WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1999 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG waa 9 HER PROBLEMS is By Annette Bradshaw THE WILDEST IRISHMAN. [ Good Luck GET IT REPAIRED | Adventure Lovkiag for Excitement is thought to go a long way, but at dome gud. Abroad, Sewing Machines, Phonographs, His Grace the Duke of Leinster is Good Judgment goes farther. Guna, Rifies repaired and refitted, | » ed. Saws fled, knives, | breaking out in 80 many places this TO USE Parts suppl | year that to describe him is not easy. scissors und edge tools ground. No sooner had he raced an automo- Leeks Fepmired, len fitted " fle from London to Aberdeen in I Te as 43% hours than he telegraphed his > paired. ny an opus anyaing services to the Dail Eireann. Just 1 that wa repairs why he does not organize an expedi- 1 Erode Xp Bl J. M. PATRICK | the South Pole--all in the same week 149 Sydenham Strest, Kingston | --does not seem clear. ° ISAS. Most young bloods would consider a automobile exploit quite enough IS GOOD JUDGMENT. His Pe -- for one season. To drive 500 miles ! | by motor-car in slightly over four- "The Tea that is always Reliable." | | teen hours of aetual driving time is ! . rap cA ----_ -- WOOD quite worthy of the idle aristocracy. | First of all, the duke made a wager of £3,000-with another member of Jot peerage that he could make the C: 13 Hard and Soft Wood gistance in less than fifteen hours. S 0 our atering and Slabs cut to any He left London at 3.7 a.m. The same, | day he reached Aberdeen at 9.7 p.m., | We aro-fully equipped to do catering for Parties, Weddings, length. { having spent a certain amount of time Social Events, etc., and our service will be of the very best. { at meals by the way and in waiting A : rE RW me EN rt oy Sain waltis DISHES AND SILVERWARE TO RENT. KENNY & FALLON { The rest of the day he probably trav- {eled. The distance by road is 518 F C HAMBROOK 137-141 CLERGY STREET miles. The speedometer read 557 . . PHONE 687. miles, the road having been lost twice CATERER in Yorkshire. 'K STREE PHONE 1025w, Most motor races are to test and | 115BROCR STREET, 1 y advertise new cars. This was occa- | PHONE sioned by an argument as to whether sm -- i a train could beat a motor-car be-| * d ; ° | tween two places. Trains make it in ' | twelve hours, but three hours extra The Oven 1 461 were allowed because of the wet roads. It may have seemed a fool- - hardy feat, but, as a matter of fact, Jrrrow---- lL Rings For Firewood the duke took a perfect cargo of spare § 4 tires and he knew that his car could ) ¥ x L k B 1 do 80 miles per hour "all out." He TR 4 A 1KE€ a e w) ig lot or Hay sad Soft had no tire trouble, found the roads ; CY aa THE oven on a Moffat ov Tare on hy perfect, beat the time limit and won rr 'B Electric Range is re- See na . the trifling sum at stake. Considering HE E> wr IEE markably efficient for CHAS. BEDORE & SON, that he 2 75 miles per hour out rr TR roasting or baking. There 274 NELSON ST, of the car at times, that he had to RL, 4 is no wasteful shrinkage pass through many towns and that > ; C 1 of food. The flavors and he averaged 40 miles per hour, his Ae _-- . uices are all retained. It's grace's stock as a chauffeur has gone : : ccause Moffat sind uf® considerably. On a track in the welded eletricay, inte EVERSHARP Isle of Man last year, Jean Chas- | Sue piece. Tap a like - | sagne won a big trophy by covering § yen RH + Te He 1,302 miles at-an average speed of i ; bell ro Noh Line PENCILS 55.78 miles per hour. Koads are dif- H Te lo Ontario 4 ' ferent, and all will agree that Maur- , * REPAIRED ice Fitzgerald, sixth Duke of Lein- ELECTRIC | ster, Earl of Offaly, Marquess of Kil- . : dare, Premier Duke, Marquess and | We are equipped to make Cc : | Earl of Ireland, is no slow coach. RANGES se any nnairs to above pencils, Scion of one of those Norman We carry a supply of parts. WHEN ONE MUST SEEM AT LEAST OUTWARDLY SAD families tha} Drowgnt Ireland under FOR SALE BY . . English control, his grace is of very Prompt service. Mrs. Janet (apologelically)--Yes, I know that this gay printed silk undergarment does [ancient lineage. His fathers have Th P bli U li H d Sh look heartless to you. But neither Will nor I ever really loved his aunt--even if she. did been Jasons > Daa Luce gio € rublic t. ity yY Io op J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. leave us her money! And I hate that mourning dress-- besides, these are the very newest |to =i the family titles in 1893, and 268 Princess 8t., Kingston, Ont. Phone 844 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, has been 'a precocious youth ever Ik on hverav thing anyway! since. Although married and the tf eB, aot, eat naa TODO cot | nm ttt | SURETY OF 3 TAINLY, HE SEHD 10. 