Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Feb 1923, p. 16

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Founded 1847 Mothers Livingston's WEEK-END BOYS' SUIT LOCAL NEWS. Brief. items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. for Javel water: Mr, 8Waine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west. 'Phone 584w. W:. R. Burley, C.P.R: station mas- attack of La Grippe. J. Page is aet- ing in Ms. Burley's place: An intercollegiate debate is te take place at Queen's at 4 p.m. en Monday.* Bir Henry Newbolt has been Invited to act as a judge. The total bank clearings at King- ston for the week ending Feb. 88nd were $460,258.97; previous week, $543,048.45; week, 1023, $637. 436.23, : I. K. Ivey, local agent of the freight and _trdffic departments of meeting of the Ontario sociation, returiied to the city So as to give work to as many men as possible, the gangs which are working on the new trunk sewer are being changed three times a week. The. gangs consist of twenty men. = Dr. J. C. Connell, dean of Queen's Medical College, returned from Tor- onto on Wednesday where he attend- ed a meeting of the legislative com- mittee of the Ontario Medical Asso- Wash day mage easy with Super- ? The Yate Perry Hogle. Perry Hogte, 'agea fy nve years; who lived on the Miss Mary Ives farm on the Massey street road; near Watertown, N.Y: died bs Monday afternoon wut bhe Sisters' Hospital ter, 18 confined to his home witn an| Deaths wds dys 4b a concer; brought on frem en injury suffered when pel was struek by an autemeniiv crane when he was attempting to start & machine. |, Deeeasea was bern at Odesen, Ont. James Hoegle, Yarker, is a brother: Late Mrs, W, T\ Whitney: At het/ residence, Bow Island, FATE "Feb. Bth, there pasded te rest after & short illpess a former old and highly esteemed resident pf the township of Pittsburg, in the person of Mary Ann, daughter of the late Johh MoLean and rellet of .| the late John Thompson Whitney, who predeceased her twenty-nine years ago. There 'were born to the union five children, three of tou survive, Benjamin T., Albert D, and Libble A., all of Bow Island, also five grandchildren, two brothers, Hetiry, Pittsburg, and John, Kings: ton; and two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Hyland, Toronto, and Mrs, R, Isabel Watt, Vancouver, also survive. De ceased was a Presbyterian in relig- JLAIDLAV & SON LIMITED - KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Phones 754-733, Store Hours! 9 to 5.30 Dress Ginghams On gals to-morrow at a very low price, This Gin igh am is exceptional good quality; fully 25 nches wide, and an extsaordinary value at this price. SPECIAL 19e. is This sale of Gingham offers an unusual opportunity for youto purchase your summer dresses at this very low SALI New Suits--1923 models. Values $12.00 and $13.50. SPECIAL *8.9 SEE. OUR WINDOW | ciation. fon. Her remains were accompanied east by her son Albert and daugh- 'URGES CLEANLINESS ter Libble. The funeral, which was in charge of the Rev. J. A. McDon- price, aL Gingham i is exonllen; uality; measures 25 inches IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS, "rer pastor sad personal e, and comes in a number o Pleasing patterns, includ- | triend of the deceased, was held ng. pois Broken Checks and Plaids. 'The range of Justice Herbert Mowat Gives! R. J. Reid's undertaking par- ig re too is very complete and you will find pretty Some Pointers to.the lors and was attended by many old friends who came to pay their last Grand Jury. friends who sme te Ja7 {helt fast Sinden of Blue, Red, Green, Lavender, Pink, Fawn and of a lange circle of friends goes out ac. On Thursday morning when the| =. "00a "00 mourn the loss sittings of the Supreme Court re- of a kind and lpving mother. Burial sumed, Justice Mowat asked if the grand jury were ready to make its took place in Cataraqul SMU, report, and the foreman of the jury 1 - reported that the members had not Late Mrs, Arron: Walle babe completed the inspection of the pub-| ORe Of ihe 2 ? oi HE resi- lic buildings. Justice Mowat stated known and 3 TeuD od away that he was pleased to know that the ig Wh Ole An A Mrs jurymen were making a very careful | 00 TUesGay n eD Yoimerly. Anil examination of the public institutions' John ¥. Arm TORE y ed of which there are many in Kingston. Atcheson. The decea: Was a He drew attention to the fact that it eighty-seven years, She eo was very important that the public|YOUt member of the Me 9 {nstitutions--be kept absolutely | church. Surviving are one Saughies: clean, He referred to the grand jury Mrs. Bustard, end four 300%, hh " in Toronto which recently made spe- dam, Wolfe Island, Richard, Marsha. clal reference to an office in one of and Leslie, Kingston, the two Sunes the public Institutions where cigar bejug members of the -city police and cigarette stubs were all over the <= floor when 'the jurymen