WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1023 4 - % | They will go on to Florida and Cuba : {and will be absent from Kingston | . ° 9 ° ° | for two months. 1cCien L f S l | Miss Stronach, who was in town I e S ociLa I e {for a few days with Mrs. J. F. i - - al i Foulkes, Brock street, has returned to Ottawa, and will shortly leave for > the west. 5 | frien] TA Editor of Women's Page, Teles (Mrs. Harold Day, assisted by Mry.| Mrs. W. E. Kidd, Wellington | B= Laura A. Kirkman : HEAT RELIEVES PAIN phone 243. .Private 'phone 857w. | D. A. Shaw and Mrs. T. G. Bishop. | 5treet, who has bean visiting her sis- 4 ' . it. medicated ¥ tha . 3 { wee ter, Mrs. John Hayward, Hamilton, | TOMORROW'S MENUE | following directions: "Using brown | THERMOGENE is a dry, soft, icated woo! ty soctal | and her brother, Rev. H. D. woos} Breakfast | mercerized crochet cotton thread, | 50cC. takes the place of the old-fashioned poultice or plaster. was arranged in Ontario Ha'l after 'night of the Young People's Soclety| cock, Toronto, has returned to town. Bananas {make a foundation chain of 50! AT YOUR Thermogene does not grow cold and clammy. [ts keen the performance of "Tua College of Chalmers church and a merry! . eo | : Cereal | stitches. First Row: 1 d. ¢. in each | penetrating heat stimulates the blood and produces a Frolic,' for the benefit of the com- time was spent by the members, who! The Girls' Fellowship Club of the) Coffee Omelet jst. of ch., fastening last st. in row,| PBUGGIST Hagling warmth that drives Syay pia immediately, pany. Mr. Hanna; was convenor of |pajd a cent for every letter in thelr| Y.W.C.A. gave a merry Valentine Toast [to frst stitch in row, ch..3, and our Doctor will recomm hermogene. the committee and the gucsts were [names as an entrance fee. Progres- party on St. Valentine's Eve'in the Luncheon | proceed to next row. Second Row: | BRITISH OWNED and BRITISH MADE By received by Mrs. R.'J. McKelvey dnd [sive games and refreshments served, | cosy parlors of the "Y", where hearts Baked Beans, Tomato Catsup 1d, c. in each row d. ¢. of preceed- | The Thermogene Company, Ltd., Hay wards Heath, England. Mrs. George Awrey. Sympathy Six [Valentine decorations were about|transfixed with cupid"s darts and the | Bread and Butter ing row, occasionally making 2 d | Sole Agents for Cans da: HAROLD F. RITCHIE & Co. Limited. 10 McCAUL STREET, TORONTO orchestra played delightfully for the [the hall, the gay red hearts lending | pretty god of love himself, pointing | Tea Jam |¢. In same st. in order to keep the Mr. [an added touch of galety to the|his arrows, were about the rooms and Dinner | work flat. Repeat until nine rows Hamburg Steak are made, which cmpletes one side * i A merry Shrove : Tuesday dance | Monday evening was the dancers. Miss Montgomery and Graham, Miss Helen 1d, a cheery open fire burned in the! Lois Taylor and Miss Clara Farrell | had | grate. Refreshments were served, | Boiled Potatoes {of the doughnut. Make the other : repeated the dances with which they | Mrs. Heber Lafferty, King street, (§ames were played, and a delightful Canned Peas {side In the same way, beginning charmed the large audience which [entertained at the tea hour on Tues- | evening Spent . Coffea Raisin Pie | the d. ¢. stitches in the other side of filled the Grand Opera House earlier | day In honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. H. Macnee, Union street, | ! the 50-stitch foundation chain. Fin- in the evening [ Miss Yevotte Lafferty, Quebec, when entertained the bridge club of which| UROCHETING A "DOUUHNUT? lish with a needle and some of the 8 0» der guests were the girls of the He 18 a member, on Monday after-| BEAN BAG | Shocker thread, joining the edges se- Mrs. H. A. Lavell, Barrie street, | younger set, Mrs. Halloway Wad-|no¢ : | In response to a for |Curely. Fill with beans before clos- | ali nt of the Dominion Board of dell made tea at the table effectively | Mrs, J. F. Preston, George street, | Dongtes Bean Bag hy --l ing." the Methodist W.M.S., left for | decorated with jonquils. | Who has been in Toronto with her | aotions, the following letters have| _ A Reader" gent the following: Brockville to-day, to speak at a >. j Stater, Mrs. G..8, Bowerbank, will |e 1 sent me from readers: : | "Ch. 52 sts, join, crochet 