THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG re C1 THE SLANDER ACTIN FAS, oe oven wn ana v. ron 3 To (Continued from Page 7.) Mr. Canuingham's Address, Mr, Cunningham followed Mr. Nickle, end declared that the real fesus in the cased was es to whether Rev. Dr, Laweca had proved that Dr. Geddes hed treated his wie 2s badly as had been alleged--tha \D's con. duct had been of such a character as to warrant the taking away of his diploma; that Dr. Geddes was re- sponsilie for her state of health, and that generally, he had acted in an unprofessional manner! This was the charge. It was alleged that Dr. Geddes had gone to her home, and that he was responsible for her deli- cate condition. There was mo slan- der whatever in the letter Dr. Geddes wrote to Rev. Dr. Lawson, tendering his resignation. as a memt@r-qf his church. Yet in the face of this, Dr. Lawson stated that it was because of Dr. Geddes' letter, he had been spreading the story abgut his un- professional conduct. THE ALBERT L.CLOUGH. _ 1 : ~~ Bervice Buggestions : Bervising Motorcars Is Now 4 Highly Specialised Business IF TRD COMPANY that bullt your ear suggests, ia thelr trstructior book or elsewhers, that you register with them your name, address i¥ a good flea to comply, erpnciail sf aad car number, it your car i3 of a now model. In osse they maintain. an in apection service, it !s also well to investigate it, for you may find it praftable to make use of it.. The guaradtge Borne by cars ocossionaily Proves of valus to an owner and it should be resd over and thoroughly understood. Full information concernizg your car and its operation "and repair should be obtainsbie, without cha: ,- from ths factory or auy of {ts au service stations. In writing the fac for, in. formation or repair parts, always give your car's serial number, engine number and year of manufacture. It usually pays to order parts from A service station rather than from the factory direct and on the whole, it will be found more satisfactory to have repairs made at a service station 0? its particular make than at a general repair shop, especially it the required worl is on which are at all out of the ordinary. Remember that, nearly all the electrical equipment, the carburetor, Yacuum tank, the speedometer, tires, rims and some other parts were not manufactured by the car maker, but by concerns which take thelr Own responsibility for their product. Most of them maintain service stations and Information, inspection and repairs on thess parts ars usually more satisfactorily obtained from them than from the car's - service station. Some battery manufacturers ask customers to register their batteries with the company's nearest service station and render a limited free dorvice in the way of inspection, which is of considerable valie. As to the electrical equipment, it is too much to expect that a * gereral repair shop can handle difficulties which arise with it so well as ean a specialized electrical service station, and the same thing is true as to carburetors, vacuum tanks and other parts of the equipment. UNDEROILED CYLINDERS M. A. H. writes: When I had my car looked over last time, they found that the platon rings were 80 badly worn that new ones had to be fitted, although they had not seen more than 6,000 miles of serv. fee. They tell me too that the cylinders are worn quite a little. Can this be because there isn't enough oll on the cylinder walls? ls there any way of finding out 1746 | 2% F Fir d Answer: Insufficient cylinder or €eWO0O0 iubrication could readily account $ for this rapid wear. You can re- A choleo lot of Hard and Soft move the cylinder head just after Woed always en hand. ¥ou have run the car, and pass your See us frst. ficger ovar the cylinder walls 19 CHAS. BEDORE a SON, see if there is an unbroken film o! 3 : 274 NELSON ST. oll over thelr entire surface. If not it would look as it they were un- CREAM WILL CLEAR - derolled. On some engines, the finger can be inserted through the Instantly Opens Every Air Passage-- Clears Throat Too. ' Yet . A TWIG in time be- comes & tree. And the little savings that come through watching the A- B-Q Classified Ads before long make a round sum. Road them to-day ! Two Gentlemen at Odds. "These two gentlemen are at j0dds," remarked his lordship, in - |epening his address to the jury, after which-he instructed the jury on the meaning of libel and slander. _ It was, ho pointed out, up to the jury to determine as to whether or not a legal "wrong had been done, and anything he had to say in the way of merits of the case, must be disre- garded by the jury. The jury had to give the verdict. 'When I read the record of the case 'this morning," added his lord- ship, "I saw something in it about a "lady, not 'a' party to this action. Wh ere trying the cise of two men, why take in the woman? I hope that nothing is made of this. The name of the lady managed to slipnout in the evidence, but she is not concern=t ed in the action, It was open for the Jury to believe that the two men were very much ex- cited, and that the defendant was not any to careful how he uttered \words, and what he uttered. He could not gee as Mrs, Lawecn haa suffered much injury. She was of a nervous disposition, and her heart was not in the best of condition True, the incidert did not do her any £ood, bul. there" was no evidence to show that she suffered very much: She took the medicine' Dr, Geddes had given her, although she would not admit that it had dome her any good. ITowever, there were many People who woull say the same