trucks For Sale. 13--Auto Accessorles--Tires--Parts, 14--QGarages--Autos for Hi Tax', 16--Motorecycles and Bicycles. 16--Repairing--Service Stations. 17--Wanted--Automobiles. BUSINESS SERVICE 18--Business Services Offered. 19--Building--Contracting. 20--Cleaning--Dyeing--Renovating. 21--Dressmaking--MIlllinery, 22--Heatirg, Plumbing, Roofing. 23--Insurance. 24--~Laundering. 25--Moving, Trucking, Storage. 26--Painting, Papering, Decorating. 27--Printing--Engraving. 28--Professional Services. 28a--Accouutants. 28b--Architects. 28c--Chiropractic. 28d--Dental. < 28e--Legal. . 28f--Medical. 28 teopathy. 28 r=Osteopathis Physicians. 29--Repaliring. 30--Talloring and Pressing. 31--Wanted--Business Service. EMPLOYMENT 32--Help Wanted--Female. 38--Help Wunted--Male. 84--Help--Male or Female. 36--Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents, 36a--Teachers Wanted. 36---S8ituations Wanted--Female. 37---Situations Wanted--Male. FINANCIAL 3$8---Business Opportunities. 39--Investments, Stocks, Bonds. 4 oney to Loan. 41--Wanted--To Borrow. INSTRUCTION 42--Correspondence Courses. 43--Local Instruction Classes. 44--Musical, Dancing, Dramatic, 45--Private Instruction. 46--Wanted--Instruction. LIVE STOCK 47--Dogs, Cats, Pets.. 48--Horses, Cattle, Implements. 49--Poultry and Supplies. ' 50--Wanted--Live Stock. MERCHANDISE 51--Articles For Sale. f1a--DBarter and Exchange. » §2--Business and Office Equipment. 53--Boats and Accessories. Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers. Good Things to Eat. Homemade Things. 9--Household Goods. y and Watches. 63a--Radlo Equipment. Seeds, Plants and Flowers. oS) aly af the Stores. Wearing Apparel. }--~Wanted--To Buy. ROOMS FOR Rooms With Board. R: Jrithow Board. Vacation Places. 1--~Where To Eat. 3--Where To Shop in Town. 73--Wanted--Reoms or Board. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 74--Apartments and Flats. j--Business Places For Rent. Farms For Rent. Houses For Rent. 00 00 a3 «3 3 3 3 = ~--Wanted--To Rent. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE R--Broxers in Neal Ennie, bee ness Property. j--Farms and Gand For Sale. --Houses For Sale. --Lots For Sale. Resort Property For Sale. --8uburban For ate. + al Estate For Exchange. is Estate. LADY ELIZABETH'S STORY. : a -- Once Posed as Guide and Received © American's Tip, London, Fob, 24.--(By mail.) Since the public:learned of tbe en- gagement of the Duke of Yerk to Lady Blzabeth Bowes-Lyon, the papers have heen flooded with copy of the "I knew her when --" type. The truth of 'he matter is thal the only thing wast Englishmen knew about Lady Elizabeth was the* she was one of Frincess Mary's hrides- mals, so that simost any fittie in- sight dnto bor life is news to them. Now, in England, there comes a time in the life of aimost everyone of csn- sequence when he or ehe is thrown into contact with American tourists, and, likely as not, something funny happens. Usaaliy the joke is on the Americans. It was that way with Lady Eliza- beth, wecording to ane of the stories now heing circuleted about hee, It ieems that once upon a time a party of American lourists came tc her father's famous Scottish seat, Glands a1 | Castle, wher Macbeth is supposed to 3 Gestined to be the Duchess of have ¥illed aacan. Lady Elizabeth, though usually ecedate, was for the moment in a playful mood, ' She at- tired herself 'n housemaid's garb, approached the visitors, and ofiered was accepted and the visitors, after '|siving the place the "once over," tipped her and went their way, never the of the titled owner and The following classification headings in the numers appear in this newspaper allied classifications being grouped together. advertisements alo I to show them the eights. Her offer |: York. | at certain stores. For all these reasons! tem of arrangement. they need. these reasons for yourself! For Every Reason . Consider, for a moment, You patronize one because it is so convenient, an- other because you like the service you get there, and