Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Mar 1923, p. 7

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T HE DAILY LY BRITISH WHIG SiF Henry POEMS NEW AND OLD This volume contains all his poems publish- ed from 1897, when his fresh incisive work placed him in, the forefront of English patriotic poets, to the cludes the: contents volumes. Price $2.50. R. Uglow & Co. Newbolt present day. It in- of five previous For sale: -- KNOWLEDGE wis acquired through the senses. | Of our various sense of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste, sight is the most important, for it is estimated that 83% of all knowledge comes to us through our eyes. A 'visual defect is not a di- sease, and can be corrected only fitted af bw BEOPOk Blom er Our examination is most horongh, J Registered Optometrist 140 Wellingion St. Opp. Post Office. FOR SALE roomed cement block Bot, good lot, electric light and three-piece bath. Terms can be arranged. Price $3,750. Also double cement block "The Gift Shop" A FEW HINTS FOR PRIZES suitable for the bridge party. FINE ENGLISH CUPS AND SAUCERS 75c¢. to $1.00 Gold Encrested Crystal Glass Marmalades, Comports, etc. 90c. to $1.75 Goodall's English Paving Cards--gilt edge 65c¢. to $1.00 Photo Frames, Vases; Candles, Candle Sticks, etc. Kier & d'Esterre JEWELLERS PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON | house with all improvements. Very easy terms. $5,500. Several Houses To Rent Kingston Jement Products OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. half so easily tempted by riches. Winking at sin will after awhile [1 msi teary m------------ A good many times poverty is not rty is not | harm when it wages too freely. | | Dental Partnership DR.T. H. RENTON DR. C. C. NASH Announces that is now his partner at 188 PRINCESS S8T., KINGSTON STYLES CHANGE IN GLASSWARE THE SAME AS OTHER THINGS, THE LATEST THING IS SOLID COL- ORS IN LIGHT BLUE, GREEN, CAN- ARY, ORANGE and. EBONY (Black). Very useful FRUIT BOWLS, LILY BOWLS, COMPORTS, ete., in many sises. : You can get-a color to suit your room decoration. Make your selection while stock is complete. Asa SPECIAL we are offering Ridgway's ~ 97.piece Dinner Sets for $25.00. Reg. $33. 7 "COME IN AND LOOK AROUND™ ~ ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. SPECIAL Men's Gunmetal and Mahogany Bluchers --Rubber Heels and Goodyear Welt Soles. WHILE THEY LAST $3.95 "Allan M. Reid vr {ne iby. lin Kingston, and an authority | wise, can | Here's wishing the followers of Isaac AL JOLSON 1S ANXIOUS FOR A FISHING TRIP ae? He Telephoned D. P. Branigan to Have Stage Set For an Outing. They say tbat, everybody has a! When {spare time off the stage, he likes to {have the rod ja his hand, and he Is | happy. iwo years agy. Al. was in our midst, and accompanied by his busi- ness manager, Frank Cruikshank, also webl-known in Kingston, and D. P, Brannigan, manager of the Grand on fishing in the Kingston district, he enjoyed a most successful trip in landed some big fish, Al is now playing in "Rumbo" at the Royal/Alexandria atre, To- 1ento, and although it is a little early yet for the fishing season, Al. has the {ever, along with his business mana- ger, Mr. Cruikshank, so much so, that on Tuesday night they called up Mr. Brannigan over the telephone to find out about fishing Sondjuiens in this district, "Just jake," said Mr. Srasigar, "you know me AL" And as a result arrangements wero made for a fishing party, probably in the month of June, so with three such veterans on the job, there is sure to be something doing for the members of the finny tribe, and som= good fish stories, snappy and other- be looked for later on. and incidentaMy Walton the best of luck. Al. Jolson is playing to 'big busi- ness in Toronto, Mr. Braniga would (have liked to have arranged for his show here, but the big star is book- ed through for the rest of the sea- son. 'STOMACH TROUBLE DUE TO THIN BLOOD It Usually Disappears When The Blood Is Made Rich and Red. Thin blood is one of the most com- mon_causes of stomach trouble. It affects. the digestion very quickly. The glands that furnish the digestive fluids are diminished in their acti- vity, the stomach muscles are weak- ened and there is a loss of. nerve force. In this state of health noth- ing will more quickly restore the ap- petite, digestion and normal nutri- tion than good, rich red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act direct- ly on the blcod, making it rich and gthens weak nervesl23456 ..6..6 red, and this 'enriched blood strengthens weak nerves, stimulates tired muscles, and awakens to nor- mal activity the glands that supply the digestive fluids. This is shown by an improved appetite, and soon the effect of these blood enriching pills isevident throughout the whole