Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jan 1923, p. 2

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5 ) T HE DA I LY BRITI SH WHI C 3 : WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1922. W FALL HELPED | LOCAL NEWS. | = | THOSE UNEMPLOYED 'erier Items of Interest Picked : r . - wvgaer | Self Mastery Through Auto Suggestion' The Men Engaged at Work | porters. Will Be Paid at End of i the Week. | | Queen's this week. : 5 | Decrease your buying troubles by | FUR SALE The snow fall during the past few | studying, the store advertisements. BY EMILE COUE. if | dave has helped to relieve the unem- | Judge Madden went to Sharbot : \j | ployment situation {n Kingston, was |p , : id division | "a All Costs Are Well Made, Splen- }| the statement af the local represen- | ake on Wednesday to hold divisio | For attaining Health, Success and Happiness. Examinations are in progress at : c t. yy Lino) and riod aq |] | tative of the Ontario Labor Employ- i + Swaine, piano 'uner. Orders : Sale Price. [| ret was aso nd Of WOTKS | received at 100 Clergy stroot west | A choice gift with a message of Good Cheer. Ladies' Marmot Coats-- » "Phone 564w. | 5 Were 800 .........Now $ 65 2 1530 Sumber 02 mel oa Toesdny Miss Mary Taylor, fn her third, The most talked of book in.a decade. i! PY tS iY | pear at Osgoode Hall, has passed her | i re ai or. Now 3115 J} sete wa ou bund op Weinwetey Dre colo Cloth cover $1.10. Paper cover 60c Postage 5c. per copy seal, Sable trimmed-- } i morning a. n Aas amas} So t ls are nearly out , . Pore Si 4 ..Now 8150 Timms, city foreman, arrived at of 1 no suiools ave So oe | ' Peruvian Lamb, Sable trimmed-- the Clty Buildings he put the men ago has been lost on the railways. = | Were 8330. .......Now $275 |} to work cleaning the snow off the One lone and lonely knight of the Hudson Seal, all Seal-- | wii The men (so ks 1a (Fond, who came in for projection, LLEGE BOOK S1 ORE Were $345 ... Now 8250-8275 €d the snow from the city walks in was the 8 th Ii PHON é Hudson Seal, Sable trimmed-- i] | front of city property. There are ag ne Da ovum : ju re ONE Ny, J x OPEN NIGHTS Were $400 ........Now $825 |§ | many vacant lots in the city and the The regular monthly meeting of | Silver Raccoon Blended-- owners have the city authorities re- | yne w.c.1.17. was held at the Y.W. Were 8250 ........Now $175 | move the snow and the cost of the routine business was considered. The Men's Winter Coats, well made ff | removal is charged up against the |'bresident, Miss McKenzie, presided. | and Hned. ; Heavy Barricloth 4H owner. An arrangement has been In order to avoid serious accidents, | Cover Fur Collars. Now . $40.00 i] made whereby the men who do the many of the down-town merchants | Men's Alaska Beaver Coats -- well i | snow shovelling for the city will get had the snow removed from the roofs | Made, Heda real 200d Fur |J| paid by the week instead of having of the stores on Wednesday morning. Ba » ji] | to walt two weeks, as has been the| Tne Girls Fellowship Club of the Above Coats are splendid, wa | a. P System Fri Youre. : oh : Y.W.C.A. entertained the inmates at A i e demand for farm orers is suki ) Raccoon Coats at $200 to $300, i Brian) . 3 the Home for the Aged on Tue sday | Splendid heavy Fur. Increasing daily. As fast as the ap- evening. The girls gave a fine con- #1] plications for laborers are received cert after which bags of candy were Fur Caps, Fur Collars, Fur Gauntlets, Fur Robes, Good at the local office the agent is able passed to the old people. Driving . Gauntlets at $3:50. {|} to send men to the farms. In many The funeral of the late T. A. For- | Muffs, Stoles, etc. | cases the men who accept the posi- sythe was held from the residence | Mano? tions have been previously on the of his piece, Miss Baker, Frontenac anafactarers fl farms and are glad to get a chance to street, on Wednesday afternocn, | Importers | ' Fioe Furs fg] set work. | under the direction of James Reid. | cation was received at the local of-| Rev. J. A. Waddell officiated. fice for fifty men who were willing to | The funeral of the late Mrs. Nai- | John McKay Limited dl! go and work in the bush in Northern {son Bauder took place on Wednesday | BEDROOM RUGS GREATLY REDUCED KINGSTON, CANADA i} | Ontario. The lumber company was | mornin i | 0 . | * | g€ from her late residence, | 5 o a -------- > | willing to pay $35 a month and |Noren mepeme ane rons recidenee |} - 2 only, Brusselette Rugs--size 6 ft. x 9 ft. Sale Price .....$ 5.50 | board and advance the railway fare. It Ver interment, by John | . . yl Toard ant wdvanse iio liver tare fe for interment, by oh | I only, Brussélette Rugs--size 7 ft. 6 x 9 ft. Sale Price .......