Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jan 1923, p. 19

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oo =i, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1023, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 15 Let A Classified Ad. Taker Help You Tell Your Story Interestingly SPORTING NEWS Ta-Night There will old town to Jock Harty city league one A-1 double-headers, The games gre R.C.A. vs 'A.O.H. and Young Ir- fshmen vs Live Wires. Both shoud be exceptionally good and the are assured of a real treat All the senior teams have strengt their last owing tu! be a tl night espe Arena, wili when stage fans since Arena, time considerably the ened appearance at the extension of the : entry of players, 'and it is reported | that the fans will see some well- | known stars perform on the ice, 10- gether with many other lesser lignis| of the present and pas. HOCKEY RESULTS, Senior O.H.A. Granites 6, Argonauts 5. Intermediate O.H.A, Belleville 4, Cornwall 2 Whitby, 8, Bowmanville 7. Oshawa 6, Port Hope 0 Junior O.H.A. St. Audrew's 3, Upper Canada Trenton 4, Belleville 1. Belleville Defeats Cornwall, By the defeat of Cornwall rig their own home town, at the of the Belleville stalwarts on night, the chances of the local Fron- tenacs finishing in the money are | now exceedingly slim Belleville | has failed to drop @ game, and ap- pear to be going stronger every game, while Frontenacs and Corn- wall arg trailing wi two losses | each. Unless Brockville or Queen's; should happen to trim the Bay of Quinte aggregation; it will be left | to Cornwall and Frontenacs to drub| Belleville on their home ice, which will be a matter about which the less eald the better. While there's life there's hope, and In the meantime the blue and white must keep plug- ging away. Indoor Bascball League. An executive meeting of the King-| ston Garrison Indoor Baseball Lea- gue was held in the armories on Fri- day evening, with representatives present from District Headquarters No. 3 (H) Battery, 4th Hussars, "A" Battery, Ordnance and Fron- tenacs. Several important matters camo up for discussion, and the meeting appeared to be very sptis- factory to all concerned. The question of play-offs at the end of the regular season was brought up, and it was decided that: the winners and runners-up in each group will comprise the semi-final- ists, These four teams will play off, | ifn "sudden-death'" contests, and by ballot, and that the two teams who reach the finals will play a series of! three games for the championship. | The trip of the local champions to! Ottawa was also brought up, and the feeling of the moeting was very! much in favor of doing everything | possible to finance the trip. This| will probably be done by taking col-| lections at the semi-final and final! games, by subscriptions from the| officers of the garrison, all of these | to be added to any funds of the lea-| gue which may exist at that time. One of the representatives asked | that an official scorer be appointed | for each game, to avoid disputes be- tween teams as to the final scores. This was heartily approved by the meeting, and it was also suggested' that a large board be obtained and the score chalked up so that alll . might see, | -- AL The Curling Rink Four games in the club serjes, were played at the curling rink on Friday afternoon 'and evening, and resulted as follows: The rink skipped by J. F. Mac- Donald won from Skip M, P. Reta, 21 to 9; Skip A. McMahon won from | C. M. Smith, 12 to 8; Skip J. A. Mc Farlane won from Skip T. J. Rigney, i4 to 13; and Skip L. Langdou won | from Skip W. McCartney by 11 to 6. | On Thursday, the rink skipped by | R. N. F. McFarlane won from Skip | George Hanson, by a score of 9 to 8. ------------ A Splendid Event The social event of the week at| West Lake was the birthday party given by Manley Hicks and Mr. and | Mrs. Alton Irwin on Wednesday last in honor of Mrs. Adella Hyatt ang Mrs. Mary Tubbs. A number of their friends and neightbors were in- | vited to spend the day with them, and a very pleasant time is repo: ted, | G3Banoque. Mr. Reld, Inspector of | Among those present were Mr, and] Mrs. Aaron Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. ! mit tor} Index to Classifications The following classification headings ay ri his newspaper in the numer- { or hers given, closely allled classifications being grouped together. The Individual advertisements are arranged und these headings Ia eliphabétical r for quick reference BUSINESS SERVICE, Engagements. arriages Deaths 2--Iin Memoriam 3--Card of Thanks 4--Funeral Directors. 