Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Feb 1923, p. 12

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» 233: alah THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 5 : THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 105. 5. oe! A BIBLE STORY OF SOCTATISH er = wore MADE TURKS ROMR your rome oum am Blood Out of Order | Formerly It Was His Priviiegé to eo { Teach, H. n School pi oo v . . i . | ~The International Sunday School Lesson for February 25 . TD the v Stranger's Attempt to Eat Near | should be built of) 1s to supply' you Mary people become run down, but | jg "The Parable of the Pounds."--Luke 19: 11-48. "By vistue uf the power vited bi Ie East Wienie Was/ Funny, | the best materials] With the BEST, don't know just exactly what their : » : i : roublo tn, whoa, 'as & Tule, it 1 In By William T. Ellie. | oy. the SIRS Sf stusens of Posin : that this fair Dom.| c°uPled with effi- proper circulation of the blood. Our recent industrial strife has [accounts who are "ever taking .ac-|the degree of bachelor of arts and to | Proprietor's Wife Showed Him How te . en cient service at the All they need Is a good tonic t0]set many men to thinking about | count of themselves, Ofcourse, this |all the rights and privileges thereof." Dissect Delicacy, Which Is As ion of ours can lowest consistent: build up the system and put the blood | causes and charactenistics of, things | inefficient servant was voluble with What cold comfort such knowledge sembled on Iron Skewer. Tr d 3 into proper shape. in general. The held of one great | his excuses; ability to coin excuses may bring to the budding A. B. will ie ' produce. . | prices. ' For this purpose there is nothing | corporation declares that "one. trou- | segs to be the one craft in which [be made still colder by the Informa- | Strong men wept trying to keep L ' h O90 the market sods to ouwal or of ogr times ls that most men | the Ineffective excel. This servant's ton that this particular degree means 'trom laughing. Some did not try.) et s get together. . are thinking how they may get rich | failure was by no means his own | virtually nothing, remarks a New York restrain themselves, but laughed out - Burdock Blood Bitters | avickly, while few are thinking | fault he declared. Of course not; (Sun writer. Historically, the A. B. | oud, a long, rumbling, throaty, Levan. : about sheer fidelity and personal | the times were out of point; the so. | deETee was simply a license to teack | tine laugh. 'The proprietor jumped " ; regulates the stomach, liver and | efficiency." He pointed out wha. | cial system was wrong; -eemployers | 20d to proceed to a higher degree. In | gown from his perch bellind the cash sven, purifies the blood and tones | the wrap and woof of 'our national | were Msh-linaded and unjyst! - - ihe Murtsenth Seatury * Paria i ya register of a Turkish cafe In Rector VI ; f * "up the entire system. life needs just now. We can get| There you have them; as they have | upoh students w street, the New York Sun states. To CT ' Be H. Poole, Port Dover, Ont. |along handsomely without any | existed from time immemorial, and Based certain preliminary tests--no- | gether with the head waiter he start- ORIA STREET. Phone 1042. writes: --"My system was run down | more "captains of industry" or "high | as they will be to the end; the two te The or SUsainary, . I ' ed toward the table In the corner. and my blood out of order, and I sut- | Bnanciers"; but lack of the faithful | great classes of men: the workers teach Aa t Meant DN} ten wat On his face was a look of horror. fered a great deal from pains in my-| 90€rs of life's daily tasks spells ruin (and the Whiners. One class does ; master's schoc Ft pen As he weat forward he waved his han sled ag for the nation itself. The ominous | things, and offers for the world's in. | ted one to be a sort of pupll teach | trying to quiet those who laughed. "head which made me feel very miser-| '1. the "man factor" hes spection a finished task; the others |S But even his benefit was quall' | Hearing the noise, the proprietors fled. List to the chronicler: wife came In, saw what was the mat- able. A friend told me to try Bur] "\ oncinie for many - recent | whine because the thing simply can- ; : @® dock Blood Bitters, so I got a bottle railway wrecks should set us all not be done. In one of these two z Dathsive Jestures Xero Apparently ter, and came forward also, snatching : vy and before it was used I found it was | thinking. The present need is the | categories each of us surely has a a pan Yule -- fe a wa knife and fork as she hurried. - Une man, a stranger