Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Feb 1923, p. 8

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NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOM Mrs. R. J. Leach, Major Lafferty, Miss Yvette Lafferty (Quebec), Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Edith Carruth- ers, Miss Audrey McLeod (St. John), Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Helen Strange, Miss Laura Kilborn, Capt. Roberts, Prof. Bridger, Capt. Lee. ' . . . N Mr. and Mrs. Henry Joseph expect to sail for Canada on March 23. They are still in Rome, where they have been for some time and before re- J blend -- nothing ~ added -- nothing. taken away. wt Sold only in Air- tight tins. . 3 1 GORMAN, ECKERT & CO. Limited Lite's Social Sid ~{ ; oy : : 5 ' ap . ' Editor of Women's Page, Tele- " phome 243. Private 'phone 857w.| ful gifts of silver; cut glass, linen : 2 8s 9 and Pyrexware from individual 5 , Feb. 16th, a very pleas-| friends. On account of catching a lay, ¥s took place at the|trains and busses the ET fiver turning home will visit Naples, You home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Furst,| ed about 4.30 after 'Mishi the [ice, Florence and Cannes. i} 2. 1291 Arsenal street, Watertown, N.|couple many more happy years of | Joseph spent several weeks oy X., when about sixty friends and| wedded life and hoping to be present |at St. Moritz, Switzerland, with or "neighbors assembled as .dinvitdd|at their fiftieth anniversary, It will | daughter, Miss Ethel O. Joseph an 'guests to celebrate their hosts' twen-| be remembered that Mrs. Furst was | while there acted as a judge at a ty-fifth wedding anniversary. Cov-|formerly Miss Hattle Struthers, |fancy-dress ball given at the Klum ers were laid for forty-two in their| daughter of the late Benjamin Stru- Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Joséph had the spacfous dining-room and at 1.30 p.|thers, Morton, Ont, and sister of}honor of an audiefice with His Holi- m. a sumptuous luncheon was served, | Mrs. N. A. Johnson, Seeley's Bay, ress, Pope Pius XI. on January 27th, under the direction of Mrs. Frances| where the marriage took place twen- in Rome and the following day visit- Purit, cateress. The table decorations] ty-five years ago. ed the Royal Palace. They have also were pink' and white carnations, wes attended a reception at the British while potted plants, and fern and Embassy and a luncheon there re- cut fi rs adored the house: Af- cently. ter Ibocheon sf very pleasing pro- gramme was "given, including music, readings, monologues, etc., and Mrs. Henry Wordsworth, one of Water- town's talented singers, rendered "Oh Promise Me," in such a pleas- dng manner that she was called back - several times. 'Laddie" was also one of her selections. After the programme came the presentation of a beautiful and costly box of ayer by twelve couples of the Watertown There were also many more beauti- and run anywhere from 30c¢ to 35¢). Noon Dinner, Rice and Meat Cro- quettes bc, Creamed Cauliflower 25¢, Peach Pudding 8c, Lettuce Salad 5c, Coffee and Bread 5c, Milk and Cream 10c. ' Supper, Hash on Toast, 8c, Peaches and Cake 7c, Cocoa Te. Thursday: Sirloin Steak 350; Pota- toes 7¢, Lettuce with Dressing 7¢, Canned Fruit (which the housekeep- er can put up herself, but is now counting the cost of) 15¢, Roils and Coffee .12¢c. Supper, Rice Cro quettes 5c, Tarts made from the left-over. canned fruit from dinner 7c. Cocoa Te. : Friday: Dinner) Salmon 35¢ Pota- toes au Gratin 14c, Asparagus Salad A friend has just sent me Wer 22¢, Sponge Cake and Berries 10c¢, financial budget. She lives In a/{Supper, Croquettes or"Salmon Loat town in the tSate of Illinok. Prices from the salmon left-overs 5c, Bak- there differ, naturally, from prices|ed Potatoes 3c, Cocoa or Milk, be, at other places. But, on her. hus- Saturday: Dinner, Breaded Chops bands salary of $38 a week, it is in- with Tomato Sauce 45¢, . Potatoes teresting to see how she manages: | 5c, Lettuce Salad 8c, Apple Sauce 5c "What I spend in a month: Rent, | Coffee and Rolls 12c. Supper, As- $35. Insurance, $10. Food, $40. |paragus on Toast 30¢, Lettuce bc, Gas and Elecricity, $5. Water, |Cake and Cocoa 10¢. Sunday Hamilton, Mrs. W. P. Wilggr, Miss $1.25. Telephone, $2.25. Coal, $9.