Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Feb 1923, p. 9

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FRIDAY, FENRUARY 16, 1928. ILY BRITISH WHIG THE DA YOUR HOME OUR AIM is to supply you with the BEST, coupled with effi- cient service at the lowest | consistent prices. == and 132 read a first,second and third | time. Payments ordered: $11.80, R, Ug- low & Co., account; $1.13, Bell Tele- | L ° | phone Company, for clerk's office; | should be built of Count. sside | $14.40, Floyd Aylesworth, opening! i Stem road 20; $3.40, Wiltred Knight, | | opening road 20; $8.10, Joseph | Wise, charity to Mr. Hocker; $10.11, Joseph Wise, charity to Joseph Smith; $6.25, Joseph Wise, postage | i stamps; $5, F. H. Denyes, wood for | | May Brown, charity; $7, William | | Richardson, statute labor for 1922! | performed; $3 Iaidlaw & Son, char- | { ity to Charlotte Rose; $3.84, Muni-! cipal World, account; $1.87, Whig 9 Pubiishing Company, account; $21.- { 15, Willlam Davy, charity to Haw- | ker; $1.20, Willlam Davy, charity! {to Hawker; $15, James Webb, | twp. eng. services at Knight's cross- | ing; $46, W. H. Cockburn & Co, | { wire fencing. Members of the Oxford University Expedition in Spilzbergen. === the best materials | that this fair Dom- | inion of ours can| produce. | jo Frontenac "¢ MYERS OAVE Myer's Cave, Feb. 12.--- Surprise | parties are the ordar of the Gay. J. Perry made a business trip to Har- | lowe on Thursday. - Miss L. Head | and L. Marshal spent Tuesday night | at Hillcrest, Mr. and Mg. A. He | 'MacGregor are at J. R. Perry's. Mr. and Mrs. James Perry, Centre- | ville, spent the week-end here. W.| | Pringle, Arden, made a business trip | : to W. Head's one day last week. { Let's get together. ALLAN LUMBER C0. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042, \ LN AA A ng MA re GREAT 'LIFE'S Wonderful Record --OVER 65 Millions of Insurance in 1023. KINGSTON OFFICE: 41 BROCK STREET. 0X0 in Spitzbergen M:. F. G. Binney, of the Oxford University Expedition to Spitzbergen, writing to the "Times", says: -- "The sledgers have an ample supply of OXO. This is an ideal food, as it is highly concentrated and has the highest nutritive value in a minimum bulk." --gives vitality+ --the glow of warmth and vigour --the héalth and stamina to with- stand exposure to the cold, and the fatigue of sustained work. The rich concentrated beef nourish- ment of OXO makes it one of the most valuable and economical of winter foods. r THURSDAY ISLAND "There were pearls for every Geis | In the Cherry-blosscm sons of Ballbrook cha se factory was | And Lor saggy tar aig ¢ : Asia, held in Campbell's hall last week for | 1° ve Won by willing sand the purpose of discussing the mark- | "The gamble, of pearl fishing cting of cheese as put forth by the [brought many different races togetu i Dairym:n's Co-operative: The pat- fer at Port henneay,' eam Unc. rens were all ia faver of retaining |¥rank the next evw.ning, "and waen . | the old cheese board as they could | v.saed there I found it a very lives, | see no benifit in Qo-operative. Mr, | place. Taere were Japanese: an and Mrs, Frid Judge will leave tos | sunhal Se among the men I met, an. | week for their home in Lang, Sask., | they were just as keen as the white {efter spending the winter with thei: men to make a fortune. Some 0. | many friends here. Eimer Duffy of | tne Sinha.ese had shops just lik= th. Hecht's farm. Born to Mr. and |gwyyion Avan s, Mai» rly, have been ones in Co.ombo, and they.sold jew- Mrs. Willlam Hare on Feb. 1st, a {sawing in the vicinity. Mrs Jenpte | elry in addition to buying pearls anu | son. Mra. Willlam Cousins and Miss! rrington is confined to her Bed |mother-of-pearl. At that time tae | Zelda spent tho past week-end Visit itn an attack of the grippe. Edgar [chief product of the island m:gi. ing at Enterprise and other places. yo. 0 0 1s at home on account |.msily have been mistaken for Wiis | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Armstrong and |.) mother's severe illness. Aaron ky, as everydhe seemed to drin. family, Plevna, visited at J. Ray- | watt is suffering from an attack of { plenty of it. There was a conside: croft's on Sunday on thelr Way 0 quincy. Quite a number from here avle amount of gambling going ou, | Wargarville. Mr. and Mrs. George | .... i. ve picton Collegiate 1asuc- and although there was law and or Goodberry and baby at W lard |i, conocrt in Perth on Friday even- |uer obscrved to a very great exten, Cronk's. Mr. and Mr. Russell Wood fing. Mies Mildred Duncan is visiting | any things were winked at. Whe, « Mountain Grove. |at Norman Darou's. Briton Blair is | tortures are made easily, Teddy the i Warfington is | good folk a.l seem to lose their heads !spend Sunday at | Elgin Wagar, Willlam and Thomas | = so will. H. ing at Brook. Wr lhe. time being, and pleasare, | and excitement are the only things Raycroft at E. Brown's on Sunday. | Miss Cora Arnay, Dead Creek is visit] '".""