In the quarter, : "doing me good. I kept on until I|5ld one which Kipling voices: place. had taken three, and now I feel like : than a means of instruction for the PU- | wou gegted at a table. He looked up, a different woman, : "Greation's ory goes up on nigh, Pluck and Luck. " Ps oar Sometimes necessary for wondered what was the matter and : My husband also took it and it has| prom age to cheated' age, There is not » "down-and-out"|y, pive'an audience to bribe scholars | Continued to eat. The three surround YRUP OF AR 'built him up. : B. B. B. has | 000 6end the man who does the | bagear 'on the highways .who an-|so come and sit under him by gifts or | TONS table. : For the past 44 Jears "by Th hs work not tell a plausiuts hard-luck story. [jeans of money." Non---non--nion--not so! Monsieur been manufactured only by The T. 5 the wate™ He is hat fate i i : > make a meestak I" Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. For which he draws the wage. e sure that fate is against him; And what's more, an A. B. had to ! a ry -- that the industrial system is all|yeach hatless. The right to wear a | _Egskuse pléas'--eet can be taken Whod Even Becomes Odd. wrong; that he never had a chance; | par while teaching was reserved to the | © for eating!" JUST CALL All this is gathered up in one of | that he is a vi~tim of cruel capital; | masters and the placing of the biretta So spoke the proprietor and the ) the peerless stories of camos clear: | that the world owes him a diving or cap symbolized the entrance from | head waiter. The woman said noth- Ing, but seized the American by the size bottles by all dealers. FROST'S ness told by Jesus. He drew a pic- | and does not want to pay its debts, bachelochood to mastership. Sold 1m generous ture of a ruler going abroad for a and so on. » And are these the "rights and priv- | Wrist and took the food from his hand. THE J. L. MA' EU CO., Props, - SHERBROOKE, PQ. long time. To each of the ten as-| Without ignoring the injustices fleges" for which the ambitious stu- | Laying it on a plate she slashed it also of Mathes 's N: ot rechedy deftly with. the knife she carried, for Headaches, algia Wien You Want 4 Thorough, sistants, he gave one found (About | which abound In the world, let us (dent works or bluffs fur four long First-Class Job.of>s siZteen, in present currency). They | deal frankly with this craven spirit, years? Shouldn't prexy free himself | Smiled at the astonished diner and AUTOMOBILE were to trade therewith until their | which is worse than any of th¢|from the bonds of prececent and de- | Sald: "See--so I" 2 master should return, and then ren- | other evils of life. We need oft oliver a more 'neaningful formula? Now that the stranger understéod PAINT NG der him an accounting. These men | tell ourselves tha old story~af the |But stay? Thére are some rights to:| what the consternation was all about, were left with a large degre® of in- | coward whose sword was broken | which the new-fledged gradnate may | he laughed with the rest. For it was PHONE 526. dependence and to their own initia- | and who fled from the battle in de- | cling. all on account of a Near East, wienle, "200-305 QUEEN STREET. tive. spair. A prince picked up the brok-| When once hé may add his name to | Which he had started to eat in the Come to think of it ,the parable (en blade and with it won a glor- [those first two letters of the alphabet | Datural American fashion. And Near > represents something like an experi- | fous victory in that same battle. he may also get In line for the hon- | East wienies are different things from inent in socialism. All the men. wero Some think that the master in |ored position of "oldest living gradu- the nines dog wagon" and deli- il - ' . ", hi equipped alike. They were started | this story dealt too sharply with the [-ate. His degree confers upon him i Ls on equal terms. All had the same | derelict servant." Our mood now-|2lso the privilege of complaining that In the first place they are regarded or 2% x "it wasn't like this In the olden days" | highly as a dinner dish. They are . general obligation. Bpt as in every | adays is one of sentimentality, A i - f beginning his tales with "Do | served in the place of the roast, after It Is Pyramid similar experience since the begin- | which would rather send flowers to | 22d of beginning his ta Yaa tue Dice ar 1a pie Bo RS tigi ii mo i en--"" finally, ning of time, thc human factor pre- (convicted murderers than send the | YOU Semember when And, , valled. What started even ended [criminals to the gallows. Joseph |°DC® @ year at elass Neupions it pro- mint