THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1023, \ FOR-- 8 COUGHS, /! COLDS and ASTHMA We Sell and Recommend DR. HICKEY'S SPEEDY REMEDY. L. T. Best DRUGGIST ry Announcement Kingston Taxi Service PHONE 960 wish to announce that they comply strictly to city tariff. Day and Night Service. All Bedan Cars. SAXTON COAL For Hot Air Furnaces and Heaters--$15.00 per ton. CANNEL COAL For Grates--$18.00 ton. wWoOoD Slabs--cut 12" long, $3.75 load Hard Wood--12" long, $4.25 load. W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. ENTREE DISH SPECIAL 'We have Had made for us some very spe- cial English pattern Entree Dishes Maude of the very best materials -- "Silver Pleted on hard metal"'--plain in design and convertible into two dishes by turning the handle off at the top. While these last we are offering them at $9.00 each. Fully guaranteed. SMITH BROS. Jewelers, Limited Established 1840. King Street, Kingston ~~ Dutch diplomatic and business re- presentatives appeared before the re- paration commission at Paris and complained of non-delivery of Ruhr coal, | Coal Shortage Highest Prices Paid for All Kinds of Junk Communicate with Standard Metal & Waste Company M. ROSEN, Manager. Office and Warehouse: 170-172 RIDEAU STREET Phone 20607, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG a T-- mr WOMAN T0 TELL JURY OF BROKER'S TREACHERY {Killing Admitted, But Strange Circumstances Are Stressed by Accused's Lawyer. New York, March 1.--Counsel for Mrs. Paulette Saludes yesterday told the supreme court jury trying her on a charge of murder, that she had ghot and . killed Oscar Martelliere, broker, in his office last Ootober, but that she "was in a condition of mind where she did not know the motive and quality of her act." « The lawyer, James A. Turley, opening for the defense on the sec- ond day of a trial that has moved with extraordinary swiftness, said he intended to prove that Martelliere had deceived his client and betrayed her husband, now dead, in his greed for wealth, and that, finding out at whom she had been Mving, Mrs. Sa- ludes became gréatly agitated, Mrs. Saludes, he added, would take the sland in her own defense today to tell how she had been spurned. "The defense will show that sev- eral years ago this woman and her husband were happily married and getting alohg well together," said Turley. Charges Betrayal of Friendship. "We will show her husband was president of a corporation. which she had helped him build up from a small business. During all this tim, Martolliere was the friend of Jaries Saludes, the defendant's husband, and that they had an office together. "We will show that there were meny conferences in confidence re- lating to obtaining stock, that Mar- telliere, a stock broker, in breach 'of that confidence, went to the parties from whom stock had to be bought end compelled the paying of a highe price for the stock, 3 "We will show you that Martel- ilere most strongly recommended that the husband of the defendant g0 to France in January, 1921; to = {try to collect debts there. "We will show you that the mo- rient he sailed, Martelliere present- e¢ himsel? at tbe home of the de- fendant and started systematically to try to poison her mind against her husband. ' Sought to Get Property. "We will show ycu his purposo was to get possession of the inter- ests of the husband, control of the peOperty of this defendent. "We will show that on one occas- fon he went to her home and kept 5 Many people will run out of their sup- ply of Coal earlier this year. you the following: -- . Hot Blast Electric Heater 'with 6 ft, Cord . .. Star Electric Heater with 6 ft. Cord Majestic Electric Heater with 6 ft. Cord Majestic Electric Heater with 6 ft. Cord Heat Ray Electric Heater with 8 ft. Cord Perfection Oil Heaters . . Used Oil Heaters . . . .-... We are agents for McClary's Electric Range with the protected elements. . Let us do your electric work. Our prices are right. McKelvey & Birch, Limited | Gemeral Contractors, Heating Specialists, Steam Fitters and Plumbers, © Jobbers of Plumbers' and Gas-Fitters' Supplies, Stoves, Shelf, Heavy and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Olls, Best Supplies, Sheet Metal and Tin Werk; Electric monk: Painting and Paper Hanging. work of all kinds unde; Let us offer ' Special = aL lL I 11 I= eh telling her how unworthy her hus- band was of her; that she was abort to commit suicide on one occasion when he told her she ought to get a divorce and marry him, that he was divorced {rom his wife or was going to get a divorce and that, after re- peated amorous remarks to her, long continued, the inevitable, happened. "We will show you that it was not util the last summer just before the shooting that thé defendant learned that the things Martelliere had been telling Lor about her husband were untrue, "We will show you that she turn- od over her automobile to him for the purpose of Raving him séll it and "he didn't get the money. "We will show you he had promis- od to marry this defendant. . + Finally Cast Aside, "We will show you that he cast her aside finally, just before the shooting, and we will make every effort to show you what a condition she was in at that time; that that very morning she was examined by a physician and that she was inco- herent at my office when planning to take some action against him. "We will show you that when she came back to my office that afternoon my secretary found her trying to shoot herself with the very gun pro- duced in evidence against her, "We will show you she found the gun she used in Martelliere's office. We will show you she grabbed the gun to kill herself; that there was a scuffle and that she had no recollec- last the treachery of the broker with, a rrr > tion of what happened. 