® | ;ing her brother, Salem, jt Geo, Bab- | . [that are swught after. I met er. cock's. W. Smith at William Cous- | | mans, Italians, Greeks and many {in's on Sunday, Mrs. Elex Embury at | Prince Edward {other white men there beside Bri- y » "4 ! William Hare's for a few days. Mr. | tsiers, and there wwe all kinds vi hin | | y : | Mac e {and Mrs. W. Cousins #pent Sunday ol South Sea island boys. There HARLOWE Harlowe, Feb. 13.--The flu is still | raging bere, but no deaths are re, ported yet. Mrs. Jaco Miller is | quite low with pncumonia. W. Cua- dy's baby, who was very low, is | somewhat Wettar. Dr. Tindal is kept on the go attending the sick. There hag been no servio» In the | Methodist chuhch for two Sundays on account of sickness. Mrs. Lillian | Thompson and Mrs. W, Thompsun at John White's SUNNY TALES | IN SUNNY LANDS | Arr wf aaa. | lands, Cut Soft Wood Slabs ......$3.75 per load Cut Mixed Wood . .......$4.00 per load Soft Lump for Ranges and Furnaces s¥tsarnrrindin renee $1500 perton SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 155. OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811, MoLEAN McLean, Feb. 12.---Moving is the order of the day. Russeil Wood is! | moving back to his own farm and William Hare is moving on 1. Try this new health safeguard Sjainat colds and chills. Hot milk, a cupful, Hot water, a cupful Oxo---1 teaspoonful (or 1 Oxo Cube). UP-TOWN 2 Se re JULLEE RELIEVE THE RESTLESS CONDITION BROUGHT ON BY TNE PRESENCE AND RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL HEALTH, OY woRuS; Don't get run down--take 0X0 A A Si Every Royal Household, i a ---- TE In Our Shop is the latest and thoroughly tested for the best results. You can give us your order feeling assured that ft will be carried out with promptness and thoroughness. An inspection of our plant is invited. Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREETS THE GOOD HOME- BREAD SADE K¥D Home-made Bi , Buns, Rolls and Fruit Loaves. They are made right and the quality is in them. Choice variety! of Pies made daily. TASTE-RITE BAKERY F. A. ATKINS Corner of Princess and Alfred Sts. Phone 2202) DAINTY CAFE The place where dining out is truly a delight OPPOSITE BIBBY'S 2 FARM FENCING If you require any Wire Fencing for the Spring this is an opportune time to get it home while there is sleighing. We have the PEERLESS Wire Fence and can offer you a 7 wire fence, 48 inches high, at 40c. per rod. Also Steel Fence Posts. Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINCESS STREET a we Wilbert Hammand &ttcmded a {days in Perth, at Alfred Hearn's GLENVALE Glenvale, Feb. 13.-- The Young People's Society is practicing for a play to be held in the near future. Clifford Clark and H. C, Orser are kept busy with their sawing outfits. J. O. Elierbeck lost a valuable cow last weck. The Ladies' Ald Soclety met in the Methodist church last Tuesday. Rev, Mr. Puttenham was able to take charge of the service on Sunday evening after his recent iliness. His son George sang a solo which was much appreciated. Miss Gladys Campseall, who epent the past week with her parents, returned tou Kingston to resume her duties as nurse. Mrs G. A. B. Clark has re turned home after a visit with re- tives at Wellington. Earl Clark banquet in Kingston, Saturday in connection with the Orange order. Mrs. Vaughan, Rosedale, Alberta, is visiting her nepliew, Wilbert Ham- mond for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. BONGARD'S. has been the guest of Mrs. W. Pringle. Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan-Har- rison and Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Me¢c- spectively P. Thurston has returned after visiting with friends at Picton, and Cherry Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Flake and daughter, Woodville, were visitors at G. Storms'. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Pierce entertained Mr. and Allan Harrison and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark, to dinner on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Mec- Cormick and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hicks, spent a day at J. McGee's, "The Pines." Mr. and Mrs. Palmatiu, Black Creek, also S. Carson, were visitors at P, Thurston's, recently, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clarke, Picton, are guests, this week at Allan Har- rison's and other friends. L. Pierce, Waupoos, was at J. Pierce's on Sun- day. Many here are suffering with severe colds, Ross Swarbrick, Murvale, and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Cramer, Elginburg, were recent visitors at HZ Camp- sall's, I -------------------- -------------------- Township Comils | I Lanark | LAVANT STATION Lavant Station, Feb. 13.--Alr. and Mrs. Harvey Paul and family, Kis- bey, Sask., spent the week-end at Willlam Browning's. Mrs. W. J. Boyd is spending a dew daym lin Kingston with her father, V. Prasky, who had an operation for appendicitis on Fed. 8th. W. J. Boyd and W. J. Fleming attended a hockey match in Renfrew on Monday evening. Mrs, J. E. Lee attended the funera: of her cousin, the late Mrs. Ivan Rodger, Lanark, last! week. Miss McQuillan, teacher at Ompah, spent the week-end with friends here. Gordon McDougall is spending a few FALLBROOK Feb. 12.---A meeting of the 'pal- Had An Awful Cold and Cough CLLR [TTI PASTEURIZATION FILLS A NEED--THE ULTIMATE SAFEGUARD All Our Milk is Thoroughly Pasteurized. ' LT TT Was Confined To Bed Some coughs and colds seem hard to shake off--stick right to you in spite of all you do to get rid of them. These are the kind that are danger- ous--the kind that weaken the lungs 80 that the germs of consumption find a ready foothold. Obstinate coughs and colds yleld to the grateful soothing properties of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup It soothes and heals the irritated lungs and bronchial tubes, cuts the phlegm, and aids nature clear away the morbid accumulations, \ Mrs. Geo. D. Langdale, Barton, N. S., writes: "In the year of 1920 I was taker with an awful cold and cough, was confined to my bed for some time. 1 thought I was gomg into consumption. commenced to use Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and found fit to be an excellent rem- edy. I can highly recommend it to every sufferer from coughs and colds." x ~~ Price 35¢. and §0c.; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- ta, Ont, : ---- KINGSTON. Cataraqui, Feb. 5.--Members all present. Minutes of last meeting adopted as amended Feb. 5th. Mo- tion, Graham-Hawkey, that Louis Trudell be appointed pathmaster on road division No. 7. Motion, Hawkey-Cordukes, that Joseph Draper be appointed pathmaster on road division 55a. Motion, Silver Hawkey, that E. Harpell be ap- pointed poundkeeper and also pathmaster on road division No. 19. Motion, Graham-Hawkey, that the crown attorney be instructed to no- tity Charles Quick,112 Clergy street, Kingston, son of Edward Quick, | Elginburg, who is, from the infirmi- ties of:age, unable to maintain him- self, and is resident in the township of Kingston, that the council intends {of Ontario, 1921, to collect from { him sufficient means for the main- tenance of his father, the said Ed- ward Quick. F. Adair be appointed truant officer. Motion, Graham-Cordukes, that council procure, under direction of Councillor Graham, a list of rules of order governing the proceedings of the council, the cost of which is not to exceed $10, and that the clerk prepare a by-law to confirm the said list of rules of order and amend- ments thereto to be passed at the next meeting of the council. Mo- tion, Graham-Cordukes, that the reeve and the clerk be authorized to sign and submit to 'the minister of public works and highways of the province the petition of the town- ship shoyink that from-Jan. 1st, 1922, to Dec. 31st, 1922, there has been expended upon the township roads $6,212.66, and requesting the etatulory grant. Silver thet the clerk transmit to the minutes of the preceding meet- ing on or before the next meeting of council. Motion, Graham-Cordukes, that the resolution in the minutes of Jan. 8th, 1923, with reference to the appointment of H. C. Orser as road overseer be struck out as being incomplete; yeas, Silver Cordukes, Graham; nays, Hawkey, Clark, Motion, Gréham-Cordukes, that the treasurer procure a license for township hall By-laws Nos. 121 Feb. 13.