an- other because its prices are remarkably low. And then consider, for another moment, why thous sands of readers of the Whig take their buying needs to the A-B-C Classified Section. They consult these columns because they're conveni- ent to use. They read them regularly because they ap- preciate the service of their *'1-2-3"" and "A-B-C" sys- And they're confirmed in this habit by the remark- ably low prices at which they can get many of the things Turn to the Classified Section to-day--and discover THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE * ALWAYS DIFFERENT---IN OPPORTUNITY. why you do certain shopping " The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. d, standardized and popular- Indezs ized according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM lnc, Philadelphia, Pa. All ads. are restricted to their Al ad classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rete per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Dally rates per line. Charge Cash days 4 3 § 4 8 6 e In charged. Engagements, Marriages, $1.50; cash, $1.00. Card of Thanks and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.60; cash, $1.00 each insertion. a Advertising ordered for ({rregular insertions takes the one-time insers tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words to the line. Charged ads. will be received by telephone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. ! Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust. ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Sin Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject ali classified advertising copy. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. Announcements Personals 9 CORRESPONDENTS --British Girls de- sire Canadian correspondents. Propo- sition 10c. Clane, 18 Cembridge Bt. London, 8.W., England. MATRIMONIAL -- Hundreds © marriage. If sincere encl mn Mrs. F. Willard, 2928 Broadway, cago, Illinols. . MATRIMONIAL--Marry, if lonely; for results, try me; best and most suc- cessful "Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidens tial; most reliable; years experience; descriptions free. "The Succeasfu Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 558, Oakland, California. MATRIMONIAL-- The Leading Matr- monial Club, Best, largest; establish- ed 19 years. Thousands wealthy mem- bers wish arringe, Confidential de- scription free. nly honorable, sin- cere eople f both sexes need write. . The Old Reliable Club, Mrs. Wruble, Box 26, Oakland, California. MATRIMONY ..--. . Pretty maiden, 19, worth $30,000, will marry. Club, Box _b6, Oxford, Fia. KIN Birthmar kin Cancers, Scars, Pils, ete, removed permanently. Satisface tory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed ' Goltre cured with out operation. 38 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1136J. Lost and Found 10 ACCOUNTANT'S BOOK -- Found, on Queen street. Apply Carnovsky's, 668 Princess, or one 111. V. PENCIL -- Princess Street. Apply 598 after 6 p.m. X IER-- Lost, marked White and Brown. 'Answers to name of Peter. ' Phone 2209F. Reward. KEY--Found, on Wellington, street, near the Park. Qwner may hive same at Whig Oftice. gos MARIBOU FUR--Found, on Cherry St. Owner apply at §0 Cherry Street. und, at Strand Theatrs. Sv may have same at 84 Victoria re PURSE -- Found, containing a sm& sum of money, near corner Brock and Alfred streets. Owner apply to the Royal Hotel. : 3 OF Quebec Street and Pine. Owner may Bave 4 same by calling at 353 Division Princess Ry Owner my have Same by phoning Miss). ound, on Princess oning 1135J. TO-REJUVENATE NAVY. ir, Moles, Warts | gp A Found, between i ~~. 