Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Feb 1923, p. 15

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[SDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1028 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = I When You Write an Ad, Include all the F acts that Readers Want | to Know | SPORTING NEWS HOCKEY RESULTS. J ©, H. A. Senior. 'Hamilton 12, Varsity 5, Aura Lee 7, Argos §. . Junior O. H. A. Varsity 8, Collingwood 6. i City Hockey League | Tonight will witness the final scheduled games in the senior city Bockey league when Irishmen and Live Wires will settle their differ- @fices in the opening contest and the Hibernians and the Artillerymen will Eattle for the collar honoms in the final contest. ; The last game in which the Sons Ireland and the Live Wires clasn- 'ed will be long remcmibered by the fans. They battled for thirty min- utes' overtime to a draw and the re turn match tonight will arouse un- bounded interest among the fans. _ A meeting of the city hockey leagueptias been called for Saturday alternoon at 2 o'clock; when several "important matters will be consider- ed. The juniors will have a protest game to be decided upon, while the seniors will ve to cogitate con- cerning the arrangements for the play-offs in both groups. : ---- Young Irishmen Lose Again. The Young Irishmen of Kingston 'were defeated by the speedy Point Anne 'sextette at the latter's ice on Tuesday evening dy the score of 7 to 2 ! Sydenham Defeats Sunbury. In a fast hockey match played at Sunfury, on Tuesday, the visiting eae team {rom Sydenham de- 'feated the Sunbury youngsters by | 15 to 3. thus taking the round by 24 8 for the Elliott trophy. They will now enter the finals with the | winners of the southern group. Flay was exciting throughout but the visitors had the edge through- out. Foxton was the star' on the Sydenham team and his rushes were slways effective" "Sedgewick was | op right on his toes in goal. For the losers, Jackson and McBride were the best. D CURLING - GAMES. A. Thompson , BE. Dennee J. H. Taman J. Chatterton J. A. McRae , J. Macdonald ¥F. Waugh J. M. Elliott Skip 10. Skip 7. DD. B. Murra R. Carnegie CR. O. Patter F. Purdy J. Baker A. Fowler J. A. McFarlane Skip 10. + W. A. Paterson W. M. Nickle 'RR. J. McClelland J. F, McMillan C. W. Wood J. B. McLeod 'A. W, McLean Geo. Hanson Skip 11. Skip 4. R. D. Sloan ¥. King H. McCartney - L. Langdon Skip 11. D. W. Tayler J. A. Lemmon A. J. Watson A. W. McMahon Skip 6. 10 5 Competition. 13 H. Angrove 13 T. Frizzel ¥ E---------- 0 Ladies' Series. Miss Ritchie Mrs, Bogart _ Mrs, Breck . Mrs. Walsh 4 Kes. Bibby Mrs. Moore N Daly Mrs. T. M. Assel- Bip. 8 F M. P. Reid | D.'B. Murray stine Skip 3, '| wound up in the legislature last night British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardised and popular- ized according to | The ! f< | THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Ine, Philadelphia, Pa. All ads. ate restricted to thelr proper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. 'Daily rates per line. Charge Cash ¢ days .. 4 3 s--On Births, Engagements, Marriages, $1.50; cash, §1.00. Card of Thanks and Memoriam Notices--Chavged, $1.60; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words to the line. C ed ads. will be received by one and If paid at The Brit- tele; ish Whig office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one da, and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust. ent made at the rate earned. ate per line for white space is the Bame as & line of type. { Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising sone. Telephone 243, esk for a want ad. taker. PLEASANT FEATURE AT SUPREME COURT tend Oongratulations to Hon. Justice Mowat. There was a very pleasant feature at the opening of the sittings of the supreme court on Tuesday after- noon, when