Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Dec 1922, p. 8

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. - % THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, DEC, 20, 1022, -- = ~ NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS Lite's Social Sid ¢ Special Christmas Ofer: 2 - 3 dozen five-cent packages Little Editor of Women's Page, Tele- Cowan, Ottawa, will be at the Cha- Sen-3 sia Raisios-31.29 Wonk phone 248. Pritate phone 857w. teau Belvidere, for the dance at the ™ Make two dosen kiddies happy ss Royal Military College on Thursday with them. Stick them in the stock- rick, Toronto, is in : ings. Let the ltl ple hand George Kirkpatrick, . . soe them out te little {rimds as Christ: town to attend the Royal Miliary Ma R Bk ai % and is the guest of his : HL ent, "Somersby College dance, House," will entertain at dinner oo mas gifts, 3 urchie. sister, Mrs. J. C. Murc Christm ing Luscious, healthfu! Chrteimas sweet- [pas both good and GOOD FOR Mr. and Mrs. May and their son, Bryon May, New York, and Geoffrey i. Gilbert, of Harvard University, Bos- Mim Nancy Matthews. and ass ton, will be the guests of Mr. and Osler will be with aad slo Mrs. Philip Gilbert for Christmas, Harty, "Roselawn." for (oe X= , Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Campbell, {the Royal Military College on Thurs- "Glen Lyon," Emily street, are leav- 4, fng on Thursday for New York to Miss Helon Wilton and Miss Elin visit Dr. and M5 noveing. They Allen will come from es Lois will remain a week. ., |Saturday to spe Prof. and Mrs. Manley Baker, Wil- | 0 "8, Bond Tuy holidays in Pumpkin Pte for Christmas. the dough in from both ends until it Any woman, though she be tha [makes a long roll. Double this roll most inexperienced housekeeper, can {in the middle so as to form a square bake a good pumpkin pie for her |of the dough. Then with a sharp Christmas dinner by following these |knife, cut the square in half. One directions: half of it makes a single under crust, Buy a small pumpkin--one that is {when rolled as nearly circular as pos- a little smaller than a football. A [sible and large enough to cover one pumpkin of this size will weigh about [pie pan generously. two pounds and cost around 20 cents. When you have lied two pie pans It should makes two ples. with your dough, fill them with the Cut your two-pound pumpkin in [prepared pumpkin filling. Sprinkle half, then in quarters. Scoop out the the top of both ples with a little seeds and membranes (these, of ground cinnamon, course, are not used), then pare off The pies are now ready to bake. the Joiow outside a, Cut . the (pg, gure you have as hot an oven as Ham street, are leaving on Rylday So | Miss Rita Hutchineon, Montreal ny Sg Bore al Pesos, you Wt poseihiy pet. H you Hep au spend the vacation at Pitts Durg, "a. | will be among the out-of-town girls | let them simmer Hil ver tordor-- oven thermometer, 0 not put : Mr, and Mrs, C, L. Harper, Nelson {at the dance at the Royal rh {Christmas In Picton with her sister, about two hours. Dra ry the water pies into the open till the $hermomes ; * . ~ #treet, are leaving on Saturday to {College on Thursday. Mrs. Lake, N and mash the pumpkin as you would ter registers 550 degrees Fahrenheit, , l€ ] 0 1] S spend Christmas with Rev. Dr and | Dr. R. Bruce Taylor, Prineipal of Mrs. J. M. Fair, Aberdeen avenue, |niash potatos. Then measure it by Watch the clock, and after the pies Mrs. Harper, Aurora, Ont. Mr, Har. | Queen's University, was the guest {will spend Christmas with her | cupfulls There SionM be two and have been in this hot oven for five Pr will return and Mrs. Harper Will during 1g week-end of Rev. Vo A. |daughter, Mrs. J. M. Hazlett, and Dr. | one-half cu of the pulp " |to ten minutes, decrease the oven OU can rest assured, if your gift is a Hotpoint Iron, that you 80 on to Collingwood for a few days. | Mcliroy and Mrs. Malloy Ey 38ugnler in. 3 5 Ooh iS Pat the Pe. op pe Balt clos : heat so that it is a 'medium' oven Y have made a wise selection. During the years to come, your Ly" - ! |" Mise Grace Martin Royal Victoria | mashed pumpkin | y E 3 hg O' | Pumpkin ples, like all other pies _ wishes will continually be brought to mind, and thus, the spint of A pleasant time was spent at the | LI Hospital, Montrodl, will arrive onlnet mi ? x DE 0 a re i ow! that contain egg, must go into a very Christmas kept green. : : : : Welfare Station on Tuesday after-| Miss Marion Matthews, Y.W.CA, Saturday to spend