Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Mar 1923, p. 15

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SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1028. " THE ------ DOWN THE ROAD HAVE NO: BLOW-0UTS. te RACING WITH COUNTRY. CONSTABLES IS LOTS OF FUN, PROVIDING YOU la y p « Ly = AUTOMOBILES DUE . | TO AN ACCIDENT Early Kerosene Lamp Explo- sion Led to Better Distllla= tion Processes. The American automobile is the result of an accident, according to H. 'W, Jordon, research chemist, who In a statement describing the con- quest of explosions by sclenocs is- sued by the Engineering Founda- tion urges intensive organization ot Industrial research. "In the earliest days of the kero- sene lamp," says Mr. Jordon, "there were many explosions, due to gaso- line, which the imperfect distilla- tion processes of that time left In the kerosene. To prevent these ex- Charging The Dry-Shipped Battery IT OCCASIONALLY HAPPENS that the dry, condition, is delivered by TN ---- nn Leanne Copia, WLS, by Morro, 0 od * ~~ N17 Sl nt -- } : === 12) EP THE TORTOISE AND THE HARE. plosidns the oil was more carerulsy rectified. Huge volumes of gasoline accumulated, for which theres were few minor uses. "But some engineering genius, re- membering the force generated by the explosion of the old style keiw sene lamp, which blew husband and wil into the street---the first time they had been out together in over two years, she testified--set to work and applied the newly discovered domestic power to the gasoline en- gina, One result was the automo- bile, now the fifth- American indus- 1ry." Many kinds of physical explos- fons have been brought under tne control of science, the Foundation points out and are utilized contin- ually in commerce, in industry and in sport--~For quarryig and tunnel- ALB a car, the battery of which is In the freight people to its purchaser, at some point remote from a battery service station, under which con- ditions it may rest upon the owner to put it in action. Filling of the battery with electrolyte and charging are the two operations required. - In the absence of different instructions, the electrolyte used should be of about 1276 gravity, ically pure sulphuric the mixture possesses the above Which is made by very gradually adding chem- acid to distilled water, In such named gravity, when cool. an amount that The cells should be filled to the prescribed height with electrolyte and, after a few minutes, enough more supplied to make up for the eseape of alr and bring the level right again. The battery should then set 10 or 12 hours to allow the electrolyte to permeate the plate material, when a little more will be needed to restore the level. be at the pumber of "finish" rate; direct ammeter, and pa: sometimes required. current, (as in the about 1290 and will rise no further, If the cells become perceptibly more than blood Charging should amperes stamped upon the mame plate as the from a, rectifier)' measured by an right direction being required. Charge until 48 hours belhg warm, cut down the current a little, BAD CASK OF OIL DILUTION battery on its support. This is a new battery. What causes this? : The containing case is relied upon to protect-the jars + from breakage, 4s they themselves have very little strength, even when made of the best material. If the case is not very strong and ing, for internal combustion en- gines and for firearms. HOW TO CARRY YOUR EXTRA TUBE IN CAR Under no circumstances should an extra inner tube be carried in a pasteboard box or loose among the tools. An oilcloth bag is good if it ih to be had, but these are often lost or misplaced. An old inner tube makes an excel- lent bag for carrying the tube. Na. turally this must be several sizes larger than the tube to be carried. A section from an old truck tube is Just the thing. Cut this about eigh- teen inches long and close one end by tying with a cord or strip of tube. Deflate the tube to be carried, dust well with powdered soapstone or ERT L.CLOUGH. Painting One mica, fold carefully and slip into the bag just formed. Close the other end of the bag by tying and you have an excellent carrying case for the tube, keeping it dry, cool, well pro- tected against chafing and in very good condition, An Ounce of Prevention, If a blanket is placed over the hood during the cold winter days and nights it prevents the full chil- ling of the motor, even after it has remained idle for several hours. The purpose of this is not to make start- ing easier, but to decrease danger of cracking the cylinders when the intense heat of the ignited gas takes place. No wind can do him good who steers for no port. ~~ 's Own Oar