FRIDAY PERRY | | et Your d. Tell Everything You ihe DAILY BRIT ES H WHIG ould Say If Talking to Intereste | i SPORTING NEWS Senior Vaamity 10 dale Exiubition Hooley At Clinton N ¢ i sight, Queen's lockey ton, dat a ay eam fetuivmen es Frontenac foung I[risimen and Fr if Their t x ae 1 game jnday niilip at rena on winners want 7 we A The play Regi a L tod tha team C100 SMergpes Tues il then mee Mary" de juadior Qoaors 5 ---- Fadooe Basehall, ew | A. defeated Fleld Am- Bulance by IT to IL Gy a scheduled Bmasball game af tle arnaarias mn Thursday nigh The gare waa fair- Ir interssting. although bet teamé Wears wan ar a result of p ag sick awe and Clarks pitch ad gnod Ball fur the Madicala an Q@ respect The loss siimina the Mediva from the ruani group o 3 Distmor Headquarters 3 (MH) Battery in { ta Rave been tho ---- Senior Juvenile CL #t. Mary's won © wh round In senior ju yy decanting Reglopalis 1% to 3, taking the 7. The game was played sink and a very large eu attendaaes. MeGrath starred for the garnet while Berd and Much best for 8. Marr's St. Mary's were jun champions in 131% Iavenils champions $t. Mary's Gibaon and England fafand and ¢ ayers be tafanl Maz thes ro s.d sdden figs To Play at Ogdensburg. The Queen's senior team laf for Ogdensburg Friday noon game with place. The made a goo up a good baskaiba ll Queen's d showing sxhibition.' Curling Games : A. Thompson A. G. Simmods D. Sloan MeCartary McCartney skip 3 OG. Thompso J. Pigeon W. Frizzel J. Hooper skip 18 J. R. Currie C. Drever I. A. W. H. Reid 8. C. Calvin M P. Reid C. Cartwright skip 185 'skip 11 GUESTS OF GOVERNOR COCKSHUTT AT TORONTO Kingston Mayor, Aldermen and Officials Were Royally En- tertained on Thursday. The Kingston mayor, and Lemmon aldermen nor at the Government House ou Thursday enjoyed their trip very much. Tliey found themselves in the fifty aldermen, councillors and offi cials of othar municipalities of east. 'ern Ontario and all sat down to lun- cheon at 1.30 p. m, Lieuténant- governor Cockshutt ' presided anq the toast to "The King." The toast to the lleutav.wut-guves- | Bor was proposed by W. F. NiNckle, K C, M. P P. who met ths King- ston party at the Prince George Many of the aldermen and city of- fielals returned to Kingston Friday morning, but Mayor Angrove remmin- od over and will await the arrival of the members of the utilities com-!| mission who go to Toronto Friday to confer with the Hydro-Commision over the charges for strect lighung. Among the other matiers { were officias who went to Toronto; -V a8 guests of the. Lieutedant-govee | BOSSE creditors, and Mr. Hepburn! { for the Sanford Company, i few whose losses wipe out practic- company of about one hundred ana |®lly all that hotel. There were no further ad. | $1,880.24. | $735.50. DISPOSE OF ASSETS CREDITORS AUTHORIZE Mot. Likaly to Realize 40 Cents on Doilar--Seven Depos) i ors Among Creditors.) ~~ - Milties ma kinds focal $313 £4, and # a nominal squity of 41 rag S8tila Al Ths aulildws fan 14 gr 40 cen wii Om reg TU gEeLio gad i wd perilaps Ae Danks fier } was General repre ting Mew. Sanford ere seemed It fa ask questioas rodlapse Rad come Clarkson exp thal fallure tock placa there : ain ks dellverad, which tmatimons eogsent of the credits were retnrned to the shippers, ti they Bad been ardered after the irm Became [nsolvent. [t was agreed ditory th o goods then ia edad with aad rfar to maka of tha x as Oak Hall had been Paterson for $744 notes Rad been and some Aypot mia 139 paid Recat should assume as trustee. structed to take action as a plaints if such were prosecuted, to protect the rights of the creditors, if there are any such rights. I do not thi ok it Is the idea of going ahead with ie prosecution, as this action would possibly injure available assets while it would not do any good any other WAY. James Bain, ank, said to the provided were not K.C. k there was no Yatt abey credit ance ors way. Tht