6--Funeral Flowers, §--~Cemetery Lots, Monumen.s 7--lodge Nolices --Coming ents $--Personals, 10--Lost and Found AUTOMOBILES A --Automoblle Agencles 1l--Automobiles For baile 12--Aute Trucks For Sale. : 13----Auto Accessories--Tire Parts. 14--Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxy 15--Motorcycles and Bicycles. 16--Repairing--B8ervice Stations 17--Wanted--Automoblles. BUSINESS SERVICE Business Services Offered. Hullding---Contraciing 20-~Cleaning--DLiyeing----henovating. ~Dressmaking--Millinery 22--Heating, Plumbing, Roofing i3--insurance. 24-- Laundering. $5--Moving, Trueking, Storege. 26-~Palr g, Paperioyg, Decorating. -- Engraving. naj Services 18- Osteopathy Osteopathic Physicians Repairing. 3 Talloring and Pres $1--Wanted---Business Se EMPLOYMENT --Help Wanted--Female. 3 Help Wanted--Male. 34--Help--Male or Female. 36---8olicitors, Canvassers, Agents. 35a--Teachers Wanted. 36--S8ituations Wanted--Female. 37---Sisuations Wanted--Male FINANCJAL 38-- Business Opportunities. 39--Investments, Stocks, Bonds. 40--Morney to Loan. 41--Wanted--To Borrow. INSTRUCTION 42 --Correspondence Courses 43--Local Instruction Classes. 44--Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 45---Private lonstruction. 46---Wanted--Ilnstructicn, LIVE STOCK 47--Dogs, Cals, Pets. 48--Horses, Catile, Implements 49--Poultry and Supplies, 0--Wanted-- Live Stock. vice, MERCHANDISE bl--Articles For Bale. fla--Barter and Exchange ° Business and Onice kquipment b3----Boats and Accessories f4--Bulldings and Euliding Materials. bb---tarm and Lairy Products, 6--Ikuel, l'eed. Fertilizers. pi--Good Things to EalL is--Homemade Things. $9--Household Goods. s0--Jewelry and Watches, 6l---Machinery and Tools 62--Musical Instruments $2a--Radio Equipment, 3--Seeds, Plants and Flowers, 64--Spectals at the Stores. 66--Wearing Apnarel. 66--Wanted--To Buy. ROOMS FOR RENT 6i---~Roums With Board. 63--HRooms Without Board. 69---HKoomg For Housekeeping. 70--Vacation Places. 71---Where To Kat. 72--Where To Shop In Town 73--Warted--Rooms or Board REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 74--Apariments and Flats 76~--Business Places For Rent, 76--Farms For Rent 77--Houses For Rent 78--~Office and Desk Room. 79--Suburban For Rent. $0--Summer Places For Rent. $1--Wanted--To Rent. REAL ESTATE FOR SALB R --Brokers in Real Estate. 82---Business Property. 83--Far and Land For Sale. ¥4--Houses For Sale, 8$6--Lots For Sale. sf --Resort Property For Sale. 87--S8uburban For Sale ss--Real Estate For Exchange. $9--Wanted--Real Estate. DEFEAT ROAD BY-LAW County Council Has Warm Debate. | The Vote 9 to 8. At the comclusion of the sessions of the county council morning, a bylaw' appropriating $34,- | 500, for support of county roads, and & further sum of $60,700 to be as- | sessed upon the townships for main- | | tenance and repairg" for 1923, was defeated on the third reading, wy 9 to 8 after a very warm debate. | The opposition was composed mainly cf the reeves from the northern part of the county and Wolfe Island. A committee composed of Ward- en Sibbitt, Councillors Guthrie Hamilton, Halliday, Drew, Prof. | MacClement, Prof. Baker, Judge La- | vell and W. D, Black, M.P., was ap-| pointed to confer with the e¢ity coun- | cil and the board of trade regarding the advertising of Frontenac county as 'a summer resort. NEW MASONIC LODGE. | Was Instituted at Sharbot Lake vay Tuesday evening. Friday Night. On Friday night e new Masonic lodge was instituted at Sharbot Lake. The new lodge will be known as "Frontenac," and was instituted by R.W. Bro. A. L. Lott, D.D.G.M., schools for northern Frontenac and Leeds and Addington, is the worship-1 parents here. Mrs. Leon on Saturday | (f | Tomor row here are people one makes a hole ir And then, there There are the A-B-C 1 they save m The point is A-B-C ads can be their usefulne spent money suggest w ~--ROW .2 in that you In Which Crowd Do You Belong? who can profit y can see through a brick i They can tak : people who have to learn every- types among the d Section. 