--Miss M. Hughes, Picton Cormick, entertained at card parties | jon Friday and Tuesday evening re- | | under authority of Chap. 52 Stat. | Motion, Graham-Hawkey, that c.| [ BUCKLEY'S BRONCHITIS MIXTURE the one proved preventative and guaranteed remedy for flu, grippe, coughs, colds, bronchitis and la Motion, Cordukes- the members of the counefl a copy of were some- Chinese too. eterywhere, even inside canai- @ cannibals eat Chinamen, should not think they wou.d like them as food." "Quite wring, Teddy, for ence. A cannibal told' me that they made very good eaftting--"all same var- oma' which means 'just like a pig." We are talking about Thurdday ls- land, however, and there amp no cannibgls #ving there although many of the men have tasted human flesh at home, The island is a coaling station for the British Navy, and it is quite a pretty place with au hice sandy beach. A big whaie was washed ashore when I was there, and until it was got rid of, the beach Was not a very pleasant place, but it looked quite nice in the distance. The buildings were about as much of & mixtuno as the people were, and, of course, a great number of then were hotels of sorts, What inter Gsted one most was the fleet of sail- ig" boats belonging to tne pearrng Jeet and island traders, and you can magine how well they looked under {sail on the blue water. The color {always seems to vivid fn the tropics, {and the green of the- palms and {traes, the blue of the sea, the white jof the boats and beach are some- thing to remember. There 1s a= ways a touch of bright color some- where to be seen. The Solomoa is- landers and other island boys ure not without interest to one. They work on the boats au. coaling when Ar ---- A AA Sl At lil Honk Kons | 0 'miles away, but the Chines: | ~ there is a ship in the harbor. Dutch line to Sydney from Batavia calls at Thursday Island, and iakes 'on oil, as they are oil-boats. They are very clean ships to travel on, and 1 am sure 'that you would like the Dutch Officers, Teddy. The stewards on board are Japanese or Malay, and they look after one very weld. So niuch for Thursday Island. There is Friday Island, which' is the quaran- tine and leper station for Queens- land, and I have been told that Laere is a Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wed- msday and Saturday islands, but I know nothing about them. There are any number of small islands in those sess, and there was nothing to prevent Captain Cook naming an land every day of the week if he wanted to, There were about 1500 people on Thursday Is.and 4n 1901, but I do not think that there are 60 many now, I understand that it is now a carparatively quiet place. To-more®>w's story is about tho Solomon Islands ---- Much to the regret of the church the "amen corner" is not immune from impostors. The | Purity, Cream of the West * OUR MOTTO: Good quality, Prompt Service, Square Dealing. W .F. McBroom 42-44 Princess Street. Phone 1086. Sharbot Lake News Dr. Suddaby was called to Kaladay and Arden on Friday . Rev, Mr. Cantrell was ab.e to held his service here Sunday evening Rev, Mr, Baldwin heid Sacrament service on Sunday evening last. Miss Pear) Gray, Peterboro, was called home to attend her brother, R. Gray, who is very poorly. Harold Donnel:y and little Harold Gordon are both on the sick Hs. Harold Thompson spent Sunday Bu Kingeom Ms Mildred Patteron visited her home in Kingston on Sunday. Me. J. Allen spent the wedk-end in Kigston, Mrs, E. C..Walroth 'and Mrs. Balder~ son spent Monday in Kingston. Vis tors: Carl Cannon, Kingston, Mm. R. Balderson, Balderson, Mrs. R. Robinson, Picton, Mrs. T.Hethering- ton and children, who have been IM lare recovering. T. Hetherington at- tended his sister's funeral on Friday last at Fenelon Falls, The villagers are getting in next winter's supply of wood while sleighing is good. ee e-- Earthworms, which are eyeless, can feel light through the skin. Genuine religion is not so much 8 matter of feeling as of principle. i # ~1 by using whooping cough. Don't be a Victim of | Flu Epidemic Avoid danger of infection ryngitis, croun and (Gives Instant Relief~Prevents Pneumonia A dose a day keeps the flu away. 40--DOSES--75 CENTS Toronto, AT ALL DRUGGISTS OR BY MAIL FROM : W. K. BUCKLEY, LIMITED, 142 Mutual Street, "Acts like a flash"

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