ER THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 1083, CRAPS TO CRICKET QUEEN'S SPORTS FLOURISH AGAIN Hockey, Boxing and Basketball | Quickly Fill the Gap Left "by Rugby. The big gap caused by the close of the rugby football season at Queen's, with the last Inter-faculty match be- tween Science and Medicine over, is | | sheet of ice has been obtained and | rapidly being filled up by tie revival of the other lines of sport which fol- low football, The hockeyists are training daily, each day a little squad | of boxers and wrestlers may be seen either working out or discussing plans, to be put into effect on their regular training niglits, when "Billie". Hughes and Mr. Bews take them in hand, and "Bill" Shaw's senior basketball squad is rapidly rounding into good shape in prepara- tion for its United States tour. Just at presen' it is hard to say honv the Queen's hockey teams will shape up. There should be an abun- danoe of good material, but there are rumors that a good many of the stars, held «Dp by rugby from their studies ever stice the opening of college, are celuctant abou' turning out. One sound of the hockey sticks and skates, hbwever, usually brings forth all the tmpilers, and this annual oc- currence fa expected again this seo- | ' son, Buffio® to say that Queen's wil! be heard from in both O.H.A. and intercollegiate series, The boxers' are shaping up well and taking thelr medicine regularly. Some promising material has appear- ed and nearly all the former mem- bers of the squeid are back. "Billie" Hughes is taking a keen interest in the mitt. artists this season and Mr. Bews can be depended upon to turn aut a firet rato group of wrestlers. The basketeeits are looking for- ward with big Mopes to their inter- collegiate campaign this season. Their trip during Christmas week, which will bring them into contact Are You Wondering ; What to give "Her" Well, unless she already Las one, we would advise a Toilet and Manicure Set. It is a real meceasity to her daintiness -- a Christmas gift she herself would choose if she were, ask- ed. * We have = very beautiful assortment. Our sets in Ster- lag Silver will give a life. time of service. From $40 up to $100. Also some especially lovely Ivery Sets as low as $15 up to 920. Come in to-day before the prettiest sets are gone. Kinnear & d Esterre VT Adhininhdhhdd dd A dd dd dda PUTT TTY aey dubbed AA VY darhuhahahbd {with man » best teams in New | York state, [their subsequent scheduled matches {with McGill and University of 0 ee to and they expect to make a much i better showing this year, They hav the material and sheuld deliver 'the | goods | The ice in the Jock Harty Arena is improving each day and should be ready for immediate hard work when {the hockey players return from their | Christmas vacations and also during | the vacation period. Already a good | y-of th George Stewart is nursing it along | carefully until the {come for Rowps, HUSTON'S INTEREST In Negotiations for Half Share of Yanks. major. league baseball sessions 'cen- tred prominently around the affairs League champions. Colonel Jacob Ruppert's formal an- nouncement that he expected within a week to acquire sole ownership of ed consideration of $1,500,000, | | the westerners for Eddie Collins, vet- eran second sacker, and Dick Kerr, southpaw pitcher, It was said that official announcement of the trade, | which has been rumored in diamond | circles-for some time, ould be mada at tomorrow's opening\session of Am- erican League club owners, The only possibility of a hitch in {fe deal, now. outlined, centres {around Kerr, who failed to report to the White Sox last spring and must {secure reinstatement from Commis {#loner Landis before being permitted to play in major lgague ranks again. Ward pldyed second base and Meu- | sel in the outfield for the Yankees | last season. | Colonel Rupert's as to the ownership of the ciub fol- | lewed his partner's statement that he was negotlating for the sale of his} [interests in order to take a rest, ! FIGHT PURSE FORFEITED. ETT. | Rosenberg Disciplined by N.Y. Box- ing Commission, | The New York State Athletic Com. | {mission ordered forfeited the purse of Dave Rosenberg in his boxing con- test with Mike O'Dowd at the Rink Sporting Olub Thanksgiving night, because he lost "he contest on a foul after repeated warnings, Replying to reports that Rosen- berg's left hand was in bad shape, the commission submitted with the decision today copies of letters from Dr. James. E. Thompson and John Leon, president of the Rink Sport- ing Club, Inc., setting forth that they had examined Rosenberg's left hand on the day of the bout and "found absolutely nothing the matter with it.» -Syracuse University has been in- vited to participate in the world's intercollegiate track and field cham- plonship at Paris, France, May 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th next year. Christmas Sugges- tions in Men's Gifts Neckties N ey He expects them--he wants them--don't disappoint him. You will find in our stock a varied assortment of all the latest styles and colors. Ties in special gift boxes Watch for our suggestion in to-morrow's Whig. . George V Phone 362w. orne's 13 Princess Street. will be 4 fine training for | cold weather has | MAY GO 10 RUPPERT {Reported $1,500,000, Involved | Developments connected with the | of the New York "Yankees, American a the club by purchasing, for a report- | the half interest of Colonel T. L. Huston, | | was