'y and valuable time by supplying many of their needs of everyday life through these little ads. How are YOU going to find out how serv your ca 8 NOW, or will you find out id time unnecessarily--later ? begin THE A-B-C CLASS ALWAYS THE SAME- ALWAYS DIFFERENT---IN OPPORTUNITY, HITECTS--Power, Som and Drever, chants Ak Chambers, corner of | ck and Wall t arn from good 1 when some- Kingston, Telephou 1t06pm and | floor, Ont barrie St eniranco, Consultation free. Hours 8 10 12 am. --Dr. George F., Ur. Jennie A.| Chiropractic Specialisis Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Sireet, be- u Princess and Brock. Telephone Hours 9 to 12 a.m, 1 to 6, and | to § pm. Spinal analysis and con-| sullation free. Residential c&lly by| appointment { v hints Ww 4he signs the best way They don't They often t ilar readers of know that reg 28d. | SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 159 Wellington street, corner of B: They both rock. viceable the Or. A. B, Dentist Princess Street. Phone §52w, venings by appointment Sr = legn al 28e. | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barridters | and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, | Kingston A. Cunningham, ¥.C.; Cyril M. Smith oe ! SHE Ambrose, BA Barrister and Solicitor. orner of King! and Brock, over Royal Bank Money| t Phone 199 Will you take a tip on after you've reading them regula rly IFIED ADS ~-IN SERVICE 281. 133 Clergy St. | 1843m. Office! 8.30 p.m. | 51, 16-12 am. "ITH, M.A A - - = 4 | . a Che #Writish Whio KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. indexed, standardized and populars ized according tu THE BASIL 1. SMITH SYSTEM inc, Philadelphia, Pa, All ads. are restricted to thelr proper classification, and to the regular Lally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Daily Daily rates per line. 6 days .. 3 days .... oH "8 4 1 day «8 $ Deaihs--One insertion, charged, Birtns, Lngagements, Marraiges, $1.56, cash, $1.00, Card of Thanks and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00, each insertion. . Adveriising urdered for [Irregular insertions takes the vne-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines Count six average words to line. Charged ads. will be received by telepuone and if pald at The Brit- ish Whig office wNhiin ¢ days from P the first day of insertion, cash rate will be aliowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be caarged for-the nuraber of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at ae 1ate earned. Rate per line tor white space is the same as a line of type Special rate tor yearly advertising upon request. Piers zeserve the right to edit ur reject all classified advertising Charge. Cash . 4 3 the Copy. Terphone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. ~___ Announcements Personals ONLY --Our, booklet 'Ladies' mailed gratis on application. Paris Specialty Co., Dept. 13, Mgntreal MARRY--World's leading Correspon- dence Club for lonely people worth to $400,000. Quick res anteed. Contidential list FR orable Ralph Hyde, 10, San Fra MATRIMONIAL ---- Hundreds marriage If sincere enciose Mrs. Willard, 2928 N. Broadway, cago, Il z MATRIMONY -- Winter marry charming widow | Box 55, Oxford, Fla | MATRIMONY--Catholics "w | marry, wanting introductic free. Write Catholic Corre Club, Grand Rapids, Mich MATRIMONIAL--Marry, if lonely; for results, try me; best and most suc. cessful "Home Maker," hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confiden- tial, most reliable; years experience; descriptions free "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 636, Oakland, Calfornia. . Le | MATRIMONIAL -- The Leading Matri | monial Club. Best, largest; establish- | ed 19 years. Thousands wealthy mem- bers wish marriage. Conaddential de- scription ffee Only honorable, sin- cere people of both sexes need write. The Uld Reliable Club, Mrs. Wruble, Box 26, Oakland, California. isco, eking stamp Chi- in Florida, worth $40,000, shiing to Buoklet pondence SKIN BLEMISHES--Halr, Moles, Warts Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanently, Satisface tory Glasses fitted aud furnished after others have failed. Goltre cured with- out operation. 