G. M. Macdonnell, K.C., senior member of the bar association in Kingston, on behalf of thé mem- bers, extended congratulations - tp the presiding judge, Hon. Justice Herbert M. Mowat, a native of King- ston, on this, the occasion of his first official visit to Kingston since his election to the bench. - Mr. Mac- donnell stated that thé members of the Kingston bar wished to extend to his lordship, their heartiest con- gratulations. It was a pleasure to extend congratulations to a repre- sentative of a family which had for a century at least been concerned In the building and making of King- ston. Mr. Macdonnell stated that his re- colleétions carried him k to the days of the grandfather of 'his lord- &hip, who was a charter member and one of the fouonders 'of Queen's University. His name ap- peared on: the royal charter, The speaker also referred to the fact that the father of his lordship was a very eminent theological pro® fessor at Queen's University; while his brother, J. McDonald Mowat, also a member of the Kingston dar, died a glorious death IW Flanders Fleld. The speaker expressed the hope that his lordship would live many years, to uphold the traditions of his family in Kingston. Hon. Justice Mowat .replied feel- ingly, and recalled thé fact that as a boy, he had spent much time ia this same court room. He sald that the bar of Kingston had always stood up as eminent, and recalled James O'Rielly, who was the senior lawyer in his day. His lordship also re- called some of the men of the King- ston bar; . inciuding Sir Jobm Macdonald, B. M. Britton, John Mec- Intyre, T. H. MoGuire, Dr. R. T. Walkem, J. B. Walkem, R. V. Rog- ers and G. M. Macdonnell and re- marked that there was no better bar. "You Nave traditions to live up to," sald his lordship, "and it is in- deed s great pleasure for me to come dack.to Kingston." : His lordship also referred to the fact that his grandfather had pro- perty, erected 106 years ago, at the corner of Bagot and Princess streets. His lordship also stated that he was at one time a member of the King- gton bar. 3 . He said he had been touched by MAJORITY OF 27 * mrt In Logisiature Division--On= tario Has a Surplus of Over . = Million Dollars. . - Toronto, Feb, 21,--The debate on o from the throne -was ' when the first division of the ses- gave the government & ma DRURY RECEIVES | z . Losers still have a mighty useful back to them. article of value. then, make sure of having cover it. 1 If what you've lost is for Index to Classifications The following classification headings appear in thig newspaper in the numer- ical order here, gives, closely allied classifications Being grouped together. The individual advertisements are arranged under these headings in alphabetical order for quick reference. ANNOUNCEMENTS Engagements. Marriages. Deaths. 2--In Memoriam. $--Card of Thanks. 4--Funeral Directors. §--Funerdl" Flowers. ¢--Cemetei'y Lots, Monuments. 7--Lodge Notices. 8§--Coming Events. 9--Personals. / 10--Lost and Found. AUTOMOBILES A--Automobile Agencles. 11---Automobiles For Sale. 12--Auto Trucks For Sale. 13--Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts, 14--CGarages--Autos for Hire--Tax', 15--Motorcyeles and Bicycles. 16--Repairing--Service Stations, 17--Wanted--Automoblles. * BUSINESS SERVICE 18--Business Services Offered. 19--Buflding--Contracting. 20--Cleaning--Dyeing--Renovating. Dressmaking--Millinery. 22--Heating, Plumbing, Roofing. 23--Insurance. 24--Laundering. Moving. Trucking, Storage. Painting, Papering, Decorating. Printing--Engraving. Lo] Professional Services. 28a--Accountants. 28b--Architects. 28c--~Chiropractie. RLhy. pate ¢ Physicians. pais Ia ' 30---Talloring and Pressing. 31--Wanted--Business Service. EMPLOYMENT $3--Help Wanted---Female. 33---Help Wanted--Male. 34--Help--Male or Female. $6--8ollcitors, Canvassers, Agents. 