x > on In the daytime and aid not carry bombs, ive WHIG THE BRITISH 3 Publ Datly and Semi- Weekly ished ry THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISPIN CO, LIMITED J. G. Elllett Leman A. by G + President Editor aud Managing-Director TELEPHONE Private Exchange, connecting all departments SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Dally Edition) One-year, In city Une year, if paid In a One year, by mall to rural Ome year, wu United States (Semi-Weekly Kditio year, by mall, cash .... year, if not paid in ad Jour, to Unlied Sintes OE) Ome ad One OUT-OF-TOWN ¥, Calder, ¥. Ww. T 1.30 91.50 ees seen ee REPRESENTATIVES, Montreal co. 100 King St. W, Toroate, Letters to the Kditor sre published Olly over the actual Baume of th: writer, Attached iy one of the best oh priating offices in Cnmada. A ------ The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations A A Arr Love of money is the root of all Progress, also, Now if Wojclechowski is a=sassin- ated, we'll know that a linotype oper- ator did it. ts, es Even a League of Nations can't keep a man with authority from be- fog an infernal ass. Some new parties are founded on principles; but most of them are founded on sore spots. When a murderer pleads insanity and gets away with it, he was tried by a jury of his peers all right. It for mo other reason, laws should be respected because it is ill-bred to show disrespect for the dead. ------ There is something charmingly naive in the father's fear that his , ®0n won't turn out as well as he did. A modest man always feels a Lit- tle cheated if you don't notice his modesty and praise him for it. / EE ---------- There #s no particular virtue in loving an enemy if you allow your- sdf the privilege of Mcking him first. ------ Well, why shouldn't the bride have lots of clothes? It wil probably be ® long time before she gots any more, ------ Polson is quicker, of course, but she can give him fried food three times a day and avoid embarraseing publicity. That ohap who says there is no mare faith in the world has very lt- tle knowledge of the hair-tonic busi- news. - . A German scientist says' dill col- {Ors are depressing. At any rate, the {French dun appears to have that ef- _ fect. ------ § Patriotism urges the maintenance "of a mendhant marine, but patriotism '48 a very wonourishing substitute for { freight, 8 S-------- The cuss words a pedestrian learns woome In handy later when he buys a Lflivver and wishes to describe ped- ---- Pret German aeroplane since the . War has reached England, but it came SR ---------------- "Archeologists find chorus girl." have often wondered Why those 2 toted in antiquities didn't ex- Dlore this field. ------------ In the old days people didn't mind the weather so much. They had no 'hermometers to tell them when they uncomfortable, » ---- When the next war threatens, jin- &0 manufacturers of ordnance will Bave the active support of the pub- Mshers of memoirs, g, . -- -- Correct this semtence: "Look Quickly, John," said the wife; "that woman at the next. table is trying to flirt with you." A seventy-year-old lite termer in Western penitentiary won a fifty. yard dash. Speed means little to him, though, He isn't going any place. L msi) _ Correct this sentence: "I want it understood," said the preacher, "that She poorest man in this chureh will Tecelve just as much consideration | alysis of the building and construec- | BONEHEAD OCHAMP. y {| The Baluchistherium Is now en- | gaging the attention of scientists and | funny writers, Both think it remark- THE DAILY BRITISH W HIG. legislatures of Manitoba and Ontario Mr. Hanna persistently refused rescind the order, claiming that it Was necessary in order to keep pol- {able that ids ekull consisted almost {itics out of the railways. Sir Henry | entirely of bone. It was five feet long, Altogether, he muat have been | a whopper. | To end the suspense, let it be said | at once that the Baluchistherium was | | ome of those prehistoric anfmals whose names no one cen pronounce. | It was two or three million years ago | that the Baluchistherfum flourished. | His brain. cavity--in a five-toot | skull, remember--was not bigger than your hand, Why are there no live Baluchisthe- rinm to-day? It is because environ- ment changed rapidly and greatly on the earth, apd this progenitor of the rhino family eouldn't shift gears in time, Many animals, including man, have changed their habits and ap- pearance to suit nature. But an an- Imal whose head was almost solid bone only had a thought at meal | It sounds