Biighig Trg @ Sm That seems | . i Pyramid Pllc Suppositories Mave | odd. One man returned to his mas- | Parker has & wise word on this | Yides him with a short vacation from a : <k, highly favored Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children: | wife and home without the necessity | and hearty mixture of eggplant or | Foods are i lly prepared for babies A baby's roma Brought Rellet to Thousands ter a ten-fold increase, one a five- | theme: 'ho Mad Suff x , : Whe Mad Suflcred Severely of exerting his ingenuity for the Inven- | okra and meat. is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared Years. fold increase and a third no increass "When Jesus spoke a severe Si tion of a likely sounding excuse. Instead of being stuffed into a' cas pyro ail, Quickly realize that at hi kor biases lida a Jor the severity Jame t of the | "4 no that A. B. may be of some | Ing, these Syrian wienles are assem- for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need. of « eimply wonderful to ease pain, roo n another place Jesus told a sim- truth of its application. Is it not value, after all. : bled around a long iron skewer, with a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children . Har story of the three men who were | a harsh thing to call a man a the metal ends extended so that t brought Castoria before the public after years of research given the tustody of various sums| liar? Not if he be false. Is it Licht W Clothes Out. they can be 1aid over an open charcoal ats no claim has been made for it that its use f 30 of money in talents one had five not unsociable to describe any ght Wears Oup Clothes a over : There is nothing more destructive | fir and roasted evenly. 'When broiled years has not proven. talents, one two and another one. man as a hypochite ? Not if he be to clothing than strong sunlight. Cot- | they are superior to "hot dogs." being ) : ee { The first two doubled their capital untrue. x ton and wool fibers are very tough | entirely of minced lamb. Some call WwW : ea > nD ! 2d fie thi] Buried Ris leat ov hereln, then, is this Msked: and elastic. They will withstand rub- | them Turkish hamburger, but this is h at 1S CASTO R IA 8 | the earth. was the man wi ness of calling men names? In a misnomer. $ > one pound who wrapped it up in a the misapplication of the epithets. Mug aul. twisting 1 % Trpeising do They come to the tal!s with the Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor oil, Paregoric, napkin. The two stories are illus-| It is wicked to call & man true {if very little. Yet exposure to a week's | foundation from still 10 place. X Tt Drops and Soothing It is pleasant. It contains trations of the same essential prin-| we know him to be untrue. There sunshine 'will cause them to become | keeps the .meat hot, and the ends 'ex- neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ciple of fidelity and efficlency. Like! {s a righteous reproach. We do harsh and brittle so that they easily | tehd like those fussy silver clips that age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has every other alert. public speaker,| not use harsh words when we tell break and wear. tare sometimes spliced into the ends of beta in sonstant oe relief of Constipation, Flatulency, . : c dn thoea; allaying Feverishness arising Jesus varied His illustrations from men what they really are." If worn in the dark, an ordinary | an ear of green corn. By these con- time to time. a suit of clothes' would last at least ten | venlent handles had the stranger therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids allay that ag, ; Wanted: More Great Men. years. But sunlight weakens a fabric | Picked up his first wienie, attacking the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. 4s 8 . : Bor pied enall yo Trusting Our Helpers. Obsarvers not a few are bewall- | according to its color. A dark cloth | It In a combination "hot dog" and The Children's Comfort--The: Mother's Frie ; Tact. that almost every drug- Of the ten servants to whom a {ing the lack of great mem in our retains its strength longer 'than ome | Ereen- corn fashion, . pine und Tan arrive pound each had been given, two re- | times. One clear answer to this is | tinted with red, green or yellow. On| This was the reason the diners GENUINE C AS | PR : Zstows 2 Hehly these Supposi« ported themselves as sucessful. They | that not enough are in the school of | the other hand, blue and violet light | laughed or tried to keep from laugh- ALWAYS stitute." You can try them free by | wero a ;00d proportion. Seven re- | greatness which is called' fidelity. | is more harmful