Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jan 1923, p. 5

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3 MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1923. AGENCY FOR. ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special atteuwivu given your family or friguds going tu or returning from the Old Country. Passports arranged tor. For information and rates apply to4 J. P. HANLEY, C. P. and T.A.G.T.| Ry., Kingeton, Ont. Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, corner Johnson and Ontario Streets, King- ston, Ontario. Stop atter. Open Day and Night. ttoideCor. "PHONE 99. rect indiges- nmr | thon the complexion -- brighten the ayes. Small Pill--Small Dese--Small Price nd Mo oe oo og Real Estate General Insurance. ~~ E. A. EMMONS TAXI PHONE 1747-F ALL SEDAN CARS Reliable Companies only rep- resented. Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing ang Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H Butcher, 27 Pine " Street. PHONE 1819w, Phones 326-804, 56 Brock St Ahr andhahuh a ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. a a ------------ + ~ ------ Have You Seen the Latest COLORED ENAMELLED ALARM CLOCKS - ~~ ---- Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256, . $3.00 . $4.50 L. C. HEMSLEY 149 Sydenham St. Plain Alarm |. Repeating Alarm ,...... AAA PS i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Sale of Houses | The Gonners houses, in the east-| ern portion of Cape Vincant, N. Y., | have been sold, the purchaser being | | George Cody and A. Littiebrant. Is Seriously IN | ! Anson Benson, Bloomfield sere | ously ill of blood poisoning, is some-| what 'better at time of writing. Dr. | | Cahoon, Bloomfield, is treating him. | Attended | Wedding Anniversary Harry Cavers, Smith's Falls. was {2 visitor at his parents, Carleton! Place, on Monday, it being the for-| ty-nineth anniversary of their mas-| riage. Our Annual Sale. All this month we will put on sale | our entire stock of Gents' Furnish- ings, Ready-to-Wear clothing and made-to-measure suits at a great re- {duction In price. A call will convince | you. Prevost, Brock treet Depending on Wood Very little coal has been received |at Colborne so far this winter and | citizens havo to depend almost en- | tirely upon wood for fuel. The lat- | ter ia being brought in quite freely. 1 Cold and Stormy. | Sunday was a very cold and stormy day. For the pedestrian it was one of the most disagreeable days of winter. As a result the majority of citizens spent the day indoors. It was a hard {day on the coal bin. T Skated to Belleville, Captain Frank Connors, Pryner's | Cove, widely known as the captain of the fish steamer "Shibley," skated to 'Dental Surgeon DR. J, C. W. BROOM L.D.S,, D.D.S, Wellington and Hrock Streets. Entrance, 150 Wellington St, Evening by appointment, PHONE 670. GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, po Guns, Hifles rep: Parts supplied, Saws as and edge tools ground. s repaired. HKeyy fitted to all kinds of lucks. All makes of DR.A.W.WINNEIT | Eira DENTAL SURGEON, paired. We can repalr anything i that is repairable. Corner of Johnson and Wellington | Streets Phone 363! J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenh Street, Kingston Phone 2058J. For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, AL and STORAGE OF] VERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. hon 7. Evenings 2231, 153 CAR INGTON STREET, mins Don't Let That Cold Turn Into "Flu" Rub on Good Old Musterole That cold may turn into "Flu," Grippe or, even worse, Pneumonia, unless you take care of it at once. Rub good old Musterole on the con- gested Jats and see how quickly it brings relief. Colds are merely congestion. Mus. | terole, made from pure oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other simple | ingredients, is a counter-irritant which | stimulates circulation and helps break | up the cold. | Aseffective as the messy old mustard | plaster, it does the work without the blister. Just rub it on with your finger-tips. You wil fos} a warm Single 25 It enters the pores, then a tion that Oc and 75 75¢, at brings welcome relief, all ts. The Musterole Co. of Canada, Ltd., Montreal. -- WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 17638, Residence, 1187. EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts, Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. WR Mckae & Ca CR a MR PEA COAL and COKE HARD AND SOFT WOOD Cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 GUNNS MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAM Made from Pork Sausage. » Put up In one pound net tina Cooked fresh --- the favor is uprisings different to what one - the thing for ; holida try snd hurry-up mea ¥ Arive BOR MAROHE GROCERY Yam kiy Phone 1844 © FOR SALE Quebec Heaters, Fire Kings, Radiation and Piping. Also all kinds wf building material. 