NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WO Lite's Social Side | Bae Editor 6f Women's Page, Tele- | entertained at bridge this week in | phone 243. Private 'phonme 857W. | honor of Mrs. Rogers, Charlotte- | ' * | town, Prince Edward Island, who is | f the guest of Mrs. Roy Collins, Syd. | enham 'treet, - Mrs. R. J. McLelland, sailed "£6r | {Canada on Friday, and win arrive in | | Kingston shortly to be with her | |daughters, Mrs, Bayly Ranson, Mrs. | Van Wren, and Miss Mary MsLeliand, | Ear] street, | | | | Mrs. E. F. Torrance, Alfred street, entertained at the tea hour on Fri- | day afternoon for her daughters, Miss Kitty and Miss Jessie Torrance. The guests came representing "The person they wouid like to be if they were not themselves," and great fun arose over guessing the various personalities represented; Miss Bar- | bara Bidwell was the prize winner, | At the tea table, effectively decor- ated with maltese lace and spring blossoms, Mrs. Garnet Greer made tea and Mis. J.-C. Murchie cut the ices. The guests Included Mrs. James® Miller, Mrs. C. S Kirkpat- |g rick, Mrs. Horace Lawson, Mrs. J. ! F. Preston, Miss Alison Macdonell, | Miss Mary Macgillivary, Miss Phyllls Knight, Miss Anna Esslemont, Miss is Helen Tofleld, Miss Helen Strange, Miss Lillian Fair, Miss Gwendolen | and Miss Doris Folger, Miss Laura Kilborne, Miss Grace Moocers, Miss Louise Hill, Miss Eleanor Tench (New York), Miss Clara Farrell Miss Phyllis Spence, Miss Doris McKay. . { | Mrs. W. T. Conpell, Arch street, | cutertained at bridge on Friday even- | {ing when the prizes were won by Mrs, {A. W. Winnett and Harold Davis, - . . Mrs. Hansord Hora, King street, giving a sleighing partly this ev- tning for her son's fmends | . 9 * { Mrs. R. O. Swoezy, Montreal, is | pending a few days in town, | * » | Percy B. Chown, who has been in| New York for a week, returned to | town to-day. | Mr. and Mrs F. A. Warren, Re- | gina, Sask., who are on thelr wed- | ding trip, will arrive on Sunday to | Miss Edith Carruthers, Miss Audrey | visit the former's parents, Mr. and | McLeod (St. John), Miss Francesca | Mrs. W. Hi. Warren, Brock street. | Foulkes, Miss Caroline Mitchell, Mrs. R. C. Cartwright, University | Miss Marjorie Henderson (Ottawa), avenue, leaves for Toronto on Mon- | Miss Evelyn Nickle, Miss Margery | day to visit her sister, Mrs. Herbert | McLelland, Miss Cecil Macnee, Miss | McIntyre, | Frances MuFray, Miss Lois Taylor, | John H. Sutherland, Gore street, Miss Mary Ogilvie, Miss Aline and | Jett for Montreal to-day to spend the | Miss Cecily Rutherford, Miss Isabel | week-end. | Minnes and Miss Nora Connell. Mrs. Bruce Taylor, the Principal's | > ss a | Residence, has left for Phitadelphia. | Mrs. Herbert Robertson, Welling- | 38» ton stréet was the hostess of a charm- | Mrs. Alexander Macphail, C ingly args Jide of seven tab- | street, has returned from Nap les on Friday afternoon, in honor of | where she was the guest her sister, Mrs. Pruyn, Napanee. The | sister, Mrs. J. H. H. Coleman, drawing room was lovely with flow- Mary Magdalene's rectory. ers, huge pink azaleas being most | Dr. 8. Fallis, stewart of the Meth- | Gecorative. The pnize winners were | odist Book Koom, Toronto, and Mrs. | Mrs, G. F. Emery, Mrs. Elmer Davis, | Fallis, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. | Irs. G. W. Mylks, Mrs. Norman Fra- |p. gy. ser, Mrs. David Murray, Mrs. Fred- Bell, Sydenham street church | J | parsonage, for the week-end | erick Cays, Miss Ada Birch. Tae toa table in the dining * room was | Prof. R. O. Jolliffe, Queen's Uni- | versity, is spending the week-end in wdorned with pink roses and presid- ed over by Mrs. A. R. B, Wiilkdamson, Toronto. am Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Murphy and who poured tea, and Mrs. A. W. Win- family, Port Dalhousie, returned nett whe cut the ices. . home this week after a three weeks' - - Mrs. F. E. Dench, West street, re- | visit at Mrs. Bryin's, University ave- ceived for the first time in Kingston Friday afternoon, when her cham- | .o.;00q home after a pleasant visit | ing rooms were filled with visors | this eity. Who were glad to welcome her and > a in her husband to their new home. A Col. and Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, | cheery fire blazed on' the hearth, Gore street, left for Toronto to-day, | od Jowars yor hort the Sea. to spend the week-end With Dr. an] ng-room where the Ostess received, | Mrs. John Macnaughton. | assistod by her cousin, Mrs. R. C.