system. You find that what you eat does not distréds you, and that you are vigorous instead of irritable and listless. If your appetite is fickle, it you have any of the distressing pains and symptoms of indigestion, you should at once take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and profit by the better condition 'n which they will put your blood. These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box or six_boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. P KINGSTON KIWANIS CLUB. Will Be Sponser For New Club at Belleville. A Kiwanis Club will be organized in Belleville, A preliminary meeting was held on Wednesday. Harry Iwri- mer, Toronto, Kiwanis interna 1 fleld: representative, presided, and over thirty business men of Belle- ville were present. The meeting was conducted in Kiwanis style and a great deal of business and entertain- ment was crowded into a short space of time, while incidentiallys one of Tom Power's famous ohicken din- ners was given close and appreciat- ive attention. Organization preliminaries = will be proceeded with and a meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce Friday evening when members of the Kingston Kiwanis club, sponsor for the new Belleville club, will be present and assist, Higher Tea Prices Explained. The Salada Tea Company, the largest distributors of tea in Canada recently announced an increase in price on each of their blends. This course was forced upon them, ac- cording to information received about the situation, in order to main- tain the quality of "SALADA™ Tea, when yang i the highest prices ever recorded on the primary markets for |: the unblended leaf. The story of 'on the tea plantations, dock strikes in Calcutta to delay ship- ping, and the difficulty to obtain coolie labor to pluck the tea from the bushes, all bring home the fact that the social unrest that has been everywhere apparent sihce the war has spread even to the remotest tea gardens of India.--Advt. Indian Recaptured. 5 Belleville, March 1.--David Brant, an Indian, whose home is on the Mo- hawk Reserve in Hastings county, was last fall sentenced to 21 mont, at the Industrial farm at Mindico. 'He esoaped and returned to his home, where he was yesterday rearrested by provincial officers. Brant will be returned to the furm and will' have to face a charge of escaping. Be but please remem self-reliant, ber you ase Stills dependent being, nearby waters and had a big time,. With Al Jolson, the cule~| | Lrated actor, who has appeared in| | Kicgston on more than one occasion, | lfishing is his "long suit." {the fishing is gool and Al. has any ju TAKE OFF ALL EXCESS FAT know that vthere is a simple, haroioos effective rémedy for overfat- ness that may be used safely and sec" } Foti, oF any man or woman who is los- ness of youth? There Is; jhe ihe 5 other than the tablel form of the w. famous Marmola Pre- scription known as Marmola Prescrip- tion Tablets. You can well expect to Y and easily without go- ong sieges of tiresome |-exercise and starvation diet. Marmola | Prescription. Tablets are sold by all {ar uggists the world over at oue dollar for a case, or you can secure them di- rect from the Marmola Co, 4612 Wood- ward Avenue, Detroit, Mich, on receipt of price. ONE HUNDRED HEIRS MEET (Continued from Page 1.) Stanley W. Fenner, President and | Chairman, : 22 North Main street, | Ashley, Penna, G. Murray Roat, Vice-President and Treasurer 660 Market street, Kingston, Penna. Robt. Jonas, eeroiars, 52 North Main street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa." Many of the heirs present had re- ceived copies of the circular, and they attended the meeting for the purpose of obtaining information. Among those who attended were re- sidents of the city of Kingston, Fron- reduce steadil | ing through | land Prince Edward.counties, Many | mation Trom the official records of ithe city of New York where the pro- tenac, Leeds Lennox and Adington had at different times sought infor- perty, said to have formed the vast estate of Anneke Jans Bogardus, is lo- cated. They claimed kinship through the Bogardus and Brower descend- ants of Annecke'Jans Bogardus, who at an early dafe settled. {n the prov- ince of Ontario, The name Brower is the Dutch form of Brewer, found in Brewor's Mills, so named after one John Brewer, an engineer, who bull the Rideau locks at Brawer"s Mills, and who left a very large number of descendamts. Canadian Descendants. Among the strong branches in Canada claiming direct descent are the Days, Wartmans, Asselstines, of Collins' Baw, Maxwells, Brewers, Garretts, Websters, Actons, of Brewer's Mills, Jacksons, of Wager- ville, and Storrington township, Mid- dleton', of Lyndhurst, Deneys, Web- bers and Wards. From the official records prepared in New York City