Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1922, p. 4

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IHL DAILY BRITISH WHIG From the C ountryside * Frontenac MISSISSIPPI Dec. 18.--Mrs. William Steele re- turned home from the United States where she was visiting her daughter who is seriously ill. Thomas Dow: dell attended the funeral of his bro- ther William at Althorpe last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fair motored to ~ Perth on Thursday last. Mrs, E. U. Walroth, Sharbot Lake, spent last week visiting friends here and at Balderson. Mr. and Mrs. D. Olm- stead went to Maberly on Friday last. Joseph Steele, Tichborne, Is visiting with his brother, 'Williaa Steele. Robert Gibson purchased a new Dodge car last week. We gx- tend to the editor and his staft Christmas greetings. W. A. Geddes attended a meeting of council on Monday of this week. ARDOCH. » Dec. 18.--The recent snow storm has improved sleighing conditions. | The concert and box social givew by | the pupils of 8.8. Nb, 8, on the 15th | was a success, the sum realized be-| ing $66.60. Mr. and Mrs. M. Weber | spent a few days in Kingston anil | Perth recently. Alex. Gilmour, Red- nersville, a former resident of this place was renewing acquaintances here last week. Guy Watkins is visiting his brother Donley, nears Picton. Death claimed the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hermer on Dec. 8th. Service was conducted in St John's Anglican, "* church Sunday morning by Re¥. J. Oantrell, Sharbot Lake. Miss Flor- ence Keeley, Railton, who spent a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. B. | Myers, returned to her home today. MOUNTAIN GROVE, Dec, 19.--Sleighing is very poor. | Rain is badly needed as water fe very Relief from Rheumatic Pains Rheumatism is a constitutional disease. It causes local aches and pains, inflamed joints and stiff muscles; but cannot be permanent! relieved » local or external appl cations. It must have constitutional Take the blood-purifying and tonic medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla, which corrects the acid condition of the blood on which rheumatism de- permanent relief. {Cronk on Wednesday and quil'ed a iow. A number are on the sick lisr suffering from colds, The Christmas entertainment at the Union School on Friday night wae well attended and a" good programme was much enjoyed by all, The members of the W.I. met at the home of Mrs, D. J quilt for the bemefit of the northern fire sufferers, They are preparing to send a New Year's box to them. The Young People's Club met at R. Coul- ter's on Friday evening and spent an enjoyable time in dancing, R. Bev- erly made a flying trip to Kingston on Monday to see his brolher, George, who is ill in the Hotel Dieu with appendicitis. A 'Social \Even- ing" was held at 8. Dawson's on Mon- day evening In ald of the Anglican church, p---- ARDEN., Dec. 18.--The recent snow storm has made goqd sleighing. Mr. and Mrs. Lutz and two sons, Oso, spent Sunday at Mrs, W. Loyst's. Mrs, Huffman, Mt. Grove, spent week-end with Mrs. Willlam McGregor. Mrs. John Steele at Mrs. Fred Gendron"s on Thursday. Mrs. Hiram Card spent Saturday with her daughter, Mra. Oscar Wood. Misses Dorothy ana Doris Woodruff returned to their homes at Sydenham after visitifig with Mrs. Edward Barker for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott at™D. L. Park's; Fred Greene at John Scptt's; Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Marshdl spent Sunday at Mrs. Simeon Loyst's. Mrs. John Steele and son Cecll at Mrs. Wm| Steele's: Alleen, Euphemia Williams, Oliero Hall and James Wormworth, Tam- worth high school, are spending their holidays with parents here. Miss Helen Pringle, of St. Agnes College, Belleville, spending her holidays with her mother, Mrs. W. W. Pringle. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stud at G. Steele's on Sunday; James Thompson, a Sunday visitor at John Clark's, Borden Wood. WAGARVILLE. Dec. 18.--The school childrén ara practising for a Christmas entertain- ment to be held on Friday. Earl Cronk, who underwent an operation in Belleville hospital, is recovering nicely. E. M. Storms attended the turkey fair at Perth on Thursday. E. Cronk attended court in Kingston last week. Mrs. R. Howes spent a few days at Belleville at her uncle's, Dr. Cronk's, and visited her broth- er, Earl, at the hospital. Rev. Dr. S. W. Dyde, principal of Queen's theological college, Kingston, held sacramental*service on Sunday. Ear} i | psa I thought you got that Radio set for me!" In thousands of Canadian 'homes this evening, men and women are thrilled by the mar- vels of Radio. Lo] 9 = 4 *{ may apd. a No matter how highly de- veloped