1 might say, for several days later." v Mr, Turley made kis opening 2g dress 'after the state had called de-| tectives and doctors before resting. BENEFACTOR OF POOR | DIES IN COLD FLAT | Dr. Ferdinand Seager Worked " 'and Sacrificed for Others in New York. J { New York, March 1.--In a cold | Kittle flat on the second floor of a six-storey tenement 'at No. 400 East 92rd street, there died yesterday Dr. Ferdinand Seager, one time promin- ent physician philanthropist, and re- ¢ipient of many honors from influen- tial organizations and foreign roy- alty, | Although he is listed as one of the founders of Hannemann Hospital. and" emeritus consultant at Fifth | Avenue Hospital; although his friends say he could have been the first mayor of the Greater New York 'had he so. desired, he passed away surrounded by dilapidated and brok- len furniture, and a few relics in the form of framed testimonials of the aays of his glory. : AN of this was ascribed by his family to his desire to devote his :i{e and genius to others rather than to himself; to work and sacrifice-- not "for money--but for the poor | with whom he had always preferred | tc dwell, His end had come in his | 75th year after a ten-day battle with | pneumonia, and his wife, Catherine, and their daughter, Edna May, were at his side at the time. Bruin Comes Out From Lair, Niagara Falls, March 1.--After | hibernating in his lair all winter al black Year at the I. X. L. service station emerged last night, shook himself, looked wistfully around, and began to stretch after his long rap. Men at the station gave him a bottle of milk and bruin frisked gaily about his cage. Spring is here, the men say. London, March 1.--A despatch to the Central News from Milan says that Lenotti Serrati, Socialist mem-/| ber of the Chamber of Deputies and | director of the newspaper Avanti, | who has just returned home from Moscow, yesterday dismissed the en- | tire editorial staff of the - Avanti, and appointed a new persdnnel com- Jposed of Communists. The old staff | refused to quit their jobs and were | in their old positions this morning. | They threatened to throw out the director and any new staff which put in an appearance at the offices of the Avanti to take their places. BRITISH DEBT PAYMENTS Baldwin Gives Insta'ment Figures | Under Agreement London, March 1.--Stanley Bald- win, Chanecllor of the Exchequer, replying to a questioner in the House of Commons, said that -en the bass of the 62-year termi for paying the debt to the United States, the pay- ments on the debt would be as follows: An immediate cash payment of, $4,128,085; an annual payment of! $161,000,000 for ten years; an an- nual payment of $184,000,000 for 50 wears, and a fianl payment of £2,246,000,000 at par of exchange, and four per cent, at 4.68. These figures he said, had no meaning except in relation to the] 62-year term. If Great Britain paid 'more speedily then the aggregate would be- reduced. Eganville School Burned. Eganville, March '1:<4-One of the most disastrous fires which has vis- ited this village in years destroyed Eganville Public School at an early hour yesterday morning, The school which was burned to the ground was valued with contents at $35,000, Twenty-one thousand dollars' insur- ance' is carried. _ Hon. - Willlam Pugsley is to de commissioner to pass on claims against Germany, says a report, Race track gambling was scath-| ingly indicted in a Commons debate on Thursday. - ? § 'offering of the Old Dumbells at the Grand tonight and the re Ba rest of this week, "Red" Newman and Charlie MeLean_ reamingly funny ultra burlesque "Gone and Done. I" in the new revue $118,481,330, or an aggregate of || * A] PROBS: Friday, fair and quite mild. © , J A Store Aglow With he Spirit of Spr ng 'No matter what the weather is like outside--Springtime reigns supreme indoors at Steacy's. We have prepared for your new Spring needs in every way,-as you will 8oon discover when you take a stroll around our store. : : The smartest, newest, most exclusive fabrics of all de- scriptions, Ready-to-Wear, Millinery and House - Furnishings are here in plentiful showings--at prices to satisfy the most ex- acting. : * : 4 ' We invite your inspection of our new Spring displays to- morrow! Special For Friday! Phone Orders will be given prompt attention. Tel. 234 and order will be sent C.O.D. NEW DRESS GINGHAMS, 18c. YARD-- 2000 yards of new Checked.and Plaid Ginghams on a light ground--the colors are Military Red, Copen, Navy, Black, Pink, Mauve, Green and Brown. Reg. 25c. a yard coool ever ooo FRIDAY, 18 YD TABLE DAMASK, 59. 'YARD 200 yds. full fashioned Cotton Tab coveréd patterns--full 56 inche DOOR MATS, 98c. EACH-- ; 60 only, extra heavy €ocoa Door Mats--worth $1.25 each ..... x. save vvivons FRIDAY, 98¢c, EA. MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR, 69c. GARMENT-- 50 doz. fine, heavy quality' Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers--an ideal weight for early Spring--all sizes, from 34 to 44. FRIDAY, 69¢c. EACH BROCADE BRASSIERRES, 49c. EACH-- + £60 Flesh Colored Brocade Brassierres in sizes' 32 to 40. These Are excellent value at 75c¢. each. ery a a FRIDAY, '40¢. NATURAL PONGEE SILK, 98c. YARD-- 600 yds. of pure Silk Pongee-- absolutely free: from any dressing or filling--full yard wide--a splendid value at its regular price, $1.25 yd. . . FRIDAY, 98c. PURE WOOL NOVELTY CASHMERE ~ STOCKINGS, 75c. PAIR-- : : 48 pairs only, Penman's All-Wool Black Cashmere Stockings with White Silk Clocques--all sizes--reg. ( $135apair...."........ FRIDAY, 75c. PAIR 'WASHABLE BEDROOM MATS, $2.85 60 Colonial Rag-Rugs; size 36x72; in the new Nav- ajo Indian colorings. Regular $3.75 each. Rsteer vresns sera. i FRIDAY, $2.85 Damask -- well orth 75¢. a yard. AY, 59. YARD cess e800 & in a se v TEACY'S - bi Agents for the New MeCall Pattern--It's Printed |