38 years' ex Dr. Elmer J. Like, Eye, Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. | 301w. House 11356J. Smee perm-- | Lost and round ENVELOP "ound, containing sum of money. Owner may have same at 317 Stuart Street. GOLD BUTTON---Found, C.M.B.A. eh- | graved on same. Owner apply to Sex- _ton, St. George's Cathedral. | MITT--Founa, leather covered, on Bay | Street, between Sydenham and Mont- real streets. Owner may have same ag 243 Sydenham Street. POST OFFICE KEY---Found. Owner may have same¢ at Whig Office. PURSE--Found, In AOM hall, on Owner may have _same by calling at hall. {| WRIST WATCH--Found, in Allen Thea. { tre, Monday evening. Owner may | 'have same by applying 10 G. W. Lyons, Jeweller. . | le= Surgeon. Pediatrics, Gynaecoiogy. Office hours 11-12, 2-4,1 7 300 kar! Street, and by appoint- Phone 2298m. Sa | Usteopathy 28g. | ~~ rs. Robert and Edna, r Karl. Phone 447. 6 pm. and by ap-| Automobiles Automobiles For Sale USED AUTO PARTS OVERLAND MODELS 83, 85, 75. STUDEBAKER 1917, SIX CYL. MAXWELL 1815. RDS, ALL MODELS. I STS, ALL MODELS, GENERATORS, STARTEF WINDSHIELDS, WHEELS, ETC. ALL MAKES AND MODBLS. PALMER'S R. BAGOT AND QUE _ Business Service - Repairing FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinda. | Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John _street. Phone 296F. aad | SHOE REPAIRING -- Good service, | shoes, well done; skates ground; Jarvis, 621 £1 SHOE REPAIRING "neatly| done. Rubber heels a speclalty. Skates put ¢n. W. H. Purvis, corner Bagot and Narrack Str I | SHOE REPAIRING 16 work done, | reasonable prices; repairing of ail kinds; satisfaction by Eillots, 315 Barri eS memerraaiie - | | iy de { Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 18 | AUTOMOBILE TOPS--CUSHTONS AND | Radiator Cov Twenty years at the| business. J son's Auto Tops, Brock- | ville We have motor | the best in tt *r Queen and On- DISTRIBUTORS City k 1 Street. a tos re- Electrical and | on automobiles | a motor New and rental bat-| --= teries always on hand. Special atten- | tion to winter storage Repairs to! anything electrical, Bring us your household appliances. We can repair them at lowest prices SHOE 'REPAIRIN Al i work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont-| Queen streets, KRING--New | r_used furni-| ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card i. J: Gavine, 315 Bagot stree UPHOLSTERING--ANd general repair~ ing. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold, 174 Clergy Street, re--Taxi 14 | {irease your car the Alemitle way. Stop the squeaks; save expen- | sive parts. Satisfaction guaranteed] done. E. J. Goodridge, 244 University by Powell. Powell's Repair Shop, 851 Avenue. Phone 1833J. Johnson street Phone 1499. Em ee TAXI--The oily place which furnishes | _Talloring and Pressing a proper 24 hours taxi service, 549J.| REPAIRING -- And: Alterations. Corkey | John Thompson guarantees first class] tailoring, pressing and cieaning. Mod- | erate prices. 94 William Street. And ee nn | | | UPHOLSTERING -- Covering buttons made to ordér in ail popular shapes and slzes. Uphoistering and repairing Garages--/ utos for H GARAGE mm | _Queen and Wellington | Also Plano and Fur. niture Polishing. Gordon Young, shop | ===----==----z . 