MONDAY, JANUARY 22. 1023. raiLwav Ql TRESS AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP | LINES Special attenuou given your family or ilriehds going to or returning from | the Old Couutry, Passports arranged | for. For information and rates apply to J. P. HANLEY, C. P, and T.AG.T. | Ry., Kingeton, Ont. - i Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, Johnson and Ontario Streets, ston, @ntario, corner ! | Open Day and Night. | | { 1 King- "PHONE 99. For Sale $6,000--Semi-detached brick, 8 | rooms, 3 plece bath, electric light, { bot water furnace. . Facing City Park, 91,350 -- Stone House, Ports- mouth, § rooms, goed cellar, well on the pscmises, General Insurance. Victory Bonds bought and sold. 'R. H. Waddell | Phones 326-596. 56 Brock St dn Adadurauuuui Bell's Vanilla HIGH GRALE 36¢c. A BOTTLE Cheapest in the long run. Made in Kingston by-- DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE CO. me a { Dr. Waugh | DENTIST § 106 Wellington St. ox Phone 250, } Removal Notice W. H. FRANCIS, PAINTER as moved to 438 DIVISION ST. Ba a card or phone 1385J and you will receive prompt attantion. Workmanship guaranteed and prices right. DR. A.W. WINNEIT DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 863 | | | | | | For Moving of { FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, | PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF | EVERY DESCRIPTION { Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. Evenings 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET. People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence, 1187. Constipation IS Relieved Prompt---Permanehit--Rellef CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS a. ny surely but gent. I ior meine. (CAI Relleve gfter dinner dis- tress -- re- Heve indiges- ; tion; improve the complexion--brighten the eyes. THE DAIL 1 Supper and Dance. The Masons of Clayton, N.Y., wiil | noid their annual supper and dance {in the town hall on February 2nd. { | ------------------ | The Board of Health. Mayor Angrove is chairman of the | Board of Health this year. None of [the new members intend to resign, {90 there wil be no woman member on the board for 1923. | Huge Possibilities. | Resuits are what every advertiser {demands and no form of advertising Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S, D.D.S, Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 15360 Wellington St, Evening by appointment. PHONE 670. ( | brings greater or quicker results than the classified ads. They | stories with huge possibilities The Board Constituted. Messrs. D. F. Hayden, T. L.. Ham- ilton, Mrs L. M, Chapman, together | with the mayor and medical healtn | for BURNS FOR SCALDS, CUTS AND BRUISES, FOR COLDS. COUGHS AND BRONe CHIAL AFFLICTIONS. FOR BTIFP MUSCLES. SPRAINS AND STRAINS AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE #8 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD \VBIED AND RELIABLE REMEDY, D® THOMAS' ECLECTRIC _OlIL a Pn mnt | jofficer, A. J. Sparling, MD {the Pembroke Board of Health for [1923. | -- -- { Our Annual Sale. | our entire stock of Gents' ings, Ready-to-Wear clothing and | made-to-measure suits at a great re- duction in price. A call will convince | you. Prevost, Brock street. Drawback for Business, The inclement weather day night was a great drawback to business. The rain and wind kept | many citizens indoors and the ma- jority of those who did venture out | GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guus, Rifles repaired and refitted. Parts supplied. Sans filed, knives, scissors, and edge tools ground. Locks repaired. HKeyn fitted to all Kinds of locks. All makes of Lawa Mowers sharpened and re- palred. We van repair anything that is repairable. J. M. PATRICK 140 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone . were forced to do so, ------ Married in Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs. David Butler, Gana- noque, announce the marriage of their second daughter, Greta Mae, to Charles Oartwright, on Thursday, | Januaby, 18th, Rev. D. Mick officiat- | | } Open th® Grates, If people who live at street ners had a lit they would take the trouble to spend 8 TAXI PHONE 400 FRONTENAC TAXI SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE, 279 KING STREET For Colds or Influenza and as a Preventive Take Laxative BROM QUININE W. R McRae & Ca. |) GOLDEN LION BILOCOK, PEA COAL and COKE HARD AND SOFT WOOD Cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & CO. Grove lan Yard Phone 133 Ett. {from the grate openings and allow | the water to move away during a | thaw. x rEngagement Announced, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. H. Becker, Brighton, Ont., wish to announce the E. Marie, to M. H. Keith Rqplin, son of Mr, and Mrs. G. H. Roblin, Brigh- ton, Ont., the