$ 7.00 be deducted from the men's wages. | noi; ted at the service. | aa . On Tussdar and Wednesta :| re is SO ens) joo: Brbsssletts Rugs--size 9 ft. x 10 ft. 6. Sale Price ...$ 9.75 | number of citizens made application tha Langdon was held Tuesday | : . | Sumber of atfaent wads op rong eo on gos Sekt of Tawi only, Brusselette Rugs--size 9 ft. x 12 ft. Sale Price ..........$11.75 ~ ror i snow from roofs. In most cases € | under the direction of John Corne- | . . . . INSIST ON | || men asked fitty conts a hour to work | jis, Rev. J. A. Waddell stein ie | Odd sizes in Brussels, Wilton, Axminster and Tapestry Rugs clear- on the roof as it was dangerous at the service, which was held at the! ing at reduced prices. | work. The general wage pald for residences of W. Gilmour, Vitoria | MEA DOW | laborers is thirty-five cents per hour. | gi raat' | 1 RC a A large number of men, with the OUR REMNANT TABLE CRE ] M C ] KES usual complement of shovels, sleighs YOUR GROCER HAS THEM]! On Wednesday morning an appli- | ypdertaker, to Cataraqui cemeter; h and teams were employed by the city on Wednesday morning removing | . Is the Mecca for many shrewd shoppers. | | 3 . : the snow from the market-place and . 88 | other sections of the' city. The fall | --Serge. --Muslins. --Qalateas | of snow, together with the great | H * . | amount of "drifting" has made large | ---lomespuns. C31 --~ 1 | "banks" through the business sec- | P Ginghams. Sheetings. | The Late Mrs. ©. McSorley. tion. | --GQGaberdines. --Kimona Cloth, --Flannelettes. | . ? 'CROTHERS KINGSTON | | Mrs. Theresa Agnes McSorley Married in Toronto. | widow of the late Charles McSorley, On Wednesday afternoon. at the + | Established 1869 | passed away on Tuesday, Jamuary v M [ 9th, after a lingering iliness. De. | OMe Of Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod, | «Co tin Cu am S im ~eCo on Cottingham street, Toronto, the mar- | atings. rtar crim. tt 8. ceased was born in Kingston and riage was solemnized of thelr young- has been a life-long resident of this t daughter a --- : -- 3 oods city. She was a Roman Catholic in ig NE aanlotis, to Elvis. Voiles. Prints, --Dress G R i) religion and an earnest member of R. Newton Powell, of St. Paul's Me-! Silks ; ~-Cretonnes. --Towelling. St. Mary's cathedral. Before hér thodist church, officiating. The | illness, which confined her to' her bride, given-away by her father, | TN AAA AA Ar ar eA ee rn ee ar Sarr Stara. 5 rete ae ete, home on Johnson street, she was|yore brown canton crepe with hat to v v YY VY] | greatly interested in charitable work, | match. Her only attendant was her | p 4 and her passing will be deeply re- [gma niece, Miss Marjorie Elizabeth | A b Bl J i 1 E gretted by a large circle of fends. [Nils Brooklyn, N.Y. Later in the b afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Davidson left 4 THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE " : A Regretted Death. {tor New York and on their return) Extra Choice Island Roil ] on eir urn [. Butter v. B70 Mr. and Mrs. G. Arthur Martyn, | will reside in Kingston. 1 . ROLLE Clergy street west, have the sincere -- ! L000 1 io LED SATE 2c sympathy of their friends and ac- Protect Your Health. Y : "new pach) * 4 | quaintances in the loss of their lit- The Tonic and Laxative Effect of CORNMEAL tle son, Lloyd Ultus, aged three years | Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets | red 7 5 bags Gold Dust 6 Ibs. 25c. § and nine monthe who passed away on | will keep the system in a healthy Profesot HohafeS ral Milt | a om Wednesday morning after an illness | condition and thus ward off all at- Prof. Seraphin Marion, yal] ! R Sietiss ACRE JAM | i. y 53 little fell | tacks of Colds, Crip or Influenza. [i5ry College, has been awarded the | 7 EAL ESTATE ¥ pberry (4s.) . .82c, of only one week. en aw 30c. Made in Canada ¥ tters at the Uni- Bettys' Strawberry (4s.) ..82c. J | had been in good health but the incle- | °° ° oe . title of Meser ot Letters Mr. Mar | FOR SALE. FOR RENT, ; 7 Bettys' Ras. and Apple ment weather of the past two weeks ry versity of Paris, ENTS he Ottavai}] $519009--Livingaton Avenue 5 A x Pr "Oe | 4 y | " 2 00-- Arctic Pie is a Milk Choco f (4s.) ] " developed a bad cold for the kiddie Could Not Attend School. fon is an old pupil of the Ottawa; detached brick dwelling, § $15.09 A street, 7 rooms late Bar with an Ice Cream 48c, P A case in which a citize va i vhich institution he | 1 8, x ? Bettys' Strawberry and Apple, and he was carried off: The funeral : ZEN Was |ypjversity, from which insti