Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jan 1923, p. 5

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Mims amtmmpernamnsuorn i. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1922. » teaser i ene Bg rianeimrass acme sme emsiarssmsrmeermeererer te » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG msi mgr yA mt ot i tram -------- [ETRE AGENCY FOR ALL | OCEAN STEAMSHIP | LINES. | Special atteuiiun give your family Or friends guiug LO OF relUrBiug Irow the Lid Coultry, Passpurls arrauged > tor. For information and rates apply to Jd. P. HANLEY, C. P. and T.A.G.T Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, Johnson and Ontario Streets, ston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. 'PHONE 99. STS | EASA corner King- THE HORRORS OF INDIGESTION Relieved by "Fruit-a-tives" the Fruit Medicine Indigestion, Weak Digestion or partial digestion of food, is one of the most serious of present-day complaints--because it is responsible for many serious troubjes. These who suffer with Indigestion, almost invariably are troubled with Rheumatism, Palpitation of the Heart, Sleep, and excessive Nervousness, PY Vv For Sale $6,000--Semi-detached brick, § + yoovms, 3 piece bath, electric light, hot water furmace. Facing City Park. $1,350 -- Stone House, Ports- mouth, 6 rooms, good cellar, well on the premises. General Insurance. Victory Bonds bought and sold. "Fruit-a-tives" will always relieve Indigestion because these tablets strengthen the stomach muscles, increase the flow of the digestive juices and correct Constipation, which usually acoompanies Indigestion. 50c a box, 6 for. $2.50, trial size 250, At dealers or" sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. R. H. Waddell PF Favues Bsu-506. 56 Brock St. -- Bell's Vanilla HIUH GRADE 35c. A BOTTLH Cheapest in the long run. Made in Kingston by-- DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE CO in Dr. Waugh 3 DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 "THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. When wanting anything done In the carpentry line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work, also Aardwood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop. 28 Queen Street. DR. A. W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and - Wellington Streets Phone 363 e For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF Have You Seen the Latest COLORED ENAMELLED ALARM CLOCKS Plain Alarm ...v000..... $3.00 Repeating Alarm L. C. HEMSLEY 149 Sydenham St. ~ IfGrownPeople | who are rundown in vitality and out of sorts, would but realize the strength-restoring | power of rich, nourishing Scott's Emulsion they would not dream of doing without its health-building bene- fits. Rich in vita- mines, Scott's has helped thousands achieve strength of body. Scott & Bowne, Torents, Ont. =n Kingston and Vicinity Home for a Visit. A Miss Gladys M. Hubley, 96 Bagot street, has just returned from a visit to Montreal and Quebec City. was the guest of her aunt, Mrs, J. J. Mahoney. Moving to Kingston. C. N. Donnelly, divisional road- master of the C, P. R. on the King- «ston Renfrew division, §s moving his 'family from Perth to Kingston and will reside on Johnson street. Good Apple Prices The representative of the Ontario department of agriculture in Leeds, states that the price for apples are on | the rise, good keeping sorts of No. 1 {quality bringing from $7 to $8 a barrel. | . Our Annual Sale. All this month we will put on sale our entire stock of Gents' ings, Ready-to-Wear clothing and made-to-measure suits at"a great re- duction in price. A call will convince you. Prevost, Brook street. Lave H. Hoppins The funeral of Harry Hoppins, formerly of Colebrook, took place on Tuesday afternoon, the remains being laid in the vault at Cataraqul ceme- tery. Reév. Dr. W, 8S. Lennon, Prin- cess street Methodist ohurch offic- [ual for the weifare of the commun- | ated. Farmers Burning Wood. She | Furnish- | | vary Congregational church, was the | ligible to any class and should prove ta good prospect for 1923 racing, and la valuable add to the stable trained and raced by G. B. McKane for his patron, Mr. Aylesworth, on | ---------------- | Garrett-Barnum Wedding. Married at the Baptist parsonage, | Carthage, N.Y., Wednesday evening, Dec. 6th, by Rev, H, C. Cooper, {Thomas E. Garrett, Zealand, Oat., land Cozette Sarah Barnum, Den- imark, N.Y. Miss Barnum was the |daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bar- {num. They left immediately on their 'honeymoan for Watertown, N.Y. {visiting friends in the following loities, Rochester, Hamilton and To- |ronto, and are at present visiting the {groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Thomas Garrett, at Silver Lake Farm, The Week of Prayer Rev. A. F. Brown, pastor of Cal- special speaker at the 'Week of Pray- ler" meeting held in St. James' par- | ish hall on Tuesday evening. Taking | for his subject "The Church and the | Community, he showed in an elo- | quent address the position of the | church in the social and business life [of the people and the need for its | general support. Mr. Brown dealt | with the responsibility of the individ- ity which was only what the people j made ft. The church, he said, {always in the forefront of all pro- is | [was forty-nine years of age. There are surviving, three sisters and four bothers. They are