|Chicken 80c, Boiled Rice 2¢, Cran- ; ing{ Mollie Cartwright, Mrs. Jemmett, ." ew Laundry, $3. Dues, (Lodge), $4.berry Sauces 12c. Lettuce be. Dress- Seance, Jy, ana Mss. Hurst Dei Miss Martineau, Prof. and Mrs. Keith The Principal and Mrs. Bruce Tay-| Papers, $1. Garage, $3. Autom ing be, Coffee and Rolls 12¢, Sup- Mr. Furst on behalf of himself andjHicks, Col. Ogilvie and Miss Mary lor, the Principal's Residence, bile: Gas and oil, $3. Clothes, $10.|per, Cold Chicken with Garnish 1c, Mrs. Furst expressed their appre-| Ogilvie, Major and Mrs. Victor Wil- Queen's University, will entertain at Entertainment, $6. Gifts, etcetera, | Rice Patties 6c, Cranberries, Coffee ciation in a very feeling manner.!liams, Capt. and Mrs. J. C. Murchie, | dinner on Monday evening for their|$4. Savings, $10. The total of|12¢c. Monday: Creamed Chicken on - ) i these.amounts to $146.50. 1 en-{Toast 8c, Celerny-Nut salad 15¢c, close a menu which is one that my Cranberry Tarts 10¢ Coffee 2c. husband and I tried out, to help a|Supper, P#tatoes au Gratin 12¢, friend of ours who could allow only | Chicken Salad 7c, Coffee and Rolls $8.50 or 9.00 a week for food; 1%c> : Tuesday: Breafast, vatmeal 2c. Tomorrow--Contributed Recipes Buttered Toast, 6¢ Bacon and Eggs : > 13¢, Coffee 2¢, Milk and Cream zvc. Noon Dinner, Pot Roast from snoui- der 60c Potatoes 3c, Caulifiower 20c, Gravy and Garnishing lc, Cake with oneshalf pint of Whipped Cream 13c, Coffee and Rolls 12ec. Supper, , Rissoles (from pot roast) 3c, Jelatine and left-over Whipped Cream 13¢, Coffes, Bread and But sure to use YOUR full name, str ter 5c. Wednesday (I won't repeat number, and the name of ye breakfast, as they vary only slightly |province.--The Editor. NAA on this day will have a fairly vigor- ous nature and a mind leaning. to- TOMORROW'S MENUE Breakfast Stewed Dried Apricots Cereal Codfish Balls Toast Luncheon Cheese Souffle Bread and Butter London and Coffee Winnipeg Every day in every w 'y - Our service is getting" better and better. . ? Phone 2373m | Orders delivered promptly. Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks and Eskimo Pies, high class Chocolates, Fruits and Vege- tables, Magazines and Newspa- pers, Cigarettes and Cigars, Patent Medicines and Station. ery. N J. H. JARVIS Upp. Princess St. Methodist Church, * OPEN NIGHTS. Tea Jam Dinner Escalloped Oysters Baked Potatoes Steweg Celery Coffee Lemon Meringue Pig There was. a good attendance of mbers at the Wednesday meeting of the Badminton Club and several tables of bridge were in play. Among those present were: Col. and Mrs Vie- tor Anderson, Col. and Mrs. Schmid- lin, Mrs. Francis Constantine, Col. Dawson, Col. and Mrs. A. BE. Harris, Major and Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Charles Grant (Halifax), Mrs. D. R. Hem- ming, Mrs..R. E. Kent, Mrs. F. W. Hill, Mrs. W. H. Macnee, Mrs. James ONE HOUSEKEEPER'S FINANCIAL 3 BUDGET w . . Crowds of wisitors filled Mrs. Grant Pyke's pretty home on Aber- deen avenue on Wednesday, when she received for the first time this season. Mrs. Pyke, who was gowned in blue satin and lace, was assisted by Mrs. George Pyke and Mrs. Alex. ; ander Macdonald, who were kept busy serving tea to the constant stream of visitors. ) Rich in health value Tron SH We Have Just. Received a Large Shipment of Clothes Hampers, Clothes Baskets, Waste Paper Baskets Market Baskets All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirk- man in care of the "Efficient House- keeping" department will be answered in these columns in their turn, This re. quires considerable time, howcver, ow- ing to the great number received. So if a personal or quicker reply .is desired, a stamped and = self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be Mistland Prunes Selling _ at remarkably low prices. Call to see them at-- W.H. CockbarnCo. Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets i Phone 216. mm, visitor, Sir Henry Newbolt, England, when their guests will include the staff of the English department. Mrs, Taylor will also give a reception after the lecture in Grant Hall.. TT , Princely Courtesy. sure @ spring is a Simmons Mr. and Mrs. R. Raymond, form-| A true story of the Prince of Spring built for sleep. Ask erly of Garden Island, but now living Wales, showing his fine qualities of 20 be shown the S in Ottawa, are_celebrating their fir- kindness and courtesy, 4s given in gen tieth wedding anniversary on Feb-|the current issue of the British ruary 26th. Mr. Raymond is still Weekly, One day an old man, active in the customs and