Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jan 1923, p. 18

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG WINTER ILLS The scientist was often puzzled to account for the efficacy of cod-liver oil | The discovery of vitamines has helped solve the riddle. Scott's Emulsion is rich inhealth-building vita- mines and is a helpful factor in preventing the so-called "winter ills." It helps keep the vital forces of the body strong to resist disease. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont, 22-28 DR. H. A. STEWART Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart Corner Princess and Wellington for RITE Swellings usually mean tissue, Absorbine, Jr. gently rubbed on the swollen part will quickly re- ducethe inflammation, and the swelling with it. Though powerful, Ab- sorbine, Jr. is absolutely harmless, and can be used with safety and fort. It is a dependable anti- d icid (I vic ov cori $1.25 a bottle at most druggists' W, F. YOUNG, loc. | dance here on Dec. { well attended. |ents, Mr, and Mrs. W. | «No better time than this New Year, | teams played hockey here on Satur- with his mother and sister. Michael to Eave your eyes examined--to wear glasses, if found necessary. Treat your eyes to a new pair of rightly ground, perfectly adjusted glasses, Let us help you start the New | Year with better sight. i R. ARTHEY, RO. VISION SPECIALIST 143 PRINCESS STREET Facial Blemishes ih Fe - tH Teh i : ) HE LIFE ACCIDENT A big monument in the n't at all times indicate an who lies beneath it had DOWN THE ROAD WHEN YOURE INVITED FOR A. RIDE AND THE HOSTS WIFE, WHO 19 JUST LEARNING, DRIVES 'SO SLOW THAT ALL THE OTHER CARS PASS You BY WITH A CHARIVAR| OF HORNS= EXASPERATING MOMENTS OF A MOTORIST. AS Jan. 2.--The hockey boys held a | Brockville, | 26th, which was|Mabel Webster, daughter of Mr. and | hospital. This was in the fall of the Ottawa, Mrs. T. S. Webster, were married in | year, and right in the busiest time | spent Christmas here with his par- Athens on Thursday, Dec. 21st. Miss | | H. Bolton. Lucille Whitmore accompanied MTr.|it just took about two weeks until al Leeds | PORTLAND. T. Bolton, family, Lyn, here visiting and Portland Rev. Mr. Lyons and spent a few days friends. Newboro day. Newboro won out. POOLE'S RESORT, Dec. 30.--The snow fall on Thurs-! day put the roads in bad condition, and the rural mail courier was not able to make his regular trip. Miss (Purcell is spending the holidays at Hollow at the home of Mr. and Mrs. her home near Athens. Miss A.| Lear, Courtice, is at Ford Davis'. Mr. and Mrs. Cherry Buell are guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Guild, Kingston. Miss Winnie Guild, Kingston, visit-| ing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buell. Mr. and | Mrs. E. J. Salter and children, spend-| ing a few days at Seymour Burn-| ham"s. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Weeks | spent Christmas at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Campbell, Lansdowne. | CAINTOWN. ! Jan. 3.--The Christmas entertain- ment held at the school house on Sat- urday evening was a great success. About $22 was taken in. The teach- er, Miss A. Chant, deserves the cre- dit for the splendid programme put on, and the good time enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mor- row spent a few of the Christmas holidays with relatives in Brock- ville. , Mrs. W. G. Graham and sons, Bernard and Gorden, were visiting at BE. Webster's, Lyndhurst, last week. Mrs, E. Smith, Sherwood Springs, was the guest of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Dickey, recent- ly. Mrs. Ida Trickey, Eolida, is en- joying the holidays here with her mother, Mrs. Donnolly, and sister, Mrs. Jas. F. Scott. Borden Kahirt spent a week-end at Rockport re- cently. Owing to the snow storm and bad roads, the mail carrier, S. Dowsley, did not make the usual trip for two days last week. | 1 CROSBY, Dec. 30.--A number from here at- | tended the Christmas entertainments | at Forfar, Philipsville, Newboro and | Elgin, Mrs. Wilfred Cooper and! baby, Ewart, and Burt Cooper spent ' Christmas at their home in Lans- downe. Mr. a rs. K. E. Brown entertained a ndmiber of their rela- tives ou Christmas day. The annual Sunday school entertainment held on Tuesaday evening, Dec. 26th, was a de- cided success, much credit due Mrs. B, BE. Dowsett and Mrs. James Mc- Mahon for the able manner in which they trained the children. Miss Lulu McMahon, Queen's, Kingston, Is spending the holidays at her home Whooping cough is prevalent among the children here. Hayward Rows- well, Edmonton, is visiting slatives here after an absence of Ee LIT Dec. 28.