ni ¥ SIMA TEC THE DAl SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1022, LY BRITISH WHIG. ---- In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features N IG FROCKS | Mai ore jor ryoNING a trend [NEW OUTER WRAPS CHRISTMAS CAKES ward the Medieval. | | ------ | and PUDDINGS | Street Garments Feature Artis- | tic Quality and Beauty, Now is the time to order your Christmas Cake and Pudding. WE USE NO SUBSTITUTES er LR - Ip A I 2 | ld | ARTS J 1 ! : | All He? q 3 ) | Parisiennes Are Paying More Atten- | tion to Coats and Capes Than to Dresses. PHONE 1925w. "HI \ ko AS A fl 1 IN l NI {i : * When the stormy winds do blow" x So goes the old sen song, and it would be good advice to edd 'Baker's Cocoa It is warming and sustaining, for it has genuine food value, and may be safely indulged in any hour of the day for it is stimulating only in the sense that pure food is stimulating. It is delicious too, MADE IN CANADA BY WALTER BAKER &. CO. LIMITED Established 1780 ) Dorchester, Mass. CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL ' Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free neoiSTERID TRADEMARK FOR THE KIDDIES AEROPLANES, TODDLE-BIKES. WHEELBARROWS., SLEIGHS. KIDDIE KARS. CHILD'S SETS. \ algunas' CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK--THE PRICES ARE VERY Low Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINCESS STREET By Annette Bradshaw Many of the season's smartest frocks tend towand the medieval. A decided medieval indfeation is the upward drape, which is the newest note. Some of the typical frocks of the Middle Ages had their folds caught upward and held by a fancy ornament at the girdle, This mode follows "hrough in both afternoon and evening things. The gold-colored evening gown. here is 2 fale example of the way of froasks for * Goloshes to Reappear Note the Upward Trend of the Drap es on These Charming Dresses. cvening. The medium is ehiffon, ana |it's of that rich gold solor which is | To heighten the dress trimmed with the same fur. A 80 sivart just now, effect of the chiffon, the bodice is of gold tissue and the girdle orna- ment of amber and gold The afternoon dress is of almond- green.crepe. Its plain bodice moulds to the lines of the figure and wrinkles its surface low about the wearer's hips. The skirt is made with a long- er tunic whose ends are caught in {ront by a jade and gold ornament, wich that can be toasted all at once the same way as the first mentioned egg sandwich, . Many a filling nutritious lunch can {be made by putting combinations ot Whatever the occasion, be they the {morning hours of shopping or work- | |ing or the afternoon hours of leisure {and pleasure, the Parisienne still Wears a street wrap that has every artistic quality and beauty about it, | says a Paris fashion correspondent in {Le New York Times. This Is the age | of the beautiful coat. Women are pay- | ing more attention to their outer | Wraps than to their dresses, and are | learning to wear them with more grace and character. In Paris, especially, the street Wraps are developing with marked success. The season's Openings prove | that fact as the many examples of re- { cent wrap building make their debut. Chanel shows a Wrap of beige crepe "which Is completely covered with an all-over pattern in mbroldery and gold thread, itary, gorgeous | cashmeres of the ancient Hindus. Patou has an exquisite collection of black capes trimmed with fur, and generally with fringes of black monkey, The collars are extremely high, rising at the back until they touch the brim of one's hat. Certain of the wraps express the freedom and dash of the Cossack"s robe. At Renee's the afternoon wraps have more or less the semblance of elaborated and elongated costume blouses. The fur collars of her fabric wraps are not fo exaggerated as in some of the other showings. But the | fur jackets amply compensate for this | apparent glighting of the luxurious | taste and are created with a lavish hand. A woolen wrap 18 bordered with black fox, and worn with a black | wrap of the smart fur "sea dog," and another of caracul Imitate the Russian blouse. Fach is worn with a black dress trimmed with the same fur. Paul Caret makes his wraps ex- tremely long and surprisingly narrow, 115 BROCK F. C. HAMBROOK Get Your Christmas Cards And Decorations At Our Store. Open Nights. * Phone Be Distinctive ! Buy a Brunswick and you will get exactly what you expect a Phono- graph to be. Come in and hear why, EASY TERMS. -- eemt-- ALL KINDS MUSICAL INST RUMENTS, DIS. TINCTIVE STATIONERY Xmas. Records New Feist Dance Folié No. 4, prepaid 78e. ORDER TO-NIGHT ! THE SONG SHOP 216 Princess Street. 