Worth Considering By Thrifty Owners Who Are Not Too Fastidions THE FOLLOWING WILL be of who is satisfied only with perfection reading by the motorist, who is satisfied with car finish { @& casual examination creditably, who has a disposed to economize rather closely use of his car for several weeks by Painting job. Refinishing an open car, many available brands of quick dry can be performed by any Intelligent glye it a respectable appearanc sweep the garage floor thoroughly, the hood, front wheels, all lamps, ti does not pay to take off the mud guards, removed, if this can be done readily. off the worst of the roughness of the must be in a fairly sound condi the refinishing job. With plenty of the entire surface to be treated and it conscientiously, for if this is not dope, the new not hold. ' The cleaning of the wheels, axles and o no interest to the "finicky" motorist in car finish, bat it may be worth which will pass little extra time, who is and who doesn't wish to lose the "taking it to a shop for a "real" by the application of one of the ing varnish paint, is a job which person and, if carefully done, will for a year or more. Unless ane has a tightly bujit garage, from which dust can mostly which can be kept warm, good results will hardly be Jack the car up on all four, remove be excluded and obtainable. First re carrier, number plates, ete. It but the rear wheels should be With medium sandpaper, smooth old finish, the base coats of which n or else it will hardly pay to attempt clean waste and gasoline, go over remove the grease and dirt from nt will pesitively r prominent ex- posed parts is rather a dirty job and must be done thoroughly, bat it bardly pays to clean and refinish many under parts or the under sur- faces of the mud guards. lack' of cleanliness of the Remember that dust floating in the air and surfaces are the two most important causes of . | 005. | Australia, taking 1,800, while 1,564 ble. DAILY BRITISH WHIG | MOTOR CAR EXPORTS SHOW BIG INCREASE Trade Figures For January Show an Exceptional Increase. Below: Rear seat cushion of a touring car driven 13,000 miles on rough roads without Hassler Shock bsorbers. A Passenger automobiles exported by Canada during January aumber- ed 4,666, with a value of $2,530, During January of 1922 the number was 1,344, with a value of $904,667. The figures are those is- sued by the Department of Trade and Commerce. 'The largest customer for Cana- dian automobiles last month was went to the United Kingdom. Brit- ish took 257 and New Zealanfl 236: Some thirty-five other coun- tries were customers for the re- mainder, including European, Asia- tie, African and South American, AustraMa was also Canada's larg- est customer for freight automo- biles, purchasing 277 out of a total of 369 exported during January.. British India took 50 and New Zea- land 18. The 369 vehicles exported were valued at $141,261, against 08 in January of 1922, with a value of $43,962, Automobile parts to the value of $225,220 were exported from Can- ada dn January, Australia being the (purchaser for parts to the value af $90,016. The United Kingdom's busi- ness accounted for $43,149 'worth, the other large inippnters being British India, Straits Settlements, Spain, Argentina 'gnd Denmark. Canadian-made parts, however, en- |tered some thirty other countries. Increase in this business over Janu- ary of 1922 amounted to $37,000. ---- GLYCERINE HELPS TO GIVE VISION h---- A small quantity of glycérine ap- plied to the windshield with ~a piece of clean waste will help to keep the glass clear when driving in the rain. Thé water will not stick to the glass se readily, and a clearer vision will be obtained. It too much glycerine is used the ef- fect will be worse. . tected. It is this shocks, » FOR FORD CARS-- Hassler Prices, v Installed: fom - -- type - Considerable increased tire mile- Tet of Ft. William add age can be obtained through the 1 to the above prices. , careful handling of a car. If the driver starts and stops his car with a jerk and tries to turn corners on |(- two wheels, he can soon expect] blow-outs. It is estimated that by careful driving one can increase the ater, i have Hasslers'. unishment, severe enough the best of springs, leav- ing its impress upon cushions, that keeps repair shops busy on all makes of cars. Just look again at these cushions "from the Hassler protected car--smooth as ever after 13,000 miles! The Hasslers' not only took up shocks, hand saved the cushions -- but they arrested rebounds, Your dealer knows these Hassler facts, to go Sh Above: Rear seat cushion of a aula car driven Is 000 miles on many rougl k roads with Hassler Shock Absorbers, & The