2 rows - a Valentine tea given in the hall o Mrs. W. G. Minnes, Collingwood | Teturn to town on Thursday. Mrs. M. F., F. W., Mrs. R., Mrs. | plain (thread over needle once.) . Si ' : ---- Ami. Wall Street Methodist church. While | street, entertained the bridge club| Miss May Rogers, Barrie street, ip 5 'g and Mrs. F. C. all.sent the, .0ird Row: Increase every 4th st. Your Health 1s at Stake if in Brockville, Mrs. Lavell wil be |Oof which she is a member on Mon-| Will leave for Montreal on Thursday |¢gme directions, word for word: | Fourth Row; Increase even; 4th st. the guest of Rev. George McCall and | day afternoon. to spend a few weeks with her aunt, "Using golden-brown silkateen, pel Ffth Row: Knit plain. Sixth Row: You Suffer from Consti jon! Mrs. McCall, > vo» Mrs. Henry. gin with a chain of 50 sts. join in| IBCTeAse every 4th st. Seventh Row pat | Miss Marion Ogilvie, Gore street, Mrs. Constantine, Earl street, will ring. I d. ¢. in each st, join, chain | INCrease every 3rd st. Eighth Row: Every man, woman and child who | food as well as wonderful as a natural 4. 8 8 | will entertain at bridge on Thursday | Téturn from Toronto on Thursday. 2. Second Row: 1 d. c. in 24 sts » | Knit plain. Begin at first row and has constipation or constipation symp- | means of relieving constipation. The numerous private pre-lenten | afternoon for Miss Audrey McLeod, Mrs. John Carson, who has been [d. c. in the nett 1 dc in 24 tg. | TePeAL thus making two identical toms should leave no stone unturned | Kellogg's Bran eontains important functions, large and small, which | 8t. John, N.Y. | in Toronto attending the annual! d ¢ in the last Join chain 2. | halves. Crochet edges together but to get instant relief! Keep away from | mineral salts; it contains elements that, 3 a. , 1 : ' the dangers of pills and cathartics, | are necessary in making bone, tissue occupied the members of the Ladies' rie meeting of the Ontario Red Choss |p . x a fill with beans, rice or cherry stone. rie z Curling Club, accounted for Third Row: I d. c. in 14 sts, 2. ¢ ITy stones which are almost as much to be|and blood--yet, it acts as agewocper, s r. and Assoc! ' » . x ; | "| bef " th Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis, King | Assocation, returned to town to-(. in every 5th st, join, ch. 2. Fourth ore completing the jufning. dreaded as constipation itself. Your | cleanser and purifier. small attendance at the weekly tea | street, left to-day for Bronxville, | day. Row: 3 d. c., 2 d. c. in every forth | : EX Miss party. Tomorrew--"Just How" to Make a physician will recommend Kellogg's 2 on Tuesday. Tea was in charge of { N.Y. to visit Dr. James Polson. .. 0 at., join, ch. 2. Fifth Row: 2 d Good Cream Soup. Bran beeguso it, is ALL BRAN---and ¥ wr Roa yr! ro MAA yA AA A | Mrs. William Harty, "Roselawn," |. at it is Kellogg's Bran that will give | You'll enjoy its nut-like flavor. Or, left for Toronto on Tuesday. . n first st, and the one aout oF | All inquiries addressed to Mj Ki permanent relief if eaten raguli sprinkle it on or mix it with hot or Miss Herrington, who spent a few posite. Sixth Row: Just ihe sane..." ., care of the "Efficie Fria ol ake Is susied , pe! eW las fourth Tow. Seventh Row; 2 d. keeping" department will icient House- Most eases of Bright's and diabetes | with hot cereals. Two tablespoon | € i e answered can be traced to constipation; in its | fuls of bran should be added in each ™ > » days with Col. and Mrs. T. C. Di|,. {in every third st., join, ch. 2.|; / ejuvenaling Bedell, King street, returned to Na- | pighth a 1 d. c. in each d. ¢. | 0 Shase sims rete fue. This re. milder form constipation is responsi- | instance. You have missed much not Y . panee on Tuesday. This Jeomates ne side \vow, |ing to the great be re Sy ow- ble for sick headache, nausea, pimples, | to have eaten Kellogg's Bran made Miss Jessie Polson, who has been working in each stitch of the rst a personal or quicker re gg si 5 if] sour breath, ete. And, wo eay right [into muffins, raisin bread or many e visiting her brother, Dr. James Pol- [ch g soc 1 si the stamped and self-address d ye Bero-and guarantes what. we gay- other bakery batches. Recipes on : {chaln, make the second side in the esse jvelone that Kellogg's Bran, if eaten regu- | every package. Prominent hotels, res e p > a must | clos ; : 2 2 eon, Bronxville, N.Y. has returned [game way. Fill with beans ana [Tee oF enclosed with the question. larly, will give you permanent relief. | taurants and clubs serve Kellogg's | full name, street Bran in individual packages. All There is nothing more beautiful than the to town. ferochet together." 