| Mrs. Charles McDonnough an | Alexander, 'Ottawa. Mrs. W. E | * | Miss Margaret Christmas who were | Kidd made tea at the dainty ap- with Mrs. Henry Wilkinson, Gore | pointed tea table with Its gleaming | street, have returned to Montreal. silver and fragrant narcissi, and was | | Mrs. R. C. Alexander, who has | assisted by Mish L D. Rossire. | been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. RH. | | Dench, West street, returned to Ot- Mrs. John Donnelly, Barl street, tawa to-day. entertained charmingly at bridge on Miss Marion Oglivie, who has Friday afternoon, when six tables been enjoyi a ver visit in were in play, and Mrs. R. N. F. Me- Joying y say Quebec, with her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Farlane, Mrs. Havelock Price and | yr ; imont, will return to town op | Mrs. John Sutherland won the » aa Monday. | dainty souvenirs, Narcissi and fresia | Dr. H. A. Nesbitt and wile. Lind- made the(spacious rooms fragrant |,' Dr. P. L. Nesbitt and wite, To. and decked the tea table, presided | _ ist. | Tonto, have raturned home after - Over by Mrs. Sidney Scobell, assist- |spending a few days with Shelr mo. ed by the daughters of the house. * -. - | ther and sister, Mrs. Neohitt and Mrs, a T. R. Farley, johnson street. I Colclough, Victoria street, oo» lergy | anee, | | | Charles Ansell, St. Catharines, has | f Mrs, : -- Dr atujordnle dance on Friday | o 'yo ion wa will Toil a tea | evening for her son, Albert Setclouss. {and sale of home made cooking at | when a ab of Jouae Weop {the home of Mrs. S. Green, 574 Prin- | danced gally to the exce {cess street, Wednesday afternoon, | Provid®d by that accomplished ay January 17, 3 ¥ , musician, Blaine Phillips. A most Ty 17, from 3 til 6. No cards realistic moon looked down on the % gay scene and beautiful decorations' Ron Peiull Ai fet Dates "Were about 'the rooms, 3 - » . s Herbert A. Holder has returnéd to Carbondale, Pa., after spending New Year's week with his mother, Mrs. Herbert B. Holder, Wiltam} street, who entertained for her son at a delightful dance, when twenty of his most intimate friends held a Jolly re-union. . - Mrs. R. 0. Jollifte, Frontenac Street, is giving a small tea this af- ternoon for same of the newer mem- bers of the college set. - * » Mrs. M. Y. Riley, Brock street, Bt At rao, Ni The Ladies' Curling Club will hold | their first tea of the season on Tues- | day next, and every Tuesday there- after. The. inhitial by the executive. ------------------ | ' | tea is being Siven| | ----t INSTITUTE NOTES. | | The December meeting of the Elgin Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. A. L. Campbell. At this meeting $25 was voted to Armenian Relief and $25 to the Northern Ontario fire sufferers for Christmas cheér for the children. Thirty-five members were present, A maper was read by Miss Jean Dar- gavel on *'Poppingithe Question" and 'Is thére a Santa Claus." Mrs, Guy Halliday gave a paper on "District Nursing." Instrumental music was furnished by Miss Elsie Kerr after which an apron parade took place. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. ; The president, Mrs. Fred. Stanton, was the hostess of the Juzuacy mast. ing. The said ma- tron at gre foal of Industry finds it batd to get a seamstress when necessary, and # was | about, but mo | to physical exe: tion: led to by several me i This an old phrase face ern methods of reducing this revision possible. you are overfat and also averse if you are llke- table and still want excess flesh Go to your drug- gist (or write the Marmoia Company 4612 Woodwarg Avenue, Detroit, Mich.) fod give him (or send them) one doi- lar. For this modest amount of money the druggist satisfying your ambition for a trim, slim 'figure. He will hand you & case of Marmola Prescription Tablets (compounded in accordance with the famous Marmola Prescription) which 8 turn fat have made Ir wise fond of the to reduce your pounds, do this: e until you beg your fat Stead!ly and easily. tinue the treatment until is what you desire, tfon Tablets are not only harmlesg but really beneficlal to the general health. You don't need starvatior ening exercise. Just go you lke, leave exercisi: letes, but take your littl a fully, and without a doubt at flabby flesh wil] quickly take unto itself . leaving behing ft your natural atly clothed in firm flesh and uscles, ur w