TUESDAY, JANUARY 80, 1928. i - EE A THE SMILING PRINCE In the role of a traveler to the far East will excite and thrill you. "The Prince of Wales Eastern Book" It is published in aid of the Blinded Sol- diers' and Sailors' Hostel at St. Dunstan's, and is very well worth the support of every Canadian, Price ..:cia0iiin i $2.25 R. Uglow & Co. © FAULTY VISION | may some day cause you, to lose your job. Let us| fit you with proper] glasses now and avoid this. LJ 25% Pre-Inventory Discount Sale DIAMOND RINGS $3850 Solitaire Ring-- $250 Solitaire Ring-- Sale Price $150 Solitaire Ring-- Bale Price $100 Diamond Rings-- Sale Pri $50 Diamond Rings-- Sale Price $25 Diamond Rings-- Bale Price It will certainly be your save ing to take advantage of this genuine discount sale. Every Ring carries our regu- lar guarantee. All Cash Sales and no re- funds. Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington 8t. Opp. Post ---------- THE DAILY BRITISH ------ ee ee THE KIWANIANS LEAR SOMETHING ABOUT TURKS Address Delivered by Prof. D. A. McArthur of Quéen's University. "British Interests have been best served by an alliance with Turkey as shown by a study of past relation- pships, and it ought to be our aim to |promote a good understanding with {Turkey," declared Prof. D. A. Mac- Arthur, of Queen's University, in an /admirable address before the Kiwanis |club at the weekly luncheon in the | {Frontenac Hotel on Monday even jing. | "The Turkish problem #s not of | recent origin as you will find by re- viewing the history in Europe, There |are two general factors that must ba kept in mind. First, her relationship |with Russia which has always had covetous eyes on Constantinople, and {lier desire to obtain an outlet from {the Black Sea. From the standpoint {of Britain Russia's position has al- | Ways been a matter of concern. There {8Te more Mohammedans in British jerapire than dn any other nation, and {Ler policy must, therefore, take into {account her relationship witha Tur- (key. It is necessary to look far back ito ascertain how British statesmen {have viewed the Turkish problem. {In the Crimean war Britain fought ifor two main principles. At that {time Russia espoused the cause of the Christian minority and Britain resented the action of Russia in as- fuming the attitude of champion of the Christian minorities in Turkey; {end she did not want Russia to fort- | [ify the Bladk Sea for purposes of de- | fence and offence. In this she won. |Turkey was admitted to the concert of Europe and to a place at the coun- icil table. She was to place her house |in order, and the treaty secured the |passage of commerce through the {8traits, but war vessels were, not ad- {mitted. Turkey only had that right [by the Treaty of Paris. { Russia was disappointed and did | not accept it absolutely, but still hop- led to get Constantinople, In the {Franco-German war of 1870, Russia {kept Austria out of the war for the { | Are You Fat ? | be ye. . Just Try This | Thousands of overfat people have be- | come slim by following 'the advice of | | doctors who recommend Marmola Pre- | | scription Tablets, those harmless little | { fat reducers that simplify<the dose of the famous Marmola Prescription. if too fat, don't wait--go now to your | druggist and for one dollar, which is | the price the world over, procure a case | { of Dae tablets. If preferable you can | | secure them direct by sending price tv the Marmola Co, 4612 Woodward Ave | | Detroit, Mich They reduce steadily and | emsily without tiresome exercises or { starvation diet and leave no unplea- | sant effect. | Bn Aan | jsuffered, ' The eympathies of the | Turks were alienated and they turn-| ed toward Germany. The result was lan understanding between Turkey 1 jand Germany." Young Tarks Friendly. "The Young Turk movement was. started in 1908 and it brought to the | front Mustapha Kemal Pasha. Brit- | {ain was regarded as the model of de- | {1mocracy and the Young Turk party' looked to Britain for guldahce. The | {British minister in Turkey was {sympathetic but he died and his suc- jcessor, Mr. Lowther, did not show the |same sympathetic attitude so they | turned to Germany. Russia was the | cause of the Turkish alliance with | {Cermany in the war, and the only | {Trize Russia looked for was the par- [tition of Turkey. It appears that |Greece bought two warships in the United States that were delivered in {21914 while Britain was building two {warships for Turkey. Unfortunately {when the war broke out Britain com- {mandeered the two Turkish ships that had not been delivered. At the {Same time two Gérman cruisers had but into the Sea of Marmora where they were placed under the Turkish {rag." Peace Treaty Bungled. very | §| "At the close 'of the war British {prestige was never higher in the esti- {nation of the Turks. They had been | jdefeated by the British in Mesopo- | [tamia and in Palestine, and Britain | {and the Allies could have obtained | (Peace on almost any terms they de- [sire@. But delay found a complete {change in the situation due to |Greece.. The Vemezelos party was | restored and King Constantine was (banished. Greece was on the side of [the Allies. Venezelos was the leader WHIG. Re IS NOW GOING ON. MONEY BUYING NOW. YOU CAN SAVE FROM 209% TO 50% OF YOUR Just arrived from countries of growth