Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1923, p. 7

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WEDNESDAY I HE D AILY BRITiSH WH I G. Ll 24, 1928, a T SALE STILL ON 14 WINTER OVERCOATS LEFT AT HALF PRICE Suits 13 off George VanHorne's . Phone 362. 213 Princess Street. on \z ey 25% Pre-Inventory Discount Sale DIAMOND RINGS $350 Solitaire Ring-- Sale Price 250 Solitaire Ring--- Baie Price .. $150 Solitaire Ring-- Bale Price $100 Diamond Rings-- Sale Price .... ....875.00 $50 Diamond Rings-- Sale Price $25 Diamond Rings-- Sale Price It will certainly be your save ing to take advantage of this genuine discount sale. Every Ring carries our regu- lar guarantee. All Cash Sales and no re- funds. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON Your Eyes! It has been found that visual de-' fects and eyestrain cause the develop- ment of many serious ailments, as they lower the vitality and lessen one's power of 'resistance against in- fection. Drugs will not help eyestrain, but PERMANENT relief can be rendered by proper glasses, You are assured of the Glasses if you consult: -- proper Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Poss FOR SALE 8 roomed cement block house, good lot, electric light and three-piece bath. Terms can be arranged. Price $3,750. Also double cement block house with all improvements. ! Very easy terms. $5,500. | Several Houses To Rent Kingston Jement Products OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. DENTAL PARLORS 183 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON Nm | The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well, and doing well whatever you do, without a thought of fame. X-Ray work. -------- rg Dr. Nash's We specialize on Painjess Extraction, Latest Pyorrhea Treatment and HAVE YOU SAVED MONEY - We can save you 20%, which is better than any investment you can make. 20% Discount Sale is only for a few days more. Come early so you will not be disappointed. "a BUY YOUR CHINA NOW. ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. nid We are broadcasting the news that we have OVERSHOES to fit any shape or style of Women's Shoes. Also a complete stock of Oversh for Men and Children. oes \ Allan M. Reid J. S. SBBIT ELECTED WARDEN OF FRONTENAC Standing Committees Appoint ed--They Are Reduced From 8even to Five. township, !s Frontenac's new wardeg. He was unanimously elected to that {inaugural meeting on Tuesday after- inoon, When the council convened, |Clerk Bradshaw called for nomina- lelllor. Clark moved; seconded by Councilor Gemmdll, that Mr. Sibbitt ibe chosen. There being no other nominations the clerk declared Mr. | Sibbitt elected, and the new warden | was escorted to the chair by his pro- | posers, amid applause. . Warden Sibbitt thanked his col- | leagues for the honoY conferred upon [kim. He realized, however, that a | big responsibility had been placed | vpon him, but hoped that he would rove worthy of the position he oc- teil would enjoy a year of progress jand that all would work together for {the best interests of the county of { Frontenac, WY | |cupled." He also hoped that the coun. Get the Facts About {as follows, all being present: War- {den J. S. Sibhitt, Pittsburg; Charles | McGregor, Barrie; ford; J. E. Flake, Clarendon and [ Miller; John Pickett, Howe Island; R. A. Hamilton, Hinchinbrook; G. A. |B. Clark and C. J. Graham, Kingston; L. D. Parks, Kennebec; William Guthrie, Loughboro: G. M Drew, Olden; Archibald Gray, Oso; Levi Storms, Portland; James Halliday Portsmouth; David Gemmill, Palmer- ston and Canonto; Samuel Jamieson, Storrington; Dr. William Spankie, Wolfe Island. ---- The New Warden. Warden Sibbitt has been reeve of Pittsburg township for three years land served the same length of time in the county council. He was born tin Pittsburg and has spent all his | Mfe there, still Mving on the Sibbitt {homestead, He served for years on |the township school board, In re- |ligion he is an Anglican, and has |been a warden of St. Mark's church | fourteen years. In politics he js a | Conservetive. Warden Sibbitt is an {ex-president of the Kingston Agri- [cultural Association and has serveQ |8ix years on the Kingston Suburban {Road Commission as county repre- | sentative. The new warden is pos- | sessed of an affable manner and will prove himself an efficient head of {the Frontenac council, Pittsburg has given Frontenac only [three wardens: Peter Graham ig |1874; W. J. Franklin in 1906, and J. 8. Sibbitt in 1923. Mr. Graham