1. Cohen & Co. 27% Ontario Se. Phones 836, 837 |! The man who makes trouble for Sal | Rimselt makes it for others There's where the greatest trouble comes im. Belleville and back this week, and reports the ice on the Bay of Quinte | |as being in good condition. , Christmas Gifts Did you receive a number of] | things you can't use or don't need. | | Duplicates of, books you already | | have, for instance. Somebody would | {like them. Sell them through the | class'fied advertisements, or exchange | { them. How He Gol. A Beauty First Cousin--"'Oh, Nell, what aid | Paul give you for Christmas?' Nell--"A new car, if you please." First Cousin--*Not really." | Nell--*"Yes, really. He got a) beauty through a classified ad. I'll} take wou out in it this afternoon." | | 1 { [Remains Brought to Picton Mang friends learned with regret of the death of Mrs. John Illsey at the home of her son, W. J. Ilisey, Winnipeg, on Wednesday. Mrs, Ill- sey was a sister of the late Andrew M. Buchanan, Picton. The remains were brought to Picton. ------ | To Be Marzied Soon | The marriage has been arranged to | take place early in February in Ot-| tawa of Miss Margaret (Peggy) Arm-| strong, third daughter of Mrs. Ea. th | F. Armstrong, Ottawa, to Harry| Johnson VanVlack, Ottawa, only son | of Mr. and the late Mrs, John H. VanViack Milford, Just clear smow from a patch in your back yard every morning, throw little bits of bread on it and enjoy , the pleasure of seeing the little birds come swooping down and devouring { Feed the Birds, | } the scraps It will make you fecl good the rest of the day. The birds of the air get hungry as well as hu- man beings, and they have a hard time finding food in wintry weather. Married in Texas Relatives and a large .numbpdes of friends, Cape Vincent, N, Y., have received invitations to tne wedding of Mabel Anna, daughter of Mrs. Marie Fraser Grapotte, to Harold King Brown, on Wednasday, at San Antonio, Texas. The bride, a 1orm- 'er resident of Cape Vincent, has a host of friends who extend hearty | congratulations. Elected a VicaPresidem Henry W. Peacock, well known in Cape Vincent, and who has been en- gaged In the insurance business for the past twenty years, has been made vice-president of the Kelly, Halla, Peacock: & Hughes corporation, re cently organized in Detroit, Mich., k married Miss Sarah Fitz- tzgerald, Cape Vinvent, N.Y. . Fred Hutchings passed Away A very sad death occurred in the vicinity of Chantry on Jan. 17th when Mrs. Fred Hutchings passel sudden- ly away. Mrs. Hutchings, whose maiden name was Miss Estella Trot- ter, was born near Harlem in 1879, { Our Club" jof the first day. | night's dance @ daughter of Netterfield Trotter and the late Mrs, Trotter. She was mar- ried to Mr. Hutchings in 1911 and; had since lived there, where she was loved by all who knew her. A Telltale Letter. On Friday last a citizen who was writing at a desk in the post office lobby picked up a piece.of note paper and was surprised to read the fol- lowing: "Dear ----: I wil be at your office at seven this evehiing. Be sure and be there. Yours ever, ----, P.8.--A little wine for me." Men who open notes in the post office from their Tootsy-Wootsles should be careful not to leave them lying around. At Rotary Convention. According to the tentative pro-: gramme for the 1923 conference of | the Rotary Clubs of the 28th Dis 5 os trict to be held in the Windsor hotel, Montreal, on March 2nd-3rd, the Brockville ciub is to furnish a speak- jt er or "How We Get Acquainted in Addresses. by Hon Ernest Lapoint and other prominent speakers are promised for the gather- ing, invitations to attend which are being extended to over 3,000 Rotar- lans in Canada and the United States. Veteran Railroader Retires, After having been for forty-eight years continuously engaged in rail- way service, Thomas Stack, section | foreman for thé Grand Trunk Rail way at Mallorytown and one of the veteran employees of the sixth dis- | trict, will retire on pension at the close of tlds month. Mr, Stack en- or the afternoon.session | Kingston and Vicinity