Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Feb 1923, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG x 1492 BY MARY. JOHNSTON 1492 to Americans means but one thing -- the discovery of America by Columbus -- and it is with this great explorer that Miss Johnston has con- cerned herself in the, present book. This is history so deftly handled that it reads like romance. R. Uglow & Co. A Stitch In Time Saves Nine or ACCORDING TO EMERGENCY Many people are neglecting eye trouble, which may lead to partial or total blindness--trouble which if not scientifically corrected now will | { some day get beyond the stage of - correction--incurable. 1 Do Not Call Central for the Time IR: te tro eager Sst 12S | ; a If_your eyes give 'any trouble : whatever, talk it over with our opto- will always bq assured of the : {]] correct time by carrying one of metrist. {{l our Wrist or Pocket Watches. , : | i See Our Window for Watch Specials for February. Kinnear & dEsterre JEWELLERS PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON = Registered Optometrist * 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office. FOR SALE med cement block ! BOSH; a lot, electric light and three-piece bath, Terms can be arranged. Price $8,750. Also double cement block house with all improvements. Very easy terms. $5,500, Several Houses To Rent Kingston Jement Products OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street { Phone 730w. | Ri D Et a Dr. Nas Dentist 183 PRINCESS STREET Absence destroys triflin, . acles, but it Invigorates !. friendships. : 4 Virtpe-which must be ever guard- worth the sentinel. - -.{p intim- strong --NEW GOODS-- are being received each week, and youshould come and see our line of CROWN DUCAL WARE made by one of the leading Eng- lish potters. It comprises-- Candle Sticks in solid colors. Floating Flower Bowls, with Bird Ornaments. "~ ° Salad and Breakfast sets. mh Comports, etc. Many pieces suitable for Bridge cision was given for Best Fquipped Office in Kingston. We try to observe the den Rule "both Bervico and epg NOLL DEBATERS WON In the Intercollegiate Contest |. With Queen's on Monday i "Afternoon. McGill debators won the inter- collegiate debate Ireld at Queen's {Monday afternoon when they re- {ceived the decision ovér the Queers | representatives. The subject of de- {bate was "Resolved tna: the ma- {terial advance in modern civiliza- {tion has been accompanied by a cor- |respbnding advance. i: thetintellect- {ual and moral sphere." The afiir- {uative was supported! by the Queen's representatives, J. W. Clex- {ton and R. H. Wallacs whils for MeGill, C. D. Everect and G. H. 'enrose were the 'debaters for the negative of the subject. The judges were J. O. Herity, Belleville; Prof. Bridger, R.M C., and Rev. W. 8. Lennon, D.D. A large crowd, of students were pres. ent for the debate and when the de- McGill they toudly applauded the winners. The subject of debate was review- ed from many angles by tha epeak- érs who showed great cleverness in refuting arguments of their oppon- ents. The period of time suggested in the wording of debate was taken to mean that from the industrial re- volution to current time. The Queen's speakers for the affirmative gave well delivered addresses which showed the results of intimate know- ledge of the issues involved. They advanced arguments to show that {moral and intellectual _ advances 'comparable to the materfal advances {have been made. My. Wallace, the leader of the affirmative, discussed the moral side of the subject and from historical evidence pointed out that the state, by legislation, was realizing the worth of the individua' / This was an indication of the moral standard he claimed. Also great ef- forts have been made to improve {the moral status in the personal sphere and in the affairs of natlond. | "le McGill debaters gave two ex- celleutiy well delivered addresses. In fnnertin the n:gative they found fi the wars, thy literary life of the {'cople, the lak of appreciation of |drama, the political life, and the ob- |servance of law and order, examples jot the lack of advanca on the part | »f the intellectual and moral spheres, |The problem of the mentally de- |Relent child was also advanced as a big problem wita which edveation Suffered From Pimples and Blotches For Fifteen Years nt