Was an uncle of the present 'warden, and his portrait hangs in the councii chamber to the left of the warden"s platform, ---- > Standing Committees, After the installation of Warden Sibbitt, on motion of Councillors Guthrie and Storms, the following committee was pppointed to choose the standing committees: Council- lors Drew, Hamilton, McGregor, Haj- liday, Spankie, Parks and Clark. The as follows after an hour's first named on each comm chairman: Finance -- Cou Clark, Spankie, D: Property -- Co recess, the ittee being neiltors Guthrie, rew, Hallday. unctilors Gemmiil, | Halliday, Pickett, Parks, MoGregor. Good Roads-- Councilors Barr, Guthrie, Clark, Storms, Jamieson. Roads and Bridges--Councillors Gray, Flake, Hamilton, Parks, Mec- Gregor. " Printing and Bducation--Storms, Jamieson, Graham, Spankie, Barr, Quarterly Board of Audit--Cour- cillor Hamilton, Councillor Halliday drew attention to the fact that the select committes had not given a chairmanship to any {of its number. He also pointeg r on the committees ed from seven to five. thus reducing the expense of commi:- tee meetings. On motion of Councillors Halliday and Hamilton the report of the select committee was adopted. The council, on motion of Coun- {cillors Barr and Drew, decided to THE COUGH With That Tickli Sensation A little tickling in the throat; now and then a dry, hacking cough; you | think it is not bad enough to bother about, but every hack makes a breach in the system, strains the { lungs and, prepares the way for more serious trouble. How many people have lost a good night's rest by that nasty, tickling, ir- ritating sensation in the throat? The dry, harsh cough keeps you awake, a you get up in the morning | You Rl} as if you had had no rest | at all, DR WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP st the remedy you require to stop | 18 Jui ing cough on ac- Port Alberni, B. "I have suffered for | years, off and on, with a tickling cough. I could not sleep nights and had to sit up in bed to get relief, | in fact, I coughed so I used to { vomit, I tried different doctors' pre- | scriptions until I heard of Dr. Wood's | Norway Pine Syrup. I tried it and relief after I had taken tle and ae not been I always keep "Dr. Wood's" Price 35¢c. and put up only by The -» Limited; Toronto, I it in the house." Be sure and get when you ask for it. i0c. a bottle; *. Milburn Co. . -- John QS, Sibbitt, reeve of Pittsburg | vosition by the county council at its ! {tions for the wardenship, and Coun- | The council of 1923 is composed | David Barr, Bed- | howd its sessions in the afternoon | throughout the week, giving [mornings for committee work, | er Communications Received. The communications referred to by committees were as follows: Mrs. J, L. Whiting, thanking coun- and condolence on death of her hus- tband, the late J. L, Whiting. Resolution of the township j cil recommend | { | open, |resolution of Lambton co cil, which deals jerder-in-council unty coun- with the recent providing that al] salaries of yearly officials be fixed | by the sheriff and soliciting the €o- | Operation of Frontenac in against this regulation. Ww. highways gi erp Protesting enditure on the Provinchal high- Ways within the county of Frontenac | for the year ending Dee, 31st, 1921, expenditure on construction | maintenance $264,089.10; percent- [* of cost to county, $52,817.82. Northern Ontario fire rede com- | mittee asking for contribution to this fund, A. B Morrison, Harrowsmith, {claim for damages to car, alleged to | have occurred through condition of {road; also report on sam road superintendent, M. R. Reid, L.P.S. North Frontenac {and Addington, certificate of inspec- tor, total number of visits paid to ®chools in his Inspectorate, 220, Department that con for coun © by county Leld at Toronto in the highw ministration budlding on February 26th and 27th, immediately follow. ing there will be held the "annual meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association, | PRN CANADIAN PACIFIC | Vancouver Express--Winnipeg, cal- gary, Vancouver In the Vancouvec Express leaving {Toronto Union Station at 10 p. m. {daily, the Canadian Pacific Rilwy |ofters 'a fast service and a train {equipped with first-class |compartment-observation, standard and tourist sleepers, Colonist cars |and diner, jand schedule, this train is one of ithe most convenient in operation and | passengers have the added opporcun- |ity of traveling through parts of the | Canadian Pacific Kockles that are {absolutely beautifu®in winter in their | white blankets, Reservations and full information {mag be obtained from P. Conway, Canadian Pacific agent, 180 Welling- ton street. CIC GRANT 10 THE FAR 7 (Continued from Pags 1) |cught to make himseif famiMar with | the profound beauties of nature that |He right at our own doors. More- | over, it ought to be the aim of all | citizens to so advertise our scenery [60 as to attract the tourist traffic. Nowhere else could tourists find sich easy access to such a marvelous diversity of natural beauty, and by making this known they would come here in preference to going to more | distant places, But this is not all. We have here the greatest summer {climate and this, with the fishing op- | portunities afforded by our wonder ful lakes, makes Frontenac a spot un- equalled even in the Adirondaks that for many years have claimed the tourist." .The speaker told of what he saw in France wherg every attempt is made to takq advantage of every bit of scenery, by tmproving roads with borders of trees. "They did this | centuries ago, but even there nature [ow been sparing of her gifts, as it is | found chiefly in the north, It ig a striking fact that Scenery has an im- portant influence upon the type of mel produced, and the best men come from rugged districts. This 1s so in France, Italy, Britain and Ire- iand. From the Atlantic to the Pa. cific Canada presents the most sub- line scenery in the world, but you wil find within a few miles right bere in Frontenac scenery that claims the awe of all beholders. We can appreciate this only by comparing It with Shritzerland where it is essen- tially 4 inter scenery. On the Rhine you have summer resorts while in the south of France there are only win- fer resorts. In the highlands of Beot- land there are summer resorts for the winter days are too short, darkneas setting in at 4 p.m. England, Seot- land and Ireland have their lakes and streams, and Scandinavia has its summer resorts. But in Canada you have mountains, lakes, rivers, water- falls, rapids, torrents and for Which constitute the "Take the road to Kingston Mills and you will find & most beautiful view. There on a. blateau, Lady Byng, the wife of our governor- eral, declared the scene was the most beautiful she had ever beheld. Can see no less than five beau of water. Go to Kepler at the head of Loughborough Lake and will sre something that far surpasses Loch Lomond, Atd Unlike Austrata we have A surplus of water and you have only to glance jover our maps to get an idea of the {wonderful physica! features that the i of | Kingston, as follows: That this coun- | the county council to i ask the railway commission to have | {the eastern crossing of the Grand | Trunk Ratiway at Collin's Bay lef: | County Clerk, Lambton, copy cf | A. McLean, deputy minister of | ving statement showing | and | of public bizhways, | Terence on road construction | ty and township road super- | intendents and engineers, will be | ay ad- | coacmey. | Stops are made at all | | principal points. Ag regards comfort | { | Pumps Men's hi soles--made [[ Men's Dancing cil for their resolution of sympathy | ghest grade Patent Pumps -- hand turn Myles Shoe C of high grade right up-to-da ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE *3.50 » by Smardon Shoe Co., Montreal and o., Toronto, both well-known makers goods--regular $10.00 quality--and te. Clearing $3 Sr Ee -- Get the habit--it is a good ~ DALY'S GOOD TEA You will find it deliciously refreshing | | morning, noon and aight. Order from | MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE EVERSHARP || PENCILS || REPAIRED | We are equipped to make | &ny repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. { Prompt service. | | | | | J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, | THE WATKINS MFG. Co. OF CANADA, LIMITED, 231 WELLINGTON STREET | are rebabbitters of all kinds of { Babbitt and Bronze Bearings for EVERY DAY IN E TO SERVE YOU VERY WAY WE AIM BETTER and BETTER THIS 9- In dark, rich, satin polished walnute--exac tension Table, large China Cabinet, English Style Buffet, ana 3 Side Chairs and One Arm Chair, with beautiful cane-filled Backs and gem. uine Leather Slip Seags--delleately decorated. ' JAMES REID PHONE 147 yon SERVICE, PIECE WALNUTSSUITE IS $245.00. tly as {llustrated--oblong exe | all makes of Automobiles, Trucks, | | Tractors, Marine Motors. We are also prepared to make Bronze Bearings for Electric Mo- tors and Generators. Nothing too small