smart to say that men are the same as they always have been and that there's no hope tor changing. But when somebody next says that, think of the Baluchdsthe- rium--the champion bonehead of all | ages. THE OONSTRUCOTION RECORD FOR 1922, Figures as a rule are dry things, but ocoastonally they can provide | some highly interesting information, and also provide the basis on which to' form some opinion as to the fut- | ure prospects for business and in- | dustry. Such a set of figures has just [Phornton , &pparently, takes the op- posite view. He has definitely stated that he will not permit politics to have any part in the conduct of the to BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY 30D WILL PROVIDE: -- Take no thought saying, | What shall we eat? or, What shall {We drink? or, Wherewithal shall we {be clothed? But seek ye first the {kingdom of God, and his rightsous- ness: and all these things shall be added unto you.--Matthow 6: 31,83. National raflway eystem, and he ev- | idently believes that the best way to keep politics out is to give the em- ployees the same rights of citizen- ship, and the same right to use thelr | ability in the legislative bodies of |" ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR BY SAM HILL + 1 ' | the conutry, as the employees of any | Ko Goold. ARyway. other railway, The rescinding of the "Hanna Or- der" will have the effect of making the employees more loyal then ever to the railway. The dissatisfaction which is caused was bound to be de- trimental to efficiency. No dissatis- fled employee 1s ever giving his best | to the concern for which he works, | and there wers many such In the Canadian National Railways under the old regime. The enthusiasm with which the change has been received by the employees is a good sign, for! It means that the new head of the | rallway system will have their hearty support and co-operation fn his ef- | forts to put it on a profitable basis. | Sir Henry's tG¢a, apparently, is that | he will operate the national ratlway system exactly as {f he were operat- ing a private concern, with a hungry | board of directors and shareholders waiting for dividends, and determin- | ed to have them. He fs really in that | position, for the people of this ocoun- try, the shareholders in the system, | are anxious to see the railways pay | dividends instead of registering de- | [ been mublished by the Contract Re- {eord, which, in presenting an an- tion work dome in Canada during the year 1922, brings out the slgni- ficant fact that these figures are in- dicative of a coming period of pros- fleits, By giving the employees exact- | ly the same rights as if they were working for<a private concern, Sir Henry Thornton has encouraged them to give their very best, and it is not likely that he will have cause to regret rescinding the order which perity and rejuvenated industry. The grand total of building and | construction done in Canada during [the year was $315,454,400, and this | total, while not the greatest in the | Mstory of Canada, is by far the larg- est since before the war, One im- portant point is that residences lead in the construction figures, houses valued at $102,161,200 having been jutie in the Dominion during the year. Canada is apparently building houses faster than anything else, and this makes one wonder whether the long predicted drop in house rents is very far off. Business buildings, valued at slightly over $78,000,000, come second on lst of what are term- ed first class constructions, and in- dustrial bufldings are third, with a total of $23,706,900. It és also in- teresting to note that while $1.129,- 300 were spent on building theatres, the sum spent on churches was $6,- 968,200, on schools $24,409,600, and on public buildings $18,945,900. So much for bare figures, The sig- Were made in God's own image. And Mr. Hanna sald was essential to the Success of the national railway sys- tem, | | That Body of Dours By James W. Barton, M.D. §/You Really an Animal? Your intuition tells you that you have dominion over all the animal kingdom, Your religion tells you that you | fit { Oh, I don't care if they | Quit sending those { seeds; I'm tired of planting them And finding all that grows is weeds! free garden --_-- | | | Observations of Oldest Inhabltant. Folks don't visit around like théy | used to--they now do it all over the | telephone. | He Knew What Readers Idke, All Right. We print ail the news that's boasted the managing | "Yes, to print," editor. | "But you'd quadruple your clircula- tion If