2 oe Queen street, rear of Abernethy's Shoe | Help W anted--remale Store, or phone I ISY ea | 8 --General; references. Apply 80] See our special display of v ellington Street, between 7 and 8 Dreadnaught Chains. Sizes for all| jn evenings. | nakes of cars. Sudaaby Bros, | COOK--General, for family of three. | Apply in the evening, 7 to §, at § Wel-| lington Street. HOUSEMAID- the care of two girls, CI, ET PE quired. U--James Selly, Tequ re tractor, 63 Livingston Avenue, Phene| Lf 2 Barrie Street. ~~ 1130J E PRK Aaod wages We need CARPE BRING And Srmchy you to make socks on the fast, eas ly- "by FENTERING Aud gtment learned Auto Knitter; experience un-| at reasonable prices. necessary; distance immaterial; posi-| 37 York Str | tively no canvassing; yarn supplied. | BRITA eee Particulars, 3c. stamp. Dept. PUBLIC ST GRAPHY-=AGVTUSINB | Auto Knitter Go. pol io2oP i copy, Form Letters, ete. Prompt, effi LADIES WANTED--To do plain anal ¢lent Rervice Business service Bureau, | BADL BS aT Home: Whol a ad; . > ; s : S maatnel Stre Ey um} iaet: BE Port aael Sao any dfs-| ic -- | tance; charges paid. Send stamp for| --___ Dressmaking--Millinery 21) particulars. National Manufacturing | DRESSMAKING Whitework. Child-| ompany, Montreal. ren"s clothes a specialty, all work| -- =" guaranteed. Miss 8. E. Plgion, 218] Universi Avenue. s = | EMSTITCHING--Picot edging, pleat-| ing; work gudranteed. Mrs. E. A. Card, 366 Barrie Street. 1% Dblocks| piy by from Princess Street, | F | FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur-| name of last employer, and salary ex-| ance, Mrs. H. 8. Crumley, 420 Earl! _Street. Phone 1782M. | INSURANCE--OLr Sickness and Accl| dent Policy Is what you need. Fire! Insurance at low rates. Don't delay. | Call or ph ne Williams, 2 Couper St, | INSURAN Ty reliacie | companie represented. Strange & | Strange, established in 1860. Ofrice: 95 | Clarence P Office. | __Business Servic Business vices Off CARPENTERIN | Willing to assist with] eight years old. | oon- | Apply Mrs. LADY STENOGRAPHER--Ezxperienced, | " with knowledge of book-keeping, Ap-| | pected, to Box No. U-25, Whig Office. NUR TRAININ «+ Ace dd) school. One year high school requir- ed. Modern, attractive surroundings. Send for catalogue to-day. Lake View| Hospital, 4420 Clarendon Ave. Chi-4 cago, 11L 2 Help Wanted--Male 33 ri Ee ra. 28 | SHFESEMAK BR--Firet class, Tor For. INSURBNCE--Fire, , accident and| est cheese factory for the season of sickneéls insurance. In reliable Sous | 1923. Apply to J. M. Purdy, Sec.Treas., larro panies. 4 B. Cooke, Sis Manager pith, Ont. Phones: Res. 842w. Office 503 | FIR N AND BRAKEMEN---Begin- INSURANCE--AII branches, or | ners$libo $260 monthly, (wifich posi-|. Life, Royal Exchange Fire, Cas alty | tion?) Write Railway, Dept. 3, Whig| and Automobile, Plate Glass, Burg ary.| Office. | Phone "tear SUVie, 107 Gore street. Siow CARD WRITING Tor 5s Sake hone 1087. money at home, $15 to $60 paid week- { ly for your spare tim | cards for us. No canv . | struct and supply you with work! | West-Angus Show Card Services, 17/ | ! Moving, Trucking, Storage ------ ASHES--Cleaned out of yards, clean job done. _2¢ Ru ll Stree BAGGAGE--R. Ta rantees good service in Baggage, EXpress and mov. ing; reasonable prices. 104 Montreal See, Next to Armouries. Phone cellars an A. MacGregor, Phone 2355. Colborne Bld., Toronto. e Help--Male or Female 44 MONEY--Are you making enough? We will pay you better. Kstablish your own business in your own town. For STORAGE--FoF furniture, ci ry,| details write Bradley Limited, Brant- Er ae et tee | HARDWOOD 78-C! MILLINER letter, stating experience andj . - PRIVATE SALE | PIANO--One SCALES -- Canagian Tied Bones: | TABLES --Four, show cases an WOOD--Just unloaded, two carloads of | Financial toney Ww Loan Loan and 3 So rporated 1861. President,| --formerly Ww Nickle, K.C; vice-president, A.| inn B. Cunningham. Money issued on city | ~ > and farm properties; municipal and county debentures, mortgages, pur-| cpased; investment bonds tor sale; de-| posits received and Inierest allowed | Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence . Kiagstoa, eee ed Real Estate For Rent Business Piives For Rent ROOMS Hooms FR ' Houses For BF improvements I'ringess dtreet 63 RIDEAU STREET --Warm stops house, » oms, §-piece bath, furuaee, Bas, + Fell moderates Apply et. BAJUS BREWER Y--For sale or (3 18%. Apply G M. Macdopels, K.C, 38 Clar- pt Street Brick, nine Apply R. 'hone 1045w, a Lesses, i ORCHESTRA---Your dence or banquet will be a bigger success if you engage Trereer's seclety Orchestra. Faobe | $78wW. or 1164" Ted Treneer, 261 King! Street. eM 5 ORCHESTRA -- Harmony Six, fog]. 1 OFWs and Lan "(Dale dances, soclal evenings, banquets or' 375 ACRES --{ horses, 40 Fealir cat A conceris. For engagements apply Art| tractor and full equipment of mas Ch (63 Queen St. Tel. 1032m.