35a~--Teachers Wanted. 36--Situations Wanted--Female. 37---Situations Wanted--Male. 3 FINANCIAL ' 38--Business Opportunities. $9--Investments, Stocks, Bonds. 40--Money to n. 41--Wanted--To Borrow." INSTRUCTION 42--~Oorrespondence Courses. 43--Local Instruction Classes. 44--Musioal, Dagcing, Dramatic. 45--Private Tnotuigt on. . 46~Wanted--Instruction. LIVE STOCK 47--Dogs, Cats, Pets. 7 48--Horses, Cattle, Implements. 49--Poultry and Supplies. . 50--~Wanted--Live Stock. MERCHANDISE S1--Articles For Sale. Sla~--Bartey and Exchange. 52--Businels and Office Equipment, 83--Boats and Accessories. 4--Bulldings and Bullalig h . Materials ~-Farm and Dalry Pr uel, Feed, Fertilizers. ---Good Things to Eat. j-~Homemade Things. 9--Housshold Goods. Jewelty and Watches. 1--Machisery and Tools. 3--Musieal Instruments. ja--Radio Equipment. 6 Plants and Flowers. 64 ials at the Stores. Wearing Appargl 8¢--Wanted--To Buy. ROOMS FOR RENT T--Rooms With Board. ooms Without Board. Rooms for Housekeeping. 0--Vaoation Places. 1--Where To Eat. ~ 72----Where To Shop in Town. 73--~Wanted--Rooms or Board. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 4~-Apartments and Flats. 5----Business Finces For Rent. Generally, losers are thought of as having no choice left them--as having to make the best of bad bargains. But things are different here th Kingston. choose Whig Lost Ads to bring their missing valuables There are just two steps to take when you miss some First, make sure it's really gone. And In other words, take a last good look for yourself-- and then call 243 and ask for an ad. taker! """he or she is bound to watch for your little ad in the Whig's Lost and "Found column. ; For simple, direct and satisfactory service in an emergency like this--calle 243. © THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. f| WATCH--Found, man's, gold, on 7 { a Choice Losers choice to make. They can every effort put forth to re- found -by an honest person, Py: 1 A - {Announcements - Lost and round 10 BAG---Lost, containing laundry, proper=- ty of Mrs. Bennington, Cataraqul. Re- _Wird at Gilbert's Grocery. BELT--- Found, near the P Owner may have same at fice. BUFFALO ROBE-----Found. Owner may have same at Van Luven's Garege, Princess street. DIAMOND RING-- Lost, on Sunday night, supposedly in or near Sydenham Street church. der please return _to_Whig or p 1363J. Reward. FOUNTAIN P Found, on Clergy street, with owner's name engraved on barrel. Owner may have same at - Whig Office. GLASSES--Found, child's, tortoise shell --in case. Owner apply at New Eng- ~Jand Bakery, Collingwood street. ice. ost Whig Of- KEY---Found, on Clergy street. Own- er may have same at Whig Office. OVERSHOES--Will the lady who took the five buckled Overshoes by mistake at Mowat Hospital, Tuesday evening, kindly return same to 57 Queen Street and receive her own. . PIN--Found, on Thursday svening. at Jock Harty Arena. Owner may have same at Whig Office. PURBE--Lost, small," black; on Satur- day evening; somewhere on Princess Street. Finder please raturn to Miss Wood, co. Henderson's, ock Street/ RING--Found, cn Bay Street,' near the corner of Rideau. Owner may have _stme at Whig Office. Cle gy street. Owner may have same y proving property, at Quick's Buteher Shop, 112 Clergy street. Automobiles I ST eT ---- Automobiles For Sale 11 USED CARS-- . McLAUGHLIN TOURING McLAUGHLIN ROADSTER GRAY-DORT TOURING FORD ROADSTER FORD TON TRUCK FORD COVER TRUCK CADILLAC TOURING MAKE AN OFFER. PALMER'S COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN Poms emere enee S Eto Auto Accessories--I ires--parts 18 PREST-O-LITB DISTRIBUTORS--TIty Battery Service, 39 Montreal Street. Armature winding and magnetos re- charged and repaired. Electrical and Ignition Specialists on autagobiles and motor boats. New and rental bat- terjes always on hand. Special atten- jon to winter