THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 192% THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG - LORDS, EARI.S AND BARONETS ee -------- | ® rise as the result of a single drama- | What the Press. Agents Say Aboutf | White's popular noved was Telsasef). | Coming Aoretions Miss Pickford 'was proclaimed the! 4 | foremost. exponent of the silent dra- ma and from that time until the pre-| GALLANT -600 IN > sent she has been the undisputed | queen supreme of the screen. There é« 79 |are two outstanding reasons which CAME OF LIFE actuated Miss Pickford in producing a new and her own "Tess of the Storm Country." One was the per- CLAIM ON BANK ROBBER =. nee. ier: ase i | John Potter, Late of the City of Kingston, in the County of Fronteane, 4 % 2 { Engineer, Deceased. Ee , British Ambassador Asks That| NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN, pure Ark Murd ch | suant to R.8.0. Cap. 33 Bec 85, thai all Sas arg creditors and others aving claime rkan urder e against the estate of sald Andrew John Be Given Preference. Potter. who died on or about the twen- . ty-sixth day of December, 1922, are re= -------- quired on. or before the 21st day of Toronto, Feb. 22.-p-The attorney- | March, 1923, to deliver to T. J. Rigney, ' - {| 89 Clarence Street, Kingston, Solicitor Senerals department, through the | §3 Clarence Street, ) said estate, thelr LIF | AMUSEMENTS _ } iii" wits fo voosstcr WANTS ONTARIO 10 WAIVE Notice to Creditors fo? Super-Cinema From England] istent demand of tens of thousands medium of the department ef justice d addres d full particu- Pe -- RUBBED SHOULDERS WITH SPORTING Pp h 8 | ames and addresses an u = GENTLEMEN AND HUSSIES AT THE . "To-night. . urging of the press; the other was . th LORD, BUT A DERBY Cassock and Russian. a acter I ever portrayed on the WINNING ° JOCKEY WAS Reeled from the sabre stroke. screen," 'Miss Pickford says. "I en- A KING : ORICAL NOTE "The London Music Ball cavalrymen from the very same regi- spirit which inspires her to db such HIST ! of the 50's became the ent which. performed the glorious | humanly: noble acts dn bebalf of rho Sporting Rendezvous of England and presented a spec- | Crimea 67 years ago. "The Game of | self sacrifice involved in the deeds." tacle of life and colour the like of which has never been : Creat Britain three months ago has seen in Tnglish Fistory." Smashed all English Cinema Records from Land's End fo the Shetlands, slipsing The Old Londen Misc Hall of the Birth of a Nation,' *' Hearts of the World' and the " Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 50's was the sporting rendezvous of "Evg 2 R a romantic characters of Victorian G R A N D vgs. .. lig ; England assembled. Here we would g Mats, reess he . find Lords and Earls - hobnobbing O PE I J A Three Days Only, Starting ww With bookies and jockeys, and. hus- : sies, : f=: [Twice Daily, 2.30-8.15 | H oy Sha pL aT 7.18 EVERY - a NOTRIETY HAS SOMETIMES MADE A CAREER, BUT NEVER A REAL WOMAN But here was a woman and a mighty pretty one, who believed in getting publicity in any way she could, even if she had to swing the stunt by ap- pearing in public garbed in too few clothes. She Did It All Right-- But*¥*--_? it's one of the most sensational of Screen's presentations. "Tie World's Applause" A WM. DE MILLE PRODUCTION. BEBE DANIELS \ LEWIS STONE AND A FINE CAST < Beatrice Horton TODAY «++ + 16-25c¢. 