070w. ------ AT Aart rer Sterling Toilet Sets Give a Clock for Christmas Priced from $2.00--$15.00 | L. C. HEMSLEY Watchmaker from R. J. 149 Sydenham St. Notwithstanding uasettling ports to the contrary, local chants state that goleshes quite certainly be worn winter. In apite of the that they have been over done ro- mer- will this fact odds and ends of meat, vegetables or cold boiled macaroni through a meat, | grinder and heating it hot with enough gravy, milky or even hot WVa'pr to moisten it and. then eating it with a fork-6h hot buttered toast. FOR CHRISTMAS What would look more beautiful on her Boudoir Table than a pretty Three- You can use sweet milk, sour milk, buttermilk or water with _EGG-O in bein ft undone by the ultra smart, they have been found to be too comfortable and too convenient for the women to give them up lightly. Spats are not attractive for indoor wear, and the endless buttons, when frequently one's button-hook is else- where, are nothing less than a nuis- Salmen, tuna, or any white dry fish like halibut, is good creamed for a hot toast sandwich, Salad dressing, |too, Is as good on hot sandwinhes as !1t is In the cold. A filling club sand- | | Wich is considered a meal in itself. | Catsup Or any piquant 'omato sauce {will add zest to most any hot sand- | | Piece Toilet Set, Mirror, Brush and Comb in sterling Silver with engraved and engine turned designs, and since they are open stock patterns, other pieces may be added to them at any time. These sets are heavy and made for service. Priced from $35.00 to $150.00. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS, PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON 'Baking Powder ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER than once or twice a day. Merchants point out that goloshes need not be untidy, but for those who | Pm do not like them and who also--be- ; ; ~ "ling out and in much--find spats in- . ' P convenient, something new has been ance to the person who goes out more "i filled with leftovers, TO-DAY"S FASHION | By Vera Winston. I ------------------------ HOME-MADE BREAD BUTTERNUT BREAD MALTANA BREAD " W. BURNS, 61 Frontenac 8t., North Phone 1826w, N--- -- ---- 4 BIG FIRE AT WESTRORY. were all very attractivy with lots of lovely things that met a very ready made for this season--namely, spats with buckles down the front, *100000 ALREADY Bf $ 200.00 MORE IN CIVEN AWAY ® CASH NOW OFFERED Then, of cousse, there are the Rus- sian boots. : 1st PRIZE $75.00 2nd PRIZE $50.00 8rd PRIZE $25.00 4th PRIZE $15.00 it is necessary to be careful not to givé. the appearance of a human sandwich-----dark shoes, white tops, dark hose, light dress, dark coat, light fur, dak hat. Don't do it. ' The rest of the outfit to be worn with Two Tones of Gray Velours--One Very Dark and One Very Light--Com- In wearing the latter, however, 5th PRIZE $10.00, and Five Prizes of $5.00 each. ---- Sr pee nm P35, § gages 1 Epic $ Russian boots must be Bhosen with care, if the wearer would not be amusing, But to return to the prime bit of news in this article, goloshes are to be worn again this winter, no mat- iter what else fs: 'Hot Sandwiches A housekeeper says we should re- member there are possibilitins for other hot sandwiches as wel! as "hot- dog." . - Roast beef or pork is good 'with «WO crusts of a hot roll or bun. Roast beef or pork, with a thin slice' of mustard cucumber pickle. is an- | other hot sandwich frequently soldat resorts, Quite often there is no but- | ier'in these sandwiches ani 'he breaq is a very "lgbt™ and yeasty quality, but we enjoy them just tho sume Le- cause they are ho:, easy to handle