the holiday with | ot m hi to Basa Wo table- [not oven at the start (to set the The Hotpoint Iron is famous for its hot point, 'and ia handle, which noon, when the Graduate Nurses' As- seit for her home in Bebe, Que., on her Ey a the Misses Martin Cert > fd of flour, four tablespoons of crust), but after a few moments they fits the hand, and is always cool. The thumb rest is an exclusive tpoint 1 : : : molhsses, one cup of granulated réauira only ho Fling do hot oven feature. Get them now --in a cardboard carton--24 all for §1---at any store. Little Sun-Maids "Ch ist R os 39 ' Sc Everywhere Had Your Iron Today? ave the anual treat to the | Tuesday, 4 : @ociation gave the a ' gy street, * lsugar, two cups of sweet milk and [,,, order that the lling does not boil. For sale by all Dealers of Electrical Appliances. ehildren who attend the classes| Capt. and Mrs. Elmer Beckel, Osh- . 00 v two-thirds of a teaspoon of ground An egg "Alling omes watery if al- "Made in Canada" by Canadian General Electric Co., Limited Head Office, Toronto, Sales Branches in all large cities, SA DO HOTPOINT IRON, TOASTERS, PERCBEATORS AND ALL HOTPOINT APPLIANCES. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO. 167 PRINCESS STREET INA ct i Sa WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF HOTPOINT APPLIANCES HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. 845 KING STREET PHONE 04. A' CHRISTMAS PARABLE. X : BARNUM'S | | BAKERY Christmas Fruit Cake--plain or iced--all sizes --1} Ibs. to 10 ]bs. Order now. Fresh Cream Puffs and Chocolate Eclairs. S-- Mrs. Arthur Meighen and Pn es mn there. A programme was arranged | awa, and their little son will arrive r , treal, is i With a recitation by Virginia Cadue, |on Saturday to spend Christmas and bg rl a oN! DaNilim iz wow rouay, lowed to simmer in the ple. In all, Sinks by Fiarence Robbs aud Helen |New Years with Mrs. Backel's par [Dock street, for (5-diuce = the crusts, as follows: Put int tain [1° Pie should bake 10 to 50 min- Mitcheli and a recitation by Helen (ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Driver, | joyal Military College on Thursday. bent oe ee a Yes, Cadue. Miss G, Conklin, Queen's | George street. 2 i > University, put the class she trains| Rev. John Macdonald, Bala, and hud rr inn Huis, with the fingers, | Tomorrow--Crocheting Ladles' Bed through an exhibition of physical | Herbert Wood, Toronto, will join . Re cup o a, At to it one Socks. drill. Candy bags 'were given the | Mrs. Macdonald and Mrs. Wood, who What the Editor Hears third rpg DL Stir fu tWo- 3 children,; who thoroughly enjoyed |are .with their emoother, Mrs. John k 501 & of sold Water, This All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirk the afternoon. { Fairlie, Brock street, for Christmas. akes a stiff paste, which nust now man in care of the "Efficient House- ie, 0 { Mrs. Frank Cain, Harley, Ont. is or hool be turned out onto a floured bread keeping" department will be answered Miss |in town for her daughter's wedding That 8.7. Lilley's Sunday school | hoard and rolled to about one-fourth lin these columns in their turn. This: re- rms | 5 ith p class at the Y.M.C.A. gave some {inch in thickness. Put one-half cup |quires considerable time, however, ow- and is with Rev. Dr. R. H. Bell and | pian dig gifts to the children at the of butter over this sheet of pastry, |ing to the great number received. So if irs. Bell. William street, welfare station, breaking the butter into small pieces (a personal or quicker reply is desired, & Prot. Iva Martin, Picton, is visit- -- with the fingers (the butter pieces | Stamped and self-addressed envelope | "Miss Florence Stewart, Toronto, |, Th the cold weather will make | wil bo very close together on the a eee vill arrive in Kingston on Saturda {hie struggle to make both ends meet | dough); sift one-half cup of flour | umber, and the name o \your city and! 0 spend the holidays with her . in many homes even more strenuous. over the buttered dough, then fold | state.-- The Editor. \ ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Bagot street. That the Prince of Wales' gift to | _ . Lady Joan Multholland, now the Countess of Cavan, was a silver cigar- elte case engraved with the Prince of Wales' feathers and "E." . * . Miss Patricia Forster, of the Brantford Expositor, will spend the holiday with J. Russell Forster and Mrs. Forster, William street. Mr. and Mrs. T. Herbert Gillespie, |!