5 beauty of perfect health--and no surer or Miss Marjorie Smith, who has| K. B. and I E. T. both send the er he name of your city and Kellogg's Bran is wonderful as a | grocers sell Kellogg's Bran. less expensive way to its attainment than by the been visiting her sister, Miss Eliza- | oon er rere a rs ati ida daily use of ENO's "Fruit Salt." It purifies the | beth Smith, at 'The Avonmore," $7 Sat ttt tet ta-tt4 | {0 WOITY unless carefully trained BARNUM'S | J BAKERY | -- ee blood, regulates the digestive functions, and and Mrs. Donald MacPhail, King . It will bb stend hi cleanses the system with gentle yet sistent street, returned to Ottawa to-day. > | : ¥Y (an ndustrious, y 8 Jet per . What the Editor Hears | and will rise in life to good posi. S P E C I A lL. l thoroughness, veritably washing ext undesirable Miss Neils Hani o tion : "« Miss Nelle Hanley, Wellington teed | . x 1 waste matter which goes to make a "bad -------------- Homemade Lemon Pies--Try our Fried Cakes complexion." Ask your druggist for a battle of Street, has returned from a visit of That the clearing of the crossings | Wedd; . Bruce Card a Toronto broker, eading Cakes a Specialty. three weeks in Hamilton and To- % ronto. by the city after a snowfall is great-| : . . " { Miss Edith Carruthers, "Annan- | appreciated by the citizens Whe SSalenved ou Nov. 13th, 1921, to "THE TASTE WILL TELL. : dale" returned from Toronto to-day | walk to work in the morning. The o io years in penitentiary for auto : ** | householders who keep their walks Manslaughter, was released at Christ- Mendelssohn's "Elijah," St. James' | {re of snow are marked by the 104s, aller SETVING ADOUL a year of | ar CS -- Ey Soclety, y passers-by, in whose estimation they |S sentence. Those who quit their proper cnai- |part ignorant of both the character Choral clety, sixty voices, Tues- S Thom Scul 3 i [ rise or fall, according to the state of | as Scullard, K.C., died sud-lacter to assume what does not be- they leave and of the character they day evening, March 6th. y 5 the walk in front of their residence. joni at a meeting in Chatham. long to them are for the greater |assume. - ern -- artis io Sav Aumprsiatsrsor 9% ne AAROLES ITCH & 00.1, That the pletures of Lady Eliza- 10-18 mecavL ST. p . { : . a STRONG COMMITIEE beth Bowes-Lyon show a bang. So | he bangs are coming in again. ' i HAS BEEN NAMED That this is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. The word Lent means spring and if it is not very To Take Part in the Coming |springiike to-day, it will be before Visit of 8ir Henry { Baster Sunday, which falls on the OF OUR | first day of April, ends the lenten Newbolt. {x : YEAR-END A strong committee has been form- : That Coue is right! A woman can od In connection with the coming | . * oT ioe boasting of STOCK-TAKING visit of Sir Henry Newbolt. This dis- what a wonderful devoted husband tinguished visitor bas a wide reputa. she has, until she almost begins to tion as an author, poet and writer believe it herself throughout the British Empire. He is : | touring the continent in educational aE That boys will be boys, and if the Lntorcets apd Bah Profit is antlep- church authorities want to keep them " 3 oss. in touch with the parish organiza- He will arrive in Kingston on Feb. tions, they shouldn't get fussed over ~ = rinse ' 5% I Re TT THT A, ATT J ba hod A o> os Un. | ® Dit of harmless plays, even if it is IS SATURDAY NEXT, BiH LLIN] LLL PTY aR [11 aa fTHILITH Hs . > - a vw ' ne) |ivorsity. On Feb. 26th he will bo the | 8 LHe 10I8Y. They were boys once FEBRUARY 17th. guest at the Canadian Club luncheon HHT Glaxo is super-milk Glaxo is pure, uncontaminated milk and cream made safe and suitable and comfort. ply digestible for Baby by the Glaxe rocess. TI = mmm | 4 . at the Hotel Frontenac at 12:45 p.m. : { DO YOU RE That the annual meeting of the] ALIZE HOW SHORT Al tiie aNUL the iwants and Rot" | Ontario Red Cross Association in To- | THE