we TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1923. WHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. CASTLE ON THE RHINE | * er -- Let us search your eyes for defec- tive vision. | Let us furnish the glasses that will relieve the strain, bring new light to your eyes, and new joys to your sight. | A superior service for particular people. i R. ARTHEY, RO. VISION SPECIALIST 143 PRINCESS STREET i = IE] LIFE ACCIDENT | | | | B. WIGHTMAN : ERNIE D. SUTER 151 WELLINGTON 151 HAVE YOU ANY OLD GOLD OR SILVER that is serving no use- ful purpose ? During January we wish to purchase for remelting all of these metals you can lo- cate. * Why not look these up NOW and turn them into useful money ? SMITH BROS. Jewelers, . Limited. Established 1848, King St. Lo THE TRADES AND LABOR EQUIPPED FOR $1,000 LEGISLATIVE PROGRAMME some very mar arguing are | : Offered These Days in | Recommendations Made to the Germany. | Government by Deputation | : Headed by Tom Moore, 33~~A Ise 50- Coblenz," Jan. room castle on the Rhine opposite ! 3 --Hea {Coblenz, together with its furnish- Meu, Jou, 2%, eaded by Tom | ings and 15 acres of vineyards is ad- Ie 2 Jee gus Fins io ig of | vertised for sale for $1,000. . F. Mo- | Canada Yesit dai og made | C32 of Chicago, an army official, | their annual 'pilgrimage' to > 'ald : {has just bought bis wife's father, | [Subinys 554 presented thelr tegigle-1, $65, a farewell present of an| { 'lapartment house at Mayence con-| | To meet unemployment the dele- | ting of six three-room apartments | (gation urged the carny.ng on of allf da plot of land. There were two | {public works and the purchase ot} re-war mortgages on the house for {2upplies during the periods of dupres- 43,000 marks or the old equivalent of |slon; control of private indust: y wigio 000. Mochau paid off the mort- | {prevent undue flooding of the iubor |'. ' the presént equivalent | {market by outside labor and to pre-|528¢ for $2, i [of 43,000 marks. An American | {vent the laying off of men until the | my officer a year ago ordered a! hours of ail employed in the industry hunting rifle, then valued at $100. had been materially reduced. Yesterday the rifle was delivered to! The delegation asked for repeal of | nim and he paid the mark equiva- the 1919 amendments to the Imm: {lent for it, or 30 cents in American! |gration Act, making British-born | money. {citizens "liable to arbitrary depy.-~ | tation." They asked that all abot |ppy. DR. STRATON'S CRITICISMS, | secured outside Canada be included -- amongst prohibited classes unless se- Dr. Grant, Coue and Satan Are At- | cured through the employment by tacked. vce of Canada. 1 New York, Jan. 23.--Rev. Dr. John Total exclusion of Orientals was|Roach Straton, pastor of Calvary jone of the demands of the delega- Baptist church, featured his sermon ! | tion. Sunday morning with an attack on | The delegation advocated aboli- Dr. Percy Stickney Grant, M. Emile [tion of the sales tax, triminal code Coue and the devil. {amendments to re-establish the expressing intense disap- | {right of peaceful picket'ng; amenu- proval of the '"'crazes'" which sweep'| |ments to the Industrial Disputes In- ip, country, distracting the people | {vestigation Act; support or the | from the proper thought of God and | | League of Nations, and internation- salvation, Dr. Straton severely criti- ial labor organizations; proport'onal cized Coue. | representation, abolition of forfeit- "Now comes Dr, Coue," he sald, | ure of election deposits, and repeal | «anq through the astute manipula- (of 1920 amendments to the Fran-| tions of a highly efficient press chise Act prohibit'ng trades Unions (agency, a plain, dapper, little chem- | and other organizations contributing [iq with a face which reminds one of | to election campaign funds. la good natured opossum, becomes the | sensation of the hour, Millions of dollars of valuable space in our great : o papers is devoted to him and his Securicles Wort 2000400 Found catchwords, and the