11 "Automobiles For Sale USED CARS-- McLAUGHLIN TOURING - McLAUGHLIN ROADSTER GRAY-DORT TOURING FORD ROADSTER FORD TON TRUCK FORD COVER TRUCK CADILLAC TOURING MAKE AN OFFER: - FALMERS COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN "Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 18 OILS, OILS--We have all kinds in ail quantities, at prices ycu cannot af- tord to miss. Corner Queen and On- tario streets. PREST-O-LITE DISTRIBUTORS--City Battery Service, 39 Montreal Street. Armature winding and magnetos re- charged and repaired. Electrical and lgnition Specialists on automobiles and motor boats. New and rental bat- teries always on hand. Special atten- tion to winter storage. Repairs to anything electrical. Bring us your househodd appliances. We can repair them at lowest prices. Garages--Autos for Hire--iax 14 /TAXI--The only place which furnishes & proper 24 hours taxi service. 549J. M. CorKey. -Repairing--Service Stations 16 AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--AnNA finish ing a specialty. -Also Piano and Yur. niture Polishing. Gordon Young, shop Queen street, rear of Abernethy's Shoe Store, or phone ABTRW. oA MILNER'S MACHINE SHOP -- Special auto parts made; gasoline engines, power washing machines, vacuum chfaners, scales, guns, lawn mowers, 'amaphones repaired; cutlery round, saws sharpened; all kinds of mechanical work carefully done. bb Colborne, near corner Clergy street. 19: a Business Service = ~~ Business Services Offered 18 AR THRING--And cement work by contract or day. First-class work at reasonable prices. F., W. Smith, XH Yori Street. (CS ENLARGEMENTS -- 6x7 mounted, 1. and W., or sepine frum your best negative, 86c. post paid. Thomson Fiucts Specialty Co. Kingston. Phone m. PUBLIC STENOGRAPH Y---Advertiaing copy, Form Letters, etc. Prompt, effi- clent service. Business service Bureau, 14 Market Street. Phone 891J. ] Dressmaking--Millinery SMAKING -- Whitework, Child- ren's clothes a specialty; all work uaranteed. Miss 8. E. Pigion, 21§ niversity Avenue. HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging, pleat- Mrs. E. A ng; work guaranteed. LE. A. 1% blocks 21 Card, 366 Barrié¢ Street. from Princess Street. Insurance 23 FiRB--Automoblle and Casualty Insure ance, B. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Phone 1782M. IR utomoblile, ate Glass, Sick- ness and Accident Insurance; reliable companies; low rates. Call or phone B. Williams, 2 Couper Street. INSURANCI Il branches, Excelsior Lite, Royal Exchange Fire, Casualty and Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary. @. Hunter Ogilvie, 107 Gore street. hone 1087. . --Ounly the mcat reliable companies represented. Stra: & nge, established in 1860, Office: § Clarence Street, opposite Fost Office. INSURANC ~Fire, I a nt an sickriess insurance. In reliabls com- nies. J. B. Cooke, District Manager ones: Res. bé2w. Office 503w. a3 ABHES--Cleaned out of cellars a ards, clean job done. A. Ma A 4 Russell Street. Phone rr hd AG Talle guarantees a service In Baggage, Express and move } reasonable prices. 104 ntreal uel. Next to Ar uries. opines) BTORAGE--For furnliure, clean dry, S57 foome sng, peices vine wh ick St. Vas. Res Spe "work guaranseed, reson, Fi85 Bagot Business Service "Architects 28b, ARCHITECTS--FPower, Son and Drever Merchants Bank Chambers, corne Brock and Wallington. r of Chiropractic 28¢ MARCELIS--Wm., A, D.C, PhC. core ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Barrie St. entrancc, Kingston, Consultation free. Telephone 852). Hours 9tol2am. 1to6 p.m. LUCY--UDr. George F.," Dr. Jennie A. Lucy, Chlropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be- fs tween Princess and Brock. Telephone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 7Tto 8 p sultaticn free. appointment. . Dental 28d. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 168 Wellington street, corner of Brock. Phone 346. KNAPP--LUr. A. B, Dentist. Office: 368 Princess Street. Phone 652w. Open evenings by appointment. a.m. 1 to 6, and .m. Spinal analysis and con- Residential calls by 28ec CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A.° B. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyrii M. Smith. SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999, Medical 281. RENNETT, C. W.