he rights of t prejudiced in a € Was given, rkson explained that what- tion had been taken in con- ction with the disposal of goods t and the shipment was with the consent of $0 per cent of the shareholders. Mortgage For Loan. To Mr. Bain, Gen. Mewburn ex- plained that it was a cash loan, not| mortgage, for $150,000, that was made in January, 1922, to the com-| pany by the Sanford estate, as se- curity for which the mortgage was! given. The usual resolutions were| passed, approving of the trustee's | decisions as above indicated, to appoint inspectors, among whom | Col. Henderson, Hamilton, representing the Sanford estate; ! | a | representative for the Bank of Mont-! real; James Bain, K.C., for the! Uplon Bank; R. K. Lockhart, for the | | In the long list of creditors are al | they have. Among | these are a few who, as employes | and friedds of the Sanford firm,| were privileged to place money on | deposit at § per cent, interest, double | what the banks pay. | Among depositors who suffer are: i Mrs. Oliver, Hamilton, $8,388.23. R. R. Wilson, Long Beach, Cal, $3,125.98. . Mrs. H. W. Edwards, Denver, Col., { Mrs. Purkis, Hamilton, $1,574.91. Mrs. F. Stockton, Hamilton, | Thos. Webb, 567 Mountain Top, | Hamilton, $110.40. While Mrs. Sanford is not a ofl | gether in this class, she Is one of { those who will lose heavily. Her ad-| vances to the firm amounted to! $152,174, and with a further sum of $321,568 against the Sanford estate, the losses exceed $500,000, and wilt practically wipe out all that Mrs. has. : Index to Classifications | Habits That Pay Dividends ne 3 abdits---4nd Tau lave 3 prey YErSAIL, Catalogue an ate idea of the Bad Babits seem to mea in for mast at B¢ Because they're mors evident, maybe maltese mors fnoer CUNVErsation. But good habits--ialite of Zindli of tArifh--arae the ones that pay Dig divid ship and chmracter and comfort And because wa ars nCarast 4-8 Tlnssifed Secthon can bar af tris pla in this mage i& one af your good nahits a ng ads avery UUme a deed ariges. There are few wants of evervday sulisthd through a regular ting scares of interesting Classifd Whig's Classiffed Section x Gat the Classiffed Habit pion, ILL may- aay ness, af Mads in lonesty trtend: wa suggest that vou nit hese chang nding money THE A-B- ALWAYS THI ALWAYS Che British #ihig Dawing Cass appear in this newspape erm! rider Bare given, - Letom s being grow Th (adfeidusl sdvertisemen arranged aader these dead ngs alghadecion] erdey for quick refer ANNOUNCEMENTS Tha «© Ln gagemant 3. Tal nr and Pressing. Il--Wanted--Businesg Service. -- x nal CORRESPONDES TH ire Canadian Larrespo le _Clane, 4 , England EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted --Female. em oved permanes uy Glasses Stted rs have falied OVE --Found, on driving ga 47--Dogs, Cats 48--Horses, Cattle r 48--Poultry and Supplies. 0--Wanted--Live Stock. MERCHANDISE may have same &t or phone $36. KEYS--Found, have same at bunch. Owner Mahood's 3 PIN--Found, un Jock Harty Arena sme at Whig Office "[L--Found, gold. initialled. black braid; on Brock street, tel Dieu. Owner may 1 Bq iipmernt. 5>--B¢ ats and Ete 54---Buildings and Building Mater lalg| §§----Farm and Dairy Products §6--Fuel, Feed. Fertilizers. §7--Good Things to Eat 58--Homemade Things. 3 ie toner §9--Household Goods i § $0---Jewelry and Watches sum of money. §1--Machinery and Tools §2--Musical Instruments $3a--Radlo Equipment. §3--Seeds, Plants and Flowers §4----Specials at the Stores §5--Wearing Apparel §6--Wanted--To Buy. ROOMS FOR RENT §7--Rooms With Board. $8--Rooms Without Board. 68--Rooms for Housekeeping. 70--Vacation Places. ~Where To Eat Where To Shop in Town 3--Wanted---Rooms or Board. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Owner have same reel, corner Union Street. | BTICK PIN--Foun« butterfly, on Tuesd hall Owner may have same at b _Phone 11557 a = rr Jdutomodbiivs For Sale | USED CARS MeLAUGHILIN TOURING McLAUGHLIN ROADSTER GRAY-DORT TOURING FORD ROADSTER FORD TON TRUCK --Apartments and Flats. FORD COVER TRUCK Er ear Meat, CADILLAC TOURING Houses Proc Reat. © MAKE AN OFFER. 