tee has actually been appointed for the new women's residence for which he graduates have been working for about twelve years. In| that time they have raised no less than $77,000, which they pian to | have $80,000 by spring. Then the ! Queen's trustees will give them an equal amount and they believe no college in. Canada will have a finer residence for their women students No college women in,Canada have shown greater personal devotion to their alma mater than have Queen's during their campaign for their resi- idence funds, Their large amount had but one large contribution of | £10,000. As for the others, they in- {cluded donations of $25 or $50 from | {girls on such modest salaries as $1,- [260 a year, | women » | tered service as a trackman on Maj 17th, 1875, was promoted to be fore- | man at Mallorytown on May 1s 1883, and to be roadmaster.at Rich- mond, Que., in 1895, Three years later he resumed duty as section fore- | man at Mallorytown, where he has | since remained. Graduates Jubilant. The Toronto Telegram bad the fol- | lowing: Queen's particularly women graduates were jubilant at 'Thursday | For congratulations were being exchanged that at last the dearest ambition of the alumnae is to be realized. A building commit- Art Pour I'Art. { First Crook: Gyp is wedded to his | {art. He loves his crime just for the | lerime's sake. _ | Second Ditto: I'll say so, Gyp | would use lead slugs in the street | jcar fare slot if they cost him fifty | {cents apiece | EA A building without a basis cannot { {stand---faith is the foundat} of | 'character and every good ol 18 ul !stone laid Eratosthenes, andria library, {circumference B.C A a A IN tp head of the lirst measured the earth in Aiex- | the | of 245 | "I Can Now Do My Work Without Feeling Tired" Mrs. A. Moffatt, Roxton Falls, Que., writes: "I suffered from a run-down system and nervous debility. rest at night, and felt so weak I could not walk any distance. tonics, but they only helped me while I was taking them. advised me to Nerve Food, and | felt great bene- fit from the first box, and con- tinued taking several day I feel like a new woman, and am able to do my work without that dreadful tired feeling." DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD 50 Cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., 1td., Toronto I could not sleep or I took several Mother take Dr. Chase's boxes. To- RRR Hardwood Fuel No better substitute for hard Coal than good Hard Wood. i The fuel that kept our forefathers warm. We have some very nice Hardwood Slabs and Hard Cordwood. : S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415 NE GOING STRONG Some more of our January Sale Bargains! Men's Rock Proof All White Work Rubbers. January Sale Price ......... ...... $348 Skating Boots--Men's and Boys'. .. $2.78 January SalePrice ........ .;:... Call and see the rest. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street ourdier's 78 Brock Street. STOP WONDERING What dinner. long In Bring the pleasing, well-cooked meal. He'll enjoy the change--and you'll be glad to rest. NEW ENGLAND CAFE 331 King Street. Kingston, Ont. Phone 655 you are going to get for You have puzzled too thinking of a change. family here for a Most of us eat too chew our food enough. If people realized how much more good - their food would do them if properly masticated, and followed up with a bit of WRIGLEY'S to assist the digestive process, we'd have far better health. Keep teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen and diges- tion good with WRIGLEY'S. made of purest materials, in modern, samitary stily and do not Greatest Reduction Sale ot High- Class Overcoats Ever Held in Kingston Men's and Young Men's 3-piece Silk- lined and Silk-faced Tuxedo Suits *39.99 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House S is the perfect gum, Ww Now is the Time to Replenish Your Stock of Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen and Dish Towels at very special prices. Strong Huck Towels -- hemmed and hemstitched, in Union and heavy Cotton, at 25¢., 35¢, and 40c. Pure Linen Towels--hemmed and hemstitched and damask ends at 50c., 60c., 75¢. and 90c. each. Bath Towels in white and colored, plain and fancy ga' very large variety --from 25c. a pair up. Kitchen and Class Towels--hem- med ready for use--at |5c., 25¢., 35c. and 45c. each. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191.. ~ The Waldron Store.

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