{ chinery, plenty of wood, Water ang a I = Be sugar bush, On Watertown road, nine miles south of Watertown. For full particulars Apply te 16 Alma Street, King: ont. SEE . Farms s and Land For e Live Stock Dogs, Cas, Peis DOG--Large male St. Bernard, 15 months, would make splendid watch dog Will be sold at a sacrifice for quick buyer, Apply Box T-25, W big Office. HOUSES PR -- A PAIR--of House Horses, Cattle, Implenients, 48 ules Price $2,300. | FRAME HOUSE--Soutt 2 hi Sk~~Sout! 3, A jew Bich ow, part Jersey.| rooms, 4 bedrama tk Pern d Willian brit, Collins Bay. oy piece bath ve . & [| 33.300. a slon street. Friese as | SOLID Queen Street. COW--, Apply Horses, Cate, Lupieinents BRICK HOUSE---10 rooms, § bedrooms, electric light, gas, i-plece CALVES-- Three, registered, Holstein,| p. iy E LA 5h 1 Fly ready tor ser-| bath, Montreal street, Price $3,400, vice Dam a daugnter of King Pon-| 3 tw rises tiac Artis, Canuds, with 15.92 tus. but-| M. B. TRUMPOUR ter in 7 days at two yeans. Nicely! Phone 704 or 548 marked and good individual No. { born in August; Dem bas 20.17 butter jn 7 aays; milk, 525.10 ibs, . 3--one month old; nicely marked show | calf Dam has given over 7v ibs in| une day, milked twice a day. All sired| by our senivr nerd sire, Gienroc Can-| ary Korndyke, whose-dam and sires! dam average 23.81 Ibs. butter in 7 day @t three and four years respective Would also sell hun, Baker Bros, Portsmouth, ; NF al Real Estate and Insurance B _ Merchandise aa Phone §39w. Brokers Articles For bale 51 | ~--S¢e Display Adve. on I AWNINGS--Orders taken for Awnings,| BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE and 'Lents; best service. Repair work, | > satistaction guaranteed. I. W. Cooke, | $900--4 roomed frame house 219 Bagot dSareel Phone 43s ASHES Ri Also heavy clinkers. mspecially sulted or road work. To be had for drawing w Angrove's oundry, ning Mdueen direets. ALARM CLOCKS---We' have .& 00d] 70. RENT variety of alarm clocks at $1.35 and| = ENT-g up to $2.00. G. W. Lyens, Jeweller, 44 Pr Street BOBS LEI nee's patent, Israction guaranteed, prices right. 445| Boller, Money Alfred, next to cor. Princess street.! broker. _Sece me betore buying. Phone 2292w, | HARD-WOOD--Dry or Green. at Frost | and Wood Agenc 236 Untario Street. | Phone 1336k. or 2263J. i. BRICK --quantity of hard and soft. Ap- | ply EK. KE. Wathen, 143 Nelson Street. | - Phone 613 or paone 13¥1J. | Bb Li winbla | 237 Bagot Street, ams, cellar with in good locality for summer Apply Mra, M. L. Cronkhite, Am erst Island, Ont. ! sale and to et In ail Apply to H. B. Wil Uptown Post Office, ------------------------ E. W. MULLIN & SON HOU ¥ parts of the city. son, Real Kstate, Phone 1088. i north end } . | $1300 Tame house; 7 rooms and gar. ms; 3 AppLy ey §$4100--Brick veneer; roc plece bath; hot air; large lot, rooms, $20, TO RENT---4 rooms, $12. sat- | INSURANCE - Fire, Life, Accident, to loan, Customs BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE 16% Wellington Street TE a -- TwTeeg W. Kent Mache Bank of Commerce Building, B and King Streets. Phone 1 or Rk General Insurance Agnecy, Writing: --~Automobile, Fire, 'Accl- dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burglary «ic. Representing caly reliable com. panies 5 SERVICK L S>--tleveland and Col Bicycles stored for winter; Baby Car-i riage repair work done; Skates sharp- ened and hollow ground at Muller's Isi- cycle Works, 371-3 King Street. Phone Y61w HNITURE -- We nave for sale ail kinds of good, secona-hand furniture and stoves. Any persun having stoves and furniture to dispose of, we will pay highest prices. J Thompson, 333 _rrincess Street. Phone 1600w HALL STOVE--In good condition. Sale cheap. Apply 67 Livingston Avenue. = - ----m MERCHANDISE Three Piece Chesterfield Sets, $100.00, at J. Turk's PHONE 1706. HARDWOOD -- Hardwood, soft woud, slabs, delivered. Reduced prices, $4.00 per load, W. C, Bruton, 248 Uni- versity Ave. Phone 103s8w 14.00 cord; $3.50 quarter cord; cut any length; s wood $2.78 quarter cord; kindling $2.60 quarter cord, sawed and delivered. W. H. Tal- bot, St. Catherine Street; yard on Conces don Street, near Division. in tapestry, fi of Trimming, Velvets, Plush ana Veiling, also some smart sample LHiats. 