Mrs. Mary Lloyd, 232 King street, Kingston; Mrs. A. | Rosenplot, Miss Minnie Villneff, Den- [bigh; Frederick Villneff, Fernleigh {Edward and John, Hillview, and {David Villneff. There are seven chil- dren, six sons and one daughter, The {late Mrs. Clarke spent her young days at Denbigh and her married life at i Consecon and Belleville. The re- {mains will be removed to 'Denbigh cemetery in the spring for interment. As water by iis steady flow wears | laway the hardest granite, so does! | constant, steady advertising break {away all barriers to steady progress, | {and wear smooth, well-travelled high- | | ways to those fortunate cities which have sufficlent vision and faith to | {push ahead and utilize the resources | of their city and trade territory, | In some cities, everybody's busi- | | ness is nobody's business. { The citizens owe something to a | community besides the payment of | |taxes. Some people are citizens of a | city, while others just live there. | Their home city is worth their very | {best efforts. They should boost for |#t. Be proud of it, and, by so doing, | | make it a better city in which to live | {and make a living. | Advertising a City. {Thomas Watson Company, Limited. The new factory of the Thomas | | Watson, Company, Limited, situat- A farmer stated to the Whig on | gress, and by the vitality of its spirit- ed on Rideau street, has been finish- | Monday, that he had put in a good {aul life maintains a high standard in |ed, and is ready for the installation supply of wood for this winter and civic and public life. Rev. T. W. of the machinery, The new Company | that he was rejoficing over the fact | Savary conducted the service and |has been organized and will start | now, as it was a very difficult prob- tlem for him to secure a supply of coal. | Returns From Chicago. | J. B. Cooke, Union street, has re- | turned from 'Chicago, whither ho |went to convey to Kingston, the re- mains of the late William Martin, who was laid to rest in Cataraqui | cometery on Thursday last. Keeping Schools Warm. In spite of the cold spell, the class rooms in the various schools have {been kept warm and comfortable, |and #t has not been found necessary | to dismiss any of the classes and this {is an e dingly good showing in EVERY DESCRIPTION | view of the severe cold snap. Kingston Transfer Co. yhone 377. Evenings 2231. STREET. 163 WELLINGTON % | ~ ns WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily, GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. Parts supplied. Saws flied, knives, scissors and edge tools ground. Locks repaired. Keys fitted ito all kinds of lochs. All makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened and ve- paired. We can repair anything that is repairable. J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Stircet, Kingston Phone 2056J. --d | Councillors; E. Yett, Frank Boulton, Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1763. Residence, 1137. Ee F3ervice Se Constipation's Remedy must come from nature. Ceiery King is a mixture of medicinal herbs and roots that rids the sys- tem of impurities in a gentle, natural way. An old and aR tried remedy--380c and 60c packages. A Salesman's Cough | Sold by W. R McRae & Co. irritates his customers -- and makes him inefficient and miserable. Shiloh is the ideal remedy--it is not a bulky cough mixture but a special formula proven successful for many years. A few drops brings immediate relief. 30c, 60c. and $1.20. All druggists. SHILOH...» PEA COAL and COKE HARD AND SOFT WOOD Out in stove lengths. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 183 COUGHS WOOD Hard and Soft Wood and Slabs cut to any length. KENNY & FALLON 137-141 CLERGY STREET PHONE 637. a CUOKED HAM Made from Fork Sausage. Put up in one pound net tins. Cooked fresh -- the favor ia surprisingly diferent to what one expects. " Just the thing for holiday trips and hurry-up meals. gt Y BON MARCHE GROGER Corner King and karl Streets. Phone 1844. FOR SALE Radiation and Piping. Also all kinds of building material. 1. Cohen & Co. $78 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 ------ Burial of a Sister The funeral of the late Sister Mary | Frances Teresa, House of Providence, was held on Tuesday morning to St. | Mary's cemetery, M. P. Keyes, under- | taker, being in charge. The fun- | eral service was held in the House of | Providence chapel, where a solemn | otutem mass was sung by Arch- ! bishop Spratt. Newbaro (} auneil Council for the village of Newboro is composed of; Reeve, R. O. Leggett, ; Daniel Houghton and F. Preston. All {men who have the interest of the village at heart and who will work together without any jangling. We wish them every success. ---A Subscriber, U.F.W.Y.P.O. Euchre and Dance A Progressive euchre and dance will be held in Crystal Springs' hah under the auspices of the Crystal Springs' U.F.W.Y.P.O. on Friday evening, Jan. 12th at 6 o'clock. AM- mission: gents 50 cents. The ladies will provide the refreshments and the entertainment, -------------- In Good Position, The Canadfan Locomotive Com- many, Kingston, is in a very strong financial position, a reserve of over $1,000,000 invested in tax free Vie- tory bonds and other government se- curities has been maintained for Some years. The present orders will greatly enhance the activity and pro- {fits of this company, ---- Did Much For City's Parks. | Ex-Ald. James