Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Dec 1922, p. 11

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THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 1022. | | SPORTING NEWS LOCAL SCHEDULES FOR OHA. CANES Lists Drawn Up Last Night-- First Game on First Day ' of Year. The following are the games to ®e played in the O.H.A. groups of this district during the coming sea- oon, as drawn up by the committee of District No. 1, B. N. Steacy, con- venor, in the Kingston Board of * Trade rooms last night: Intermediate Series. 1--Cornwall at Brockville. Jan. 3--Belleville at Frontenacs. Jan. 8---Brogkville at Frontenacs. Jan. 10--Brockville at Belleville. Jan. 12--Frontenacs at Brockville. Jan. 15--Belleville at Queens"s. Jan. 16--Frontenacs at Cornwall, oy 19--Brockville at Queen's. an. 22--Cornwall at Frontenacs. Queen's at Belleville. Jan. 24--Queen's at Frontenacs. Brockville at Cornwall. Jan. 26--Belleville at Cornwall. Jan. 30--Frontenacs at Belleville. Jan. 31--Queéen's at Brockvillg. Feb. 2--iCornwall at Belleville. Feb. 5--Frontenacs at Queen's. Belleville at Brockville. Junior Series, Jan. 10--Brockville at Frontenacs. Jan. 17--Queen's at Frontenacs. Jan. 19--Brockville at Queen's. Jan. 23--Frontenacs at Brockville. Jan. 29--Frontenacs at Queen's. Feb. 2--Quéen's at Brockville. x The following referees have en Ramed by the clubs: Cornwall, Den- Benay; Brockville, Swaze, Symonds, Murray; Queen's, VanHorne; Fron- tenacs, VanHorne and Dr. Millan; Belleville, to be named later. ® LESS DRUNKENNESS AND "BOOTLEGGING" Reported by O.T.A. Inspector Gordon--Drunken Motor- ists the Great Menace. The provincial inspector for the 0 T.A., J. W. Gordow, is in the city "\, making his usual inspection of, the local office. When interviewed; he Jan. Gifts That Men Appreciate A ¢ British Whi Th Jaritish # ng CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. indexed, standardized and populars ized according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Inc, Philadelphla, Pa. All ads. are resiricted to. thelr proper classification, and to the regular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Dally rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Dally rates per line. Charge. Cas 6 days . 3 days . 4 day .. Fe Deaths--One insertion, Birias, Lngagements, $1.64; hn, 31.99. Card of Thanks aad m Noticea--Chnarged, $1.50; cash, eacn insertipn. . Aavertising ordered for Irregular insertions takes the une-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words to the line. Charged ads. will be received by telepnone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig effice within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one da and stopped before expirafion will only be charged for the u ber of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line tor white space Is the same as a line of i) pe. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. | Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classinied advertising cop. Tes Lak Index to Classifications The following classification headings appedr In this newspaper in the numer- fecal order here given, closely allied classifications ng" grouped together. The individual adver ments Aare arranged under these headings In alphabetice) order for quick reference. BUSINESS SERVICER. Engagemcuts oriam $1.00, y. y ephone 243, ask for a want ad. er. 2--|n Memoriam. 3--Card of Thanks. 4--Funera! Directors §--Funeral Flowers. Cemetery Lots, Monuments To e Notices. 8---Coming rata $--Personals, 10--Loet and Found. AUTOMOBILES A --~Automoblle Agencies. 11--Automobiles For Sale. 13--Auto Trucks For Sale. 13--Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts. 14--Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxy. 15--Motorcycles and Bicycles. 16--Repairing--8ervice Stations 17--Wanted--A utomoblles./ x BUSINESS SERVICE 18--Business Services Offered. 19--Bullding--Contracting. 3 Cleaning Lyeiby Renovating, 31--Dressmaking--Millinery. 32--Heating, Plumbing, Roofing. Pp suraiee. Laundering. > oving, Trucking, Storage, Painting, Papering, Decorating. ~Printing---Engraving. Professional Services. a----Accourtants. stated that there was idérable activity 'in the local office during the past six months when the convic- tions numbered twenty-eight as compared with seven for the previ: ous six months. Most of these con- victions were for drunkenness. Inspector Gordon is special O.T.A. inspector for the whole province and his territory is from the border of Manitoba to the Ottawa river. Reply- ing to the question whether there was any lessening of the consump- tion in liquor, he stated that there were fewer convict'ons in the last year. Bootlegging has been killed 'off, he declared. There is not as much done in Windsor, since the United States began checking up importations and things are not ROW the sume as they used to be. There was another feature to be reckoned with, however, and that was the large number of stills being ®eized. This is a form of Hquor traf- fic very prevalent. in the rural dis- tricts and the north country. It is nothing new for there was always more or less private distilling even in the days of the' licensed sale of liquor. Thrifty people distilled thelr own whiskey because they could make it at a fraction of the ¢ost for government bonded liquor. "But I do observe that there is less drunkenness in public places; fn fact it has almost disappeared, and there is a feature that em- phasizes the importance of this. In the old times 2 man was seldom arrested for being dronk, indeed a policeman would often help such a man home, but today every person found staggering or drunk is promptly arrested' and punished. Then again, take the automobilist. The first thing a police constable pes NOW in the sent of an accident to the breath of the driver the occupants of cars. Invari- it is found that ome driver, if both, was drinking previous to accident or collision. A person vith liguor when in charge of a car gp not the necessary judgment ei- ther with respect to speed or dis- and I am inzormed by motor-- in the province of Quebec thst frequently happens that ome has take the ditch fcr safety and al- . whole highway to drunken fiends: travelling ot the prohibition law in On- gre would be more deaths on of Toronto than we have 4s they are." > b Arenitesta i8¢--Chiropractie. 