marriage to take place the latter part of January. ---------------------- Ceased to Work. "What's become of the Mormons?" a citizen asked the other day. There appears to be a cessation of activity on the part of this denomination in Kingston lately, and they were no tendance at the few meetings held. a ------a an: Rain on Saturday Night. Kingston had a January thaw on Saturday night. It rained very heav- tion. The roads wore in a very dan- gerous state for both sleighs and autos, and many citizens did not venture out with their cars. ------------ Organist Engaged. R. T ducted musical services church, Gananoque, has been per- manently engaged as organist and choir master. He will be there about all his life and is a gentleman of ex- ceptional ability both as an organist Chestnut Coke For a quick, clean fire in your kitchem range try our Chestnut Coke, $17.00 per ton, CANNEL COAL for grates and fireplaces ... $18.00 per ton. WOOD, all kinds--cut 12" long. Slabs, $3.75 per load. HARDWOOD for furnaces, $4.25 per load. W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. and director. a -- . Dissent From Information, King, K.C., who are the solicitors in connection with the epur agreement between the city and the C.P.R., dis- sent from the statements published in the Whig, on Friday, on informa- tion in the matter given by the mayor and the city industrial commissioner. The soideitors will be very glad to give the facts of the case to any in- terested Kingstonlans. EE -------------------- are little | compose | All this month we will put on sale ; Furnish- | on Satur- | cor- more civic spirit, | |a few minutes and shovel tbe snow | engagement of their only daughter, | ily, and as a result the roads and the | sidewalks were in a terrible condi- | Cowell, A.R.C.O., who co) in Graco | February 1st to assume his duties. | Mr. Cowell has been in church music | Both the city solicitor and Francis | Y BRI TISH WHIG. L { spend the next tem month} 3 Burwash on the jail farm. | 111 will Two Drunks and a Vag. The unusually quiet spall the lice hava been {was broken {when the police on a charge of vagrancy and another, who is charged with vagrancy. The iman charged with vagrancy drifted in from the country and had to be |taken in charge as he was without {means of support and had no-friends ito look after him. po- having so far this year during the Was a Former Kingstonian, Thomas Claxton, Toronto, is dead from a brief illness from double ipneumonia. He-was a brother of Matthew Claxton, Kingston. He was a music dealer on Young street for over sixty years. He Mved tn Kin ston in his boyhood, and died at th« {age of eighty-six years. Deceased was tie first man in Canada to manu- facture snare drums. Alumni Association, Queen's Alumni Association at fits organization meeting elected the fol lowing officers for 1923: | Hon. pres.--T. 8. Scott, B.A. B.Se., '97 Pres 34 Norman Malloch, B.Sc, '12 Vice-pres.--E, Ww Henderson, '05 B.Se., » "treas. -- uti 3 and A. L. Reid, BA. '12 committee, St Cath- $ vieinity: Dr. Whytodk, B.A.,, M.D, C. W. Baker, B.Sc., '05, Miss M. M. Laing B.Ag '03, Miss Heatrice Lauder, M.A. 1. ! Executive committee, Niagara {Falls and vicinity: W. 8. Orr, B Se., "18, E. A -Wilsen, B.Sc., '14, Mrs. N. Vialloch, B.A, "15, Miss A |B.A., "09 ve a Howson, ------------ Soon to Get Under Way. St. Lawrence division railway offic- |lals state that a few days of present tempeyiture, ranging from ten to fourteen degrees below zero, will : i week-end, corralled two men |ic - Kingston and Vicinity nt cc y give sufficient thickness of ice off {Cape Vincent, N.Y., to permit open- ing of the railroad's annual harvest | for the St. Lawrence & Ontario divis- | {fon. It is expected that the work "will get under way before the close 1e month, About 25,000 tons of are normally harvested there. U.F.0. Reorganization. Frontenac U.F.0. political in the agricultural hall, after- in The met party Market street, on Saturday noon to consider reorganization ation of the coming provincial tio that are to take place any time between June and October this year D. C. Rogers, end of the county, the south | sided Mr e.ection was a recognition standing Influence county of Frontenac. the most prominently His name is mentioned ture. The Niagara peninsula branch of | Mary's Tea and Sale. successful tea was held al St, A most Mary's tiie Home and School Club, M Fergus O'Connor > hall was beautifully the tea table, where Corrigan and Mrs. J. C. St noon hy of wi rs, president cecoraied Mrs, ( Newla nad white narciasi Those assisting and pink carnations with the tea were Mrs. 