112 Lower William Street, MATTRESSKS--For sale, or made to your order, any size, any quantity, lowest factory prices. Aiso renvoa Ing. Frontenac Mattress Company, 377 King street. Phone 1961) PIANO--Fogx Square, ebony keys, carv- ed legs, walnut case; in beautiful con- dition. - Price $100. $10 cash id $6 monthly. « C. W, Lindsay, Limfted. Kitchen Cabinet, buf. fet, kitchen stove and go-cart. Apply 39 ConcessioW Street English Parlor maker Broadwood, London, three-piece krench Cluck set, BI Diners, sets of four, Walnut Papior| Chairs, Antique Beds, Chests of Draw= | ers, grandiathers' ciocks, ete. Lesses | Antique Snop, 507 Princess Street. | Phone 1045w, | ) E.L.MARTIN FOR REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Grand, Eng, Unig rmeriy at 56 Brock Street. Now 111% BROCK STREET Phone 229 and 2260J, weight, no springs, second-hand Scales. L. Phone 12 &iso number of | Laywen and Bramford | - Sterling, 209 Princess St. | polished oak; also { mirrors. Apply at the Queen M litnery. WIOOD--Hardwood, wholesale and re-|= tall; full cord, 4 cut, hardwood, $13.09, | i delivered; $10.00 at car. Dry mixed wood, rull cord, 3 cut; $12 00, dehiver-| ed: $9.00 at car. Richardson and | Wilder, corner Barrack and Welling ~ ton streets. Phone 2211M. Densmere House Two comfortable rooms vacant after November 15th All conveniences. dry hardwood, stovewood lengths, of- fering at reasonable prices. Aiso large | quantity of dry slabs and other mixed wood. Apply J. W. Bmith, 231 Division Street. Phone 1594w, | "Roc | ford, Ont. MEN AND WOMEN--If you want liv- ing comfort and shelter, indepen- desice, who must think ahead. The world is not friendly to those left in ts care. If you decide to apply, we can show you what can be dons to provide for the future, at Room No. 8, top floor, Royal Bank Chambers. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 385 airy rooms and Spaces; your own loc and key. Frost City Storage, 2 _305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 88 Painting, apering, ng 26 A UTOMOBILE FAINTING. APPLY J. enkins, corner York a Phone 1553F. 4 Raglan eS 8IGN 'PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, reat 275 Bagot street. = | Fire At Lee Valley. Lee Valley, Jan. 24.--Kenneth Arm. | strong spent the week-end with his McKnight, {little daughter and son, also Mr. and MEN AND WOMEN---To travel and ap. point local representatives. Yearly guarantee $1092 (weekly average of $21.00), and expenses. Write at once Yor particulars. Winston Co., Dept. W.U., Toronto. NURSERY STOCK--An agency for a reliable nursery firm is profitable. You fd PAINTING--Fapering, Decorating -- frat Siass wors and ror guaranteed. 'all or phone A. Anderson, 15 a street. Phone 1306. 08 Bagot PAINTING--21d Puperhangin ; Work- manship GUArAntecq; re Hane, See our choice selection of Wall Paper, 8. R. Lyons, 3i4 Barrie Street. Phone ROOMS--Furnished, with ROOM--Comfortably furnished, with or ROOM--comfortably ROOMS "A UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 243 -- First Rooms With Board 67 g board. Apply 2 King Street, or Phone 2257. First class meals. Special attention to transients. 72-74 Sydenham Street West. Telephone 791m. Without board. Apply 216 Universit 3 S i avenue phone 1314" Lo Unive y MRS. E. P. DENISON furnished, with or i suitable for two. Ap- 15° Rideau Street. LD BOARD -- First class, large rooms with fireplace; well fur- | nisned, hot water heating, all conveni. en 208 ive ck. without board eee ---- Lakeview House Corner Queen and Ontario Sts. Board class rooms and board; all improves \ s {ful master of the new lodge. Mem- rung ad He. Her bers of the order were present from | Mrs. Cliiford Patterson and children DoH. Petre Mrs, Therese Cunnfng- | Kingston. Gananoque and Arden. | were Sunday visitors at James Roots. B » | Charles Guild had the misfortune to lm, Miss Allen, Mrs. Emma Cole, | | lose a very valuable cow last week. Mr. and Mrs. McQua'd, Mrs. Den-| | Mr. Cloughley lost one of his horses ham, Mrs. Elizabeth Hyatt, Mrs. A protty