thing, It was "a question as to whether: there had been ahy mal- Practice. And*if so, was it deliber- ately done? Was the excitement sufficient to make her condition more serious? Por box! by an or seat " nt CON MIbicinE COL C. 8, B. writes: the following questions concerning (oll pumping in respect to which my engine has given considerable trouble: (1) Will an extra hot spark stop missing from this cause? (2) Can stuck rings be loosened up without taking an en- gine down? (3) Will the use of motor graphite reduce 1t? (4) Will spark Intensifiers prevent the miss. ing of oily plugs? (5) What other remedies can you suggest? Answer: (1) No. Certal in extreme cases. (32) Soaking them thoroughly with kerosene, intro- duced through the spark-plug holes, sometimes frees them by re- moving the burnt oll, with which they are gummed. (3) It will have no appreciable effect, if the ring-fit is really bad, although ft may, in time, Improve the tightness of rings that are nearly. a perfect fit. (4) They will cause plugs to spark, which would be completely short- circuited without them. (6) It well fitted rings will not stop oll pumping, reduction of the of] sup- ply to the cylinder walls may ao 80, Special oll proof rings or bevelled, scraper rings, with oll-return holes drilled through the piston walls in the ring grooves sometimes prove effective, ig Quieter Timing Gears - Non-Netatlic, Bilent Timing Gears Are Becoming Popular A PRETTY LARGE PROPORTION of the cars in use have metal timing gears, and not a few of the older one's are fitted with straight tooth gears, instead of those of the more silent helical tooth variety. Metal gears are sometimes noisy even when new and all such gears tend to grow nolsy with age, especially it the engine idles trregularly or has a Weak cylinder. Timing genrs, malle of non-sonorous material, that does not "ring" as metal does, have been known for many years, but recently, through improvements In the material used and on account of the competition of the silent chain; they have come to the front. Such "silent" timing gears, made of fibrous material, impregnated under pressure, or from synthetic plastic materials, are now on the market, in great variety, of such sizes and tooth numbers as to form replacements for the metal gears found on most popular medels of cars. In the case of any engine with metal timing gears, which makes a decided hum- ming or chattering at its front, when idling, or in the case of any car which makes a noticeable noise of similar character, not attributable to the rear end or transmission, whea running on high gear, the replace ment of the existing timing and accessory drive train, with one made 4p of nov-sonorous gears may be worthy of serious consideration, INSTALLING TWIN-SPARK 00 early or being too much ad- MAGNETO vanced, so that the full gas rae. Sure is developed in the cylinder before the piston has reached the top of its stroke and is ready* to move down. This results in a mo- mentary tendency for the engine to Ss and the attendant - 0 the moving parts causes ocking sound. The remedy is ; to adjust the ignition so that the Spark ocours later in the piston movement. As the timer used on this engine attaches to ita shaft in An invariable position, the most usual cause of a spark knock. which cannot be stopped by re- tarding the spark lever, is that linkage which connects the timer with the spark lever has become Please answer The land of contrasts of wealth and poverty, splendor and squalor, also has its con~ trasts of loyalists'and rebels. At present the frontier tribes are maintaining a petty war- fare against' British power, bfit native Indian troops are assisting the British in putting down the rebels. Picture number one shows native troops who co-operate in maintaining * pegce and order in India, and picture number two shows the type of rebellious frontiers- mien, who are feared by the states of India because their success would mean that India would be overrun with savages from the north. Number three shows the interior of the magnificent new legislative building at Delhi in hich home rule government - will sit. Number four shows how native princes appear in state before their subjects. Number five is India's viceréyg, Lord Reading; and number six shows a frontier tribesman actually) snap- ped while ro for a'victim. These pictures were supplied direct from India to the Brit- ish and Colonial Press. aa 8 BERTIE 2 * spark plug hole and run over a lit- tle of the wall surface. If you wish to furnish a little more cylinder lubrication, you can mix oil with your gasoline in the proportion of one part to 20 or 30. Increasing the oll pressure, in a force feed oil. ing system, should give more cylin- der lubrication. We suppose you renew your engine ofl frequently. nly not It your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed because of nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a little pure, antiseptic cream into your nostrils. It penetrates through every air pas- sage, soothing and healing swollen, inflamed membranes and you get in- stant relief. Try this. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Your clogged nostrils open right up; your head is clear; no more hawking | or snuffling. Qount fifty..