your musical taste-- or how modest--the program you'll enjoy most is in the air about your ears. All you need to make it audible is a » Radio Reserne ~the Ideal Christmas Gift --QGrand opera, orchestral con- certs, the good old songs, the latest song hits, lectures -- everything! You have only to choose if you have designed isfaction. the Universal The radio receiving set upon which you always can depend---- highest standing--made and guar- anteed by in manufacturers of 18 years' Sold by reliable dealers, who gladly render service i * descriptive literature. : : Dealers: Write Us for Information. ; ; by radio Engineers of sat- Write for interesting , on the sick list, is somewhat r Owing to the absence of rain, most cisterns are dry and also some wells, Fox hunting and cut- ting wood is the order of the day. Tom McCumber is at his father's, william 'MecCumber's. Misses Mary and Laura Yeoman's Petworth at their uncle's Clinton Wagar"s. Hugh Leslie at E. Cronk's; Mr. and Mrs. A. Wagar and family spent Sunday and Mr. spent M. Cronk Cronk, Parham, F. G. Kirkham's. Leeds ADDISON. Dee. 19.--The children of the An- glican Sunday school are busy prac- tising~éor a Christmas event In Ashwood Hall, Addison, on Dee. 319th. Miss Bertha Moulton is visit- ing her sister at New Dublin. Miss Carrie Edwards, Jellyby, spent a few days recently at R. Hill's. Mrs, Bumbridge, Jasper, and Mrs. Boyd, Brockville, spent last week at Levl Hewitt's. John Pattimore and son, Lawrence, spent Sunday In Har- lem. CHARLESTON. Dee. 17.--Our school has been closed for the past week on account of the illness of the teacher. Miss Norma Young is. home from the Nor- mal school, Ottawa, to remain until after New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Forde Moulton, Jones' Falls, wers visitors here last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. McConnell, Lyndhurst, were visitors here on Sunday. Mrs. Glenn, Westport, is visiting Mrs. T. Heffer- pan. Mr. and Mrs. H. Webster spent Saturday at Wilstead. CROSBY. Dec. 14.--The annual oyster sup- per was a decided success. The usual large crowd assembled to partake of the sumptuous repast, after which they repaired to the church where the programme was given. Rev. Mr McCaul, Brockville, was the special speaker. Over $140 was realized. A large supply of milk is being handled here through Laing's receiving sta tion Mrs. William Spa.dal and three children from the Canadlan west are spending the winter with Mrs. Bella Stout. Miss Bella Spaldal, Brockville, spent the week-end with her mother at Mrs. B. Stout's. Mr. and Mrs. William Coopper, Lans- downe, spent a few days last week at the home of their son, W. E. Coop per. Ernest Barker is confined to his bed again. Mrs. N. B. Merriman Mrs. L. Stout, Mrs. A. Baker, and Sexton Merriman, motored to Brock- ville on Tuesday There is an .extra crew of twenty Frenchman employed on the C.N.R. as fencemen. The line from Crosby to Forfar Junction has to be fenced this fall, by order of the railway commissioners. I" a evening at Tichborme. Mr. and Mrs. | and Mrs. G. | Sunday at ------------ Wishing All Our Friends and Patrons A Merry Christmas A HOUSEFUL OF THINGS "HE" WANTS IN OUR DISPLAY OF PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR MEN--INSTITUTED FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF WOMAN WHOSE BIGGEST CHRISTMAS PROBLEM IS MAN. Get Him an OVERCOAT for XMAS. 8. We have reduced every Over- coat in the house to clear them. ~ What's a nicer thing for a ' gift than a BATHROBE ? We have all kinds of MUFFLERS From Wool to Silk. Suspenders in boxes. Armbands in boxes. Combination Sets. Silk Handkerchiefs. Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. ~ Se SWEATER COATS In V neck and Roll Collar, in Heathers and Grey. It's the most beautiful assort- ment of smart, winter HOSIERY ° one could wish for. Boxed for Christmas. Get Him a... CAP FOR CHRISTMAS and select it from the largest range in Kingston, in real smart Caps. Something any man would be pleased to find in his Stocking ALL WHITE ENGLISH SILK POPLIN SHIRTS EVENING CLOTHES .of the Slumberland variety. PAJAMAS Worth your while just to see. Beauties all of these. NECKWEAR Boxed for Christmas. FUR-LINED GLOVES If he needs Gloves don't miss these. A wonderful assortment to choose from. MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS A varied display of Stripes in colors you like. You'll say these are good when you see 'em. LINED MOCHA DRESS GLOVES In Grey and Brown. Boxed for Christmas. INITIALLED ° HANDKERCHIEFS Boxed for Christmas. VELOUR HATS A smarter Hat isn't made -- we hardly need tell you that. A PAIR OF TROUSERS makes a nice gift. We have over 3,000 pairs to choose from. GIVE HIM WHAT HE WEARS AND YOU'LL BE GIVING HM WHAT HE WANTS. IF YOU CAN'T THINK WHAT HE WANTS THE LION CAN HELP YOU. . THE LION CLOTHING HOUSE "LOOK FOR THE LION IN THE WIND OW" :: 356 KING ST., KINGSTON {Lemox & Addington] BETHEL. Dec. 18.