- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : _ MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1088, Toe of That a subscription to the Rotary Club's Shoe and Stocking fund will! make some boy or girl comfortabia; and it will make you feel more com- too. Editor of Women's Page, Tele 1 Mrs. Hugh Ryan, Sydenham street. phone "43. Private 'phone 857w. jis entertaining the bridge club of|fortable . a 3 which she is a member on Tuesday! ~ Badminion and bridge went on at afternoon. the armouvies on Saturday, and a few : tea members came in for a cup of tea. | Mrs. D. G. Laidlaw, Barl street. Among those present were Col. andy entertained at bridge on Saturday | Mrs. Vietor Anderson, Col, and. Mre |évening for Mrs. Pruyn, Napanee. Norman Leslie, Col. and Mrs, H. J. | . a. at br Dawson, Col. and Mrs. Schmidiin, | Miss Lillian Cobb has returned to ever in Kingston. Numbers of clubs | Col. and Mrs, A. E. Harris, General | Kingston after visiting in Tweed. |are formed, bridge luncheons, bridge and Mrs. F. W. Hill, Mrs, W., H.| Misses Helen and Edith Rees, Gan- teas, bridge dinners and bridge even-| | Macnee, Mrs. R. E. Kent, Miss Hora, janoque, have left for' New York, ing parties are given and the Wise | Mrs. Francis Constantine. Major and [where they will be the guests of Mr. iones say many dolars change hands! Mrs. Heber Lafferty, Major and Mrs. (and Mrs. Ira A. Kip 3rd. Breakfast Oranges Cereal or Cotiee, Fried Eggs and Bacon Toast ; Luncheon fried Cornmeal Mush with Maple Sirup Apple Sauce Dianer Minced Lamb on Toast Baked Sweet Potasges Spinach /" Lemon Pudding That a few people in Kingston have nade up their minds to Ski this win- ter There are good places with suitable ground not far from the city. ! | | Tomorrow's Menu a on | | { | That bridge fs more popular mon! ocoa BARNUM'S | | BAKERY | FOR AFTERNOON TEAS Almond and Cocoanut Macaroons, - Dainty Biscuits and Nut Wafers, REAL SCOTCH CAKE, 10¢ and 15c. Try Some--The Taste Will Tell, Chocolate Eclairs and Puffs with Pure Cream. ---- ads over the surface N a : a . * =X : The Real Flavour of the genuine "GREEN Tea is in every ! packet OF mann Crepe de Chine in texture but its sur. | face is more satiny. Moire is a waved or watered effect produced on plain | { ribbed silk. Panne is a name applied to velvets | GREEN TEA sae? : when the pile is pressed down so as to | give a high lustre. Used for hats ev-| . | ening coats et cetera. Peu de sole is | Superior to the best Japans, Gunpowder or | a heavy, soit-finished silk material so Young Hyson. Sample Free--Salada, Toronto. | woven that fine, close ribs may be | seen running with thé filling. The best | ! grades are the same on both sides-- | af some these functions | fact which should be kept in mind | , ( t } me 1 } sekeeper is purchasing | pan Mrs. Vie- Mrs. A. J. Abernethy, Kingston, is s when the house Eine Qiypenwood. Major aud Mn. I visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. €lyde{ That the nen curl I pe m1 Coffe fit. Suitable for Jrqsacs and yiap: | or aine, Mrs. . A 20d, | . . I et ry Bits duri i | Plush is a -piled f. ¢c resemblin (St. John) Col. and Mrs, Hertzberg, | Malloch, Clifton Sven, Notre Dame deyongant of ta... HOES during the | [Flush Yio pled fabrie 1 embling | of. and Mrs. Kefth Hicks, Prot, |de Grace, Montreal. . [anlar Sveliuss now this} they Nave, .. Are You An Imelligent Buyer? | YoY. Yc vetisso tecting fibres Prof. a 1 A. H. Fair, West street who has| their comfortable club room with| ; face is covered with projecting fibres. Bridger, Capt, and Mrs, H ton [1 1 T it f f u 'a /8, h [1 hu fire-place, fits" comfortabl [ The housekeeper, as purchasing ag-| The best grades of velvet are made | t d Mrs, J. C. Mur- [Pen in Toronto for a ow days, hasits ge Pep ace, Omiavtabie | py for the home, sirould study to be-| { ni i Dav o Koberts, Capt. and Mrs, {left for Vancouver, and will sail on chairs and its piano for the musically | : a | entirely of silk--and it pays to get the ele, Mrs. Douglas Jemmett, Miss {3 18th ¢ She : hat the E |15clineq | come an intelligent buyer. 