you'd print the kind that isn't," retorted the sporting editor. You Write Your Own Comment on This. (Divorce Note in Houston (Texas) Post Bulah Hair vs. Columbus Hair, "di- | vorce. (Fifty-fifth.) | But Wet or Dry the Afr Can't Make) : Money Stretch. The strength ang elasticity of leather are greater when the air is moist than when it is dry. --News Item. He Began To Get Hungry. Poor fool, he married her, he says, Because he surely liked her looks-- ut pow he's asking for a divorce Because he hates the way she cooks, ---- Squelched. { "Do you go in for sports?" the flippant youth. "No, nor go out with snapped. B asked | them," she Fool Questions. asks. "Could one say a Year | We'd like to | to him, but| DN. always is well-seasoned »* say something peppery we'll refrain. Thrilis and Shocks, It's too slow for me-- I will confess; I'd never get a thrill In playing chess. --Cincinnat{ Enquirer. If it's thrills you want I'll tell you, by Jinks, Just try that old game-- Tiddle-de-winks, Warren (Ohlo) Tribune. Humph! Have the deuceg wild Leave in the joker-- And sit in a game Of old stud poker, =-Marion Star. m-- With the Stork as the Party Emblem, Eh? LJ --_ (Jack Warwick in Toledo Blade) yet as you look at any animal, a horse for inatance, your common Sense tells you that you have very much in common. Your flesh, your nificance of these figures is of more importance. They show that the de- mand for houses is being supplied at a fair rate of speed, that business conditions are beginning to warrant extensions and new construction, and that the industrial activities of blood, bones, nerves, vessels, diges- tive, nervous and respiratory systems are practically alike, You differ in brain power and in spivdtuality, but really not dn body. And thus you can truly eay that In so far as your body is concerned you are an animal. And that brings the country are such as to justify in- creased investments in buildings. In spite of the new construction, how- ever, reponts from all over Canada indicate that the demand is still as me to my point. If you have an ani- mal body why should you not care for it as a farmer cares for his horse, for instance? ™ x What does he do? { great as ever. If immigration increas- es as it is expected to do, this de- mand ie likely to be greater rather than less, and this will undoubtedly mean greater construction. With -in- creased population will come a great: er demand for homes, churches and schools, and all of this will mean steady growth in the construction bueiness of Canada. The growth of construction in Canada is very much like a enowball rolling downhill. As it goes along, it grows in size. In the wake of this industrial activity which is apparent, will come greater spending power on the part of the people. This will stimulate business and industry, and will create profits from which busi- ness expansions oan be met. There Will be a demand for miore factor fes, more business houses) more of- fices and stores, and in 'meeting this demand more and more efnployment will be provided. It is apparent that the lean years following the war are now over, and that the future holds a bright prospect for great develop- ment in Canada in every way. With growing demands for construction work, the towns and cities will again become prosperous, and this pros- perity will react on the Domindon as a whole so that many engineering Projects which have been long de- layed may ere long become possible. So the snowball grows, and as it grown Canada will go ahead towards an era of great prosperity and wealth than she bas ever before known. | THE HANNA ORDER GONE. It has not taken Sir Henry Thorn- ton very long to rescind the famous "Hanna Order," barring employees of the Canadian National Raliways trom taking any part in the politieal af- fairs of the country. This order, it will be recalled, was, a little over a year ago, the course of much dissat- isfaction amongst the railway em- Ployees, 'particularly when it meant the dismissal of three men who had First, he sees that it gets good food. Second, he sees that it gets proper rest in a comfortable etable. . Third, he sees .that it gets sue. lent work, and if he has no work for it to do, he takes it out and "gives it some axencise, What about your body? You centainly see that it fictent food--+t00 much in fact. You allso certainly see that tt gets suffic- lent rest--too much requently. But you do not certainly see that it gets enough work or R Now that body of yours with its powerful muscles, nerves and sinews was meant to work. It demands it. Modern civilization does not demand much work for it, and so you must supply it antificially, Remember the farmer gets suf- and his -------- Timber Probe Vote Dispute, Toronto, Jan. 10.