- All the stuffiness, dryness, struggling for breath is gone. You feel fine. CLOCKS "SPECIAL BARGAIN EACH WEEK DURING FEBRUARY. SHI) wWINDow L. C. HEMSLEY WATCHMAKER > 149 Sydenham SL. continuing his address to the grand jury, "This is very satisfactory for the county to have an absence of criminals, Your only duty will be to see that public money is rightfully spent. I will be your duty to make an inspection of all institutions ree ceiving government grants, and re- port on the mamagemet of these in- stitutions." Referring to the court house, his lordship stated that. it was the olde est and possibly the best in Ontario, and there was a general feeling that it shou!d be' well kept up. Had Great Powers. Continuing, his lordship stated that that the position of a Methodist minister could not be ignored, The ministry was gomposed. of men who had done a lob of hard work, In carly days they had ridden horses through the woods to carry on their work. In the present case, the gen- tleman was not after superannua- tion. Ho was well up in years, but still willing to do his'work as well as he could. At the same time, he had {great power,' 'A word spoken by a minister of any denomination has great power. If certain things were sald it would leave a stigma. "But ministers should be careful what they say," ed his lord- £hip, "for they have a most import- ant position. Many people come to them for advice, Great responsibii- ity rests on them, and they should bo careful not to say anything that is not exactly true about their per- ishioners or anyons else. "As to punishment, that is an- other thing. I do not balieve that there 1s a man in this county who would want to inflict punishment 'on a man bacause he was unguarded in lds speech." y His lordship stated that Dr. Ged- "You will visit. the jail," added his lordship, "and there you will find six prisoners, This is a low average, The six' prisochers are not entitled to luxury, but they are entitled to good clothing, good food and sanitary | conditions, and if you find that con- | ditions are not as you would like to | have them, please say so, And I would ask you to act in the same ) way at all the institutions you visit, | " : "I believe in grand juries," add- : + | ed his lordship, "and I do not like SAFETY FIRST IN THE NEW SAHARA. to see the agRatlon carried on in "Run and play--but watch out for the automobiles." Sue ReWshajers, 10 do wey wilh --A comment from L'Echo de Paris on the French con quest of the Sahara by automobile. ; grand juries. They are for the pro- tection of the people, and it is an tonor to sarve on these juries." ~The grand jury at this court is composed ofthe following: Thomas 'F. Burke, "Portsmouth; Jebn Conboy, Olden; Duncan Alex- ander, Kingston; John A. Geddes, Paimeniton; Harry °M. Hawley, | The gain has been brought about by increased immigration and by res C¢untion of the death rate. At the resent Tate of h the popula- tion will reach 129,000,000 by 1930, the Bureau 'estimates, / Narre Si Li j } -- ©) A. F. M. writes: | have an United States Population Has Reached 110,000,000 --=gar, with a four cylinder, T head engine, with the spark-plugs located over the inlet-valves. Could 1 get New York, Feb, 22.--The popula- 'tion of continental United States was more power, with less gasoline, by connecting up four more spark- (Plugs, locited over the exhaust: that thls would call for a new mag- nelo, as my present one is an or @inary four cylinder, low-tension Instrument, Would a magneto in. bent or otherwise , disarranged. Quite often knocks due to other Sauses, such as fuel action or pre- valves? My garage man tells me, Jnision, des appeared to be very much troubl- ed over the affair. * He claimed he had Jost money «hd patients over it. As to the question of damages, his lordship stated that the Jury would not be . warranted in bringing in heavy damages, . "The plaintift agks are mistaken for the spark -------- BOLTING IN D OF RE-RI) G tended for an eight-cylinder car serve my purpose? ; Answer: © What you require is a four cylinder, twin-spark magneto, which is a special type, grounded secondary winding and eight cable-leads from the distribu- tor. These Instruments are still made by several of the magneto manufacturers and you could alse probably pick one up second-hand from me one of the concerns. An eight cylinder mag- neto would be useless for your pur. Twin-spark ignition should for $5,000, but don't do #t. I cafinot tel you how much to give." The books of Dr. Geddes were not well 'kept. He says he lost perhaps $500 a year, but thie does not Mmit you from saying about how much. I da not believe that there is a, Methodist minister in this country "who could ray heavy damages, Heavy damages sould not be given. : "But in dealing with' this actioh," said his Jordship in his concluding "leave out al prejudice. is not here as a Metho- dist. He Is here as a man." sE¥ 2 Kingston; Willlam Haesler, King- ston; JArthur Keyes, Kingston; Wil- Bam , Mosier, Kingston; Matthew Trousdale, Portland; Albert Webb. Storrington; Bdward Sills, Joseph Fowler, Fred Hunter and L. W. Mur- phy. ----- approximately 110,000,000 January 1st, according to a preliminary esti- mate given out by the National Bur- eau of Economic Research, This shows an estimated gain of $,600,- 000 since the. last government cem- sus, y Prince Miguel De Bragansea, eM« est son. of Don Miguel Bragansea, pretender to the throne of Portugal, : died in New York Wednesday of double pneumonia, He was 45 years old, Accomm 50c a bole, all dealers or. Edmanson, Bates & Co. Rubbing Eases Pain . In his wellknown Receipt Book, Dr. Chase wit "You will allow me one remark about lini they ought in all cases to be rubbed in, from twenty to thirty minutes, effects, instead: of usual custom," until the part burns "from the two or three minutes, as is the Chase's i