cushions tell the story OONER or later the bumping, jar- S ring, jolting on both country roads and city streets will print their story of discomfort significantly upon the seat cushions of the best of cars. ----Sooner, if your car is not pro- very, much later, if you the whole car-- also. FRADE MARS ALBETIMS Shock Absorbers Made is Caneds mileage fully thirty per cent. - . € Is used on the tire valve and when a cap Is lost to use the tire without one. The idea f§ entirely erroneous says the United States Tire Com- 'pany,' and motorists who do not use the valve cap may expect valve trou- ble. y When the cap is not used, there is every probability that sand and dirt' will work down into the valve and ultimately produce a leak. If copper-asbestos. gaskets seem too expensive for you, make them out of asbestos card. Then soak them for several hours in linseed oil, after which rub graphite into them. Don't merely dip them in graphite, but rub it in. These can be used without shellac and they will not tear when the joint is broken. A------------ . Safely First Because of the dangerous exhaust gas, which causes death due to sufft- cation, whenever any work Is being done in the garage while the engine is running, the doors should be open to insure' proper circulation of air, or a hose may be connected to the exhaust pipe to carry the gas tu the outside of the garage, $15.00 to $25.00 FIRST CLASS WORK Watch Out for the Skater and||| W. SYMONDS Coaster. ¢ When you find a youngster hang- . ing on to the rear end of your auto- Battery Care When adding distilled water to the cells of.a battery, a moriorist should always take the cir out for a run immediately afterward, The jostling of the car on the roads and the passage of a charging currend through the cells will mix the wate with the rest of the solution. Other wise it will remain at the top and freeze during the cold weather. { FROST'S AUTOMOBILE . PAINTING PHONE 520. mobile and skating along with you, stop and make him quit. It may save you and the boy a lot of trom- Need of Tire Valve Cap. Don't make the mistake of tak- ing it for granted that it makes 1ft- " PHONE gow. "BUSINESS AS USUAL" IN THE YE KING'S BATTERY SERVICE tle difference whether or not a cap CAR 0 AUTOMOBILE po We are now fully equipped to tnke care of your Auto Repalr needs--irst Class Mechanics to do your work, and all work Car Washing, any type ........§1.00 guaranteed. Tops and Cushions We have all the standard Top Covering material, Bows, Fasten- ers, etc., used on all the different makes of cars and can recover your top and make it as good as new. 4 We also have all the different kinds of Aluminum Moulding for running boards, ete. Dome Lights, Switches, Wire, ete, for Ford Sedans. All kinds of re for all kinds of Tops and Cushions. JAS. W. JUDSON. BROCKVILLE, ONT. Phone 668. Gasoline and Clls for Sale. Distilled water aiways on hand. rigid and of perfect shape and size to give the jars complete and even support and freedom from stress, the likelihood of jar break- age becomes great, as soon as the battery is subjected to jolting. You better return this battery as de- fective and see if you cannot get an exchange at liberal terms, for we belleve the contalning case is defective. », ---------- NO NEED TO WORRY failure. Don't use waste or other fuzsy material about the car after 'paint has been applied. Rest the hood securely on two horses, so that you can get at it conveniently and take other detached parts to a dust free room for treatment, if garage spage is restricted. Refinishing with thé old color is the easiest, but these prepared paints cover other colors very well, nevertheless. Go to a reliable paint store and get a sufficient emount of the brand of single-coat quick-drying, automobile paint, which they recommend most highly and be sure and Eg\ first rate brushes of the sizes they consider right. TIGHT PISTONS SCRATCH CYLINDER WALLS ATTENTION STANDARD AUTO SERVICE PHONE 6545, QUEEN STREET (Behind Standard Office) its full load or speed and never permitting it to become fully A. E. B, writes: My car was | heated up. By so doing, we believe delivered to me with the pistons |!t will loosen up without further or rings too tightly fitted and after | Injury. 1,600 miles of running, the engine. is still stiff, when hot. On re- mov! the cylinder head, 1 find two of the cylinders scratched ap- preciably to the sense of touch I. although visib) Car Owners Attention Mave your Batteries ; Charged and Repaired before the Shargel ons Jrice ALL WORK GUARANTEED, : BR 4 am if iF { i <1 3 : i ge giigf pat ity gn il op 2 22 ' i i 8 - ° ogi g

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