When the blpod becomes impure it All Fat People Should Know This Fat people owe a debt of gratitude to the author of the now famous Marmola Prescription, and are still more indeb:- ed for the reduction of this harmless effective obesity remedy to tablet form. Marmola Prescription Tablets can be obtained at all drug stores the world over at the reasonable price of one dol- lar for a case, or you can secure them direct on receipt of price from the Marmola Co. 4612 Woodward Ave. De- troit Mich. This now leaves no excuse for dieting or violent exercise for the Teduction of the overfat body to nor- mal. was not dealing well enough, Following the debate Mr. Herity spoke on behalf of the judges and ccngratulated the debaters Mr, Wal- lace moved asvot) of thanks to the Judges "and Mr, Mverott secended it. Wilson Powell president of the A. M.S., presided. ALDERMEN TAKE ANOTHER SLAM AT CONMISSIONERS (Continued from Page 1.) leafing them the electrical end, which was the big paying end. Ald, Nash asked the mayor if he was at liberty to tell what happened when the commission ask Sir Adam Beck for the authority of the Hydro-Electnic commission to £0 ahead and build an office. The mayor replied that he was not present at the meeting in Toronto. The resolution of Ald. Laturney was then put and carried, FOUNDED™A SOCIETY. The Parham Farmers Improvement > Association, At the conclusion of the agricul- tural winter course conducted at Parham py A. W. Sirett, local agri- cultural representative, the Parham Farmers' Improvement Association 'was formed on Friday evening. The vbjects of the association are to pro- uote improved farm methods by &n- Guoting demonstrations in cow tost- te parieties of farm crops; conduct ing debates, field days; spert pro- 'grammes and automobile tours to points of interest in the province, and in many other ways. In general it is an association to assist in the uplift of the community, socially, in- tellectually and economically, A good membership was signed up aud the prospects are bright for the organization as there is a wide-field for useful service. The officers are: Honorary rresi- deyt, Richard Hamilton; President, W V. York, Vice-President, Go \fellow; secretary-treasurer, 'B. Sni ¥; executive committee: Fred Cla \J. Simmonette, Guy Wagar, audi ¥s, W. P. Windsor, John Good- felloy 1s only natural that pimples, blotches, boils or some other blood trouble will manifest itself by breaking out of the system, 3 y T # There is only one way to get rid of these obnoxious skin troubles, and that is by giving the impure blood a thorough cleansing by. the use of a 800d blood purifier such as Burdock Blood Bitters This rémarkable remedy has been on the market for over forty years: is the best obtainable, and will do all we claim for it as a blood cleanser, Mr. Albert R. De Witte, Lake Val- ley, Sask., writes:--"I have suffered yr much from pimples and unsight- ly bl otches for the past fifteen years, a and was 80 bad I hated to go out any- where. - I tried many different medi. cines, but none seemed to help. A friend told me to use Burdock Blood Bitters. I have used three and a half bottles, and now I have a clear, rosy complexion." : B. B. B. {8s manufactured only by the T. Milburn Co.; Limited, Toronto, Ont. Price \f Gasoline May Go atill Higher, It Is Stated ---- » On Monday it was announced that the price of gasoline had been. boost ed two cents per gallon, and report on Tuesday, was to the effect that the cost might be even higher in the near future, Depletion in the surfaca stocks of crude oil is given as oue cause, to- gether with the rapid advance ia price of that commodity, It is stated that crude ofl from the middle west states averages $2.10 per barrel and to this must be added tho costs of transportation, handlifig and refin- ing. ~ Ladies' Rubbers 200 pairs Ladies' 5 4 \ High Heel Rubbers -- all sizes 2 to 7 Brown and Black--regular $1.00 in Black and $1.50 in Brown--all clearing at .............. «+o. 49 cents . ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE ng, poultry culling; introdusing bet). So > For the Home David | FE lei |: ) Feb. 27.