the first Brower to come to Canada appears to pe Daniel Brower, son of Henry BrpWer, born in Onida county, New York State, Feb, 28th, 1820, and who 'settled in Hollowell, Canada West, where he married Mary B. Hubbs, May 10th, 1843. Their chil- dren were Benjamin Way Brewer, Alva Henry, Sarah Jemima and Mar- garet Jane, born in Hollowell, and Charles Watson, Carman and Eliza- beth Adaline born at Hillier. Charles Watson Brewer died in Roslin, Hast- ings. county, Oct. 8th, 1907. Among those present at the meet- [ng were Mrs. Annie Shales of this city, whose grandnfother was a Brower; AMred Garrett, Inverary; Edward Assolstine, whose mother, Mrs, John Asselstine, Collins' Bay, has family papers showing her de- scent; William Wallace Brewer, Lo- land, who fs a direct descendant of John Brower, whose father, John Brower. built = the Rideau locks nt Brewer's Mills now bearing his name; Alexander Jackson, Wagar- ville whose grandmother was a sister of Philip Brower of Glenburnde; Mrs. Marsh, 49 John street, King- ston whose family papers date back to 1796 showing her to be a de- scendant of Elizabeth Brower Jack- sen, Ernest Acton, Brewer's Mills, wv. hose greatgrandmother, he says, was a Brewer, bul-he has no papers. George Ashley attended as repre- sentative of Walter Deneys, of To- rento, who is gne of the Canadian Leirs, Melville Reid, 61 Division slreét, is an heir through Ms grand- mother, Mrs. 'Susan Middleton who hoids documents dating back to 1823 showing her direct descent from An- reke Jans Bogardus, Z. M. Middle- ten, Lyndhurst, is a ' descendant through his mother, Hanna Middie- ton, who was a Bogardus, and who holds authenticated family records showing her direct descent from An- teke Jans Bogardus. This record, (prepared by C. G. Gifford, St. Law- rence county, New. York, forty years ago, Is in manuscript, and is said to show a chronology that establshes the family's identity with the estate. George Brewer, Battersea, Is sail -to be the only survivor in the vicinity bearing that name. Anneke Jans Bogardus. "According to the official resords of the Jacobus Brower and Anieke Jans Bogardus families as compiled by the headquarters of the national committee at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., An- reke was the daughter of William Prifice of Orange who afterwards be- came King of Holand, She was bern in or abcut the year 1602, and her maiden' name was Anneke or Anna, Webber. "On or about 1620 she enigrated, Or was sent over from Holland by King William, to the provinee of tha New Netherlands in America. She wae engaged to be married, but was not married until the year 1622, She married Recloffe or Redoffee, Jans Janson, for her first husband. They had four children, Sarah, Catherine, Sytie and Jans Janscn. That latter died without jseue. . Her husband Gied in the spring of 1634 and his widow married the Rev. Evorardus Bogardus in 1635. They had four children, Willam, Cornelius, Jans and Peter, "While making a trip to the Fatherland, Rov. Evo Bogar- dus was shipwrecked off the coast of Wales on Sept. 27th, 1647, and per- ished with eighty of the vessel's crew, Peter, the youngest son, was born July 1st, 1648, and his right name was Peger Stuybepant, and he was the son of old Governor Stuy- btepant of the New Netherlands. "Anneka . na Oc Rubbers 200 pairs Ladies' High Heel Rubbers -- all sizes 2 to 7-- Brown and Black--regular $1.00 in Black and $1.50 in Brown--all clearing at coon fain iia 19 cents ABERNETHY"S SHOE STORE Jugt arrived from countries of growth DALY'S "GOOD TEA This is a good time to stock up. En- joy the delicious freshness. Order from MAROOD'S DRUG STORE Dr. J. O. Macdonald 827 BARRIE ST, (Near Princess) OFFICE HOURS: 2-4, 7-8.30 p.m. PHONE 1710. wyck, near Albany, N.Y., and her re- mains were buried at the Hudson Street Duteh church." "William , Bogardus had three children ®nly one of whom Anne or Anneke survived, She married Ja- cobus Brower and has ten children the youngest of whom, Magdeleha, married John Drake, of Long Island, in 1720. They had ten children. Other branches of the family are the Kipps and Bulls." The Anneke Jans Bogardus Estate. The estate is said to lie in 128 acres of land in the heart of New York city and is valued at several hundred millions of dollars. It has changed hands, but was never legally deeded from Anneke Jans Bogardus' family whosa equity is claimed by about 2,000 heirs. Three or four actions were brought before the courts on behalf of the heirs and dis- missed. But when the New York Subway sought a title to a certain parcel of the property and could not obtain a proper title, it was expro- priated and the sum of $3,000,000 was deposited with the court on be- halt of the heirs of the estate of (Anneke Jans Bogardus who had never signed off their