--M.D., 133 Clergy St Oftice Phone 851. Res. 1845m. Office _hourg 10-12 am. 2-4, 7-8.30 p.m. 28g. Ustcopathy ASHCROFKFT-- Drs. Robert and Edna, 204 King Street, near Earl. Phone 447. Hours: 9-12 a.m., 2-6 p.m. and by ap- pointment. : Hepairing 29 FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all Kinda, Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John street. Phone 206F. SHOE REPAIRING--All work neatly done. Rubber heels a specialty. Skates put ¢n. W.-H. Purvis, corner Bagot and lasrack Streets. SHOE REPAIRING--AIl hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real and Queen streets, SHOBS--Repaired: saws sharpened Hs- timates given on all kinds of paper- hanging. uistaction my motto. W. McLennan, 283 Division Street. UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card, W. J. Gayvine, 216 Bagot street. UPHOLSTERING---And general repair- ing. Il.eave orders at or drop a card to F. W. Haruld, 174 Clergy Street. UPHOLSTERING -- Covering buttons made to order in all popular shapes and sizes. Uphoistering and repairing done. KE. J. Goodridge, 244 University Avenue. Phone 1833J. ~~ Employment Help Wanted--c emale 32 COOK--Good, for wut of the city, for a small family; high wages. Apply to Box. B-2, Whig vultice;, giving refer- ences. HOME-WORK--Good wages. We need you to make sucks on the fast, easily- learned Auto Knitter; experience un. necessary; distance immaterial; posi. tively no canvassing; yarn supplied. Particulars, sc. stamp. 78-C, Merchandise Articles' For Sale 51 AWNINGS --Orders taken for Awnings, and Tents; best service. Repair work, satisfaction guaranteed. F. W. Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. ALARM CLOCKSE--We have a good variety of alarm clocks $1.35 and up to $2.00. G. W. Lyons, jeweller, 244 Princess Street. BOOTS--Army and Rubber, new and used leather leggings, clothing all kinds. Bargains in every line. A. _Shapiro, 45 Princess. Phone 1451m. BRICK --Quantity of hard and soft. Ap- py E. E. Wathen, 143 Nelson street hone $13 or phone 133LJ. DESK --One genuine English Rosewood Spinet Desk, Antique Beds, a number of old colored prints, one parlor grand piano, Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Prin- cess Street. Phone 1046w. FURNITURE -- We nave fo: sale ail kinds of good, second-hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of. we will pay highest pMces. 'J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w GARAGES--Cottagces, steel truss barns, warehouses, steel shingles, sidings, corrugated sheets, water tanks, fence osts, eto. F. B. McNamee, agent for LS. & §. Co. 345 Alfred. Phone 2293w. HARD MAPLE WOOD--For furnaces, fieaters and ranges, $13.50 and $16.00 per cord, delivered; $3.50 and $4.00 por quarter cord, delivered. Apply - chardson's, corner Barrack and Wel- lington streets. Phone 2211m. MILLINERY GOODS, -- Conslstin, of Trimming, Velvets, Plush and Veiling, also some smart sampie Jats, 113 Lower William Street, ES--For sale, or made to your order, any size, an quantity, lowest factory prices. Also renvoat- ing. Frontenac Mattress Company, 377 King street. Phone 1981J PIANO--Steinway, square, wauting to sell at once; reasonable price. Apply to Box A-2, Whig Office. PHONOGRAPH -- Columbia Grafonola, oak case, slightly used, with 10 selec- tions of your own choice, for $21.75. $5 cash and $5 monthly. C. W. Lind- say, Limited. SCALES -- Canadian Toledo, honest weight, no springs, also number of second-hand Dayton and Bramford Scales. L. A. Sterling, 209 Princess St. Phone 1228. SHADES--Fancy shades for any kind of lamp made; also umbrellas repair- ed and recovered. F. Menhinick, 255 King street. STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Economy -Ready Mixed Paints-and Var- nishes. 387 Princess Streét. Phone 339w., opposite Orange Hall, ENT---large Marquee and camp out- fit; walnut sideboard. Apply 1846J. WOOL--Al kinds of fancy goods, Knit ting needles, crochet needles, house dresses, everything in the fancy line. Mrs, Lavin, 351 Princess Street. WOOD--Dry Mixed cordwood, for fur- naces or stoves; also dry slabs, $4.00 a load. Dry sawdust $2.00 a load. All delivered. Phone 1038w. 