as | they are .eatem, and inexpensive to buy. { Because they are also easy to | make, they are a suggestion '0 the ! busy housekeeper who really needs a 'hot bite" at noon, fully as much as her husband, but because she 's "too tired" or "busy" does without it, and actually breaks down her health, An- | other advantage of a home-made bot sandwich is tha' one oan use good bread atid butter and have a variety of fillings, 2 It there is no left-over roast io fm up in gravy for sandwich fiil- » & sausage or a small portion of hamburger siirred three minutes in a hot frying-pan with a slice onion, | is good. An egg broken on a bread can be baked in a the top and bottom crusts of a round roll is an equally good luncheon. | Cream cheese with a dash of red pep- Per is another appetizing hot sand- | Novel Sleeves Add Distinction to This Lovely Brown and Gold * Gown. The matertal of the frock above is beautiful, combining as it does rich gold and brown in a brocaded de- sign. The sleeves are the ulira-smart feature, and one mnst wnderstand Eow they're made to get the true eflect. : end 'is shirred Into & cuff of kolin- sky. " Note also the smart skirt treat- ment. Al its gathers are at the left elde, " * . bined With Embroidery In the 8ame Tones to Make Smart Street Wrap. with the waistline indicated by a Jap anese kimono effect. Much matelasse is used and some of it Is combined with leatherfsh tones of cloky. Afternoon mantles and daytime WIADS at Jenny's have snugly fitting collars, from which swing large panels as far as the waist, where they are fastened by wide girdles. These panels extend to either side to form the wide sleeves, which are really only slits for the arms to pass rough. Ong sees a number of short, furry Jackets, A short coat is of white kasha, trimmed with white and black braid, : NEW SCARF GAY AND DAINTY Colorful Accessory as Filmy as Finest Silk; Wool Used in the Home. spun Weave, Among the most colorful! accessories to milady's fall wardrobe are the new fiber scarfs. They are as filmy as the finest silk, but with a somewhat firmer texture. Composed of inch-wide strips, no two of which are the same color, they rival Joseph's coat of gayety, Added daintiness is gained by an all- over eyelet embroidery and the ex- tremely long fringe. Another very delicate scarf is devel oped in wool in the popular homespun weave. Although the pattern is very much like that used In burlap, the threads are so fine that the thing is Scarcely heavier than a thick well, though By virtue of the wool decidedly warmer. : ------------ When Sewing Lace. Never make a seam in Joining lace, TSWhip over and over or else battonhola | together with buttonhole stitches. En- Geavor to join on the edge of a design #0 as to hide the joining place, : McEwen's Bakery, Grocery Burned Damaged. --Other Buildings Westport, Dec, 12.--A fire broke out Saturday about two o'clock in H. C. McEwen's bake shop, which was bugned. His grocery. store, ice cream parlor and feed stor® were to- tally destroyed. Very little was sav- ed as the fire spread so rapidly Thomas Butler's hardware s:ore and dwelling, and barn were badly dam- aged. A. C. Bradley attended the ward- en's banquet in Brockville on Thurs- day evening last. Messrs. Speagle, Alfred Bennett, B. Ellerbeck and Vv. Leseaux spent the week-end visiting friends in Perth and Smi'y's Falls. The ladies of St. Edward's chugch held a successful sale and dinner in C.W.L. hall on Tuesday. The booths sale. They were presided over by the members of the League with their assistants. A splendid sum was realized. James 8. Myers spent the woek-end in Havelock. Mrs. Edward Egan passed away this morning after a long illness. The annual turkey, fair on Tues= day was the most successful for years. Tons of poultry were sold at prices ranging from 40 to 45 cents for turkeys, 25 to 27 cents for geeks and 25 cents for chickens. Theres were several receiving stations on Bedford street and the day was 8 busy one. 5 Miss Martina McCann has ta rposition in 8. E. Blair's store, and Mrs. E. 'Q. Ewing spent week-end in Watertown, N. Messrs. Howard Coburn and Ra Adam left bn Firday for Detroit,