TIME IS IN WHICH TO FIRS ronto, at which Mrs. John Carson, | TAKE ADVANTAGE Beautiful Silverplate 42d us give Sr Henry & warm wel: | the local president, was present, was ture of the English Language." an interesting and enthusiastic one. | Given Away Sn Nondey evening in Grant Sel |I COME IN AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE LEFT IN SLIGHT- . speak at a public meeting on "Liter- i LY USED INSTRUMENTS be welcomed. The Grant Hail shoud || To-morrow's || ema io Wis smizect ot-'} HOROSCOPE || PHONOGRAPHS ORGANS 5 Js Kuokdny Bu Bons? wi dem By Genevieve Kemble | EIA ress Ok - Regular $18 BELL, 5 Dugayes; will sell cheap $7 | The lity T i ; i Military College. A special program- | * $5.00 WOBBLY .....0srnnerenrs Qua ty i With Quality Premiums me of events will be put on for his THURSDAY. FF. 15. COLUMBIA, Sele "B," Oak or Ma- $7 The followi g are pl For plete list of premi see packels benefit. 8ir Henry will speak to the Conflicting * conditions may be hogany. Regular $45. TERMS: 38 rv " cadets. At 3:15 p.m, he will leave | read from this day's contradictory | $10.00 cash and $5.00 monthly .. % . Wm. Rogers "Clinton" Pattern Flatware for Ottawa to bo the guest of His Fx- | astral movements. Whila *he forees | COLUMBIA Style "E, M y y. GODERICH, 8 Octave Organ. $40 No. of one-pound cellency, the Governor-General, may not be deemed hostile, yet tiere Regulur $115.00. TERMS: $10.00 TERMS:$5.00 cash and $1 Weekly The committee in charge is: may be enough of hazard to call for i cach and $6.00 monthly ......... $100 : BERLIN, 6 Octave Organ. TERMS: $65 remium coupons red f requ 6 Teaspoons 12 : ylor, chair- | unusually good judgment to swerve | SONORA, "Minerva" model, Oak. 1. Mba tA AL SY nan, the course of events into fortunate Regular $52.50. TERMS: $5.00 $27 $5.00 cash and $5.00 Monthly. . . 6 Dessert Forks ... . 24 W, M. Nickle, secretary, channels. There may be dangsr of cash and $5.00 monthly. .. .-... MASON & HAMLIN, 2 Manual. % fell. ulation or in risky investment. 'Also gany. TERMS $10.00 cash and $65 TERMS: $5.00 cash and $5 Monthly 65 6 Tablespoon: Shes as Rica ain 30 Major-Gen. Sir Archibald Macdon- | the misuse of money, either in spec- INVINCIBLE, Cabinet style, Mah 6 Medium Forks . Trressues nese en 30 Principal 8. W. Dyce. there may be danger or fraud or $6.00 monthly 6 Solid Handle Knives . 36 | Bishop of Ontario. : misrepresentation. Those in the em- VICTOR IV. Ou THIS, 0 BELL, Piano Case Organ. TERMS: $75 4 3 $2 $10.00 cash and $5.00 Monthly .. Sate | Sugar Shell 7 | Rev. A. J. Hanley, chairman of | ployment of others should be on the cash and OR rere. SUES LS, wpe eie eL, T . . . 1 Butter Knife A ran - 7 : Separate Sabo ol Board, alert not to jeopardize their posi- ne no HY». " Leos v Simemim aimee { Rev. W. 8. Lennon, D.D. tions. With caution, application and | Cold Meat Fork (Large) ...ox......, }2 | T. J. Rigney, president Canadian | industry, affairs may be directed to SEE THE SEE THE 1 Berry Spook u..oci mess. 15 | Club. success r ' : Sse ame sgn, | L. A. Guild, president Rotary Club. : LINDSAY LINDSAY | Pickle Fork .. a 10 | H.C. Nickle, president Kiwanis ee a a VPRIGHT THREE ON SSC ARE PLAYER P1430 i | Baby Set--Spoon and Food Pusher. . 12 cub. was JOur But Oro ey muy tum to) gGen. A. E. Ross, M.P. safety and good account by careful ONE JNO. FOX AT $100 and TWO WEBERS at $150. at at a " ' - | "Daisy Pattern ¥. F. Nickle, K.C., M.P.P. and conservative dealihss. guarding $39 5 TERMS: $10 Cash and $6.00 monthly. $62 5 6T telat Silver 6 he Russel Stuart, inspector of | against fraud and safeguarding mon- . ; <aspoons iI aes, e Sinn Le Sine os BDU, ed ey and employment. A child born 6 Forks. 2 ovmpmepunasaps sine + + sig caine. 5 12 Pluss apbell, chairman, Board of | on this day will be generous, free 6 KKHIVES copiers acmmminss «ost smavic ss 18 T. G. Bishop, chairmen manage- end good-natured, but may be given If half-pound coupons are being saved, send twice Mept commition, ' ' the J. G. Elliott, president of Ontario number Yduoational Association. PS ---- . LITT James A. Farrell, police magis- b i MVohel NO SAY MITEL oT : . M. Campbell | 121 PRINCESS STREET, ; y J. A, Minnee. { ----NC i KINGSTON, ONTARIO + ol t Ww. Y. Mills. * Ask your grocer for the coupon package. W. R. Givens. J. R, Henderson.