1 know Of f 1 ost Martinen, Major and Mrs, Victor | an, A oy RA e =~ inclined, a woman who bought mercerized cot. ! Pongee is a soft, plain, unbleached) Williams, Miss Loretta Swift, Miss ae it be. vith R ite E a ang | That a gorg on he olor, Cactus | A900 fabric for pure silk! If you do de washable silk, familiar to us all. Pop-| = 'Afleen Rodgers, Miss Nora Macnee, | 181 he w be wit olfe Emery, a) That a gorgeous new color, Cactus | already know the various silk fabrics, | fit 1s u Fibbed Aur] she to = * car. (800 Of Mrs. G. F, Emery, ' Bagot Red, has appeared in England. It] ihis informati ill "help vou: msan Pte snkg ; vl aan Bliss Laura Kilborn, Miss Edith Car | street | is the shade of the large cactus flower | Faken wi Pp j ton poplin. Sarcenet is a fairly stiff silk | § Taher, sis Co, Mowers ies | 8 oe Seg Bey whit wn mye, SE LA | erent CHOICE IN CONFECTIONERY LINES iotton Vancouver B. C.. Col. Stock- | .- vn united In Fresmliongey taal {rep. It is woven entirely of silk, but fi I caused by ihe floating of sik] § : GT here! : i Prot. R. 0. Jolliffe, Queen's Uni-| at people who like to carry tneir is often padded with wool or cotton. | ,, Rh es \ eT ol : 1, Capt. uthers, : bs Pepa a $ en padi ton. As it has! well, Capt. Carr versity, returned from Toronto to-|muffs on these bitter days can do %0| Fine for waists and dresecs: Brocag. | Trea a ate As 1 up Cream Rolls made with best Creamery The tea given on Saturday after. | 48%. ¢ jane rw ne at Tamhioned | this is woven with raised figures on 2 1e Vareful in buying it, Taffeta also has | Butter. V4 ' " - { Miles Cotton, Vancouver, B.C., is |but just a littie more up to date than |. d. It is oft rombina.} " P= ie re arRe) > le . iffe, Fronten- , ' | k | plain ground. 18 often a combina- anv Frades s aring in ny orna- | Boon bY Mts. R/O Jofite, os of |& Vvistor in Kingston, his old home. | thelr muffless neighbors for muffs are tion of plush and satin. Used for | any grades, appearing in many o Cream Puffs and Chocolate Eclairs that Be street, | Hiss Abbie Judson and her brother | In again; they have made their 8P-| coats, dresses, and decoration of the | { aresureto please vou. . R 3 F. A. ATKINS Corner of Princess and Alfred Sts. ital patterns such as fancy cords, | 0 f Queen's univer-| MI | } : s | plaids and stripes, both woven and! ol are of Queey inform- | William, Brockville, spent the Week | peanatiee 17 eawhers on tie Riviera home. Brocatel is a kind of brocade, | J 552) ¥ Fulle Gi renee silk net | ' y le i heir «oN Eur ol et. Sd eer. ited. I rk 1 al. Thé guests sat before the spon {e3d With Sao: aunt, Mrs. C. C. Nash, {among the European smart s as caving. wool br ly pe used chiefly for-evening wear. | : ed cheerfully on the !Alfred street. | I si ound. Used chiefly for up. | Buca hic biased cheurtul I din-| Major Keene Homming, London, | SERVICE ' | Molseery, Chenille is a cloth. woven | 4 | SE! h bi . for a: Ingrooti, and the newgpmmers were | Cut., spent the 'week-end with "his |'™ne sweetest lives ars thoes to duty | with a Solty uzzy gtiace i is used] i : given the right hand of fellowship by |Miother, Mrs. T. D,'R. Hemming, | wed, extensively for curtains, ape runners, A} inquiries addressed to Miss Kirk- the-tlder women present. Tea was | Ueorge street, going on to Ottawa | 'poe ana | Pillow tops, and 80 on. Chiffon is a|man in care of the "Efficient House- | No d at the atractlve tea table in|today. | 5 1 thin, transparent silk with a plain | keeping" department will be answered | h ma. a . 7. B. Mc-|' Prof. M. B Baker and Mrs. Baker| sal, . weave, familiar to us. ail, Crepe de lin these columns in their turn, This re. | the diningroom, by Mrs. W. E. Me- | Te a Sv DR Are close knit strands of ode un- : anation, quires considerable time, however, ow. Neill, who was assisted by Mrs. Lot- returned to the city today from New| broken thread Chine, too, needs no xPlsngtion. 9% os ih eT De AE oy 'so%: | berg and Mrs. Harold Ettinger. {Yok Dr. Pallls and M Faili | 'Where love ennobles all. Foutard is or mely aralile Tor dees, personal or quicker reply is desired, sf y. Ur, Wallis and Mrs, Ia 5 |The world may sound no trum ol a. . y ie | Stamped and self-addressed envelope The dinner dance at the Frontenac | Toronto, made their first visit to] ring no BY P Japanese Silks are all very much alike (p,., be enclosed with the question. Be | day's. pi t| Kingston at the week-end. They will 1 joe Jersey Cloth is a soit, knitted fabric \qyre to nse YOUR full name, street | club was one of Saturday's pleasan ' The book of life the shining re- J : : | hy, ial events, and although the at-| be welcomed here again. ? used for gloves, dresses and Suits. | number, and the name of your city and Hea svents, f cord tells. Crepe de Meteor is very similar to! province.