entered the The funeral took place Thursday room." He sald that everything [from the residence of Mrs. Bustard should be spic and span and nothing to the Methpdist cemetery and was should be too small to notice. Clean- largely attended by relatives and liness was very important. friends. Rev. C. _W-. Chaflesworth, Justice Mowat also made special officiated. The casket Wwas' banked reference to the passing of the late| With beautiful flowers expressing John L. Whiting, K.C. He referred |the esteem and affectionate in which the deceased was held, The to him as an old friend and clever lawyer, Justice Mowat said that he|Pall bearers were members of the missed the late Mr. Whiting very family. much as he was a valuable official and good citizen. 390999993vesd4ae9d The grand jury then left the court |® Livingston's 75-79 BROCK STREET "IF OFF YOU ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" Zephyr Ginghams room for the purpose of inspecting + PROPHESIES ACHIEVEMENT 4 a In an attractive assortment of patterns and colorings. Good quality and 27 inches SS Boise This group of Ginghams yariging in price from 25c. to 35c., is complete in every detail. All the new patterns, all the new colors are represented here -- large Checks, small Checks, broken Checks, and Checks within Checks, ~ in colors Red; Blue, Mauve, Pink, Green, Black and many others. : | A the other public institutions. OF FRENCH VENTURE + + ® > Dusseldor?:, | Feh. 22. --An- + dither six weaks will see + France's Ruhr venture achieved Members of Montreal and Toronto | ¢ and the occupation ended, a Exchanges, 86 Princess, 4 prominent french official pro- % phesied, following a conference MONTREAL §10CKS. p.m. # of French and Belgian commis- ADIUDI POWer:> +. .+ +.sv 69% | 3 sloners, and genersls hers. Atlantic' Sugar.... .. .. .. 22 Bell THONG. +x te ve on 198 Brazil. wr «oy 50% Poland, has accepted the date pro- ecls Ss n ruit 4 vive. 43% posed by' Russia, Feb. 26th, for re- British: Empire Com. 2 een sumption at Moscow for trade nego- British Bmpire 2nd Ptd.. . " tiations between the two nations. and Fish Hien er eon ions boiween the two nations." ES ty ea and Henry Louis Bashie, a Can. Cemefit Com... «ox 1s years, ry : veteran boat builder, aged ninety-one For The Lenten Season . Cam. Cpment Pd, ... vears, are dead in Hamil . i . " . . A Can. Sfeamship Com. 1s on, Gag, /Steameblp Pral & | DAILY MEMORANDUM Dot. Steel. .ies Annual meeting of Women's Liberal Dom. Textile. ' Club will be held to-night In x w. + C. Dom. Bridge. ... Av Jonnson street, Detroit United. ... F I I] ER S [ASO CROZIER & EDGAR Howard Smith MARKET SQUARE - KINGSTON IN MEMORIAM, CANNEM---In fond and loving mem- ory of William Cannem, who died Feb- ruary 22nd, 1918. There is someone who misses you sadly, And finds the time long since you went, There is someone who thinks of you daily, = But tries to be brave and content. rShawinigan My lips cannot speak how I miss you, Brill Steel of Canada. . r t tell whet to For fryi ing Toronto Ralls. ... .. .. ++ J | Only God knows How 1 mise you, 12 TwiniOlty.. 2)... .... Aoning earis alone can aa ving wite. jel Ib. ea hot ma mle Sa shades of Blue, Yellow, Lavender and Black. . Smelts 1 mourn the absent voice "Face, w ' 40 inches wide. That made home doubly po x » fits the vacant No. I's : © | And 2% -~ seed wn 90 eres «41.78 sevive 19 divi ee 3.64" Doherty's Steck in Legislature n a an ree-q r hour address yostora ay, aa est of the present parliament, Hon. Manning Doherty, minister of agri- culture, 'defended the isin to agren ot the government fn tural matters. Tasion JQUNSTON. & WARD. Quality--Larger laa-Serve SESE Pee de 000000c000000000 Blood Red Cohoe Salmon Piece, Ibi... teres 85c. Sliced, 1b. Silver Bright aay hy Duro Ginghams The Gingham That Will Not Fade By The Sun.c or Through Washing, 95¢ PURO GINGHAM is guaranteed not to fade by the sun or through washing. This Gingham is a beautiful, fine quality; comes in Plaids and Checks; is fully 40 inches wide, and in attractive Laurentide. ...s. . Montreal Cotton, ... » Winter-Caught White Fish . Ogilvie. he le Fenmans.™. :.... Price Bros......\ Quebec Ralls Spanish River...... Smelters. . Sea Herring Single, frozen. _ 10e. Ib, Lake Superior 10c. 1b. Ciscoes An new size Fish Mackere! Medium size 18c. Ib. Lake Bhore ANDERSON SCOTCH GINGHAMS 50c ' The Ginghams featured at this price", are the. genuine WM. ANDERSON Scotch Ginghams. Lovely, fine quality, they are fully 86 inches wide, and in . shades of Lavender, Brown and Groem in Checks and Plaids, Te . 32 INCH 'GINGHAMS - 40c and 45¢ Halifax Shredded Cod, box 25c. i 3 Tullibus, '1b. : divesued Hound Pike, 1h, 12%e Oysters Un pint onfaiuety), : Swen faey Orange. dou, boc. Sete Be cre re te Grape Fruit .......8 for 25c.| (ROCIPe sent With order. if Bananas, dlargh, ripe, 13c¢. 1b, LEMONS Large, Yellow] juicy, ©

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