Redden was chair- man of parks a good many years ago. [It was he who secured the services {of Mr. Phillips, the late superinten- {dent of parks after he had gone to {the United States. Under Mr. Red- {den's committee, the first walks wero [laid in the city park and the first | Rower beds made there, | -- Mrs. Lloyd, Deseronto, Dead Mrs. "John Lloyd passed Away at | her home, six miles north of Deser- jonto, on Jan. 2nd. The death of Mrs. {Lloyd is the result of the tragety that befell her when she was found | by her son-in-law, C. Taylor, pros- {trated and helpless on the floor of her | iving room after having lain there in {the cold for twenty-four hours follow- ing a stroke. -------------- Watch the Classified Ads First Phoner--"I hear you have bought a place in the country, dear." | Sceond Phoner--*Yes. You know | we've always wanted a place out of jtown, and we have found a dream." First Phoner--'You don't say. rent you lucky? How did you do i 2 | Second Phoner--"We watched the | classified ads and found the most un- | believeable bargain. We are lucky." Purchases Fast Pacer. Rupert . Aylesworth, Cataraqui, has, purchased from Mapie Lawn Farm, Il¥nois, the fast pacing mare "Edna Belle" by Artie W. 2.08%. Edna Belle is a well made, good {there was a good attendance. Late Mrs. Margaret Clarke. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mar- igaret Clarke took place to Cataraqui cemetery from 8 Redan street on [Monday afternoon, Rev. W. 8. Len- {non officiating, and was attended by | Kingston relatives. The casket was {banked with beautiful flowers. The |late Mrs, Clarke passed away at the {Hotel Dieu on Saturday last at 2.10 p.m., after an iliness of four weeks. {She was born at Kennebec and was | the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. | Abraham . Villneff, of Denbigh. She {business in the local plant as soon as the present contracts of the Wood- | stock factory have been completed. | The officers and directors are: Thom- | as Watson, president, and general manager; John W.! Litton, Thomas | |G. Bishop, Kingston, James Watson, | land B. Blair, Woodstock, directors, {The head office will be at Woodstock 'until the transfer is made to King- ston upon opening of the plant in about three months. The prospects for the activity of the company are reported to be very bright as the de- | mand for concrete machinery is steadily increasing, rest at DR. CHASE'S «I Can Now Do My Work . Without Feeling Tired Mrs. A. Moffatt, Roxton Falls, Que., writes: hh "I suffered from a run-down system and nervous debility. night, and felt so weak I could not walk any distance. I took several tonics, but they only helped me while | was taking them. Mother advised me to take Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and | felt great bene- fit from the first box, and con- tinued taking several boxes. To- day I feel like a new woman, and am able to do my work without that dreadful tired feeling." B50 Cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., 124., Toronte I could not sleep or NERVE FOOD STOP WONDERING What you are golng to get for dinner. You have puzzled too long in thinking of a change. Bring the family here for a pleasing, well-cooked meal. He'll enjoy the change--and you'll be glad te rest NEW ENGLAND CAFE 331 King Street. Kingston, Ont. Phone 635 Now Bread, Buns and Rolls. NEW CONFECTIONERY STORE | With a choice assortment of newly made confectionery. Currant For something good, try our Lemon or Raisin Ple, F. A. ATKINS, Corner of Princess and Alfred Sts. OPEN Phone 2202) a ve Stoves and Heaters Several medium sized: No. 315 Boss Heaters, No. 318 Boss Heaters, Two large Coal' Ranges, suitable for Hotel or Shanty. All used and cheap. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1413 N= ee eee en: TN A + A A A AA Ae Pt 0 et et et a a Here They Are THE FIRST OF OUR LIST OF JANUARY SALE BARGAINS. MEN'S FELT BOOTS--{elt soles, leather soles or rubber soles; regular $3.00 to $4.50 per pair. JANUARY SALE PRICE ..... MEN'S HIGH FELT BOOTS--regular $5.00. JANUARY SALE PRICE ..... JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street Le tee uv ee er + te tee en --_ FOR CHOICE FURS... | SEE US. ourdier's 78 Brock Street. i -- Overcoat SALE Greatest Reduction Sale of High- Class Overcoats Ever Held in Kingston Men's and Young Men's 3-piece Silk- lined and Silk-faced Tuxedo Suits *45.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House BE my A MOFFAT Electric kitchen means--cl less worry, no fuel and lower coo bills. 42,000 Homes Made Happy Range in your ean pots and | pant, no odors, marvelously cooked carrying, There are 42,000 now in daily use. Write for free literature to Moffats, Limited, Weston, Ontario. The illustration shows one of the new Moffat 1923 models--a master- piece of range building. ATS ELECTRIC RANGES FOR SALE BY The Public Ut.lity limbered mare with a lot of speed and was given a breeder's record of 2.15% the past season. She iz el- 268 Princess 8t., Kingston, Ont. Phone 844 Hydro Shop A EXTRA SPECIAL FROM OUR SALE OF Housekeepers * Linen 40 only, All Pure Linen Damask Pat- tern Tablecloths with border all around, in handsome designs--2 x 2 yards. Foronly........ $5.00 each This is a very special offering and will not last long at this price, an W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191,

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