--The funeral of D. Bis- hop who passed away on Sunaay morning last at his home here, took place, this morning to St. John's Church, where Dean Kehoo sang a solemn requiem mass for the repose of his soul, thence to the vault at Gananoque cemetery. Mr. Bishop was one of the most valued employees of Old and New-----the oldest tea distri- buters in Canada offer you the newest and best that you can get im Canadas, DALY'S GOOD TEA Get your share of it from MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE OUR BIG FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE IRON RONING, with a Hot- point Iron, becomes a pleasant task. Thisfamous iron is so censtructed that you-simply tilt it back on the heel stand without hav- ingtoliftitatall Asa result the fired feeling. so , many women experience after ironing, is entirely eliminated. For sale by dealers every« where. '_Casadian General Electric Co., Limited Head Office ". Toreate CLOCKS SPECIAL BARGAIN EACH WEEK DURING FEBRUARY. |= "Made in Canada" by ' "Better Homes," with its unprecedented ar- ray of worth-while savings. Our February Furniture Sale is a rare opportunity for every home lover. . : Watch our windows for daily bargains of Sample Suites from recent Furniture Manufacturers' Exhibition. * JAMES REID , PHONE 147 FOR SEKVICE, COUNTER CHECK BOOKS ALL STANDARD , STYLES AND SIZES, OR SPECIALS TO SUIT ANY REQUIREMENT" LOW- EST PRICES AND GOOD: SERVICE. PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH-- ' ° BRITISH WHG JOB DEPARTHENT 80T-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont, 'SEE WINDOW ! L. C. HEMSLEY WATCHMAKER 149 Sydenham 8t. MAGNESIA BEST FOR Warns Against Doping Stomach With | = casionally or chronically from gas, sourness and indigestion, have now discontinued disagreeable diets, pat- YOUR INDIGESTION ~ _ We are now: fully equipped to take care of your Auto Repair needs--First Class Mechanics to do your work, and all work guaranteed. > Car Washing, any YDS +eureee 8100 Gasoline and Oils Yor Sale. Distilled water always on hand. CAR OWNERS ATTENTION STANDARD AUTO SERVICE PHONE 546. QUEEN STREET «Behind Standard Office) ~-- r= Artificial -Digestents. Most people who suffer, either oc- GRAVES BROS. ent foods and the use of harmful drugs, stomach tonics, medicines and artificial digestents, and instead, fol- lowing the advice so often given in 'these columns, take a teaspoonful or two tablets of Bisurated Magnesia in a little water after meals with the. re- sult that their stomach no longer troubles them, they aré able to eat the Gananoque Spring & Axle Com- pany, having worked continuously in the spring department since ha was a young boy. He is survived by his The prices are low -- quality widow, two eons and six daughters. Miss Laura Hennessey, Buffalo, high. ; me In And Look Around" who has been visiting Mrs. Conlin, a L returned home today. Mr. and Mrs. 7 : ) ] Andy Gamble, Kingston, were in {as they please and they enjoy much 7 nation w .|twn today for the funeral of D. better health. Those who use Bi- - : Bishop. They-were the guests of Mr. surated Magnesia never dread the ap- ROBERTSON'S Limited PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, STEAM HEATING, HOT AIR AND HOT WATER HEATING All work given our personal careful attention. HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE 211 Princess Street Phone 332 prizes. ~% A WE STOCK QUALITY CHEMICALS, AND GIVE CAREFYL, PROMPT, PERSONAL ATTENTION TO EACH CUSTOMER. and Mrs. A. Laver, Church street. proach of meal time because they know this wonderful ant-acid and BE. R. Hagen was in Kingston, | g,04 corrective, which can be obtain- yesterday. Mrs. Hagen is a patient | oq from any good drug store, will in- in the General Hospital. Miss stantly neutralize the stomach acid- Brennan who has been spending a |ity, sweeten the stomach, prevent few days at her home here returned |food fermentation, and without the to her duties at Hotel Dieu Hospital, | slightest pain or discomfort. Try Kingston. Mrs, Miller, Kingston, was | this plan yourself, but.be certain to the guest of Mr. and Mrg. Harold |56t Pure Bisurated Magnesia, espe- Valleau over the week-end. Gordon Slally prepared for stomach use. If you are suffering from eczema Rutherford 1s Here From or some other torturing, embarrass- Tle Hero 7 Wa ing trouble you may quickly using Mentho-8ul Bluchers ueh LV SIA WI Rs, : WHILE THEY LAST - | i 2 AE i¥ §d 2 its iif ASK YOUR DRUGGIST

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