than red and yellow. | Ing. -For his enlightenment did the . Fyramia' Drug "Co... 637 Pyeimig | Main unaccounted for In the story. | Greatness is mot as accolade, lald| Not all dress materials are affected | proprietor leave his cash register un- : Bears the Si 73 and) " . e Signature of 4 Bldg, Marshal A Mich, 421, Pyramid Perhaps they absconded with their | on by the stroke of fortune. Great- | alike by sunshine. Woolen fabrics | guarded! To show him how to dissect ! \ ' pounds. The parable faithfully mir- {ness fs a growth, and more persons | wear out faster than cotton. This | out the fron skewer did the proprie-.; : es = | TOTS life. It is a rare helper who can | have potentialities for it than ever |partly explains why woolen. cloth | tor's wife rush forward with a knife | Em | accept a commission and then do it | they realize. Most #% us could: do | fades less rap!dly than a cotton fabric | and a fork. Thinking . he had been || Well without the presence of an over- | great things if we were In the habit | of the same color. When sunlight acts | remiss in not showing the guest what DR. H. A. STEWART jSeer's eye. An employer of thou-|of growing In our present tasks. |on a colored woolen cloth, the cloth | to do and how to do it in the case of - Dental Surgeon £ands of men told an industrial com- | but we prefer to do little things in | Suffers first and thereby partly" pro- | the wienies, the head waiter stood in -- . mission the other day that there are | a little way. We covet safety rather | tects the dye. In cotton materials the | the ba nd and locked worried. Wishes to announce {i} more tea-thousand-dollar: jobs walt- | than strength. The average man {s | Sunlight ruins the dye first. As for the guest, he wasn't bothered | ° 1 SC or Yer cars that he has" resumed ing for men than there are men fit looking for a sure salary rather si at all. Willing to oblige, he slashed | .. =~: Sy : for ten-thousand-dollar jobs. than for a worthy task. Besides, we Safe Medical Advice. the second and the third, extracting - THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY 1: . | his practice, cor. Wel- In this story efficiency follows | too often want"to go fishing or to| The doctor had left his instructions | the iron core as directed, and went | N\ right on eating wienles. . ' oo: : : faithfulness. ' They who Succeed are 42° to the "movie," or to the base-|sulliclent to carry on during his ab lington and Princess | they who are true; and they whoWhall game, when the spirit of great. | sence through the afternoon. = All Er -- A MARRIAGE AT WESTBROOK. Streets. Phone 2092. fall are lacking In character qual- | ness would bid us stick to the task. | weat well till the phone rang and a » "Mune JRA i vith ! fication. The master employer did |The reward of work well done is| sweet feminine voice inquired, "Is 8 reported that ard of Geneva, 'estbrook ° ! i Dr. H. A. Stewart | not get, nor expect, the same returns | more work to do; and whosver gets | the doctor in? Alay I speak to him?" | Switzerland, successfully employs [The W ay ™ Are be | a | fram all. But. to both the success-|in the classification - of greatness|The assistant per Instructions ex- | music to soothe and tranquilize the Westbrook, Feb. 19.--The month- "| ful servants his app-obation was: [finds himself the servant of his |Pltined the doctor's absence and in- dgeams of persons who have taken |, meeting of the W, M. 5. and { "Well done, thou .good servant," [work. - . _ ~~ |auited If -he could be of any _use. | ether or chisrofarm. in order to under. 7 FIUDE Soclety was held at the | dnd each was rewarded according to Underlying this pleture is tho | The lady caller's voice was worried | go surgical operations. bome of Mrs. J. L. F. Sproule, On his abllit;. If anybody gets any- | sublime truth that the king was de. | 28 She went on. The music is begun as soon as the | (wednesday, Feb. 7th a welding of "Oh, I am 50 softy, I am phoning for | anesthetic begins to take effect, and local Interest took place when Bur thing else out of this parable than a | pendent -on his stewards, even as ' : primary lesson In faithfulness, he | Christ lets.the welfars of his king- | M™® Blink and It is very important. | is continued until the patient awakes, rell Gates and Aletha Hamilton were has missed the first purpose of the | dom rest on the faithtulness of his | Tell the doctor immediately on bis | It is sald that not only does thi. .reat- married. . Walter Smith, who is ser- ' ID telling of the story. ' It was fidelity, | friends. All good canses, even tha | Feturn that' Mrs. Blank Is baving a | ment prevent the hysterical effects bously ill, was removed to the Gen- EAL always fidelity, that Jesus sought. owth of the Gospel itself, depend | SYkhana coming on and she wonders | sometimes witnessed, but that the pa- |, it i on fidel 2 thi pe + DAR if he could do anything for it." tient, on feels (no nausea Fal Hospital on Saturday. Mr. and > * : on | ity>of those who stand 'as |'. 