storage. Repairs to anything electrical. Bring us your household appliances. We can repair them at lowest prices. TIRES--Come to the Maxotire Shop for Motorcycle Tires and Tubes. Corner Business Service Insurance 28 FIRE--Your business property, house- hold effects or farm needs protection. Sickness and Accident Insurance. Call or phone E. Willlams, 2 Couper street. INSURANCE--Only the mcst reliable companies - represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 35 Clarence Street, opposite Fost Office. INSURANCE--Fire, life, accident and sickness insurance. In reliable com- nies. J.B. Cooke, District Manager _Phones: Res. 842w. Office 503w. Moving, Trucking, Storage 35 ASHES--Clean®d out of cellars and 'yards, clean job doag, A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. -Phone 2265. BAGGAGE--R. Taite guarantees good service in Baggage, Express and mov- ing; reasonable prices. 104 Montreal Since, Next to Armouries. Phone 464. STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own ldck and key. Frost's City Storage, 2995- 305 Queén.St. Phone 526. . Res. 985w. "Painting, Fapering, Uecorating 26 AUTOMORILE PAINTING. APPLY J. Jenkins, corner York and Raglan _Road. Phone 1553F. i ESTIMATES -- iven for painting, paper-hanging, "decorating and hard- wood floor finishing: workmanship guaranteed. H. Horton, 205 Alfred Street. Phone 1891w. PAINTING=Qpering, Decorating -- first class wutk and work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 1556 Bagot street. Phone 1866. Work- PAINTING--And }aberhunging manship guaranteed; prices right. See our choice selection of Wall Paper. S. It, Lyons, 314 Barrie Street. Phone "368 w. PAINTING--Papernanging, Decorating Glazing, Hardwood 1'loor Finishing ett, first class work, reasonable prices' Wallpaper samples. Kstimate: submitted. A Mounteer, 208 Alf * SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear 275 Bagot street. . i Architects 28b ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington. g Chiropractic 28c. MARC Wm. A. D. we COP= nor Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Consultation. free. Telephone 832J. Hours 9 to 12 a.m, 1 to § p.m. LUCY--Dr, George F. -Dr. Jennie A Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 339 Bagot Street, be- tween Princess and Brock * Telephone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m, 1 to 6, and 7 to pom. Spinal analysis and con- sultaticp free. Residential calls by appointment. Dental SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, Wellington street, corner of Br Phone 346. KNAPP--DT. A. E., Dentist, Office: 368 Princess Street. Phone 65iw. Open evenings by appointment. ETT 28d. 159 ock. 28e. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barrist and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston, . Cunningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. ". SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister Solicitor. w office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 19899. ee 281. Medical BENNETT, C. W.--M.D., 133 Clergy SL Office Phone $51.» Res. 1845m. Office hourg 10-12 a.m. 2-4, 7-8.30 p.m. 28g. Usteopathy ASHCROFT--- Drs. Robert and Edna, 204 King Street, near Earl. Phone #47. and Hours: 9-12 a.m., 2-6 p.m, and by ap-| pointment. Repairing 29 FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinda. Call and see W. Driscoll, 28 John strect. Phone 206F. S50E REPALRING--AIl work neatly done. Rubber heels a specialty, Skates put on. W. H. Purvis, gorner Bagot 'and 3arratk Streets. R G--All han work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real and Queen streets. = ERIN or used furnl- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a oard. W.J. Gavine, 216 Bagot street. UPHOLSTERING--And general repair- ing. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold, 174 Clergy Street. UPHOLSTERING -- Covering "buttons made to 'order in all popular shapes and sizes. - Upholstering and repairing done. E. J. Goodridge, 244 University Avenue. Phone 1833J. Queen Ontario streets. Gar Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 GARAGE --Grease your car the Alemite way. Stop the squeaks; save expen- sive, parts. pStittaction, Suarentsed y Powell. 'owell's Repair op, Johnson street. Phone ess Pe 35% TAX1--The only place which furnishes . & proper 34 hours taxi service. §49J. Corkey. EN ice Stations 16 Bl IP G--Ana finish a ity. Also Plano and Yur. I Pay. Gordon You A Queen street; rear of Aberne s Shoe Store, or phong 1876w. CHAINS Ste our special display of readnaught Chains. Sizes for all makes of cars. ashy Bros,, corner Queen and Wellington Streets. ver "Bend your Chev. Tops to us to be re- Work guaranteed. Judson's [Aun Tome Brock alle a LNER'S MACHINE SHOP -- ~ Special auto parts made; gasoline engines, power washing machines, vacuum cleaners, scales, guns, lawn mowers, gramaphones repaired; _outlery grou saws sharpened; all Rinds of - mechanical work carefully done. 65 _Colburne, near corner Clergy street. = Dusiness Services Offered 18 AUCTIONEER--Book your sales with W. A. Twigg, 192 Barrie Street. Phone 820. 4 : 8 A D Ford and covered. ' ceme! contract or day. First-class work ge le ° ¥. W. Bmith, & Y «= §XT mount jcrity of twenty-seven, the vote be-| : -- Employment Help Wanted--remale 32 GIRL~~Young. Apply 248 Barrie St GIRL~--Young, about fifteen years of age, to assist with light housework. Apply at 16 Markland eet. HOUSEMAID--Apply to Mrs Stock- well, 1 Alice reet, Kingston, Phone S8w, ; BERVANT--Good, general, at once, one who understands plain cooking, family of two, small house. Apply Box T-20, Whig Office. Le SERVANT--Gocd, general, one willing to go to Chicago preferged; highest wages: Apply between 2 and 3 p.m. at 126 Centre street WAITRESS--First class, for dining room work... Apply Box Q-14, Whig Office, : Help Wanted--Male 38 SHOW CARD WRITING--F or_us, Make money at home, $15 to $60 pald week- struct and supply you West-Angus Show Card Service, Colborne Bld., Toronto. SALESMAN-- i LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE TIVE WANTED BY TORONTO MANUFACTURER, A LIVE WIRE SALESMAN ABLE TO, FURNISH FIRST-CLASS REV- ERENCES. CAN ESTABLISH HIMSELF IN - PERMANENT "PROFITABLE - BUSINESS. EVERY FINANCIAL ASSIST- ANCE GIVEN. SBE MR. AT- KINSON, THURSDAY MORN- ING, HYDRO SHOP. -_Financilal 2 Business Opportunities 38 SOLID CEMENT BLOCK--Fully equip- ped, up-to-date cheese factory; cold storage, curing room. 'A shap for quick sale. Apply at once to Thomas 1. Winter, Newburgh. Investments, Stocks, Bonds ' 39 INSURANCE -- Contractor's Bonds, Court Bonds, Fire, Life, Plate Glass, Indemnity, Live Stock, Explesjion, Au- tomoblle, Accident, Burglary and Travellers' Policies, Public Liability, Workmen's Compensation, &c., &c. Mills Company, 79 Clarence Street, ~ 40 Money to Loan FRONTENAC--Loan and Inv t Society, incorporated 1861.- President, W. F. Nickle, .; vice-president, A. LODGE KOOMS--ROOH HOUSE (13 _Real Estate For Rent Business Places For Rent i} mn 4 Stree --formerly occupied ny ihe LO.OF Apply to Cunningham and Smith. Ppl 3 BA Mn mit, Ene HOUSE --Nine rooms, central, $46 r month; two front entrances; Sittanied for doctor's residemece and office. Ap~- ply Box 8-17, Whig Office. Immediate possessian, eight rooms, hot water heating. Apply James Reld or phone 147. RIDEAU STHREET--Warm stone house, 5 rooms, $-plece bath, furnace, gas, electricity, rent moderate. Apply 47 Rideau street. - Wanted--To Rent , 81 B. Cunningham: Money issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county debeptures; mortgages pur- chased; investment bonds for sale; de- 0sits received and interest allowed. . C. Cartwright, mauager, $7 Clarence