--The school children are {ooking forward to a merry Christ few holidays. School closes on Deg. 22nd. J. B. Alken- brack, one of the most respected residents of Bethel, passed - away very suddenly after a brief {illness of pneumonia and heart trouble. The whole community will miss his pres- ence as a& good and worthy friend. J. Hamilton is improving rapidly af- ter his lengthy illness. Mrs. Bessie Alkenbrack and daughter, © Pansy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Pery Alken- brack and Mrs. Edith Alkenbrack one day last week. Mrs. Garnet Jet- trey visited Mr. and Mrs. George Jet- trey, Glenvale, a few days. Mrs. William Allen, Moscow, is visiting her son, Clarence Allen. MOSCOW. . Dec. 19.--The public school pu- pils are practising for their annual concert to be given on Thureday night. Miss Florence Huffman and friend came home from Peterboro normal school to spend the holidays with her parents. Miss G. Asselstine spent a few days in Kingston last week, The H.M.S. enjoyed a pleasant evening at BE. Evans' last week. Major and Mrs. Amey went to Kingston, where they have been frequently, to be with their sister, Mrs. Charon, who has been seriously ill, but is slowly improving. Miss C. Darling is expected home from Ottawa, where she is attending normal. Ralph Huff- man, Toronto, is coming home for H. Leigh visited friends over the 'week-end. Ray Judge, of Queen's College, Kingston, is home for Christmas, & ---- VENNACHAR. Dec. 15.----Another light fall of stow has helped the sleighing whieh is still poor. William Sallans, Plev na, is cutting pulp on his father's farm near Copeland Lake. Mr. and Christmas, | Mrs. G. M. Bebee made a business trip to Matawatchan. this week. .\I- tred Babee brought a load of freight from Lavant for R. W. Conner. W. Johnston is residing with his son, Alex. Johnston. Fred Johnston ana 'nis brother, Alex., left here to work in the woods in Northera Ontario Mrs. H. Wilson Is visiting at Den- Joi a day with her mother Mrs. R. W. "Bebee, and his sister, Miss Jane Be- James Jackson is cutting pulp. J. |e bigh. Mrs. 8. Ball, Denbigh, spent |. Grant, who Is in Kingston Hospital, is getting along nicely. Mrs, 8. Gregg visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. C. McNeil,- Mallory Hill. Mrs. A. Jackson and her son, George, are visiting at James Jack- son's. Mrs. Willlam Bailey and fa- mily are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Charles Bebee. C. Barton, bailiff, Plevna, made a business trip through here this week. Alfred Be- bee bought Felix Rudburg's farm and has moved onto it with his fath- er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles in this bee. Mr. Rudburg and family have moved to Wolfe Island. Lanark McDONALD'S CORNERS. Dec. 18.--Miss Katle McBain has returned to Perth aftér spending a holiday at her home. Alexander Ste- wart and sister, Miss Katie, visited their brother at Elphin last week. William Dunlop who has been ill for several weeks is slowly recovering. Dunlop's school was closed all of last week owing to the illness of the teacher, Miss McIntyre. Mrs. Cliff- ord McDonald is visiting at the home of her father. Ellis Little, student of Queen's University, returned 'home Wednesday to ~ spend the Christmas hoildays. : ie ---- I" WALL RIVER. Dec. 15.--The farmers are anxl- ously looking forward for snow, §3 they can draw their wood. A num- ber from around here attended Perth Poultry Fair and received a reason- able price for their poultry. Archie Gray made a business trip to Moun- tain Grove. A number front' around here Intend going to the concert in Maberly on Christmas night. Visii- ors: H. Whiticar at George McFari- ane's; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conroy and also Jack Sargeant at J. Con- roy's; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Palmer spent Sunday at William Palmer's, Laren people for eighteen years. He wag an honest, working citizen and will be nifesed community, mourn his loss four brothers, An- PLAYER'S industrious, hard- He leaves to drew, George, John and Edward and five sisters, two in the states married, and Hannah Mary and Jane at home, The funeral was held on Sunday at the family residence and interment vice was rowing friends. NAVY CUT CIGARETTES / was made at Playfairville. The ser- conducted by Rev. Ralph, Lanark, The sympathy of the community is extended to the sor- Mr, 2

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