03 | eer up el cl ol Colt 11 : ? ; pos ANNUAL MEETING {Ross Hannah, Mrs. C. E. Breaur,|sie Card's many friends are glad to|change the 'boredom of the London- - » r- -- {Mrs. Jos. Tait, Mrs. Thos. Brown, hear that she is recovering. People Abstdech hishway i the: Sompana n ouc 0 n 1 estion Of Addington Agi cu tural &) .cioty at | Ms. Wilfred Whelan, Mrs. J. W.! are preparing to get their ice har- a OO zi: beyom Centreville {Wagar and Mrs. Grover Wagar. j vested. Both skating rinks are well| jo..." A-hunting he -would go for Dominion The annual meeting of the Add-| Auditors--A. N. Lapum and™F 7 patronized. Edna Bauder, attending | [rregulars, "as an Irishman" Truly Your Until your various digestive organs ington Agricultural Society ° was | MeGill, | Kingston Business College, has re-|gome Irishmen are wild even if they : : M t St held in the town hall, Centreville,| The Society intends entering ii:|ceived a medal for accuracy and | were educated at Eton and are mem- Food fem order your food, Instead of ea ore with a good attendanec. Tho audi- {he Standing Field and Threshing speed In typewriting. zers of the House of Lords. will properly nourishing you will be liable {| Opp. Y.M.CA. Phose 12083. ' d showing th ; Bol ores } Sy ey eer fs: [Grats sompetition ugeln. They ele to clog and poison your system. Your Soclety to be in a thriving condition. {expect to have thelr new haif-mifu| -_ Beware of These Trees. Feed bl d a , The following officers were elected [track completed by June 1st. { FIRE AT VENNACHAR There is no foundation for the ood will be poor and im ure and . for 1923: -- | Dates of fair, Sqpt. 14th and 15th. | stories of the upac tree giving out you p Pp TO-MORROW'S SPECIALS: President--A. W. Miliigan. ---------------- [Howse of Obarles Bails Saved--Large | deadly fumes, Lord Frederic Hamil- more your nervous system thoroughly run 1st Vice President--Jolin Cassidy, - News of Verona. Timber Wolf Shot ton tells us in his recently-published : : 2nd Vice President--R. J, Hannah. Verona, Feb. 12.--Robert Thom-| Vennacher, Feb. 10.--¥rank Grant hook : Sutied "Here, There and down. Take immediate steps to Secure Managér--E. W. Lockhrad. son and Alvin Davy, North Cobalt, who accidentally shot himaAf in the ners, a tbe Bphs 23 boing a T k the healthy activity of stomach, liver, Secty. Troas.--Geo. A. MoGill, arc visiting their sister, Mrs. E.|leg on the 23rd November and was al. » t i Directors--Frede Brown. 2, J. Mur- Davy. Mrs. T. H. Craig spent the|taken to the General Hospital, King- | ii, handsome tres, Sl nooth, are and bowels. To this end you should ray, Joseph Talt, Clarence Lockhead, | week-end at Pembroke with her son,|ston, has ben able to set Up a Ute blance to a birch; and adds that, H. Sutton, Wilbur Wileon,C, Hannah | Dr. W. M. Craig. A number from|while each day this week. although one can sit undér its shade y J. Cavanaugh and H. McKeown. {here have been attending the reviv-| On the 7th, fire from the ohimney | for hours on end without experienc- Associate directors--J. 8. Johnston |als at Harrowsmith and Deyos' Cor-| of Charles Ball's house caught ou | ing any ill-effects, it is unquestion- 5 A. Wilkins has moved to the the Inside of thn roof, but by the | ably intensely poisonous. Hugh Mililng, R. J. Campbell, Frank | ners. | Rogers, F. G. Young, Robt. Paul, CO. imines. W. Wagar has moved into|use of the telephone, eight or te.