trim m fent, Papers wera read by Miss Georgie Acheson, on the "Life of Frances E. Willard," and by Mrs. Isaac Stevens on "Entertainment in the home." Solos were rendered by Miss Thelma Stevens and Miss Vera Kernan, as were aiso piano solos by Miss Jennie Halladay and Miss Mil- dred Gile, Tie roll call was respond- mbers taliing a The Feoruary on Feb. 14th, Miss MoGuiggan. district pre- will address the gathering. KINGSTON RED CROSS HANDLES BUSINESS bumorous story. meeting will be held, when sident, Suggest Mrs. John Carson | For the Provincial Board . -- The regular monthly meeting of ' {the Kingston branch, Red Cross Sc- | Sether, ciety of Canada, was held at the ¥2W.C.A, on Frida; mornin with large attendance of the members, A number of important matters were considered by the society and the meeting was very enthusiastic throughout. ; After the minites of the laat nual meeting had been adapted letters of appreciation were read, first, from the soldier<patients of Mowat and Sydenham hospitals thanking the society for giving the "boys" an abundance of Christmas cheer during the holiday, and second, from a returned soldier in Northern Cntario who wished to express his deep gratification for the assistance rendered by the local society after the recent big fire in that section of the province, an- read and will put you In the way of | nice! one of mola Presc ip « THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MEN several! TOMORROW'S MENU ° Breakfast Grapefruit Cereal! Coffee Griddle Cakes with Maple Sirup # Dinner Leg of Lamb with Brown Gravy Mashed White Potatoes Canned Tomatoes Coffee Squash Supper Cold Beef Loar | Cocoa Corn Muffins | Apple Sauce | SOME OF OUR READER'S RE Reader friends have kindly sent. me the following recipes, for their | sister readers to use: | A Mother: "Bread Pudding: One (pint of bread crumbs, three-fourths of a cup of sweet milk, o Cup of molasses, three-fourths cup {of brown sugar, one-fourtn Cup rais- ins, one-fourth cup black figs chop- | ed, two eggs, and one level teaspoon {of soda Grease and flour ga pound coffee can and pour this ture into it; p {in -a large. sau | with boiling wa | boil up around | Then remove ¢ | | Pie mix- lace the eoverea can cepan which is filled ter, and let the water the can for tyo hours an from water, place |1t in your oven with the cover off, jend let bake for ten minutes, to dry j= Serve hot with a hard sauce. Chocolate Crumb Pudding: One up of bread crumbs, two and one- {Balt cups of sweet milk, one well- Ibeaten ©gg, three-fourtns cup of white {sugar, three level teaspoons of cocoa {and one teaspoon of vanilla ex- | tract, Mix these ingredients to- turn them into a buttersd | baking dish and bake in a medium Loven for 30 minutes, or until firm. i Serve with milk, t- B. L.:: "My Peppermint Candy | (which I originated): One cup sugar ie Ic | 3 *romad That we are all golug to accept the invitations of the Kingst.n curlers to §%e the Scotch curlers play their own game on Jan. 19th. That in the old days women felt a bit shy about attending vestry mazet- ings" but now when they make most jof the money for parochial needs, as It was unanimousty decided that a | well as give largely to missions, they ca ized, and preparations were made for the inauguration of the drive. The campaign will open on Monday, 12th, and previous to that date expected that Dr. Rutley, provincial President, Toronto, will address a mass meeting in the city hall. An invitation has been extended to him with this end in vie . It was strongly felt, that this be- ing an important military centre, tat the Kingston soclety should be re. pre Was suggested that the name of Mrs. | John Carson, president of the local | branch, be sent in with the request that she be appointed on the board. Several other business matters were discussed before the close of the meeting. While the members felt gratified at the appreciation mani- feasted concerning their efforts, they expressed themselves as feeling that there were many other channels in our city where much good could be accomplished, but which would have io be postponed owing to Mmitation of finances, OE ------------ By Martha Haskell Clark. It matters no so much what work I do, as that I bring to something | all my best. { Those who may choose their task ars few, 80 fgw there needs must be some answer to the rest, There are #0 many lives with broken wings, eo many eager souls aflame