--The Hditor. tendance was not large, those pres- | : Thy love shall chant its own beati- fobs. 9¢ rr ter rr Cr ent enjoyed dancing to the excellent | " do¥ fades * lial Toss, and assail through the de- Tomorrow---~Dishes Included in the | Daily Menus This Week. | Phone 2202) Hardwood Floors deeds both great * ow Miss Catharine Miller, = William | music of Treneer"s orchestra, Mrs. Ambrose Shea, 230 Union street, will receive on Tuesday and afterwards on the 1st Tuesday of each month, . . - * Mrs. R. BE. Kent, "Semersby House." will entertain the bridge club of which she is a member this ' w afternoon, « $iwe Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Barrie street, is entertaining the bridge club of hich she is a member this after ; A Hint From the Japanese. } 3 We are toll that the. Japanese, kpowing how soon custom stales the eye's appreciation, bfing from their art treasures only one beautiful ob- Ject at a time and make it the most conspicuous thing in the room until an hour arrives when it has ceased to attract adequate attention, Th:y ~ then replace it with another object Which will, in fits turn, hold their in- terest for certain allotted days. We | street, left yesterday for Superior, | After its own Mfe-worikings. A | Wis., where she will spend a month child's kiss : | the guest of "her brother. | Bet on thy singing lips shall make | Mrs. Hugh Walkem, who has been | thee glad; {in Sidney, N.8% will return to Mont-| A Poor man served by thes shall real this week. | make thee rieh; Dr. Cappon, Barrie Street, has left! A sick man helped by thes for Florida. make thee strong; | Major and Mrs, Monroe Reynolds,! Thou shalt be served thysoif by | who have been in England for some every sense time, have sailed for Canada. 'They! Of service which thou rendevest, | Will remain in Halifax for some! time, and will later tome to King- --ROBERT BROW1iNG ston with their children to visit! Rév. J. 0. and Mrs. Crisp, Albert street, ception of so-called "friends" when | | | | ? To-morrow 8 holding the inimical position read ia | | HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble et ret tbat bi ig TUESDAY, JAN, 16th, Conflicting planetary configura- {tions make this a doubtful day, Al [though Affairs may be lively and in- teresting,! with a certain prospect of Pimms financlai success and general expan- The first point of wisdom is to gis- sion, yet the major 'maleic, Saturn, cern that which is false, the second holds a position of portentous signi to know that which is.true, ficance. It may be difficult to sur- doubt that had she remained any | A Ditter jest, when the satire comes 'mount the obstacles and postpone- { longer she would have met 'the fate (L100 near the truth, leaves a sharp niénts erected by this wieldy and hos-| we try to makea virtue of vices we | of her eon, the czar, and the other | Sting behind. [tile orb, which may make for financ- are loath to correct. | members of the imperial family. _-- ' i The Bolshevists spared nobody. | THE, ETERNAL ENIGMA this day's chart, Those whose birthday it is may ex- pect a fortunate year, but should be quiet, patient and persevering. A child born on this day will be talent. ed, ambitious and studious, but may meet with many setbacks in the ful- fliment of ite desires unless carefuliy trained early in life. Prepare for spring with the classi- fied ads. --persmee---- Feeling in the young precedes phil- 0sophy, and often acts with a more certain aim. | § | | shail a By Juanita Hamel | They even killed the saintly Grand | Duchess Serge, the sister of the Dow- 4 PE ager Marchioness of Milford Haven, ! * although she was a professed nun, | Through the devotion of her sister, | the grand duchess' body was found | and taken to Palestine, where it was buried, Revolution has taken a heavy tol pf the Dowager Marchisness of Mil- ford Haven, for now, following the Cleaned! Why have your Hardwood Floors dirty and old looking when you can have them made like new ? : We have bought a' new Floor Cleaning Machine and guarantee to make your floors look like new. Estimates given on new floors laid, and Carpentry Repairs of all kinds. ; Thos. Copley Write 68 Queen Street or 'phone 987. are not so highly simple in taste and requirements, and