tl rooms, electric light, hard- $17.00--132 Stephen street, § rooms, Centre. ' xt tharged with neglecting to send his i , st year as a Master of | wood floors, thre e bath, gas, electric ht. ; (4s.) 48c. § | was held on Wednesday afternoon, ohild. to dohool, vee ow ; [erutuated last ¥ | Bath, Breplane: hot oii 5 ve ool, wi 0 av eel 3 | H + fireplace, hot air fur. 20.00--! They make a delicious treat Edwarisburg. Syrup (5) .89c. under the direction of John Qornel- heard by Magistrate Farrell ve hor (Ars: | nace and side era: 2 : Data ne roe 1 rooms, for your evening party. | ¢ Edwardsburg Syrup (10).79c. lus, to Bt. Mary's cemetery. nesday, but the oharme Ye ith wy te - . . Edwardsburg (2s.) _-- drawn, as it was pas rn | Mrs, Mary Ann Ormond, in ill : Phone 589w. New York Do Not Shovel Snow és ill and could not attend school. |lnaaita Ee a | Fire Insurance EW Mullin & 3 rs. Basson, the school attendance [Monday at Belleville. De Son p C 11 9 On the Street Hydrants officer, had the' case in hand. the widow of the late George Or-| at Lowest Rates . Candy Store u Bot amen A ~ [mond Jn She was a daughter of tho | ol So ay Fire Chief James Armstrong has a i d Mrs, Frederick Palos : CASH AND CARRY requested that all citizens take heed A aot breath with the late Jon at Kingston, in 1871, | Money to Loan sop, 2surance Brokers 314 Princess Street ALFRED and PRINCESS g1a § | where they are throwing their sur-| ans | ohnson and Division Streets ---- In------ plus snow. In many cases the men ~~ { nein, behind the shovels are throwing the snow onto the city water hydrants, THE HAT STORE in certain instances covering the hy« | : drants completely over. It should : bo understood that it is absolutely | M AKES ANY H AT FIT necessary for the safety of property 5 ! that these fire hydrants should be FOR MEN! THE QUALITIES ARE GOOD AND THB kept clear, much less completely ob- NY HE D PRICES ARE RIGHT. Hergteg by snow piles. Z A oA MEN'S FELT BOOTS--Ieather soles and heels-- Canadian Pacific. warm, light and flexible, at . $2.50 180 Wellington street, reports the ; BLACK FELT HIGH ONE BUCKLE A JoHowine arrival of their steam- on RANDEAG SLIPPERS toushiér solos and hoon. AROHIC : A DE LEON BANDEAU Empress of France, from South- i wear under Overshoes, at ampton and Cherbourg, due St. John Here's a great invention for making Ladics' Hats Jan. 14th, Marburn, from Liverpool, dune St. / . £3 fit better. It does away John. Jan. 14th. . BR with hat pins. Holds any HEAVY, KHAKI ONE BUCKLE OVER- Matlock trom St. John, due Liver- : hat comfortably, yet firm- SHOBS at .....c.00... 0%. +» NT poo.. Jan, : Jy, in any desired position | LEATHER LEGGINGS--Iaced style at .. $1. Empress of Australia, from Hong HE head dress. " Kong and Yokohama, due Vancou- S104 fesardiess % heag & ioe J] HEAVY SNAG PROOF BUCKLED AND LAC... sUMBER- It's adjustabl MAN'S RUBBERS---the finest and best grades, 83, $3.50, $4.00, ver, Jam. 10th. inserted Empress of Russia, from Vaneou- 1 = Hat, and can be a ONE, TWO and FOUR BUCKLED OVERSHOES--all at lowest in ten seconds. No sew- ver, due YoKohama, Jan. 9th, and FUR COATS "cee NIP. =o" [ s, 5. MARTIN Small Hat--nothing else like it--enthusiastic wear-' ers everywhere. Advertised in all the leading pub- French Seal Coats, with large collars and cuffs of Alaska lications. They come in Black and White to match sable, $160 to $175. . x the hat linings. Ten Years for Hold-up. two members of the trio have not yet e hat Montreal, Jan. 10.--Johsi Vuloof | been apprehended. Coon Coats, choice quality, $250. ek . Price 35c¢- was sentenced to ten years {a the % Re { : penitentiary for participating in the | Cnaries James Mathew, K.C., Lab- Hudson Seal Coats, made from choicest skins, $275, Now'ls the - i 4 : : hold-up last July, when the PEYmes-|or member of the House of Commong : Time to Buy ter of the Dominion Textile Company |, the Whitechapel division of Step- was robbed of a payroll of $29,000. ney, London, died yesterday at Folk- At the time of the robbery the PAY- | stome, following an operation. He j master and an assistant were driv-. was the youngest son of the Jats (ing in a taxi, which was stopped in!Lord Justice Mathew. Don't dally with your purpo pi |& downtown street by thres wen,| Premier Theunis of Belgium ane Not many things indifferently, but i who, after threatening them with nounrces his determination to stand one thing supremely is the demand # : revolvers, made off with the bag by France in the occupation of the of the hour. > ! : containing the money. The other Ruhr, A We are offering exceptional values:

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