with hope Ground dustward neath the heel of Little Things, or set through blinded alleyways to grope. For on# must sit and tend the glow ing peat, and shut his heart to spring winds calling wide, And one must walk the warld on wistful feet, who longs for home and flame-sweet chimneyside; And one must lead who rather would be led, and one must follow who might master be, And one plods down a furrow who Instead might thrill a world with abw-born artistry, And so I think it can not matter much just what it is myp-hands are called to do, ? If broom or palettes Proffars to mye toush, or dear or drap the high- way lies to view. For I believe that He who wove for each, upon His loom, one silver thread agleam, Shall read his heart beyond the need set his feet at last TASKS. of speech and on Paths of Dream. mpeaign for membership he prea: | Feb. | it is | feel they are entitled to have a share jin the decisions of the vestry' | $m ogage Nyt vew ey rere That a new fashion note gives courage to the plump women, for it {8ays, "To be elim is 'still an ad¥ant- |age but to be plump is no longer fatal." | -- That Kingston girls are taking more advantage of the fine Harty {Arena than tifey did last year, sented on the provincial board, It| That there is a rumor that the po- ce are going to dnforce the by-law referring to the citizens keeping their walks olear of gnow. -- That Spanish combs seen at Palm Beach are larger than ever before, many of them souvenirs of a trip to Havana, while large combs 'in every hue of blue, green rose, and yellows, some heavily jeweled with ghittering rhinestones, others carvod and fiki« greed, are worn in colors matching dresses, ------------ Port Jackson, one of the finest natural harbors in the world, end on which stands Sydney, Australia runs {inland for more than 13 miles. CIPES | bananas. ne-fourth | ole | | What the Editor Hears | | | With enough water to dissolve it; cook this until it forms quite a soft ball in cold water. Cool for about 10 minutes. Beat it unti it begins to turn white, and then add eight drops of essence of peppermint, and {beat until it 'turns.' Now spread it {on a lightly-greased platter and cut it into one-half inch squares. This candy is not at al] rich, and is made | almost exactly like (fudge. Tha | little squares serve as very nica after- {dinner mints." ; A Reader: 'Banana Pudding: Fill a baking dish with alternate layers of vanilla wafers and sliced Pour over this the follow- | ing custard gather one,cup |of sugar and two tablespoons of but- |ter:-add the yoke of two eggs and {two tablespoons of flour. Now ada | one cup of sweet milk, and one-third cup of lemon juice and cook this custard over a slow fire till it begins {to thickén. Turn it over the banana- [2g water layers in the pudding dish and cover the top of the dish with the whites of the two eggs siffiy beat- len and sweetened. Slip the dish {into a moderate oven til] the merin- | gue is brown." Mother of Three: 'Af you want a | 800d cookie for the schopl lunch box, | mix together one whole can of con- |densed milk and one package of shredded cocoanut. Let stand 20 minutes, then bake like any drop- icookie, for 15 (perhaps only 10) minutes in a very hot oven.' | { { | All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirk- man in care of the "Efficient House- keeping" department will be answered in these columns in their turn. This re- | lquires considerable ti {ing to the great number received. So if | personal or quicker reply is desired, a |stamped and self-addreséed Svelone | must be enclosed with the question. Be {sure, to use YOUR full name, street | number, and the name of your city and |province.--Thes Editor. AA me ns ! To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble et tt ttt ttt cn SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JAN. 14-15, Sunday's horoscope holds auguries of an interesting and satisfactory day, but one fraught with annoy- ance and inharmony if a tendency to be rash and quarreisome be not sup- pressed. All interests should thrive and bring happiness, Those whose birthday it 1s may expect a prosperous and happy year it: they will curb the inclination to be impulsive and ill-tempered. child born on this day may be quick- tempered unless it is carefully train- ed; but will succeed in 1ife. Monday's astrological forecast {is for some Important change or remov- al, with possible fourneys( and these [may bring