--For services rendered as timber commissioners for the province of Ontario, Jus- tices Riddell and Latchford have been voted $10,000 each by cabinet council of the Ontario government. These amounts, together with $2,000 each previously voted, make a total of $12,000 paid to each of the com- missioners for their services. The item is sure to be the subject of vigorous discussion when it comes before. the legislature in the esti mates. Besides the political interest that attaches to this further to the former timber the question wil be &s to their right Sealy dbioiinn ation in addition to their salaries. is a dominion government regulation prohibiting judges from accepting remuneration for outside services. A ---------------------- Will Dole Out Coal. Kitchener, has come into Kitchener recently that the fuel controller, J. A. Lang, | YesteMay announced that unless Some was shortly forthcoming the present supply would be doled out in Qquarter-ton lots instead of half- ASthe richest." been nominated for the provincial Jaa. 10.--So little coal 4 We may be old-fashioned, but we still believe @ woman's voice, will al- Ways sound sweeter when she is sing- ing a lullaby to a baby than when she | 1s shouting an uplift message from a public rostrum.--Sam Hill, Cincinnaty Enquirer, You are not only old-fashioned but you have an ear for musle. organize a third party and param & demand for more lullabies. -- Ome Too Many. Blinks--"An automobile needs nuts on It kept tight to make it safe, Jinks--Yes, but a tight one at the wheel will always cause a smash-up, -- Gems From Guide Book to Success. A cheering word, and a kindly one: A cordial grasp, and a hearty one; A friendly smile, and an honest one, Meang a heart refreshed, and a happy One. Sam, Let's ount the -- Dally Sentemce Sermon. The silence in ths ola world would be deafening if People got as tired of talking as other people do of listening to them. -- ~ News of the Names Club, Our Januaries are anything but that, but In Detroit you find a Roste January. T. G wires I. M Goen In Pittsburg, but let him keep Goen; we won't stop him, Will Tromp, of Dallas, says he al. Ways {8s very careful, howevgr, never to trump hig partner's ace. lives on Q.~--Which, and where, fs the world's largest power plant? A.--When all the generators of the Chippawa-Queenston power plant are in operation, it will be the larg- est single hydro-electric power plant n the world. ' Q~--Who is the head of the 22. 000-mile system of the Canadian Na- tional Rallways? A.--Sir Henry Ww. Thornton, K. he appointed head of the Cana- dian onal Railways in 1922. He was formerly managing director of the Great Eastern Railway of Eng; Our Canadian Question And Answer Corner z Rr -- Wednesday, January 10, : wWGYy (Schenectady, N.Y.) 400 me- trie Co. 30 p.m.--Noon stock market 12.45 45 p.m. -- Wea report 85 meters. er on ~J. B. FI BIBBY'S The SaleYou've Been Seeking! Overcoats 23-30-35 You needn't wait any longer for that Overcoat you've been planning to buy. Coats of equal quality will never be any lower price. So get yours now--right at the height of the season. Big, roomy Ulsters, Chesterfields or Raglans. - BIBBY'S KINGSTON'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE 78, 80,82 PRINCESS STREET. We are showing a very high grade line of HOCKEY SKATES, STICKS AND PUCKS. Our prices on these lines are very in- viting and the quality is excellent, MOORE'S 206 Wellington Street. MONEY TO LOAN We have private funds to loan on Real Estate only--at low- est current rates, T. J. Real Estate and Life Insurance Phone 332J or 1797J. #8 BROCK STREET At the first ominous sneeze, snuff up each nostril a bit of "Vaseline" Jucalyptol Petroleum Also helpful for devel. oped colds, At your druggist's and general stores, Vaseline oie, 227 BARRIER ST, (Near Princess) tons as at present. OFFICE HOURS: 3-4, 7-830 p.m. "PHONE 1710, . - Two Cars BITUMINOUS Egg and Stove Size Particularly adapted for Hot Classified Adages Make a New Year's resolution to buy your Drugs, Medi- cines and Sick-room Supplies at Dr, Chown's Drug Store and you will be sure that you receive the very best goods and first class service, Asan hatchet fells a great oak. And little savings through the A-B-C Classified Ads wiil cut down your expenses. Read them to-day! (Copyright, 1922, by Basil L. Smith) J Show's Drug Sore