®d the a That were unconscious prophecies By Agnes Maule Macher. Of brighter years to come! That the Bank of Commerce hae way in memorializing the | The dull cold wintry day had run Princess street, are to spend the |Members of thelr staff who served Its course through gloom and chill Christmastide in Hamilton with Mrs, |during the Great War. And swiftly passed the fleeting sun "Gillespie's parents. -- Behind the western hill, , Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Airth and Mr. That the children of the Orphans' | But as he dropped to.meet the night | Albright are expected from Renfrew Home will be given their annual There rose a gentle breeze _Ahis week to spend Christmas with |CBristmas Tree on Friday, That sent @-burst-of radiant ligh Mr, and Mrs. Charles Anglin, Queen -- Through the bare leafless trees. "| street. | That the "Devine Sara" is a plucky A Mrs. H. Ashley and her son, Car-|®d lady, she defies illness and de- |, seemed a presage of the spring roll Ashby, have arrived from Vir-|Clares site will return to the stage in And the restoring power ginia and are with Mr. and Mrs. W. |SPite of her seventy-eight years. She | That the returning sun can bring R. Givens, "Maitland House." has taken to herself the man's limit To bud and leaf and flower; Mr. and Mrs. Noel Lee, Villa St.|0f age and is truly only "as old a3s|ywhen fields in Mving green arrayed flowers Clare apartments, leave for Windsor [She feels." Strew blossoms at ou took ol Wher'er He sets His foot, on Saturday, to spend Christmas wit And birds awake the woodland glade : Mrs. Fratk oy 4 Wh carv.vaN CAMP WEDDING. With carols clear and sweet 4 oy mn feudal ---- - Fven so mid' human sin and wrong . At the Sydenham Street Methodist | Mid sorrows, strife and wars, Miss Helen Subers, Queen's Uni- Parsonage, Wednesday Mortfing. We hail again the angel song versity, leaves for her home in Phila-| Sydenham street Methodist par- And the bright Christmas stars, delphia on Friday, to spend the holi- sonage was the scene of a charming | The stars days. house wedding on Wednesday morn- shone hands Lamp. Miss Lucy Merrick, William street, ing at 11 o'clock, when Helen Beulah, Above the manger bed, He casts their chains away, H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO. will leave on Saturday to spend |daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cain, | Ang o'er the desert pathway lone 167 Princess Street - - - Phone 441. Dreams of a God to earth come down All evil to destroy-- The Great Redeemer, crown ' A longing world with Joy. who should His Sacred Name in 'court and hall A reverent homage. brings, Before Him crowned warriors fall, To hail Him King of Kings! And, gentle' thoughts spring ul like Tone Up Your House For Christmas with pretty Electric fixtures and Electric lands, 1 in Ys SER Tt tater. Table Lamps. Give Mother a Vacuum that for the shepherds [slaves raise to Him their suffering Cleaner and Father a Reading or Desk . » * To earth's suppressed and suffering Christmas Gift Hints Christmas with Mrs. Henry Merrick, Harley, Ont., and niece of Rev. Dr. The Eastern pligrims led; McMasterville, Que. R. H. Bell and Mrs. Bel, was married | The song that hailed the wondrous Major Ballantyne, Dr, and = Mrs.|to John Lloyd Van Camp, B.Sc.F., birth HE le oF aes hea f Sheriff, 3nd Mrs. Robert Shaw, Ot-|gson of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Van Camp, Of love Divine and strong men 82 so tawa, will spend Christmas with Mr. Toronto, Rev. R. H. Bell, D.D., offici- 1 choir to earth SHE'S LOVELY IN HER and Mrs. John Ballantyne. ating. Tho drawing room Wis gay | To sing the Clots sory And turns to gain their loss. EVENING GOWN a = an Bl Urqubas, with Ohr'itmas decorations and the pu . wa, w e Ww Tr. an rs. Pel" bay window, where the "ceremony |.. Th er Devlin, for the holiday season. ok place, banked with ferns, palms Peas 2033 sooawigth 9, aong * . » » L Jerusalem cherrief# and poinsettia. "Neath blue Syri Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Macdonell, and | The' bride, who entered the room to wor the inl yrian sky »imap Miss May Macdonell, University av|ihe strains of wedding music played e aie enue, will spend Christmas in Ot by Miss Ida Van Camp, wore a lovely ' That er T 1 die! Hwa, Jith Dr. and Mrs. Campbell wedding gown of ivory crepe romain, old a! haves ma TS aan and yearn: . t 4 G. B. Rooney, Winnipeg, will be ro, uke veil was iS4 on _viate by ing evies, When He Who in the manger lay orange blossoms and her bouquet was | long deferred and