Street, Kiagston. Instruction Musica:, Dancing, Dramatic 44 ORCHESTRA--The best costs no more-- Treneer's Orchestra. Ted 261 King street. Phones HOUSE -- this watching the used 'car opportunities every day in the Dally Whig want-ads. By May 1st, of at time most convenient to owner, six or seven roomed house; in lower section of city, south of Princess. Apply Box D-5. Whig Offices '- Would you ike So get rid of your car * fall? There are . muny , people Real Estate For Sale Business Property or 51 BAJUS BREWERY --For sale or to let. Apply G. M. Macdonell, K.C, 38 Clare ~€nce Street. ds AWNINGS --Orders taken for Awnings, and Tents; best service. Repair work, satisfaction guaranteed. F. W. Cooke. g, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. variety of alarm elocks at $1.36 and up to $2.00. GQ. W, Lyons, jeweller, 244 Princess Street. BICYCLE---Indian, gent's, tires, etc, in good condition. Cheap for quick sale. _Apply=8 Durham street. BOOTS--Army and Rubber, new and used leather leggings, clothing all kinds. Bargains in every line. A. Shapiro, 45 incess. Phone 1461m. BOOKS--100 well-bound novels, Fic- ton; od condition; all best authors; 26c. each. Sold separately if desired. Apply 60 Elm street. y BRICK --Quantity of hard and soft. Ap- BY. E. E. Wathen, 143 Nelson stree hone 618 or phone 1391J. CHILD --Age flour years; health exocel- lent; disposition, charming; .reason for sale, high cost of living, For further particulars Plione 668. DESK--Onie Beliuing English Rosewood Spinet Desk, Antique Med§, a number of old colored prints, one parlor grand plano. Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Prin- cess Street. Phone 1045w: FURNITURE -- We have for sale all kinds of good, second-hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture. to dispose of, we will y highest prices. J. Thompson, 333 rincess Street. Phone 1600w GARAGES--Cottages, steel truss barns, warehouses, steel shingles, sidings, corrugated sheets, water tanks, fence osts, etc. F. B. McNamee "agent for , 8. & 8. Co., 345 Alfred. Phone 2292w. HBNS -- Ten, Barred Rock and Car- neaux Pigeons. Apply Geo. Muller, 371-3 King street. Phone 1961w. HARDWOOD -- Dry Hardwood, soft wood, slabs, delivered. Redued prices. $4.00 per load, W. C. Bruton, 248 Uni- versity Ave. Phone 1038w. HARDWOOD--Dry and green, mixed wood, good-quality, $3.25 Judie cord. One car dry mixed wood, $2.76 quarter cord. Orders taken 8 St. Catharines ay at the gard, Concession street, near Division. W. H. Talbot, HARDWOOD TRY A LOAD OF SWAIN'S DRY --THE BEST IN THE CITY--$5 A CORD. FOR, HEAT AND SATISFACTION WILL EQUAL A TON OF PREPARED COAL. CORNER YORK AND DIVISION ST. 140% YORK STREET. \(MILLINERY GOOQLS -- Consisting of Trimming, Velvets, Plush and Velling, also some smart sample Hats. 112 Lower William Street. MATTRESSES--For sale, or made 10 Jour order, any size, soy quantity, owest factory prices. Also renvoats "ing. Frontenac Mattress Company, 377 King street. Phone 1961). OVEN--One, portable; in good condi- GROCERY BUSINESS--Corner Bay and Bagot streets; reason for sélling, ills health; alse house and lot on Birch Apply to A. E. Burtch. 155 ACRES--For sale or to rent, frame dwelling, new bank barn; other bulld- ings in good condition. Apply James Smith, brewer's Mills, Y 150 ACRES--Cholce land, 1% miles east of Millhaven, on Bay Shore, 50 acres plowed; large, new n and two dwellings; must be sold by March 10th. Apply Fred Laidley, 578 Prins cess Street, Kingston. % Houses For Sale YY ON HOUSES---One or two houses south 0 Princess street, in lower section of residential part of oity. Kach hag ten rooms, 8 bedrooms, large parlors and dind rooms, hot water heating, bath, fire grates and mantles, excei- lent basement and good size yards. For price apply Box M-12, Whig Office. HOUSES-- FRAME HOUSE--6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, electric light, gas, 2 plece bath, com« bination rurmace, fine cellar, harde wood flours, garage, henhouse, Barrie street- §2.