DALY'S GOOD TEA This is a good time to stock up. En- | joy the delicious freshness. Order from | EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY WE TO SERVE YOU BETTER and BE | J] iz es] QUICK OPTICAL . Repair Work - ' Glasses or spectacles broken i Guards bent--out of alignment? l Temples too long or too short? Whatever your requirements, our service is prompt and highly satis- factory. ) = TD / |S THIS 3-PIECE WALNUT4SUITE 1S $245.00. In dark, rich, satin polished tly as {lb biong exe tension Table, large China Cabinet, English Style Buffet, and Sido Chairs and One Arm Chatr, with beautiful cane-filled Backs and sen. uine Leather Slip Seats--delicately decorated. Bring your repair work to us. FOR SALE 8 roomed cement block house, good lot, electric light and three-piece bath. Terms can be arranged. Price $8,750. Also double cement block house with all improvements. Very easy terms. $5,500. Several Houses To Rent Kingston Jement Products OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. ! 0 inorit *h tair {benefit of Germany and declared the. | f a minority and®he had to obtain {It was Lloyd George's desire to en- | PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON 3 ' a very favorable treaty to suit Greece, Kinnear & d'Esterre [respecting th. straits were not bind- | rr PARLORS the provisions of the Treaty of Paris |; tig, Brivate sora eloten sta: jtrust Greece with the protection of JEWELLERS Dr. Nash's 188 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON ---- It a man can show a girl an auto license he will not have any trouble getting her consent to his getting the marriage license, We can save you 20%, which is better than any investment you can make, 20% Discoun Sale is only for a few days more. Come early so you will not be disappointed. BUY YOUR CHINA NOW. ROBERTSON'S Limited GOLOSHES We are broadcasting the news that we have OVERSHOES to fit any shape or style of Women's Shoes. Also a complete stock of Overshoes for Men and Children. "Allan M. Reid © | So {for the protection of Egypt, but not out of any particular regard for Turkey." -- The Balkans. "Russia encouraged the Balkans (against Turkey and assumed a posi- tion of protector. Britain was nou consulted. This period marks the beginning of the Bulgarian atroci- ties following the slaying of one hun- dred Turkish civilized officials. Eng- land was, greatly stirred by these re- prisals on the part of the Turks and Gladstone's attitude had much to do with shaping British opinion fol- lowing the late seventies." British rublic opinion has been much color- eG by the effect of Gladstone's pol. cies." The war of 1878 was recalled by the speaker. "In the treaty that followed an attempt was made to pro- vide for the protection of minorities. Here Britain objected, and at the Berlin conference British prestige was high as a result of Disraeli's | statemanship_ It was at this ne that | Queen Victoria S laimed. Bm - a of India, ° "Bi Gado turned <o power in 1880 and British {policy changed and Turkish interests AA EAA Heart Palpitated And Was Short of Breath ---- Through one cause or another a large majority of people are troubled, more or less, with some form of heart trouble. Many people may be unaware of having anything wrong with their heart til some little excitement, over- work or worry starts it to palpitate and throl, skip beats, beat fast for a time and then so slow as to seem lmost to stop, then it causes great anxiety and elarm. To all such sufferers Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will give prompt and permanent re- lief. Mrs. Alice Bisho , 15 Haw- thorne Ave., Hamilton, ont. writes: "I take pleasure in recommending Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills to all persons troubled as I had been. I suffered from palpitation of the heart and shortness of breath; my heart would skip beats, and in the night, at timet, I would have to sit up to get wy breath. I could not go upstairs without my heart fluttering, and my nerves were all unstrung, but since using your famous Pills I have felt like a different person." Price 50c. a box at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt o. price by The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto, REEL, thi ; : gf I? his dates." jecutive {earried. Eimer Davis announced tha: | minorities in the Near East and the {Treaty of Sevres was framed giving {the Greeks Adrianople and Thrace. Turkey got Constantinople and the Asiatic side. The straits were made free with a neutral zone on both glides, The Turks lost Anatolia, The Turks refused to accept the treaty and an allied force was sent to Tur- key and grew into a large army." 'Greek troops were sent to Smyrna {before the Turks withdrew and there was a clash. Subsequently the Greeks advanced to Angora, and after a bat- tle that lasted twenty-one days they wero obliged to withdraw, finally evaocyating. Asia. They burned Smyrna before leaving the city." R. ARTHEY, RO. VISION SPECIALIST 148 PRINCESS STREET would be cn sale Friday morning at Jack McGall's store. President Nickle asked the club ¢o Join with the Canadian club on the vccasion of the visit of Sir Henry Newbolt to the city, also fo attend ths anniversary banquet of the Board of Trade when Sir Henry Thornton wiil be a guest. - 1,754,929 Lbs. Increase For "Salada" This figure, which represents the tremendous progress in public favor which "SALADA" has made during 1922, can be attributed only to fits invariably high quality amd teapot satisfaction.