1 sale Baker's Cigar Store un- oz and Jock Harty er] \ ING REELS! A Non-Stop Laugh! TATE - o Assault-at-Arms Nell ary 28rd and 24th at 8 pm. ADMISSION EACH NIGHT , side meats vo uensin 3100 has running hot and cold "One-half block from Rallway| and Steamboat Landings: J. A. HUGHES, < tn ' 5 One of tho most remarkable scenes life through the advantages of the 1 over staged in pictures is found in [eo pTOVemER te available in : "The Game of Life," the immortal |, film-making industry now. "This \ : charge of the Light Brigade. We restoring of 'Tess of the Storm Coun- a non at Balaklava-- tion of mine, because I regard her FOR A LORD WAS ONLY 4 "Right through the line they broke; 2 {extend the honey market over 'the| Corrigan is seenwas Mr. Peck and Lil- Opens Run Here of motion picture fans and editorial her desire to give her most loved character a chance for even longer segothe $00 light cavalrymen charg- |. yo yor place in the cinema sun ing into the mouths of Russian can- | 7, realization of a fond ambi- as the most vitally important char- The famous charge was staged by joyed every minute I was togged out Jerndesion Of "his Majesty King |p yor rags because I love the beau- George V., who loaned. the producer tiful spirit which survives all her of "The Game of Life] 600 light wretchedness and misfortunes; the has lars of their claims &nd of the securis * Ottawd, Tecelved a request { ties, If any, held by them, and that af- from the British ambassador at | ter said last mentioned date, sald Exe 2 ¥ ecutorg will proceed to distribute the Washington that the province of | Assets of the deceased among the r= Ontario waive their extradition pro- | song-sytitled thereto, having regard to ceedings on Lewis Austin, who is] those ©laims only of which they shall then have had notice, and that they wanted here in connection with ths Will not be ltable for any part of said Mount Forest bank robbery. The Bri- assets oL3, A0¥ person of whose Slain » they 'sha not have had notice at the tish . ambassadér at - Washington time of such distribution. Y states that the state of Arkanas is T EAL EY, % ¢ + Solicitor r Executors, pressing a charge of murder against Dated at Kingston=this 21st day of Austin, and they aré urging that February, 1923. they be allowed to try him before he | ~ = is brought to Ontario. Signs of Good Health "The department has not reached Strong Healthy Organs, that function Regularly any decision on the matter as yet," | and Freely, without Pain or Delay-- stated Deputy Attorney-General Bay- Dr. Martel's Female Pill T ly to-day. Hi hel THOUSANDS HAL! cENToRy? Sealed tin package paly. 0 5 Cor 1 B Fron ees ----_-- ! Period Treat: t $2.00 Dru; GUARD NEW YORK {"_ mail, - Knickerbocker Remedy Coo. 1] exploit on the battlefield of the [right with so little consideration of Life," which since its opening in # smashed all cinema records in Eng- : land, will open at the Grand Opera BLUNDERS House tonight, Fngland. It wa$ here that all the .» This is the picturesque setting for Some of the drama and comedy in NIGHT AT, 2Sc. "Game of Life," and it is here that we see the dramatic meeting of Trav- ers," the plunger, and the bookies ~~~ | Who never sets a limit, and it 1s here " that we find that hilarious pair, the 3 T7900: 4054832900 > {irrepressible cobbler and that lovable AY z {urchin The Nivper, who by a strange 3 WON'T YOHATE RUSSIA «| turn of fortune have been lifted from : oo |a coster barrow in the siums of Lon- # Paris, Feb. 22.--The French 4/300 $0 8 Dursueis poXie With 20 # foreign office. this afternoon le ¥, 0 burn, Are these pictures suitable in the # flatly denied that the cabinét + living room? -- # had decided to re-open nego- % JACKIE COOGAN SPLENDID The answer will be found among 4 tiations with Soviet Russia as + IN "PECK'S BAD BOY" to-day's want ads. #asserted by the Echo National. «| "Peck's Bad Boy," starring Jackie ° # Coogan, six-year-old motion picture Radio Listeners -~ | celebrity, will be the feature attrac- . y 9 . S4sasatsue .e . tion at the Allen Theatre opening its : Need Imagination BEEKEEPERS' ASSOCIATION. {engagement today. The little young- | ster who carved a niche in th TS! When a radio drama is broad- Being Organized in Kingston For Co-| of all picture fans who saw him aS | casted every listener must set his operative Marketing. nse Kid" is sald to have done even imagination working to construct his The 'co-operative marketing of|greater work in "Peck's Bad Boy," | own scenery and setting. The listen- honey was the subject of an address | than he did in'the Chaplin