78--Office and Desk Room. PALMER'S 79---S8uburban For Rent. COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN $0--Summer Places For Reni. $1--Wanted--To Rent. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE R--Brokerg in Real Estate. §3--Business Property. 83--~Farms and Land } For Sale. $4--Houses For §5---Lots For Sale. $8--Resort property For Sale. §7--Suburban For Sale. §5---~Real Estates For Exchange. §9--Wanted--Real Estate. CHAINS "You need them, them," so there you are. and pick out your size. 'and "and Dtario streets. PREST-O-LIT) Armature windin, on teries nlways on hand. sion To-Day's Blu Co bi er 18 Lo Union Street near Ho- Qwne may have same at 20 Alwington Ave. "Auto Ac Accessories--Tires-- Pai arts is we have| Come in| Corner Queen | TE DISTRIBUTORS Clty | Battery Service, 3% Montreal Stree a magnetos re charged and repaired. Electrical and ignition Vpecialince and motor is. New and rental bat- Special atten- to winter storage. Repairs to ical. Bring us your shoes, ground; 1 Jat {| EROE done. Rubber heels a apec ally ing. to OE W Ww UPHOLSTERING - Cav ering ade to order in &ll popular shapes and sizes. i done _Avenue erate oricts M automobiles | OR CEUED Lay ing, Storage al analysis and Residential call rose, B w office, over Rosal 'Ban K hin 'hone 198% a8¢L. Clergy St Office a, Phone' 447. nd by ap- -. 29 5 INISHING--OF all Kinda W. Driscoll, 33 John $F -- Good service, skates hollow assured Fo. A is. 'rincess Street. REPAIRING--ALl work neatly Skates Bagot work. } efficie nl se corner Mont streets, H. Purvis, corner usad furnl- srk sisrantecd Call or drop a We J ine, 218 Bagot street And wemera' repair- weave orders at or drop a card, Harold, 134 Clergy Street buttons hoistering snd repairing E J. Goodridge, Phone 183%J © Alterations Suaraniees first ol a Slashing, NM liam Street 244 University | i | Hou SE--immediate Empgicyment Reqi Estate For Rent Body Woakiieus-- ale Wasi UG SNOW be ar Fomaic SOU Io HL NSS LT ann Bau Real Estate For Sale Bustnuss k voperty 30 Magen oa Solicitors, Csvassery, guint Bean Jrm 8 Buarmis add and Woe Sale S8 Financial ax 3 ; Money Ww Luan Preside posing, wi Wok i » Ldoadg IES, Instruction a " rami Musica, ame ng, Uramatic vater Headings los, axobs Rods, Pol Uiices Pigott Street wil Wits Lon IN & SON Aace Broilers FURNITURE a cart Wedn ada x between bh eomtin Your 5 Cporiund * Whig wot ads a ML SEY SaMY we w---- Ww. Kent Macnee Hang, Brock + 104 or 34m -- rerce B Limited Satadlan isay « a Bramf ing 209 P rincess on hestorfie $100.00 J. Turk s PHONE Tos sets, in, tapestry, Woon Har dw tail; full cord delivered $16 I cord Rooms For Rent Rooms With Hoard 4 ' NE W UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 43 Fi rooms and board; all improve. centrally located If yun are Warn rates over the edal or wood. situation, and the trouble of firing with these fuels use Fuel Oil. The Liberty Oil Burner will give you absolute satisfaction, piehs ty of heal at a reasonable op erating pric ith no ashes or dust tired of worrying Real Estate For Rent Business Places For Rent LODGE ROOMS Roo ma on. Kin peut ~-formerly occupled by the 4.06 Apply to uningham and TT il 48 Rent possession, roams' hot water hedting. Jamey Reid _or phone 147, : ET) RIDEAU STREEKT----Warn stone! | Rouse, 8 rooms, 3-plece bath, furnace, Has electricity, rent moderate. Apply 41 itideau street. ERR RR RR SR To get the full: bereft Qlassified ad the name and Sumber should appear, Sumber is used. 7a 4d you will always Ask for demoustration, | DAV East End of Wellington Street, "Houses ¥ or Smith wwe | 1 77! "eight Apply from your, telephone | uniecss oa box A "VE WILL TAKE YOUR ORDER FOR | Soft Coal Lump, Cannel Coal, Hard or Soft Wood, Egg or Nut Coke.