---Advt. ------ Briti<h-Turkish Alliance Best. "This is the background of the pre- sent Turkish problem created a fail- ure of the All'es to seize the proper time to make a peace treaty with 'Turkey. The freedom of the straits | JAMES REID PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE. ~ spss} Gas Engines Are Costly and when they break or crack it is a very expensive thing to re- place them. No need of that when our oxy-acetylene welding process will bring about the same result, for a fraction of the cost of a new Se. of cylinders. But be sure and Lave the welding done by experts Bishop acne Shop KING AND QUEEN ST! is regarded as the chief matter now and the creation of a neutral zone on i each side, The Mosul oil question | has grown out of the seizure of Mosul | by the British after the armistice and --W. Rees and A. W. it is the real issue between the Brit- Ph Sap o- » a 3 x to Bost- ish and the Turks, This question as | 27 on at well as that of minorities mi om. Ne . be edi rs the joo Tuam well The teachers and _puplls of the tions for arbitration, Nobody wants | Bight school are holding a little ban- to go to war again." quet and entertainment in the lect- In concluding "Prot. MacArthur | Ure rooms of St. Andrew's church touched upon Canada's pos 3 this evening. ouchod oo Taine geeition Tin Miss Elsie Hudson, Toronto, {is British interests were best served by visiting her sister, Mrs. W. R. Gor- an aldance with Turkey and that it don, Sydenham nee. 208 should be our part to promote the Jack Lee, Jr. and Jal en, moet favorable understanding. spent id 32 Kimenos. Ane eS Jemands 2 Peseatul atiftude Te ch "ill hold a Progressive 2 Jind, and it W sot Soing to pro- ah gh the Parish House tomor- mote peacs if there 1s a constant agi- = iE e 8 ; " ! TO aayiL Bp etary: was ten- | Miss Hyacinthe Sophie, Princess dered to Prof. MacArthur on a _ street, is entertaining a number of tion of George Gillespie, seconded by Bor friends at her home this even- Frank Hoag. Major-Gen, Sir AC : i . 3 Macdonnell gave an interesting ac- 4 Buea Hal, Kingston, spent Bun count of eome war incidents that |93¥ In Gananoque. wed Thursday evening next some of enon oa he Turk up In a very favor- the young people are having a little dance at the Canoe Club, The Dixie Five will furnish the music. J. McGowan, Brockville, Sunday with friends here. They are Worth their Weight in Gold Much in Favor of Dodd's Kid. ney Pills. He Advises All Persons Who Suffer From Kidney Disease To Use Them Pine Ridge, N.B., Jan. 29.--(Spe- cial) .--¥From all over New Bruns- wick reports are coming telling of the popularity of Dodd's Kidney Pills as a remedy for all forms of kidney trouble. In every place, oweva small, there appears to be at least one per- son who is prepared to say that he ow, ' a Som Kiwani's Business President H: C. Nickle occupied the chair-and the music under the direction of Garnet Lockett was never better. He had a string quar- tette composed of H. A. Graham, Bert Hunt, A. McMahon and Arthur Wat- son that was very fine. 5 E, Smithies as sergeant-at-arms was kept busy collecting fines. Dur- ing the roll call the following guests Were announced: Prof. MacArthur, A. McMahon, F. LaMont, Toronto, and Harry Caldwell, Art Lincham, proprietor of R. H. Toye and Company, fruit and com- mission merchant, was the booster. He was introduced by Harry Wilder, aster, as one who "never kept -Art donated some fine prizes in boxes of fruit. They Were won by Bert Winnett, Jack Me- Gall, William Moore and James So- wards. SH spent A very pleasing event took place 'When Percy Borland, late secretary, Was presented with a handsome club tag by Gen. Sir A. C. Macdonell as an expression of the club's apprecia- ticn of his valuable services last year. A resolution drawn up by the ex- boosts to one each month and then to be voluntary was presented by Elmer Davis. Its adop- ticn was moved by Frank Hoag and sconded by Gen. Mardonnsli and it "I have taken ten boxes of your Dodd's Kidney Pills and cannot say too much in their favor." Mr. Chand- ler states. "They worth their who suffer from kidney disease to use them." Dodd's Kidney Pills have become a family remedy because people have tried them and found them good. They help Rheumatism, Lumbago, Diabetes, Lame Back, Heart Disease »and Urinary troubles, because all of SOWARDS KEEP COAL and COAL KEEPS SOWARDS SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 156. UP-TOWN OFFICE: M¢GALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. We are offering a number of Connecticut Phone Head Seis, 8000 ohm at $8.00. These are high-grade and worth $8.00. Radio and Electric supplies of all kinds. Complete sets in. stalled. Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. Why have your Hardwood Floors dirty and old looking when you can have them made like new ? We have bought a new Floor Cleaning ine and guarantee to make your floors weight in gold and I shall advise all || look like new. : Estimates given on new floors laid, and Carpentry Repairs of all kinds, Thos. Copley Write 68 Queen Street or "phone 987.