master- er hears a telegraph: key and 'the of Allan T. Brown, Peterboro, before | piece, if such a thing cantbe possi- lines refer to a railroad station in a a gathering of local bee-keepers in|/ble. In this screen version of the small village as in the case of the the agricultural hall on Thursday af-{ volumes of the late Governer George first act of "The Travelling Sales- ternoon. Mr. Brown is carrying on Peck, Jackie is seen as an all-round man." At once is created in the mind a campaign simultaneously with oth-|{ American lad who is constantly mak- of every fan a picture of a railroad er organizers whose object is to have |ing trouble by his ingenuous boyish station. and to him all the sucoosdl- all the producers of honey sign con-|pranks. How he manages to get to ing nchion denoted by the voices of tracts to dispdsé of their produce only | the circus at the expense and morti- the players takes place in the mind- through the ones central Provincial | fication of his "Pa," causes the es- plcbure of the listaner co-operative organization. Mr. Brown | cape of a lion and general furore. at In the radio drama only - sound contends that this will result in the| the tent show, and throws a church "atmosphere" is ible, Telephone stabilization of price and the stand- [into an uproar by introducing a col- bells, cloaing > dou thunder an ardization of grade. There will be|lection of Iive ants, are some of the automobile horn, thé Whistle of a three grades of honey established | high-lights in this comedy. The sub- train or the whistle of the wind, th for marketing purposes. At present|titling is the working of Irvin 8. fun 0 ¢ a 9 SS bin ne 2 there is a penalty for adulepation|Cobb, famous humorist. Dorls May Tor uta oF.(he Yuttle or duly. has tho role of the Girl in the Case|YPowriter al et a vel pict. He argues that by carrying out a (Jackie's sister). Wheeler Oakman |"'®® tO sori pers ang ue plots warehousing plan it will be able to|portrays the Man in the Case. James oy eo Due ly iby entire year, where as it now runs|lian Leighton as Mrs. Peck. Ray-| Players of radio drama are handi- only from October to April. Last|mond Hatton is the village grocer| *PPed Dy the necessity of conveying year there was an enormous crop of|and Baby Gloria Wood is Jackie's|?2!! motion by the voice, by intona- honey and the market is now gutted | "affinity." ."Peck's Bad Boy" will fon and shading. The real artist of because all producers are flooding|be shown especially for school child-|! 19 stage need not utter a word to the market in an effort to dispose of ren Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. | XPress emotion; the clinching of the. their stocks. Consequently the bot-] Admission, ten cents, Ya or the twisting of a handker- tom fell out of the price. chief are stronger than words. i : The radio audience of to-day gets NEW PICTURE HAS his drama exactly as the blfnd man ta hysey Co Ds Sun- - POWERFUL THEME formerly "saw" the stage play, en- day _ Detroit Free Press comic -------- . tirely through the ears but supplem- section. Remember 'this section Son. What harm newspaper publicity |ented by imagination and experience, tains more comics by World Famed and notoriety can do_ persons in pub- [Radio drama is the direct opposite Artists than any other newspaper. lic life whens scandal turns Me |of motion pictures; the former de- Fight full pages in colors and.two forces against them, is the central pends upon sound, the latter upon pages of -cuf-out toys. On sale at all theme of Willlam de Mille's latest sight. It is nable to expect that leading news-stands production for Paramount, 'The |the growing p ty of the radio ---- : - World's Applause," featuring Bebe [drama will result in a revival of in. a sDaniels and Lewis Stone, which [terest in the spokem drama. After hole World Loves ir oh comes to the Strand Theatre to-day. every play presented by WGY Phay- Free Press is\now publishing eight Bebe Daniels has the role of Cor-|ers the