4 . Mrs, .Henry Evans rejoice over-tha BAKERY 3 stewards. And that puts the parable The assistant made a Durried note | or lliness. Redard 4180 uses'blue light arrival of 'a son. The Grass and Ladin el A - : Tho Two Classes. squarely up to all of us in the | "Pd reassured bis caller. Il tell | to produce anesthesia. The light from Clark firm have a' number of men | | The.man who made ten pounds ove of lite the doctor as soon as he returns. And | a sixteen-candle-power electric lamp, {,0 a0 os od fill hei : TRY BURNS' WHOLE Wl! was givén the oversight of ten cities. JIay : meanwhile fell her to put a mustard | furnished with a blue bulb, is concen. hou ally SEES hE their ice THE PREVAILING GRIPPER. WHEAT BREAD | The man who gained five pounds was : - Ea Jlowkiain Grove poultice it and renew gvery two | trated upon the patient's eyes, but the | ph Lorna Sproule has gone to ------ ; a | Abpointed over Sve oities, Thowsl. yo bai Grove Fos 19 Toe} TOS Arian. head and the lamp se uveloped In 8 | vey Fork wis she has secured a [Has Made Itself Felt in Village of THE STAFF OF LIFE ; ten 'men started even, but the faith. . " Y _ | blue veil to shut off extraneous light. posi Bath yo Y ; ! tal ones had acquired capacity in body 'of the late H.. B. Sanderson, Electrical Transmissio : Insensibllity is. produced in two or bon 1n an hospital. Miss Katle : : { sorvies,.. for. fatthtuihere begets | Who 'Passed away in Kingston at the The on - ransm oh thres. minutes. Sheehan. left on Tuesday to spend | Bath, Feb, 19.--Mr. and Mrs. | Rtas The 1 as a for (IiDe Old age of sighty-two arrived |, he world-wide wnown of Niagara fre some time with her sister, Mrs. (John Holt, Toronto, are visiting at success ual jo-serviee, here on Monday, and was conveyed the t - tri i ts ilies English Rural Fire Fi Meagher, Marysville. M. Lawler 31/0. W. Cuppagey, Mri. Fred ial Th og wh "uo 10 the Methodist church where seor- great electric pian ng : re Fighters. cperating his hay press at Anthony | who has been seriously iil is sHghtly + The craven' who would.take ho fo. oo conducted by Rev. Stock. | (here Dut In so far ss the Niagara | Itrwas a sleepy village and its fire Smith's improved. Hiram Covert is very ili Shanice so ohetvased a er, Arden, assisted by Rev. Webber, | PROM are Jong siganes ones the wark ; bri Sh 20ything but uptodate. | 5 pleasant time was spent at the [at time of writing. Nearly everyone ng fe © latter which a large cortege followed | P°/n8 done been surpassed | One te Was announced by | valentine concert on Frida even: [in the village and vicihity have had time to do hls 1 ster's appointed |,,. 8 the violent ringing of the alarm bel ¥ work-- "1h dan the body to its last resting piace mm and the sleepy brigade a a Lt ling but owing to the bad condition |the prevailing grippe In either the s Wrappe. bh: pound In & NAP-((ne jgeal "cometery. Ifccossed. was : ee irri oh at the | of the roads, and so many people be- |mild or more severe form. Mrs. ng {Rev.) A. C. Hoffman and daughter, kin and then blam: his non-produc- well and favorabl : ' . y known In this ' ing sick, the crowd was not as large tiveness on his lord. He had been so community, having beeg one of the | wreathed in curling black smoke. as otherwise it would have been. |Faye, have returned after visiting Pry ves almest foot ie | pioneers of Olden township. _ : a . of abh Welch purchased, a number friends in Toronto. The ae 7 that ho imate masta He was a strict adherent of the : - a of fine cattle from Henry Fisher, game played on Saturdey afternoon a » namgly, odist church, and a member of ; 2 LT apg------------ between the Bath team and the Nap- worth t ng about only as he df the Orange order under which ae ; . If you would know the value of |enee Collegiate Institute team rer his work in the world. | was buried. He Is survived by Sie vipe. money, go and try to borrow some. sulted in & score of 4 to 4, By a range Inversion of logle. | pig, one som, William, Calsars - ¢ they who think most about them- and one daughter Maud "Kin ¢ iy selves are commonly the ones least| mpg women's Institute met at], | worth thinking about. It is the no- Mrs. A. Snider's on Tuesday aft ' - wi] i] ¢ Hu Eis a

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