success and happiness it the element of speculation be not al- lowed to nullify the fortunate pros- pects, Pleasant relations are pre- saged for the home circle and young people. Those whose "birthday it is may look for a year of pleasant and pro- fitable change if they will avoid Spe- culation. Happy heart and home af- fairs are foreseen. A child born on this day will be successful and hap- py. despite what may prove a rest- less disposition, and will benefit through travel and change. -------- By a curious 'freak' of nature, in- sects which are the most beautiful when fully developed, are often the most repulsive in the grub stage. It may amaze those who have never tried Vicks VapoRub for colds to know that in the States over 17 millioh jars of this external, vapor- zing treatment are used yearly. Last winter in order to prove to Canadian mothers how quickly and 'effectively this treatment acts, about 15,000 free packages were given to jsstansibie people to be tested in r homes, on condition that they would report results. In the larger places in Ontario and Quebec, where this was done, Vicks is now &he family remedy for colds in thousands of homes and fs enjoying a remark- ablé volume of recommendation from neighbor to neighbor. 'W are given, by permission, several typical experiences. On Thirty Days' Trial, And during this winter, in order that anyone who is skeptical may try Vitks without risk of loss, the druggists are all authorized to soll 50c. jars of Vicks on trial. If at the end of 30 days you are not delighted with the results, mafl the top of the 8t., W., Montreal, P. Q and the price will be freely -------------- . About 10,000 varieties or fish are known, funded. We are sure (h ments will con ® following states Outside Treatment for Colds ~ Has Won Canadian Mo | Introduced Only Last Winter, Vicks VapoRub Was Tried 8 15,000 Honor --illany Oreo and Susbes Mothers Tell the Results for the Benefit of er Families. carton to the Vick Chemical Co., 34 Paul vy re] oft ig ers tin adly is worth tryj &, especially when the manufacturers show their own faith in their preparation by backing. it with a straight ard guarantee. Three of These Mrs. D. Barclay, of 38 Scollerd St., Toronto, Ont., writes: "My two child- ren had severe colds and one had bronchitis very badly. I got Vicks VapoRub and 'applfed it to their chests and it relieved them. I think it is a grand remedy for colds and have praised it to a 10t of people." Mr. i me, however, ow- | SATURDAY, JANUARY 183, 1pus . / Ee ------ ee --r------ READERS ath R) = " | ALE ne HI | Z| it if | 4 * When the stormy winds do blow * old sea song, and it would be good advice to add - DRINK. Baker's Cocoa It is warming and sustaining, for it has genuine food value, end may be safely indulged in any hour of the dey for it is stimulating only in the sense that pure food is stimulating, It is delicious too. MADE IN CANADA BY ALTER BAKER & CO. LIMITED Established 1780 Dorchester, Mas, CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free REGISTERED TRADEMARK om BARNUM'S | FOR AFTERNOON TEAS Almond and Cocoanut Macaroons, Dainty Biscuits and Nut Wafers. REAL SCOTCH CAKE, 10c and 15¢, Try Some--The Taste Will Tell. Chocolate Eclairs and Puffs with Pure Cream. Order Spring Shrubbery Now We can supply your needs in this respect admirably. POTTED AND CUT FLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK, Supplied fresh from our Greenhouses each day, P. C. LAWSON THE LEADING FLORIST STORE: Corner Wellington and Brock Bireets. Phone 770. SERVATORIES: 88 Centre Bteeet phone 1174. A For best results use HIE, STH, { A | | A trial will convince ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER... a The Lindsay Player Piano at $675. A REALLY HIGH.GRA UPRIGHT PIANO LINDSA Y $445. Fitted with real ivory keys, full iron frame, over- strung bass, three pedals, mahogany case and pos- sessing a most beautiful tone. satin DE, Shnuiniann. ro -- SOLD ON EASY. TERMS OF PAYMENT, sasseans [nn [ITI THTaR fh ELL LT TT TTT Tore Isaac Newton was classed as a dunce at school. Gibbon, suthor of Scott was denounced by a university professor in the phrase, "Dunce he 1-1 vince you that Vicks! it Ie, and dunce he will remain" For untold centuries the peacock feather has been » mark of rank in China, "The Decline and Fall," was proneun- ced "dreadfully duil" as & boy, and John Dryden was summoned up as "a great mumskull," whilst Sir Walter