'W. CC. _Brutom, yard 248 - University Ave. Wanted--To Buy 66 SMALL SLOOP--Rigged Knockabout, about 30 feet overall; must be in condition and bargain. Address W. _P. Shirreff, Upper Montclair, N. J. ____Rooms For Rent ' i ete hl. AR Rooms With Board 67 Auto Knitter Co. Toront HOUSEKEEPER -- Middle-aged, for small family, between Kingston and Gananoque. Apply to Box Yl, Whig Office. =: ~:~ y MAID Tor general housework; family of three; references required. Apply 145 University Avenue. YOUNG WOMAN-- To do housework and help In care of children. Apply at Orphans' Home, WARD MAIDS--Apply Kingston Gen- eral Hospital Halp Wanted-->Maie 38 CHEESEMAKER--Qualifed, for Woife Island cheese factory for season of 1923. Apply, stating price per cwt. with and without furnishing to J."P. O'Shea, R. R .3, Wolfe Islan FIREMEN AND BRAKEMBN---Beégin- ners$lov-3$250 monthly, (which posi- tion?) Write Railway, Dept. 2, Whig Vv e. For Detective work, Experi- ence unnecessary Write J. Ganor, former Gov't Detective, St. Louis, BHOW CARD WRITING---i ur us. money at home, $15 to $60 paid - ly for your spare tims ing ow cards for us. Nu canvassing. @ in. struct and supply you with work West-Angus Show -Card Service, 17 «Lolborne Hid. Toronto. gt Solicitors, Canvagsers, Agents 83 AGENTS--Everywhere; wonder seller, money maker; $100.00 per week easily earned, Do not miss this. Gill & Long, 160 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ont, AGENTS -- Purity Laundry Tablets, wash clothes witnout rubbing. Agents making $50 weekly handling our pro- ducts. Free premium offer. Write B. & E. Mfg. Co. Lyndon, Ont, De- partment 9. MEN AND WOMEN---To travel and ap- point local representatives. Yearly guarantee $1092 (weekly average of $21.00), and expenses. Write at once tor particulars. Winston Co, Dept. W.U., Toroutse. NURSERY »TOUK--An agency for a reéilable nursery firm | profitable. You can geil in country, tewn or qty. We grow and sell the best only, and want reliable, energetic agents tor unrepre- fented terr'tories. Write now. els ham Nursery Co.. Toronto. 1000----In hundred days may be earned by students during summer holidays. Student now at Queen's made about 1600 last year. Write for particulars r. Conrad, Dept. C, 129 Spadina Ave., Toronto. Financial ee ne Iuvestments, Stocks, Bonds 80 JRANCE -- Contractors Bonds, Court Ponds, Fire, Life, Plate Glass, Indemnity, Live Btock, Explosion, Au- tomobile, Accident, Burgla, and Travellers' Policies, Public Tiabtiity, Workmen's Compensation, & &e. 1s Company, 79 Clarence Stre I AC--Loan and Tavesiment Soclety, Incorporated 1861. President, W. ¥. Nickle, K. vice-president, A B. Cunningham. Money issued on of and farm properties; municipal county debentures; mor pure chased; intrestment } bonds sale; des terest allowed. Ee rt it, ma 37 Clare: UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 343 -- First class rooms and board; all improve. ments; centrally located. ROOMS--Warm, good board, reason- able rates; close to the down-town business section. - Mrs. Todd, 144 John- son street. ROOMS---First class, on bathroom floor, with or without board; centrally lo- §alea 215 University Avenue. Fhone ROOMS AND BOARD--First class, one large double front room; hot water heating; all conveniences. Apply 298 University Avenue. .. Real Estate For Sale Houses e x 3 plece bath, hot water , 00d cellar, hardwood 1 brick barn, hold 4 horses and 3 on Johnson street. HOUSE--Solld brick, stone foundation, 8 rooms, § bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 3 plece bath, hot er heat! good cellar; also gara, Cle e M. B. TRUMPOUR Phone 704 or 848J. 237 Bagot Street Zia HOMES--The new real estate o Piincess Street, opposite Y.M.C.fs Homes from $1000 to $20,000. CC: in and make a selection. Mone _loan. T. O'Connor. y. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATR $900--4 roomed frame house; north end, $1000--Frame house; 7 rooms and Bare age. $4100--Brick veneer; 7 rooms; 3 bath; hot air; large lot. Place INSURANCE -- Fire, Boller, Money to broker. Life, Accident, loan. Customs BATEMANS REAL ESTATE 169 Wellington Street. HOUSE * 12 ROOMS, ® STORIES, HOT WATER HEATING, ELECTRIC LIGHT, GAS, SEPARATE BATH, AND TOILET, SEPARATE MET- ERS FOR EACH FLAT, ALSO GARAGE, REPAIR SHOP, PRES- ENT REVENUE $25.00 PER MONTH FROM GARAGE; $25.00 FROM TOP FLAT, $45.00 FROM SECOND FLAT. . $6,500 FOR QUICK SALE. THIS HOUSE IS CENTRALLY LOCATED AND AN EXCELLENT BUY. APPLY H. B, WILSON, REAL ESTATE, UP- TOWN P. 0. BARRIE STREET. PHONE 1098. Wanted--Real Estate 89 HOUSE--Or Bungalow, medium sized. h price, in good location. State -cas Write Box F-6, Whig Office. : HOUSE--To lease or buy, modern, good location, about 7 rooms, State cash pr etc. Apply to Box C-3, Whig Offi WV 7 ~ ""HUSINESS SERVICE = W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brook and King Streets. Phone 701 or Genoral Insurance ney, urglal 4 com} Jy ritng-Automoebl dent, Sickne Plate wtc. Representing caly reliable panies. ROOMS -- Three, on bathroom floor, completely furnished for light house- keeping; gas and electric light. Apply _380 Alired Street. a TWO ROOMS---Furnished or unfur- nished. 25 King street WwW. Phone 1577m. = a A es -- 3 Business Places for Rent 75 LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on Ling stree; T1ofmerly occupied by .the O.0.F _Apply to Cunningham and Smith. Houses For Rent 77 HOUS Wo, séven roomed, north side, electric light, 3 piece bath, fur- nace; close to Princess, $27.00. Also two apartments, $20 and $25. Apply H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick St. HOUSE~--lmmediate po eight rooms, "hot water eating. Appl _ James Reid or phone 147. my 63 RIDEA STREET--Warm stone house, 8 rooms, 3-piece bath, furnace, gas, electricity, rent moderate. Apply 47 itideau Street. 30 FIFTH STREET--TFrame, § rooms, possession March 1st. Moderate rent. Apply 224 Frontenac gtreet. 364 VI IA STREET--8 roomed, de- tached, with large fruit garden. Im- mediate possession. Apply. to Mrs. VanLuven, 262 Victoria BiFoet $9 LIVINGSTON AVE.--§ rooms, elec- tric lights, modern improvements, good outbulldings and yard. Posses- sion April 1st. For information ap- ply 248 Upper Colborne Street. eT Tete ee Wanted--To Rent 81 81 FARM--Of about 25 acres; suitable for gardening. Give particulars. Ad- dress T. ¥. Gibson, Sunbury, Ont. STORE--On west side © iT treet, bet t ri yes reet, wi n Bagot and rrie. Ap- Sy Box Wea7, Whig Oise! » Real Estate For BAIUS BREWERY --For sale oF To ToL 8 A G. M. Macd KC, 38 Clar. PP Gt onell, 'e 38 r ence g Farms d Sale' 83 FARM--OT 125 acres for sale or to rent, 12 miles ered; use and barns. man's te Tos Wel: lington Street, K ov > 2 C-- BE. W. MULLIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Phone 39w. Brokers r hardwond floors, gas, water § fom Gin, Ted o parts of the h ty tok BWI ein. B33 od n, Mii- FRE from Kingston, 3 miles from |! 3 vil 75 or 80 acres plow land, 30 } acr pe Bd 25 fail Plowed. well wat- ny "FUEL SAVING : This Is 'the season when you can cut down your expenses by using & Liberty Oil Burner. It can be started and turned off the same as gas, and is cheaper than coal, and gives a more effective heat. Let us install one apd con. vince you. ; DAVIS DRY DOCK C0. East End of Wellington Street MERCHANDISE FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Reasons able Prices 5 STOVES : Well repaired, at a rgiht price, J. Turk's PHONE 706. HOTELS A NICE PLACE TO STOP Densmere House Comfortable rooms with all conveniences, First-class meals. Special attention to transients. 72-74 Sydenham Street West Telephone 791m. ; MRS. E. P. DENISON * Lakeview House © Corner- Queen ana Ontario Ste UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, First-class rooms and meals. Good yards and stables. Special rates to Marine Men. P. M. DRISCOLL, Proprietor, Green Hardwood in the Furnace . ..