dumb Ret Barth' with Mrs. Rooney, Bagot street, fr | og ophelia roses ad Iiy-of-the-val- opes long deterred and dum eturns, Earth's King, to reign. Christmas. ley. She was preceded by her cousin, £0 Wendling Anglin will leave for Mrs. Robert Pottruff, Paris, a Septem- An Italian composer named Scar- Montreal, on Thursday. ber bride as matron of honor, wear- lattl wrote 100 operas and 3,000 can- Miss Marguerite Bellhouse, Royal ing a frock of ivory crepe de chine tatas. Victoria Hospital, Montreal, wiil ar- with a corsage bouquet of roses/ Butter was used by the ancients rive on Saturday to spend the Christ- Gladden Boll acted as ring bearer at times as fuel. mastide with Mrs. W. A. Bellhouse, and the best man was Harold Yan Bagot street. Camp, Toronto, brother of the groom. " . . Immediately afier the ceremon: 2 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peters, Ottawa, lupcheon was served at the table amy THURSDAY, DEC, 21. and Mrs. C. P. Emberly, Winnipeg, tred with a wedding cake crowned Lively conditions in all affairs may will be with Mr, and Mrs. W. J. with red roses, the same fragrant | le read from this day's astral activi- Chapman, Garrett street, for Christ- flowers being in small vases. Mr¥ and | 'es. Although there may be interest- mas. RL 3 : Mrs. Van Camp left for New York, |'B8 and promising developments Mrs. Cadunhend, Sr., will _ pend the latter wearing a suit of navy biye poining to future success and gain, z SSS broadcloth, a hat to match and a seal | Under the present ru.e of the stars Wherever struggling millions turn And every Christmas morn that gleams Upon the wintry year, Wakes multitudes from dreams The votce divine to hear-- © presage of the glorious day Creation waits In pain, ~--but wouldn't she fairly dazzle with the addition of a string of Pearls, or an or- nament for her coiffure. careless Fancy Stone Sets, Combs, priced from ........$1.00 Strings of Indestructible Pearls irom ...$10 to $85. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS Princess Street, Kingston To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble | ; --| INo. Soap Better = For Your Skin---- Than Cuticura 'SPECIAL COLUMBIA RECORDS FOR CHRISTMAS Holy Night, Peaceful Night-- Jeanne Gore on 79373 10 in. $1.00 Oh Come All-Ye Falthf ul, Hark the H Open Evenings. stole. When the bride and groom re- turn from New York they will visit friends in Kingston and Toronto be- fore leaving for Pincher Creek, Alta. where they will make their home. The out-of-town guests included) Mrs, 'Frank Cain, Harley, Ont., mother of | the bride, Mrs. 8. E. Van Camp, To- (ronto, mother of the groom, Miss Ida 'here may Le little prospect of im- mediate financial benefit. It may be well to forge ahead toward future reaping, but for the momen: to shun all money risk or speculation. It may be a time for planning and proparation rather than for culmina- tion, Those whose birthday it is have Angels Sing--Maurel and Male tette A-6198 12 in. Festival Overture, Marche Joyeus inein- nat! Symphony Or chestra A-6197 12 in., $1. Nasareth, Voice of the Cts --Saniis al Colummbly Stellar Quartette, 'A~6169, fH] Na, «60. * Birthday of a King-- Star of the Dast Maurel and Colum Ma Stellar Quartette A-1790, 10 in. y 2 Ye Olden Yuletide Hy mns--Part 14Ye Old Yuletide H s-Part 1i--Columbl {Van Camp, and Mrs. William Harris, | the forecast of an active year, with Stellar Quartette. A293, 10 In. Te | Toronto, opportuniy for future advancement, : but they sould not speculate nor risk money in any manner. A chid | born.on this day will be active, en- ergetic, quick and ciever, and will have thie capacity to excel in many * Never before h ivlety of useful gifts in © FRENCH Foon vt a rea " lines, but it may be extravagant un- : ; y léss carefully trained. e Toilet Sets . . $5.00 to $35.00 | Ivory Brushes .... $2.50 to $10.00 ' Ivory Manicure sets §4 to $20.00| Ivory Shaving sets $4.50 to $10.00 Wednesday Mirrors For the Christmas very sores $3.50 to $10.00 % \ / Ivory Trays, Pin Cushions, Perfume Bottles, Scissors, Shoe . Gifts, beautiful and useful. Hand- Horns, Powder Boxes, Jewe] Boxes, ete. Make your selection now! painted china, tea-sets, salad bowls, nut bowls, odd cups and saucers, small dishes, also a number of smali |} { : pictures In either water color or oil. [Ji as | ® "The Compton Studio," | v 163 Alfred Street. | | Slavery was abolished In Brooklyn | in 1825. : | : ny Tom CW LINDSAY in

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