studio receives from 800 to pages of the world's best comics and inne d'Alys, a successful actress, 1,000 letters from radio fans, ex- two pages of colored cut-outs, Watch whose high place has been largely pressing appreciation and enjoy- for them Sunday. On sale at all lead- | due to her insatiable search for bub- ment. It is interesting to note that ing news-stands, ~ licity. Lewis Stone, finished stage|a great many of these letters come . . and screen artist, makes his debut as | from those who have seen the stage For peddling dope about Belle-|2 contract player under the Para-|production of the broadcast plays. ville, a woung married Man was in| Mount banner in the role of John El- ---------- police court and admitted' the of-| liott, a 'dramatic producer, who be- Public School 3 oem fence. He was sent up for six|COMes enmeshed in emotional situa- The 8 Cadet Cuepe. tipns of compelling force when his e first parade of Company ths, a ill 1 - pont a, 3g ii be Disced In a8 In sister (Kathlyn Williams) allows |®! the public school cadet corps Mrs. White Smith, Roblin, passed | J6a0usy of her artist husband | (LO the a boing Ne away after a few weeks' illness with | (Adolphe Menjou) to drag them all Yon io ea The kidney trouble. Her 'funeral wag | [nto a quagmire of scandal and i, "officers -- non-comm o very largely attended. Her remains| F38edy. From this point on the sloned io Shs have beén appointed: were taken to Napanee vault. drama proceeds to an . unexpected Cadet captain, T, Harpell; cadet Sir Alfred Yarrow has given|SOT¢Iusion, creating, it is sald, a lieutenants, J, Beard and H. La 3500.000 to the Royal Society tor) iZpically .. well-rounded, . dramatic ( 'nithants, J Company Sergesht- the advancement of scientific re.| William de Mille entertainment. An an Waste aly Sorat search in its application to practical ultra-modern note is struck by Miss A A : and C Williams: cadet corp- affairs. ' Daniels In her costumes, which are ohengi ds Gerally and Born unusually elaborate. Mr. de Mille 3% 8, We yi . rming- considers the cast assembled for to. cadet T sergeant, W. " n po Coffey. : a Watle's Applause Sue af the Considerable interest and enthus- n career as a motion p! Jasm is being shown by all connected ture director. Other supporting g with this company and a véry sup- roles are filled by such well-known rnfce | °TIOr class of boys are'being enroll- Jiayers 4s Brandon 'Hurst. Be ed as members, The company intend Frank, Maym Kelso, George Kuwa |*4 a 3 31d James Neill, Special attraction, [10 Sommence drills and practiess Miss Beatrice Horton, soprano, and | ©0Tthwith and are leaving rothing Sy -- CATHOLIC CHURCHES °:™™* ---- - REGRETS THAT THE U.S. Special Police Protection Giv= DID NOT PLAY PART en the Edifices During the | - SS Lenten Period. In the Peace Settlement<-Re= marks Made by the British New York, Feb. 22. -- Every Roman Catholic church in New York Premier. whi-have spectal police protection at a ria all services "during Lent, it was| 1ondon, Feb. 22.--Premier Bonar learned to-day when Chief Inspector [Lay ra Joaret Deters 4 ne Lahey issued orders to all district United States citizens, that the Un- police heads to detail mben. to work. [ited States had not played her part The orders instructed patrolmen 10! 1h the peace settlement as she had prevent the entrance to churches of in the war, The occasion of the prem- all persons carrying suspicious 8Ds | fer's remarks was the celebration pearing parcels. Men also were in- of Washington's birthday. He believ- structed to prevent all loitering in ed that when another opportunity the vicinity of Catholic churches, Presents itself the "United States The first police guard was posted nger estan this morning. Every Roman Catholic Eoverpment wil) uo lo 4 : aloof from the troubles of the church in Greater New York was world." He paid tribute to Canada guarded 'by bluecoats. Monsignor [gor its great contribution to the Lavelle, vicar-general of the diocese, struggle. Hon. H. C. Larkin was said to-day the church authorities among the guests had not asked police protection for a : the churches. He declared that he knew of no threats to burn the 327009990 404%0040 churches, such as have been received NEGROES ARE HELD in Canada. OVER A TRAGEDY NEWS OFF THE WIRES Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 22.