most of us love to fill our dwellings with as muoh furni- ture as we can thread our way through, and all the pictures ana or- naments we can afford. But even we realize that, after a little while we no longer take in the effect of the ar- rangements we have created; that we ~ gannot be sure whether this or that particular piece is in its most befit- ting position because it is sg long neo we have considered it in any other. That is the moment to begin moving things about, trying them and there tentatively; leaving them, oven, for a day or so till one certain whether they are right as were, or right as they are, or right at all in either place. murders of her sisters--the Ozarina end the Grand Duchess Serge--in Russia, Prince Andrew of Greece has been deprived of rank and banish- €d for life. Prince Andrew. married the elder of her two daughters, Before foreign royal titles were @bolished in England, the menibers of - the Milford Haven family were addressed by four different royal titles. «Prince Louis of Battenburg Was "your serene highness," his wife (the dowager marchioness) was "your grand ducal highness," the elder daughter, Princess Andrew of Greece, was "your royal highness," and the two sons and the younger Gaughter were "your highness." ---- Don't Forget. / There is nothing prettier than the kitohan pantry thoroughly equipped with all the necessary kitchen articles in bright, shiny aluminum, Bure is not much credit to the woman who has aluminum vessels ang allows them to become tarnished and black- ened. 1 -------------------- Pad a hon Leaves. : SAK e lemon seeds and treat | destroyed her children 5 [them ms bouse plants. They grow er own sufferings at the hands into pretty shrubs whose leaves Bolshevists little is known, but be a voring A few ay foo. ius nh ov, Sh (U0 8 loth 120 5 1s he spp ; ted to every indignity, 1t ena few Minutes give it « de- betors the empress could be fo leave, but there is little ; ' > or Will Tighten Ir. e When the belt of your sewing ma- : L A i : J | chine becomes loose, instead of cut. : : Hi g an ting and reeplicing it, put a few drap. ; A i i I 5 pri | Of castor ofl on the band, run the ma- chine a few minutes and the belt will (be tight again, non COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA STYLE seye te WITH $10 WORTH OF RECORDS CL TT TTT TET .» EN BTS Pathetic Figure. The most pathetic figure fn Bur. be today is the Empress Marle Feo- gtovna, who arrived from De rk ptly to visit her sister, Queen mdria, The hideous revolution Russia has not oniy swept away womnld in which she reigned as and empress-mother, but it RT ¥ EXCEPTIONAL VALUE : A T $107.50, EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT ARRANGED The style X is a full size cabinet mode! with a large Capacity for Records and is fitted with the exglusive features of the Columbia maka, POO Or Your inspection 13 invited. COLT Be mm -- TTT Ts [TTT To Keep Suet. Suet should keep sweet indefinite- Ir it in grease-proof paper, put into a lmen bag and kept in a dry, cool place. * - Try It. his Add a cup cheese to the white sauce ai te and see you don't think it 1s a very pleas- ie addition, + MALL LLT I] next? Why, #f that rod had straw on the other end you'd be sweeping." ---------- New Pens, Hold the new pen in the flame of a match for a second 40 burn off the greasy finish that prevents the free flow of ink to the point, 1¢ will write fmmediately without codzing, i : i OOO i boos Cap 1923, CL ------ > as S i Physical Cul ure + Jor Nearer Fontun Suvi. lnc. Gone icin bis med. « | "Our physical culture, father, is > : s Los haa : g i | 1 i husi- It was not for oynics say--that the riddle of existence was fypified by ancients | ¥™erfal!" exclaim od uibust as the Sphinx with the face of a womare ane! man himself--as he wooes her jogs ho a he arms I whom he aches with | to have love him- » Perplexed, lingering: crasy this. rod in both: hacty us by his side, wondering her answer will be, pu --kept guessing! Even !move it slowly trom right to left' Sortows remembered sweeten pra. la decisive "No"----sad as that would be fo him-- would be better than this vurgatory of inde-| wen, well," replied Dad, sdmir- seut joy, * at cision. But she just smiles and lets him wait! " or A x ---- Speak but little and well il you |" ean De estesmed a man of merit. iingly, "what won't science discover