€00. + FRAME BUNGALOW--Barn, 2 hea houses, garage, 20 acres, city water, low taxes. FRAME COTTAGE--Stone b#rn, hea houses, 1 acre of land; close to city, Price right. B. TRUMPOUR M. Phones 704 or 843J. 137 bagot Street * HOUSES--For sale and to let In ail Parts of the city. Apply to H. B. Wile son, Real Istate, Uptown Post Office. Phone 109%. L- E. W. MULLIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 639w, See Display Aavi. on Page Two. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. | | §$900--4 roomed frame house; north end. $1900-~Frame house; 7 rooms and gare age. 1 $4100---Brick veneer; 7. rooms; 3 pi bath; hot air; large 'lot. iP oy RENT--8 rooms, $30. 5 INBURANCE -- Fire, Life, Accident, Boller, Mone, t loan. ; Boller y 0 oan. Customs BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE 169 Wellington Sireet __Wantea--Real Estate 80 HOUSE--OF Bungalow <-- about seven rooms in Eg locality State cash price. Write Box F-6, Whig Office. Seip HO OO tion. Apply 115 Brock street. PIANO--Jno. Fox, square, a beautiful plano in rosewood case. Price $75. Terms: $8.00 cash and $5.00 monthly. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. SCALES welght, Canadian Toledo, honest no springs, also number of. and Dayton and Bramford® Scales. L A. Sterling, 209 Princess St. Phone 1228. > STOVES renson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Ecohomy Ready Mixed Paints and Var. ish 387 Princess Street. Phone To-Day's Blunder Corrected . (See Illustration on Pagé 14.)¢ A goldfish bowl, on a slim pedestal, = is not in keeping with good taste. It * not only looks overbalanced, but the fact that it may be knocked Over so: easily makes it undesirable. 339w,, opposite Orange Hall. WOOL--All kinds of fancy goods, knit ting needles, crochet needles, house dresses, everything in the fancy lime. Mrs. Lavin, 351 Princess Street. WOOD--Hardwood, wholesale and ré« tail; full cord, 3 cut, hardwood, $13.00, delivered; $10.00 at car. Dry mixed wood, full cord, 3 cut, $1200, deliver- ed; $9.00 at car. Richardson's, corner Barrack and Wellington streets. Tele- phone 2211m. Rooms For Rent Rooms With Board 67 UNIVERSITY AVE -- First HY Y NUE 243 rst Cl rooms and all improve. ments; centrally located. » OOMS--Warm, good ar reason- able rates; close to the down-town business section. Mrs. Todd, 144 John- son street. ROOMS--First class, on bathroom floor, with or without board; centrally lo- cated. 215 University Avenue. Phone ROOMS AND BOARD--First class, one large double front room; hot water heating; all conveniences. Apply 05 University Avenue. TWO ROOMS--Furnished ished. 26 King street m. unfur- Phones or w. BUS IAL SAVIOR W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Bullding, Broc and King Streets. Phone 01 or toon ; General Insurance Agnéey. Writing:--~--Automobile, re, Accls dent, Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary etc. Representing only reliable vom panies, ¢ NEW FUEL If you are tired df worrying ~"over the coal or wood situation, and the trouble of firin with these fuels use Fuel oft The Liberty Oil Burner will give you absolute satisfaction, plen- ty of heat. at a ble "op- ating price, with no ashes or i Once tried you will alw use. Ask for demonstration. 37s DAVIS DRY DOCK (0. East End of Wellington Street Tooms Without Board 68 SITTING ROOM--Weii furnished, either one of two. Apply 300 Unj- reity Avenue. MunGHASDSE J : FURNITURE ot All Descriptions at Reason. | . ww BTO! Well repaired; at & rgiht price. | J. Turks PHONE 705. _ James Swift & , WE WILL TAKE YOUR ORDER FOR Coal Lump, Cannel Coal, Hard or Soft | Wood, Egg or Nut Coke. vo Co, Limited - "Foot of Johnson Street

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