| A scratch made on the finger by W. Hambly, Jas. Fisher, Henry Ton- |Mr. Wilkins' house. Mrs. Leadley of the Bucket Brigade wene soon ot] ihe dary Bad Deen knowy to have Sold ee 25 £0 pills Majestic Oleo ..... wr, Johnston Cousins, Bert Vaneer- [was taken to the hospital on Wed-| work and saved the house from much. | . ¥ Tnand. everywhere & Pt Pure Lard ...... bh a AN | tions from a newly-lopped-off b h voort, Thes. McNeely, D. E. Smith, [nesday. Ivan Leadley, Kettleby, and damage. are strong orn ee Tani in boxes 50c--90 pills EE Sere or Nu. PROMPT DELIVERY H. 8. Patterson, Ross Peters, John L. |George Reynolds, Yarker, are visit-| ~ Archie Gregg 'was forfyneje in } rash. while anyone foolish enough to Smith, Ross J. Sexsmith, Arch Al-|ing their parents. Mrs. Joseph Wil-| shooting a large timber wolf this! drink the sap would most certainly comback, Morley Huffman, Elgin kins has returned after spending a|wxek. Tht stage today reports the | die. -- Sometimes a man falls to accom-] Inscriptions on animals' bones are Vannest, Joseph P. Finn, Maurice [few days with her daughter, Mrs, H.|rcad very heavy lowing to the drifts| Amongst the world's poison trees, [plish anything worth whila hecause | the earliest form of Chinese writ- NE EE Hp, King, C. C. Main, John W. Reid, J. |Vandewater, Kingston. ' Little Bes-| on the 8th. Mowever, om Freters awards Lue he is too busy criticizing some other ing. The British Museum possesses| Pity is the virtue of the law, or deadliness to the West In- |, " ! v ¢ s it ¢ . = | dian machineel. This is an insignifi- fellow a a I6w specimens. none but tyrants use it cruelly 3 j cant tree to look at, but it is so | 4s a -- Er a z | violently toxic that even the rain- | drops falling from its leaves will raise painful blisters on the skin. } Another terrible poison tree is |}! ' «gtiiEes | January and Februa {in his "Kashmir" in Sunlight ; and | | Shade." | |. This is the ankhor, a graceful tree | With vivid green foliage, but so viru- | lently poisonous that a person can | earance e be made seriously ill through having | merely touched it by accident. Lives Are Longer To-day. ! WONDERFUL VALUES FROM OUR | Statistics tell us that people are ; ar i SURPLUS STOCK and ODD PIECES. living longer at the present time than in past years. | There are no less--or, to be more | exact, rather more--than 600,000 persons in Great Britain who are over seventy years of age to-day, and more than 60,000 who. are over eighty-five years of age. | That young. people (of forty and | 7 under) die off more easily than the i) Hl = / | i i | } | full-grown lads of three-score-and- z a ] J I 1 CRIBS e ours 0 ; [ten years is obvious, when we note a i 7 INS / aA 18.00 that forty-four per cent. of the deaths b 7 5% f pts 2 4 "ovo 3 : in 1920 was of persons under the | Re dh | - age of forty-five. | ) ealth and Comfort Sy Sar in first seventy years of our lives are | Thousands of people do not stop to think of the harm which " | the most dangerous. | ig fiom Sruiice tea or Sinem ox = Asoiait is & mineral pitch protue: | CLOTHES TREES, CLOTHES DRIERS. have frequ headache-- nervous ed decomposition of vegetable and | KE i rf val J irritable---if You canagt sleep at MghIr x bo ro ao a ae animal substances over Joes Tate | ROCKERS in Oak--wonderful val COUCHES Extension, Soimplets with In. 10.00 812.00 cause, and to help yourself to health and comfort. of time. It i usually brownish-black : ues; upholstered back and seat -- > 2 in color. An asphalt deposit of Trini- | x ,00. You alone can do it. Instant Postum makes it easy. dad forms a lake ninety-nine acres In i 9.00 = 210,00 : : : extent, and of unknown depth, inter. | : ) Just stop tea and coffee for awhile and drink delicious Ssient 314 of Suknows depth, inter | fn PEDESTALS in Oak, Instant Postum instead. You will find it wholesome and -- : delightful, with a delicate fragrance and a fine, full-bodied British Houses of Parliament, | : wl ; Walnut and Mahogany--- flavor. The British Houses of Parliament cover an area of eight acres, and have | a river frontage of 940 feet. They i all reduced . art 20%. contain more than 500 rooms, and - about eighteon residences, the resi- | dent population being about 200. Mahogany trees do not reach their AMBULANCE PHONE 577. 'full height until they are 200 years Large selection of Chesterflelds and JE old. | Davenports. Instant Postum ur em en : FOR HEALTH a ar a oa ua you ROBT J REID a "There's a Reason' And man who tells tiresome | e ® A Ration wivally manages to Suis | Director of Funeral Service. 22 Years of Good Furniture. Canadian Postum Cereal Company, Limited < them in spite of imterruptiors i Front Toronto : Windsor, O " Advertisemehts of get-rich-qalek | : s Be Be mary: . schemes are doubly interesting to ' --_-- those who bave nothing to Invest, | |e