followed by authoritative reports | |that the Yankees had closed a deal | { with the White Sox to trade Aaron ! {Ward, Bob Meusel and a pitcher to | announcement | SPORTING > RUMMY 70 RUGBY "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER" You not only read it, you sing it. Try it on your piano. Watch nightly for this big comic hit. LIBERATE THIS ON YOUR LUTE. \ WR Rey OF COURSE I'M OUT OF PRACTICE - AND MY SKATES ARE DUWL, | YALE OFFERS DATE | 10- WGILL SQUAD One Half Under Canadian and | Second Under American Code Suggested. Yale football* authorities have communicated with officials of the McGill Rugby Football Club offering | the red and white a date on the Elf | gridiron in the 1923 season. October 20th, which will be an open date for McGill in the-Canadian Intercolieg- fate Rughy Union series, has been | named by Yale. McGill has replied asking if the American team would be . willing to play one. half under the American football code and the other under Canadian rules. The red and white have practical- ly closed with Syracuse for,a gama wholly under American rules, to be| played about the middle of Novemb- er. Offers have been received from several other universities in the United States, including Army, only the date suggested by the West Pointers, Sept. 20th, is too early in the season for MciGll, where the players do not_report back for the session until about Oct. 1st, Other, offers previously received were from Dartmouth,' Vermont, ¥niversity of Maine and several other smaller colleges. CARA LE = DODD'S | | Ban Ni, SATISFIED WITH LANDIS. Johnston Declares Himself as Staunch Friend. All reports concerning a difference ofl opinion between K. M. Landis, | baseball commissioner, Johnson, president of the American | League, were dispelled at Chicago by Johnson himself previous to his de- parture for New York to attend the American league meeting. He daclar- ed that he was in full accord with the administration of Commissioner Lan- dis, that the commissioner stands 100 per cent. in his estimation, but that certain club owners in thé major leagues weremttempting through pro- paganda to start a controversy be- tween himself and the commissioner. "1 have no quarrel with Landis and have never criticized his office and | will not so long as he doés his duty tc baseball," President Johnson said 'He will find me one of his staunct and Ban | FApTil" | | est supporters in doing anything to | improve the game, and in. that ro-| spect he cannot be surpassed." ------ NATIONAL SETS DATES OF 1923 World Series Next Fall Will! Open Probably on Oc- tober 9th: ---- Selection of Tuesday, April 17th, as the opening date for the 192 pennant race of the National League ! was the principal feature of the an- nual meeting of the senior baseball organization , Tuesday. President John A. Heydler stated that the Na- tional league magnates were unani- mously In favor of opening the sea- | son a week later than has heen the case in recent years. Playing a schedule of 154 games and allowing for the usual number of dates, the league executive eox- pressed the opinion that when tha | schedule is completed it will show | the closing date as Sunday, October 7th. This would bring the opening game of the world series on or about | Tuesday, Oct. 9th, he sald, approxi- mately one week later than the ini. tial game in the 1922 series. Pell Going Abroad. Clarence Pell, United States na- tional amateur racquets champion, is planning to compete in the British amateur champipnships in London in With"Pell, will go his part- ner, Stanley G. Mortimer, who is the holder with him of the United States and Canadian national doubles rac- quets championships, A total of 339,816 persons saw 'he Harvard football team in its nine games this fall. fs was the larg- est number In 3 season and about 48,900 more tian last year, These figures inclu an attendance of 74,- {913 at the Yale game in New Haven, "BADMINTOW | 70 BOXING BOB SKATES for THE KIDDIES A cure for weak ankles. HOCKEY BOOTS Boys, Men, Girls, Ladies. Everything for x Hockey and Skating pleasures. 'Treadgold Sporting Goods Co 88 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 529. A A A eA AA AA ee EA A A AAA. Hm 299-305 Queen Street FROST'S MOTOR CAR REPAINTING The Same Superfine Lasting Finish The Best is the Cheapest--The Lustre Lasts PHONE B2¢ pes DRYING COD FISH IN NEWFOUNDLAND. One of the great national industries of Newfoundland fishing. of Newfoundland. process of drying the cod. In fact, codfish are sometimes called .The picture shows one of the steps in the MACDONALD pr ~ Ao for those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own Fine Gut SEP COLORS REGISTERED. -- Sir Edward Mackay Edgar on Eng- lish Turf. Sir Edward Mackey Edgar, form- ly of Montreal, is one of the latest recruits to the English turf. He has his colors under the rules of the Jockey Club, and has several jumpers In 'raining. The world uses 600,000,000 pins a Advice For Back-ache ! 'When stooping hurts, when lifting and bending causes distress that's time to rub in lots of "Nervi- ** Usually a couple of appifeca- brings grateful relief. No lini- nt more soothing, more certain to muscular, rheumatic, or sciatic pains, Thousands of homes rely on id Old Nerviline for cramps, colle, " aad external muscula Large 35 cent bottles for sale BRINGING UP FATHER WE HAD BETTER" HOE OR VLL ae CALLIN' oN You NA CriNese HOBPITAL - By GEORGE McMAN NUS WE ARE IN JAIL AGIN!! is the Currency