THE VAILY BRITISH WHIG. | FRR FOetcods omy] #1 | Adami and Eve Seek Divorce - And -- = | oppresive pam App icoaBestion. be It's All Over an Apple, Of Course | Dr 8 ssed Spruce and throat. It scatters congestion 8 ~your coid is gone! EN hdd TY), t fg : . | New stocks of select grades from the ~kills pain/ : : Side i% YJ {SY || 'best mills in Quebec and New Brunswick. | ALLAN LUMBER C0. Place Your Order Now for Our Scotch J g. Ng of 0 / . herbed Ne Yop Cram | --_-- FR VICTORIA STREET. Phone 1042. Butter. : A : ; i : hd | EET "WE USE NO SUBSTITUTES." 4 X p rn TA : He = ONY CC "» | Io fa : | How To Be 92? "Don't womtozn PAMBROOK. NL, I RANI | Smoke; Nonogenarian Warns; Others Disagree RT Yaar) bruises, strains, chest colds £5 EAT HERE AND BE HAPPY THE VICTORIA CAFE On King Street. Two Doors from Princess TELEPHONE 762. I~ WE DRILL ANYTHING in metal. Our modern elec- tric drilling machine enables us to drill any size hole and any depth required. Our lathes, planers, saws, and other machines are prepared to undertake any kind of job, original work or re- pairing | "Bishop Machine Shop | KING AND QUEEN STREETS | - ~ / a 9» > . DAIN1 Y CAl E | Carl A. Suléer shoobny an apple oft Ais wiles head. i a PORTLAND, ME.~Adam and Eve are abng 30 be divorel, and it's ol over an apple. The | mous "first pair," impersonated by 'Mr and Mrs. Carl A. utter, the couple who went into the Maine The place where woods about a year ago clad in the latest Eden fashion and lived by their own hands and wits for three ; dinin out is J + I ' | Hopthe, have Gone to the Palting of the Says. he b dors ad M / ; Tu | ve, rs. Sutter), who is suing for divorce, says she has grown tired of having am, r ---- ~ _-- g y Sutter) shoot an apple off the top of Ps head in their vaudeville act--and sometimes fail to miss her. . --*C3ra, Meeker, gil 5 avaEviSai a deli hi . Mr. Sutter blames Eve and the Serpent, impersonated by "Prince Lazuli," a vaudeville actor, , _ NEW YORK.=fiow lo live to be 90? "Never smoke or rik g claiming his wife left him for the "prince," taking his bankroll with her warningly quavered John Armstrong, bachelor, 93, and a total PRINCESS ST. OPPOSITE BIBBY'S Blesawhile the "arden of "Eden, (in this case the Sutter's flat) is conspicuouply labeled with a stainer. "Live an outdoor life, smoke and drink when you can in "Fox Rent" sign., ~ retorted James R. Silliman, Civil War, Veteran, 91, who said he hat : = smoked since he was seven years old. fc "i = a Both were guests of Ezra Meeker," 02,Ywho seventy": blazed the Oreg¥n Arail, and who came to New York at advanced age for the purpose of booming the trail the NY a 10. oy Canada Radio Every Day They're Getting Younger Ee rr all_could . basement of the Holland 4 etree | And Younger - These Kid Prodigies | Siituiib eri he ly fi between Toronto and Hr Hm Radio is. go "Ee Rk ty Horma ; ¥ | In some parts of India sheep are Fifty pounds of ivory is the aver- If the satisfaction, high quality and 4 a; : fs Lo ¥ used as beaetls ot burden. | age yield of one elephant. reasonable' prices, we have given hun- 2 SoA - + 3 Deserts cover 24 per cent. of the A whale is capable of swimming dreds of customers count for snything, ? 5 earth's surface. 12 miles an hour, . we'll get your business. Remember: Experience counts in everything---especially Ra. "dle We're experienced. We charge no more than the inexperi- 1 g Pol | enced and guarantee "your money back if not satisfied." 4 2 - | ed" stock BURGESS "B" BATTERIES just in Mall orders : : CH } i E 0 A Y : Where Servic, Quality and Satisfaction Meet. " : y | ' PHONE 1655. UP-TOWN OFFICE: MeGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811, PASTEURIZATION FILLS A NEED--THE ; . ; y iy %; EN | We are offering a number of Connecticut Phone Head Sola, 8000 ohm at $6.00. These are high-grade and worth $8.00. ULTIMATE SAF EGUARD i g 4 ¥ ~ ! = Radio and Electric supplies of all kinds. Completé sets in. All Our Milk is Thoroughly Pasteurized. : : Walled: ; Me EE A | Halliday Electric Co. P RICE' S DAIRY 3 eae dT a = : (|| A PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. Buy Bonds by | The procedure is simple. --Mail Write to us for pamphlet con- taining our bond offerings. Select'the bond or bonds best suited to your requirements and instruct us to forward 'them to you. We will send them to your bank with draft HOCKEY BOOTS Dedity 8 SE attached and will notify you i JT 3 ---- that we have done so. Then FELT SLIPPERS Re so Bou may cait at the bani DOWN FROM THE RINGS ~ f s el : assure yourself that the se- EVENING SLIPPERS ak BAS Lau iar wl curities are exactly as 'rite for our new 8 i ' 5 ! ordered, and upon giving Offering List. OVERGAITERS Puy her ha 10 Be' ohany wes pan: LHe cerca roti ban Hain : may take delivery of the Jt will interest you. ALL REDUCED IN PRICE. ae Pip Grau, 4s fant "esd ty Johany Suvatore ott 35 | || bonds. The Sawyer Shoe Store i : 2 ; meee } : mS br j | Wood, Gundy & Company Phone 159. 184 Princess St. Winnipeg New York ; : iy Londen, Ont. Telephone: Main 4280 London, Eng. He that fs disposed for mischiel| He who lacks strength must at Honesty always proceeds ) : will never want occasion. tain his pumpoce by skill 5 straight line, - '