easily gullible | New York, Jan. 2rd iH aut: American public once more shell out | | of a London bank $8,000,000 worth | | | | | HID HUGE FORTUNE {their sheckels and wisely wag their | of sound securities wh'ch the late! PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing ang Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. DR. H. C. MABEE 79 WILLIAM STREET Phone 286 heads, as they discuss with each | x {other whether perchance, the millen- | Jaseses Levaudy, ths Bapeor ol lum through M. Coue's manipulation, | ' ' {may not be near at hand. ot his Sogn spells, and pain "Dr. Coue would have us exalt the | aay not since been Sar d of, 5 [imagination to the supreme place, in- | IER Sixovered, avoorting lo Pr (stead of the will, He would have us yale 3 is Jogaived In 99 ya deluge ourselves. I think I can say Ivy . he 'Every day, in every way, we are get- | . ting sillier and sillier'." The securities were placed in the . | bank for safekeeping by Lelnudy at Dr. Grant, the Rev. Straton under an assumed name. His death r at the hands of his wife in their "The rector of one of our greatest Fpiscopalfan churches «has stepped ! Electric Light timates on any kind cheerfully given. For quick and phone 237. McKelvey & General Contract work of all kinds undertakes. The cost of installing Electric Light in completed or occupied houses, con- cealing all wire without breaking the plaster or marking the decorations, has been reduced to old-time prices by Mec- KELVEY & BIRCH, Ltd., one of the oldest firms in Kingston, and we em- ploy only first class workmen. new Electric Fixtures have just arriv- ed from Toronto, Montreal and the States. = See our window display. Es- Birch, Limited Jobbers of Plumbers' and Gas-Fitters' Supplies, and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Oils, Best Supplies, Sheet Metal and Tin Work; Eleetrie work; Painting Is Cheaper! Our of Electric work prompt service lists, St Fitterg and Plumbers, Stoves, Shelf, Heavy and Paper Hanging. Special we find we have a number of ends of Cretonnes, Sa- are offering these ends at greatly reduced prices in order to ~ SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK DURING THE BALANCE OF THIS MONTH. HOOVER SUCTION CLEANERS, PIANOS, VICTROLAS, PLAYER PIANOS, VICTOR RECORDS, PLAYER ROLLS. MONTHLY SUPPLEMENT RECORDS on hand. 685 Ek Westbury (L.I.) home January 11, 13189, cut off all information regard- ing the secret fortunes. Sir Auckland Geddes says clvill- zation rests in co-operation of Mri- tish race in Britain and United States. Her Heart Skipped Every Third Beat now into the limelight beside that | Raptist preacher who recently made | | bs bid for fame by denying the vir- &in birth, the inspiration of the Bible | and the second coming of the Lord. | This latest exponent of religious radi- calism and clumsily camouflaged in- fidelity is even more outspoken. The bad ethics of this thing is what most impresses me." . ------ Claim Teacher Incompetent; | High School Pupils Strike Mrs. James Burleigh, 248 King St. E., Chatham, Ont., writes:--*I think it my duty to let you know what Mil- burn's Heart and Nerve Pills have Blain Lake high schoo! Staientis sre done for me. out on strike this week. 2aey have I suffered for years with palpita- refused the invitations tion of the heart, my nerves were very bad, and I conld not be left alone at any time. I doctored for over a year, and the doctor said my heart was very bad as it skipped every third Saskatoon, Jan. 23 --As a protest | against what they term the Incom- | netence of ticle teacher, thirty Before they struck, the students held an indignation meeting, at which a committee of four was ap- ya 3 pointed to interview the trustees. No I gave up, just at this time, and |ection resulted from their discus- then my mother advised me to try |sions and the walkout followed. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, say- ee ing my eldest brother had been re- Heat Became Intense, lieved 'by using them when he was very bad with his heart and nerves. Tracks Doubled Up -- I got a box and started to take them, and when I had used it I felt a lot better; could sleep a little and felt| Belleville, Jan. 23.--From some stronger. I continued taking them [cause a tank car loaded with guso- for about three months, and felt bet-| line caught fire and exploded Sun- ter than I had for years. day on the line of the C.P.R. near When I think of the misery and Shannonville. suffering I went through before I The railway emplo ' yees, after con- started Milburn's Heart and Nerve siderable difficulty, separated - the , 1 lke letts Pilis, 3108 ke Sony Sveryone car from the remainder of the train, Price 50c. a box at all dealers or |The tank car was a complete wreck, j mailed direct on receipt of price by |S0 Intense was the heat that four { the T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, | lengths of the track were doubled up Ont. and wires melted from all adjoining telegraph poles. ' Or ------------ Cheap Publicity, X Editor and Publisher, New York. \ The cheapest and at the same time | the most valuable thing in America | It Neutralizes Stomach Acidity, Pre-|is newspaper advertising. Experts | vents Food Fermentation, Sour, |iqis us that the value of what the | | Ong EE= the | Who will depart with the U.S. troops | Gassy Stomach and Acid United States produces annually fs Indigestion. $40,000,000,000 and of this amount Doubtless if you are a sufferer] $500,000,000 1s spent for advectss | from indigestion, you have al-|ing. In other words, 2 per cent, of ready tried pepsin, pancreatin, char-|the total goes into ad ng and of the total of $800,000,006 more than $600,000,000 goes into news Paper advertising. : But before giving up hope and de-| AR Unusual example of the power ciding you are a chronic Just try the effect of a little Bisurated Magnesia--not the ordinary commer- cial carbonate, milk, but the pure Bisurated Mag- nesia which you can obtain D practically any druggist in either powdered or tablet form. Take a teaspoonful of the powder or two compressed tablets with a little gE aH 4 PROBS-- Wednesday, strong easterly winds, snow WEDNESDAY! A Bargain Day Scintillating with Extraordinary Values We're still at it--trimming prices to the lowest levels ever known. It's a real harvest-time for thrifty shoppers. Shop often during the duration of this stupendous sale event and you will save many dollars on dependable, quality merchandise. © AN EXTRAORDINARY SELLING High Grade Blouses Regular $8.75 to $6.50. 2. °4.50 e Price 25 only, Crepe de Chene, Georgette Crepe, Flat Crepe, Rad- ium Lace and Crepe de Chene Waists--all smart new styles and colorings. The sizes range from 34 to 44. Marked for a quick clean-up-- SALE PRICE $4.50 EACH. Separate Skirts Regular $8.50 to $12.75 each. Sale Price *4.98 36 only, smartly tailored fine Wool Serge Skirts, in Navy Blue and Black. egularly priced at $8.50, $11.50 and $12.75. Marked for a quick clearance SALE PRICE . $4.98 EACH. WOMEN'S COMBINATIONS, $1.89 -- 48 Suits of Women's fine Tailored Combinations -- in knee length and ankle length, with short and long sleeves. Special value at $2.50 a Suit. SALE PRICE . BROCADE BRASSIERES, 49¢. EACH 120 Flesh Colored Satin Brocade Brassieres; in sizes 32, 36, 38 and 40. Splendid values at their regular price of "75c. each. SALE PRICE BEACON VELOUR KIMONAS, $3.19 EACH-- 16 only Novelty Velour Dressing Gowns; trimmed with Satin and Rope girdles. All sizes. Special values at $4.48. SALE PRICE ........ $3.19 BROWN VELVET CORDUROY, 75c. YARD 150 yards of Brown Velvet Corduroy--fine cord -- full 27 inches wide--a splendid value at $1.25 a yard. SALE PRICE ......... 75. WHITE TERRY TOWELS, 39c. EACH-- 12 dozen extra large sized heavy White Terry Bath Towels--a special sale value wt 59. each. SALE PRICE ......... 39 A Great 202% Discount Sale - In our new House F urnishing and Whitewear depart- ments all marked at special prices--less a 20% saving or Nm Anny See Our Windows For Added Attractions.