wedd'ng took place OL | They were at the camp. Distemper is Jane Hyatt, Mr. aml Mrs. Robt. }r- Jan 22nd, In St. Mary's church, Car-| believed to have been the cause. Mrs win. The table was beautifully de-|leton Place, when Miss Marcella, | Cloughley fell down stairs and Purt corated with straw flowers, roses and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 8. | her armi Matthew Waran who bas Chirstmas cactus blossoms and all Galvin was united in marriage y ill is slowly recovering. On the delicacies of the season. Two John O'Brien, eldest son of Mr, and Monday Mr, Villemere's house burtied large and del'clous birthday cakes! Mrs. William O'Brien, Appleton, the |, the ground. Very little goods were added also to the attractiveness of | ceremony being performed by Rev. | saved. The ladies of the 'community the fest. The time went all too|Father Gray. The bride entered the | are busy piecing blocks and=when the arm of her father, to | day of the quilting arrives, a shower the strains of the wedding march | of miscellaneous 'articles will be pre- wore sald, congratulations were ex- {played by Miss Jean O'Donnell. She | sentéd to Mrs, Villemere, It is believed tonded and wishes for each of the was attired 'n a gown of grown can-| Mr. Villemere, who is a carpenter, in- ludies many happy returns of the { ton crepe, with hat to mateh, wale | tends rebuilding as soon as possible. day. 3 [the bridesmatd, Miss™ Liguori Me- | Wolves are getting very bold, two of A 'i Velgh, cousin of the bride, wote a! them having been scen in broad day- If it were not for the doubts of [gown of periwinkle crepe, with large | light near a farm yard. yesterday the blessings that come to- | picture hat to match. i day would not be so thoroughly ap-| was supported by his brother, Alfred | A Jot of us steal credit who handie _» O'Brien. money honestly. : " ) : - ; 4 358 w, ments; centrally located. PAINTING --Papernanging. Decoraiing Glazing, Hardwood iloot Finishing sented territories, etc, Nrst class work, reksonabie! ham Nursery Co, Toronto. prices. Wallpaper Samples. Melimates| = Business Opportunities submitted. Mounteer. 208 Aifred BUSINESS MAN--Experienced and reli- ----- e---------- k le they wa he M. McGlade in Explosion. able, to Assume management of branch! © "ouily Whig Bese for Pro. ce. k M. MoGlade, Bathurst, was severe Unquestionabie references as! ni. Lise for Results. : : > to ability and Inte equi. . SN, ln £6 EEE AiE-------- Iy injured in an accident in a quarry pable ley WgHity Fy red Ca EA ---- Peter McKinley's $1000 monthly. M. M. Wolk 1505 we op Mrs, Peter McKinley's farm near n , Ms 'ol ft, 'l- | Terth, where stone is being taken |_ "Ut St. Philadelphia, Pa. ' out for use on the good roads. He - - To-Day's Blunder UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, First-class, rooms and meals, Good yards and stables. Special rates to Marine Men. P. M. DRISCOLL, Proprietor can sell in country, town or eity. t only, and want grow and sell the bes ergetic agents for unrepre- reliable, e People advertising a room for rent, or Write now. Pel- to. 8n aricie for sale, would save them- selves a lot of time and get better and| more satisfactory resuits by teliing al}: there {8 to be said in the ad. , Tuis wil] get them in direct touch with the peo-| O'Brien-Galvin Wedding GENUINE DRY HARD BODY WOOD Cut in Stove Lengths. $4.00 A LOAD. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street was loading a hole with dynamite when a premature explosion of the dynamite hurled him back about ten | Corrected feet. His face and eyes were Injured | but it is not known as yt whether ( (See Illustration om Page 14.) or not he will-lose his sight. By Fire Chief of Kingston. s a | Néver bang a clothesline over the F. M. Woolworth Dead. kitchen stove, as the rope may break London. Jan. 27.--Fred Moore during your absence and start a dane Woolworth London director of the|Serous fire. me Sania store piston abataiaty | pd hone Nia waned to 13 and 4 0 Woolworth stores of United States] ad-taker w. Tite an ap. | and Canada, died here today, i ks ad-~the kind tha; brings quick: i

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