'W. J. O'Brien, Mrs. V. Ainsley, Mrs. V. Roberts, Mrs. Donaghue and Mrs, Murphy. (Neill, Mrs. Beecher and Mrs. Stev- enson fowards, Mrs. Charles Morrison, Mrs, W. James and Mrs. Burke Ice cream was in charge of Mrs. F. Pil- | Mrs, Astrie and Miss A. Doolan. Novelties were in charge of Mrs. {Sharpe and Mrs. Payne, The | ceeds, - which were for 'fund, amounted to $168. ley, Pro- Don't be Selfish! 1] Lh OR | n Tell your friends about CHASE & SANBORN'S HITT LN: [Y Seld in }¢ Ib. and 1 Ib. cartons. CHASE coubt discouraged by the small at- | | { | PRINCESS ST. DAINTY CAFE The place where dining out is truly a delight & SANBORN, Montreal = | -~ STOP WONDERING What you are going to get for dinner. You have puszled too long in thinking of a change. Bring the family here for a pleasing, well-cooked meal. He'll enjoy the change--and you'll be glad to rest, NEW ENGLAND CAFE 331 King Street. Kingston, Ont. Phone 656 Pittsburg, re-! {cently elected county direotor at a| jmeeting of a few of the clubs from | pre- | Rogers, a most eathus- | fastic member of the U.F.O. and his | | cf out-| throughout the ! as | the possible candidate for'the legisla- | school on Friday after- | is | e ten was centred with | The homemade cook- | ing was sold by Mrs, Carey, Mrs. F. | Candy was sold by Mrs. Joha | the lantern | OPPOSITE BIBBY'S | A Jinx at Work. { The managements of the various | hockey teams in the city appear to bave a jinx following them around | 'GUNNS MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAM Made from Pork Sausage. Put up In one pound net tina. Cooked fresh -- the favor is surprisingly different to what one he thing for holl Just ng for ho tri and hurry-up meals. Ca¥ trips Y BOR MARCHE GROCER Corser King and karl Streets. -- FOR SALE Quebec Heaters, Fire Kings, Radiation and Piping. Also all kinds of building material. I. Cohen & Co. £75 Untario St. Phones 836, 837 x rich. a ¥ It is madness to live --- = Poor and die this winter, Almost every night | that there has been a game, the weather conditions are against a large turn-out of the fans, On Sat- urday fright for instance the dowa- pour of rain kept many fans close to their firesides who would otherwise have gone to the game at the Arena. -------- Faith in Mankind. The members of at least one church in this oity must have great faith in their fellowmen. A Whig man bad occasion to walk into a cer- afternoon, where the building was Mghted and the fromt door ajar, He found nobody in the building, but noticed a valuable furcoat hanging on the wall in the rear of the church, snd a fur scarf. thrown carelessly over a pew in the centre. -------------------------- Mionshiner Gets Tem Months For having a etill in hi Dome for the manufacture of "moonshine" Eimer Vardy, Dungannon Place Your Order Now for Our Scotch Shortbread, Made With Best Creamery Butter. "WE USE NO SUBSTITUTES." F. C. HAMBROOK 115 BROCK STREET. PHONE 1925w. End of Season Clean Ups YOU WILL FIND IN OUR STOCK MANY LINES WE ARE CLEARING OUT AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. High Laced Boots that were $7.50, ~ $8.00 and $9.00. Clearing out at. . $3.98 Offords in Black or Brown, formerly $6.00, $7.00 and $7.50. Clearing out ................ $3.98 and $4.98 The Sawyer Phone 159. Shoe Store 184 Princess St. ~ Wood Turnings PIANO LAMP STANDS in special designs. ' Newels, Porch Columns, etc. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1413 You're Missing All The Fun! 1f You Haven't a C.R.S. Recelving 'Set in your Home Canada Radio res Bets cost no more in the end than the "che sets that are now on the market We sell y the type of receiving sets which has the guarantee: "Your money back if you are not satisefid 1 be fooled by purchasing sets made by unexperienced people. Our years of radio experience assures of only getting the best. Ask any of our customers. ~ =~ you Complete receiving sets demonstrated anywhere You under no obligation. Write, call or phone! EVEREADY RADIO "A" and "B" BATTERIES always in stock. Mail orders prepaid to Your door. CANADA RADIO STORES The Radio Headquarters of Eastern Ontario, Nothing But the Hest. Prices Always Right. This places FOR CHOICE FURS SEE US. Gourdier's 78 Brock Street. Greatest Reduction Sale of High- Class Overcoats Ever Held in Kingston Men's and Young Men's 3-piece Silk- lined and Silk-faced Tuxedo Suits 45.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House i At Our Housekeepers Linens YOU CAN BUY : Pure Linen Huck Towels with hemmed ends--full, regular size and strong-wearing quality, for ......... ...... 50c. each, Bleached Table Damask--all pure linen --two yards wide--in good patterns-- for viu.uniiers wrens 1 0nien $200 2 yard, Unbleached Table Damask --all pure linen--for hard wear--at ....$1.50 a yard Bleached Sheeting--good, strong, Cana- dian make; two yards wide, for 50c. a yard Loss of other household necessities of good quality at attractive prices. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. 8} Special Sale i