--Two men and two women, all IN CONDENSED FORM negroes are held in jail here in . | % connection with the burning to Tidings From Places Far and|* death of Willie Matee and Mar- [# ion McDowell, thirteen and sey- Near Are Briefly enteen years old, Decatur, Ga., 'Recounted.- early yesterday. The aughori- ties brought the negroes to At- Theopsle Delcasse, former minis- lanta for safekeeping. ter of foreign affairs, died suddenly | at Nice Wednesday night. PEPE 2EE29%%0 00 00 Galt council will--hold a special Cr mrermmpd meeting to consider the proposed LINE OF DEFENDERS second highwi between Galt and Pron. wy BEGINS TO CRUMB Four were killed and three badl of Le burned by eg au of gas in y And the us, Shipping Bill colliery operated by the Lehigh Val- Filibuster y End by ley Coal Company at Pottsville, Pa. Frid espatches from the Rhine say eneral Degoutte has issued an ord- Washington, D.Q; Feb. 22.-2The er forbidding the entry of German line of defenders holding out against cabinet ministers into the occupied tne Alibuster on the administration area, . . shipping bill to-day began to crack General O'Daly, commanding . the and crumble, under the fear that F159 Swe forces i Coumy Kerry, | tne session might end without an I epore ih or a regular | ooo ortunity being afforded to get seventeen men. through legislation which some After signing an undertaking pro- senators feel is more Important to viding for their good behavior, they were released. . them than the subsidy bill is to the administration. Notice was served Amy. on Senator Jones, in charge of the Curlers Made Presentations. bill, by. several republican senatprs Toronto, Feb. 22.--The Scotch | who have stood by him, that if he curlers, on their trip over the lines | was unable to break the filibuster _ of the Canadian National Railways, | by Friday or Saturday they would were accompanied from Halifax to be fcreed to support a motion to send Quebec by A. H. Lindsay, advertis-| the subsidy bill back to the come ing agent, Moncton, and from Que- | merce committee. r 3 bec to Winnipeg by Neil McDougall, C.N.R. splrtsmen's representative,|. Prince George, who recently un Port Arthur. On completion of the | derwent an operation for appendi« . tour at Winnipeg, in addition to glv-|citis, succéssfully came through a ing hearty expression of appreciation | minor operation in Buckingham pal4 of services rendered by the railway, |ace Thursday morning. they presented Mr. McDougall with At present there are forty-six bode a sterling silver cigarette case. A'jes resting in the wault at Brockville similar presentation was made to cemetery, which is considered a larga Mr, Lindsay at Quebec. number at this time of the winter. 0044900000000 000 > To do most good a food must taste good HE form and flavor of Grape-Nuts help fo make this delicious cereal food most nourishing. From the very first taste of Grape-Nuts, the digestive processes start converting the rich nutritive and mineral elements of this wheat-and- malted barley food into body-building material. {undone with 8 view to winning at on ovis of Quality eomaietn 8] ear aoe of ihr Tinie oo '| competition, 2 x Washington's birthday was cele- brated out, the United Stat- es on arog but if oH Grape, with créam or milk is a complete food, ng that real enjoyment so necessary to good digestion and perfect assimilation. Most economical, too, because a moderate amount provides unusual nourishment. Sold by Grocers Everywhere! ~ Grape-Nuts mzsoovsomss + "Theres a Reason" ¥ Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Limited §&83F 3 ". - 45 Pront St., E. Toronto. _: Factory: Windsor, Ontario be