---The entertainment was BOILS Made Him Sick and Miserable | Normal school, is spending the Nols {days with her mother, Mrs, M. Dwyer. | Allen Haskins spent Christmas Day in Ottawa. Mrs. Myers and Miss | | Blanche Myers spent Christmas with | Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, Lombardy. Mrs. } |H. M. Brown has 'been spending a! {few days with her daughter, Mrs. [Nba Gile, Harlem, who was suffering | from mneuritus. Michael Myers has |started a butcher shop in the village. [M ra, William Baker spent a few days | with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. | faissany, Mr. and Mrs, Hilton War- ren spent Saturday and Sunday in Merton Denny and Miss Mr. Richard Zalenzoski, McLean, Sask., writes:--*I had been suffering continuously, with boils, for three years, and during that time I tried many different remedies without any success whatever. In spite of all my efforts I was compelled to go to the of the season. Upon my return home Leonard Howard<and sister, Laura, to Kingston on Tuesday, Dennis Downey, Toromto, spent Christmas my neck and arms were again ogeu- pied by the boils which made me feel very sick and miserable. Myers and family spent Christmas in Westport. Mrs. Mina Brown is visit- ing at Mr. and Mrs. William French's. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons, Chaffey Locks, were visitors at William Tackaberry's. J. W. Halladay and family spent Christmas day in Plum One day one of my friends advised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, and after I had used less than two bottles I was very much surprised at the re- sult. It is now over two years since I got in touch with B. B. B., and I have | had no bother with boils since. I will recommend it to all persons suf- fering from any defect in the blood." B. B. B. is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. W..B. Newsome. C. J. Myers and family were visitors at Toledo recent- ly. Mrs. H. M. Brown was presented with a beautiful lamp by her Sunday school class. mina MALLORYTOWN. Dec. 30.--The school concert given by the M. C. school was a decided success, and much credit is due to the teachers, W. L. OMver and the Misses Doolan, Scott and Marshall. Mr. and Mrs, W..L. Olver and son, -~ M. C, Trickey and Miss L. Trickey, spent Christmas with the former's (daughter, Mrs. Arnold Avery, June- town. Miss E. M. Doolan, left on Fri- day for Athens to visit her parents during the Yuletide season. W. 3. Sloan, and Mr, Clarke, of the Royal ---- Lloyd, are spending the holidays Bank staff, epent Christmas at their with relatives in Sarnia. Homer homes in Toronto, and Almonte, re- Meredith, Toronto University, is the spectively, guest of his parents, Rev. Thomas | and Mrs. Meredith, C. W..and Mrs. | Mallory, Kingston, apent Ohristmas : with relatives in Mallorytown. Mr. Lenn & Addi and Mrw, Cherry White, 'were the 0X ngton guests of the latter's niece, Mrs. E. |} E. Johnson, Lanedowme, for Christ- sear : mas. Ross Burnham, Port Hope, MILLHAVEN. spent the week-end with Mr. and Jan. 1.--School has re-opened Mrs, Wiliam Burnham. The Ladies' {with the same teacher, Miss Burley. Aid met in the basement of the Mr. and Mrs, William Smith and Mr. Methodist church, Tuesday evening land Mrs. Albert Monphense have to make arrangements for the An- moved back to Toronto. Miss Elda niversary Supper. Douglas Mallory, and Master George Macdonald, King- D.Sc., Ottawa, sperit Christmas with ston, spent the holidays at Fred his parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. M. Mal- Wemp's. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Nichol lory. Mrs. H. W. McDonald spent son and Mr. and Mrs, Murray Wemp Tuesday in Kingston and family spent Monday a. Fred Misses V. M. Mallory and Lettie | Wemp's. McDonald, General Hospital, King- ston, spent Monday with their par- ADDISON. ents in the village. The bungalow be- Jan. 1.--Dr, G. Rowsome, Cobourg ing erected by C. J. Phillips is rap- spent Christmas with his parents, idily nearing completion, Miss L. J. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rowsome. Mr. Trickey apent last Friday in Brock-|and Mrs. Herbert Brown and family ville. C. B. Cook and family and spent Ohristmas at Mallorytown. Miss Miss Laura Jordon, Ottawa, are Viola Devall, Rookspring, spent the staying with the latter's parents, A. holidays with Miss Alma Watts, Ver- E. and Mrs. Jordon, for the holidays. mon Watts, Elgin, has returned to largely attended on Christmas might. Virgil Phillips has been seriously ill, and at the time of writing, is not out of danger. Miss Ella Dwyte, Ottawa -{ably go rushing into the bush to see By Beck | i his home after visiting friends here. Robert Watls, spent Christmas at- H. Watts'. Hutchings, Watertown, N.Y. Christmas with her parents here. An enjoyed evening was epent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Sly. Soperton, SUNNY TALES IN SUNNY LANDS Sw : 'Not once, but in a thousand ways Nature procla 8 her ruling That no one shall pass his days Without some little schooling." "If you were to land from a boat on the coast of Papua, Teddy," sald Uncle Frank, as he settled himself comfortably in his armchair and lit bis evening cigar, "you would prob- what you cr-ild find. You might find | a number of things that would make life very interesting for a short time, CAREFUL, QUICK, COMPLETE. DRUG SERVICE | Where Princess and Division Cross" J Internal and External Pains are promptly relieved by : oe THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL THAT IT HAS BEEN SOLD FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS ARD IS TO-DAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVER BEFORE IS A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR ITS NUMEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIES. Ae rm ne ay ee ar Ar ar Te HIGH CLASS JOB PRINTING Quality and Service Our Motto BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPARTMENT 806°8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, ONT. PHONE 243. THE RESPONSIBILITY IS YOURS Specialists may develop and improve i breeds, but the standard of a country's Lg pends on the efforts of the farmer in this direction. ARE YQU DOING YOUR SHARE? We are glad to assist any responsible farm who requires fir yncing. Toh THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up' $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 Kingston Branch . » - F. E. Dench, Manager. Miss Jessie | spent time for the eggs to hatch and they {come and dig the chickens out. I be-| | Hleve the chickens dig themselves out. | {The hen never sits on the nest, but | {leaves the eggs to hatch out like | {turtle eggs, THE MAN ON WATCH This week we saw the motion | {picture entitled "The Man from | | Home', but we are anxious to wid {the prominent and we.l-to<do citizen | | | 1 | | | | | | | | | | SUCCESS In the Stock Market FORTUNES Made from Small Investments. Write for Free Booklet. The Most Simple Explanation of Profitable Stock Trading We guarantee you that your money is safe and that you get a nquare deal, KENNEDY & CO. 74 Broadway, New York Member Consolidated Stock Exchange who gave a little newsboy five cents for his New Year's greeting calendar last Monday morning. That man should have his picture in the papers. It is said that 1923 is to be King- and he never seemed to be very bril- enough in many ways, right about him not being able to .| color, but the chances are that you would |3t00'S year. Let us hope so. But miss a bird's nest that is so big that 1922 was not too had. There was you would have efther to scramble | 800d production of babies in the over it or run around it." {limestone city last year. "No: me, Uncle. You have another Si guess coming, Why even Archie would know a nest when he saw one | Good evening, have wou tasted | ell Rum", Kingston's new concoc- [tion for 1923? Its a' grand lquid |and can be made Im the home if you about [Eve the recipe. brilliant | But you are | Lant." "You are quite wrong Archie, Teddy. He was That was a good ripping up Rev. | James Lawson, Verona clergyman, {gave the "First Noel" verses as they {appear in the hymn book. The |bymn can stand the same revismu given to the psalms to make them singable. Our Verona friend might also see to it that in Methodist churches a death tune is not played to a hymn of adoration, as the Lamp- man once heard done. After gazing at the picture of the Toronto kid chosen as Canadas love 'est child, the Lampman wonders tell a nest when he saw one." "I did not say that, Uncle--I said he was" "Very well, Teddy, I say he wasn't | --neither was I. We ianded one day | from the whaleboat with an idea of fixing a boundary for a nursery, We were going to plant cocoanuts and we wanted a place for the young nuts to germinate. In the thick bush, under the trees, we