will be | whose sight was very nearly gone, thirty-three years here next month: hwag standing on the island 'site in .. Ee Piccadilly circus, waiting .with some Lady Orr Lewis organized a bridge enxiety for an opportunity to pass journey at the Villa Valetta, Cannes, through the never-ending traffic. He It's just old-fashioned Economy - J | on Feb. 11th, in aid of the Sunny- costed b Rh to buy a Simmons Spring i bauk Britisn Houpltal. offered his guidance, which was - " thankfully accepted. After crossing 4 Medicine '23 will give the social Of TEN the men of a family the roadway his dim eyes noticed evening of the week in Grant Hall to- that several hats were raised as he do not see how far-reaching a woman's economy is. ? it should stay firm. Your muscles | sven) seven wiodd » | . . \ reac the pavement, and h young and nerves relax. Sleep follows co a oor Sond ry 3 23s young quickly--sound, refreshing sleep. Mrs. B. J. Leach, King street, has passer-by approached the old gentle. She buys a Simmons Spring. Pays about what an ordinary spring would cost. Bit a Sime Yet this does not add one cent returned from Toronto. man and asked him if he knew who mons Spring lasts. It does not. ward higher research. Spring al There is only one way io bé A DAINTY TEA" ROOM For a Dainty Afternoon or Evening Tea, come in and enjoy our Cozy Tea Room. a , Good things prepared to please you. ~™ "LACKIE'S ROSE TEA ROOM 302 KING STREET. PHONE 141. aa BARNUM'S | | BAKERY | SPECIAL] . Mrs. Charles Grant, Halifax, {s|naq helped him across, and he re- to price. visiting her mother, Mrs. T. Ritchie, plied, "Not in the least-<but he was Look for the Simmons Label-- Elmhgrst. €aceedingly kind to me." Then, to Miss Phylifs Coates, Princess 1 only the genuine has it, no imita- Btreet, left for Montreal to-day. Mrs. J. M. Machar, William street, his surprise, he learned that it was the Prince of Wales, sag. It keeps springy. Right there is one sound feason for insisting on the spring with the Simmons Label. Here is another reason. Eviry Simmons Spring is built for seep. It supports the body correctly. --gives at the right places to be _ comfortable and stays firm where tion has. . * * Simmons Springs-- Built for Sleep - $5.50 to $50.00 Simmons Mattresses--Buil: for Sleep Ostermoor $25.00 . Also--Red Label--Green Label--White Label at prices to suit every purse. | Simmons Beds Built jor Sleep: $8:00 to $75.00 : Be sure to see the Simmons Label on Bed, Spring and Mattress before you buy. The Simmons Label is your assurance of; sleeping equipment built for sleep. All genuine Simmons Beds, Springs and Mattresses have it. No others have, { --e Buils, not stuffed--built for sleep. No lumping, no _ matting. Layer upon layer of pure, clea, new felt, Delivered in the sanitary, carton roll. has returned from Toronto. Miss Eloise Darling, Moscow, has returned home after spending a few days with her sister, Miss Carmaletta Darling, who is attending faculty in Ottawa. Justice Mowat, who has been with his sisters, the Misses Mowat, John- son street, returned to Toronto to- day. re . . Miss Margaret' Sexsmith, Alfred street, left Thursday to spend a week in Syracuse, N.Y., and Newburg, N.Y. C. D. T. Mundell, BaPrie street, has returned to Kingston, after spending the past few days in Mont- real. - Mrs. M. P. Keyes, Princess street, has returned to the city after spend- ing a few days with her mother, Mrs. Jchn Prior, Wolfe Island. Mr. and Mrs, - J. F. Chapman, Seeley's Bay, have returned from De- troil, where they have been spending some weeks with their daughter, --isthen when M fails. It is just pure ar. rl end it. Homemade Lemon Pies--Try our Fried Cakes Wedding Cakes a Specialty. THE TASTE WILL TELL." for baby and pure Send for free Baby Books The Berg G Gitid Mrs. M. C. Maxwell. Toinorrow's HOROSCOPE 'By Genevievs Kemble 2 ood + ~ SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES Built for Sleep. | ors FRIDAY, FEB. 28. . According to the lunér transits, this promises to be a rather routine day, with events moving along LC LC CO TT TLL TT IIT] LC 'Heintzman & Co. - PIANOS A complete display of all styles 'st all times in 'our store. a 'SIMMONS GOODS ON SALE + ROBT. ]. REID . 5 230 PRINCESS STREET NEN "a We Handle Only Simmons Beds, Springs ahd Mattresses, SI Le JAMES RED PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE. °

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