or too large. All work guaranteed. D. M. L. CRAIG, SUPT. Office Phone 328. Res. 1205F. | make up the rare 1andscapes of Fron- | | tenac county. We have some won- [Gerful forest trees. but there are parts of 'the county where reforesta- | tion could be carried out to advant- age.'" Dr. Ross told of the systemanc re- forestation carried out in France since the time of Napoleon and urged | | LA ior Marie KING AND QUEEN STR that a similar policy be adopted-in | Ontario. He also predicted that tha land could be made more productive | by intensive cultivation as the soil was exceedingly rich in the valleys. | He thought that something oould Te ------ Gas Engines Are Costly and when they break or crack ft is a very expensive thing to re- place them. No need of that when our oxy-acetylene welding process will bring about the same result, for a fraction of the ¢ | | [@ wOHLERS. @ ®ELIEVE THE RESTLESS CONDITION BROUGHT ON BY THE PRESENCE OF WORMS, \ AND RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL MEALTH. NO NARCOTICS ~PLEASANT AS SUGAR iso be done to maintain the fieh sup- | Ply of our lakes which was seriously | menaced by careless destruction by | many fishermen. "Taken in connee- tion with our beautifuij scenery fish- | ing was a feature that appealed to | the tourists and it ought to be the aim to develop this traffic to the fullest extent. We ought to be honest struction of fish, By prohibiting net fishing we can preserve the fish, but it we do not we will be faced with their extinction eventually." Emer Davis heartily endorsed ail that Dr. Ross said, and J. D. Boyd in nloving a vota of thanks to Dr. Rosa said that the people of the United States were beginning to take notice of this part of the country. "They ought to be encouraged in every way to come here and I would suggest that rest places be provided on the highways where lodgings for the night might be available, say at in- tervals of tem or twenty miles." WwW, P. Peters second the vote and point- Our Scotch Creamery Place Your Order Now for Shortbread, Made With Best | Butter. | "WE USE NO SUBSTITUTES." with each other and stop the de- | | F. C. HAMBROOK i 115 BROCK STREET. PHONE 1925w, Nr ------ | d out the attractions in the neigh- mma -- y Ring. is a mixture of mediei inal Je = roots that LTids the ah m of impurities a A natural wa ~ old and well tried remedy--30c and 60c packages. le | borhood of Battersea. Water Supply. | R. E. Burns, member of the utili- { ties commission, gave a most inter- esting talk on_the city's water sup- | ply and told of what the commission ' was doing. The matter was being jcarefully studied and | would be engaged to investigate and A Salesman's Cough report on the alternative courses open to the city. He dealt with the ! proposal to move the plant to Ontario | Park, to construct a trunk sewer {around the water front and establish a filteration plant for ail sewage in- f=. of dumping it into the lake aa {at present and also with the proposal io bring water from Loughborough Lake, All presented enginesring problems involving heavy expendi- ture and the best plan would be pre sented to the ratepayers when the time came to do so. "Perhaps," sald he, "the people will not mind the flavor of the water when they are called to vete an appropriation for the work." No estimates of the cost of any of the proposals made fe yet evatlable, but the commission is working quietly and thoroughly on the water problem. It fs Rf matter that cannot be jumped at and it will take time to determine what Mal best, irritates his customers -- and makes him inefficient and miserable. Shiloh is the ideal remedy--it is not a bulky cough mixture but a special formula proven Successful for many years. A few drops brings immediate reifet. 30c., 60c. and $1.20. All druggists. SHILOH... HH 0Y and evening worship, This step has supplied for two or three weeks, Re ------ the time when he will tion to boss somebody, You can't "kill jwaste it been taken on account of the coal shortage, as !i ig stated that suffi. cient fuel to heat the church one Sunday would keep a smant family Every young man looks forward to be in a posi time"----you cam : es ---- " Aids In Fuel Conservation, Cobourg; 'Jan. 24.--S8tarting Sun. day, and with the intention of eon- tinulng until the fuel situation ig relieved here, the congregation of the Cobourg Methodist Church will assemble in the Bundey schoo! room | instead of the church for mo.

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