encountered what look- ed like a small hill, which puzzled us both very much, It was about six PETRIE'S MACHINERY TORONTO foot high and sloped down from a | "DY Kingston did not enter into the Toronto competition, for the lime- stone city has dozens of wee ones ! {who can beat the spots off the chos- {en winner in a beauty contest. small flat top to quite a wide base. Archie suggested someone was bur- ied there or that it had been made by crocodiles. Harry, my cousin, was in the boat that day, and he came along while we were talking. "Why, bless me, Don't you fellows know a turkey's nest when you see one," he said. We didn" and that was all about it. Gananoque voters have got out of | the wrong skie of the bed New Year's morning to get such a grouch as to defeat all the bylaws presentea for their approval. They even gave Day- light Saving a nasty wallop, not sew ing eye to eye with Kingston which voted for the new time. i -- i There was a great gathering of fire | Brush-Turkey Nests, "The Brush-Turkeys belong to the GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. Parts supplied. Saws filed, knives, scissors and edge tools ground. Locks repaired. Keys fitted io ail kinds of locks. All makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened and Fe- paired. We ean repair anything that is repairable. J. M. PATRICK 140 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone 2058J. eighth family of game'birds, Teddy, critics around the military hospital while it burned last Wednesday night. They could give the fire chief and his men pointers as to how to handle the big blaze. Bat the fact was they knew nothing. The critics were really a lot of light- weights--ten ounces to the pound. With their small number and limited app lances the firemen did a good job in preventing the spread of the end their swell name is 'Talegallus.' These birds are brown or black and have wattled skin on their head or neck, which give them some sort of a resemblance to a turkey, al*hough it is not very strong. I forgot to tell you that their family name was 'Ma- gapode," but I do not suppose you care very much. Sometimes 'hese mounds they make for nests are fif- ELE Chronic Weaknesses Co. Haverstock Rd. N W 4 London "IMERAPION - on GOVT. STAMP AFPFIZAD TO GREULNE PF teen feet high and sixty feet in cir- cumference and the eggs are five feet down, but they are generally smal- ler. You will find them, Teddy, under deep foliage as a general rule, pro- 3 tected from the sun. Close to the It often happens that when some Ie, vu" fume sey "hy |e #0, 08 8 Tani, te ite and Trmed of eat Toni and Tew a, She, member of (he {amy goto I tell you this because the material [oo Hot Foot Bath Extracts of thé' nest makes 'he eggs a differen: These jn the mould nest are and C I A Simple, Painless Method dark-redd{sh-brown, while those in the sand are dirty yellowish-white. Tug han jars an eg at L, 1 hink, Here's the most simple way to rid your feet of corns and callouses | without pain. A hot foot bath takes and then dpes not lay another for several days. Afler laying an egz. which is placed perpendicularly, she | ypem off clegn, leaves foot as smooth cwers it up with sand and mould. [as a baby's. You do it in this simple ! The eggs are the @ size at both | way. Cover the corn or callous with | ends and are about three inolies lonk (8 few drops of Putnam's Painless | and two whie, 1 think they are real | Corn Extractor. It is powerfully an- flames, and that was their sole ob-| ject when the two blazzing buildings were beyond reclaim. --THE TOWN WATCHMAN, ENJOY YOUR GRATE By having a small fire in it of Cannel Coal Have a quick fire in your range with a little Chestnut Coke Choice Hardwood Cut to Lengths, Hard and Soft Slabs, Saxton Coal for Heaters. W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. iy white when first laid. 1 have seen | tiseDtic, softens the thickened tissues the birds singly or in pairs, but never | : ' {and in two minutes the thing is very far from the coast. They Br 4... You must be careful to get | very heavily with the logs hanging | puinam's Painless Corn painlessly, then comes the foot bath, swe An'ioch, Aza Minor, in the fourth Extractor, touiury, made what is bolleved to be down as it broken. The natives say | ulicn costs hat little at all druggists. the first attempt of any city to light that the old birds know when ft is' Take no other than Putnam's its streats at night,

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