equity in the property, Five of them signed the original transfer but three never did. During the intervening two or thrae hundred years the value of the estate has grown enormously and it is now scught to bring the heirs together and take corporate action to secure its apportionmefit. The American Encyclopaedia of 1881 gives an in- teresting acocunt of this estate. Addressing the gathering yester- day A. © Day, barrister, said he did not think that the pfésent ownership of the land could be disturbed after two hundred yéars of occupancy by different owners, For a long time Trinity church, New York, was in possession of a considerable area which it sold. "In any event," said he, "if the court decided that the money was to be paid to the heirs, none of it could be paid out until all of the heirs are found." He had not niuch hopes. in proposals to attack the titles of the present holders as it was a remarkable fact that nowhere can titles to property be found with- cut eome flaw, not even in the city of Kingston, The provosal to form an associa- tion of heirs/and create a fund by the rayment of a membership fee of $5 and $2 monthly, was not recommend- ed by Mr, Smith or Mr. Day. Asked whether they would authorize a search of the title, Mr. 'Day said, "I don't think there is anything in fit, hut I will write at my own expense, {being one of the heirs, to the secre- tary of the committee for further in- formation and if I obtain anything of value I will communicate it te you." A circular from Mr. Jones asked that an association be formed for the rurpose of creating a fund, and the heirs were asked to provide affidavits respooting their status ard give a power of attorney to the officers of national committee. named in the circular. 8. Jackson, of Wagerville, moved that Mr. Day 'communicate with Robert Jones, secretary, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., and cal! another meeting of the heirs. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Smith for his action 'n calling the meeting and giving much valuable information. irdus | OUR BIG FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE home lover. The greatest contribution of all the cause of "Better Homes," with its unprecedented ar- ray of worth-while savings. Furniture Sale is a rare opportunity for every Our February 'Watch our windows for daily bargains of Sample Suites from recent Furniture Manufacturers' Exhibition. JAMES REID PHONE 147 I OR SERVICE. Mike O'Connor, Laurier Pelow, W. J. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cunning- ham were among those who went to Brookville yesterday to see the game between the Stelcos of Gananoque and the K.C.'S. of Brockville, The winners of this"game will play off with Westport for the Stewart Cup. A. L. Lott is in Oshawa and To- ronto on business. Mrs. Michael Stack Is visiting her mother, Mrs. James McLennan, town. Owing to a sudden death in his family, Rev, Mr. Barber, Picton, who was to have given an organ re- cital in the Anglican church, Tues- day evening, was unable to be pre- sent, However, Rev, T. W, Savary, of St. James' church, Kingston was good enough to come down and take the Tuesday evening service, while W. J, Jacobs gave a short organ re- cital. Harold Valleau is in Oshawa today. Tate Mrs. J. Hough, Picton, Picton, March 1.--Mrs. John Hough, aged 92 years, died here yes- terday. Her husband, aged 98, sur- vives her. If she had lived unth Monday, March 5th, they would have celebrated their 73rd wedding anni- versary," Three children survive, Angus Smith, acting manager of the Nova Scotia Bank branch at To- ronto, was given a two-year sentence for the theft of almost five thousand dollars. ---- A Genuine Pimple Remover How Stuart's Calcium Wafers W Out to the Skin and Clear it of Pimples, Blackheads, Boils, Muddiness and Such > Blemishes. The manner in which Stuart's Cal- cium Wafers influence a beautiful com- plexion is one of nature's marvels. Their first action is to remove the sour fer mentations that are apt to pofson ®he blood and thus ddsfigure the skin. Then the calcium itself is a natural agency to skin health and is appropriated by the tissues for its'own particular use in repair work. These effects are vis- ibly noticeable to those troubled with a pimply skin, or one that is muddy or red or blotchy, scaly apd rough, and coarse. The Calcium Wafers induce a reaction to healthier tendencies and soon the pinkish complexion begins to assert itself, the blemishes fade away, the dimples seem animated and the en- tire appearance is one of vivacious beauty instead of unsightiiness. Get a 60 cent box of Stuart's Cal cium Wafers at the nearest drug store and note the wanderful results. You will surely be delighted. '

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