33d--Dental e--Le 2 fat Jette oak 23g---Osteopathy. Sa oupatRY: Physicians 39---Repairing '30--Talloring and Pressing. 31----Wanted--Business Service. ' EMPLO NT 32--Help Wanted--Female. 32--Help Wantsd-uMale: 1s . --Hel ale or © . Yo--Bailoitors, Canvassers, Agen 3ha--Teachers Wanted. 36--Situations Wanted--Female. 37---~Situations Wanted--DMale. FINANCIAL f---Business Opportunities. BO Stocks, Bonds 40--Money to Loan, 41--Wanted--To Borrow. INSTRUCTION 43 --Correspondence Courses. 43--Local instruction Classes. 44--Musical, Dancing, Lramatio. 45--r'rivate Instruction, 48--Wanted--instruction, LIVE STOCK 1---=Dogs, Cats, Pets. 1m ty Cattle, Implements. 49--Pouitry and Suppiles. b0--Wanted--Live Stock. MERCHANDISE bl---Articles ror Sale. bla--Barter and Exchange. b3--I and Quice Equipment. and Accessories. ings and Buliding Materials Farm and Dairy Products. +o Ay Feed, Fertilizers. ~--4ood Thingg to kat. y-~Homemade Things. §9---Housenoid Goods. tU--Jeweiry and Watches. $1---Machinery and Tools. 63--Musical Instruments. 63a--Kadio Equipment, $3--8eeds, Plants and Flowers. 64--Specials at the Stores. $6--Wearing Apnarel $8--Wanted--To Buy. ROOMS FOR RENT - §9---HRoumg For Housekeeping. 70--Vacaticn Places. 71-<Where To Eat. 73--Where To Shop In Town. 73--Warted--Rooms or Board. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT {--Apariments and Flats S--Business Places For Rent Farms For Rent. --Houses For Heat }--Office and Desk Room. )--Suburban For Rent. $0--Summer Places For Rent. 4 --Wanted--To Rent REAL ESTATE FOR R-lftoXers a Raa) Ee §3--Business Property. $3--Farms and Land For Sale. 8 For Sale, $5--Lots For Sale. 8 --Resort Propert: §7--8Suburban For Se--Real Lstate For Exchange. $3--Wanted--Real Estate. daded ad atny SALE te. Rater Sele Poultry Prize Winners. A very large number of people attended the annual show of the Kingston Poultry Association at the fair grounds on Wednesday. Will- lam Holland was the winner of the pair of white Wyandotte pullets in the guessing contest on Wednesday 'evening. ' The judging was all completed on Thursday morning. Alyea & Son, Colborne, who had the largest num- ber of entries, carried off the most prizes. J. Holland and Jinks won all' the prizes for '|prizes for the best Minorcas were wan by Maxam, Ben Curzon, F. Black aud Captain Bray. H. L. Kelll, J. Colclough and J. Walsh had the best Ancoras. J. G. Patterson won the prize for the Partridge Wy, andottes and Ben Whitney carried off practically all the prizes for Sil- ver Wya 3 . x The | company. The repor T T 3 oo re Listed Under "Christmas Gift Su education. grammar school. are still the same. that every youngster gets. vice of supply ? The Little Red Schoolhouse The little red schoolhouse used to be the symbol of To-day, it's more likely to be the big brick Times have changed, the pupils have changed--but the foundations of "reading and writing and 'rithmetic" "*A-B-C"" and "1-2-3" are still the basis of the training ~That"s why everyone finds in the Classified Section the easiest and most natural way to satisfy buying and selling wants. Anyone who can count can go straight to the num- erically arranged Classifications that terest-----anyone who can spell can find the alphabetically listed offer under each one that fills a definite need. . Are you making regular use of this sensible ser- THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. And they always will be! Whig's A-B-C |are of greatest in- ft Announcements Personals 9 EMISHES--H=aIr, Moles, Warts AN LE Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, ete, removed permanently. Satisfac- tory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have falled. Goitre cured with. out operation. 38 years' experience. Dr. lmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone 30iw. House 1135J. -- WOULD--You write a wealthy, pretty girl? Stamped ewvelope please. Lli- lian Sproul, Clevefand, Ohlo. : Lost and Found 10 | BLANKET--Found, grey, on Wednes- day night. Owner may have same at 27 Russe] Street, : Biack Springer, on Mon- Finder please phone 858J. Re- CIGARETTE CASE-- . LOST, HAMMBRED SILVER. INITIALLED E. J. T. ON BROCK OR PRINCESS STREETS. FIND- ER PLEASE RETURN TO THE WAHIG OFFICE. REWARD, GOLD BROOCH--WIIl the person who found same with "H. & E" on 3 please return to 169 Earl Street, an receive reward. - Ye GLOVES--Found, lady's brown kid, on Wellington street. Owner apply az the Whig Office. NOSE GLASSES --Lost, tortoise rims and toric lens, with automatic button and chain, on Friday evening. Finder 'phone 205¢ Monday might. Owner may same by describing contents at Bow- en's Bake King Street. A , grey, on Princess Street, between Royal. Bank and King. St, containing bills, silver and oyal .Bank pass book. Finder pk re- turn to Whig Office, ~~ RING--Lost, Dec. 6, gold signet, blood- stone, with-crest. Reward on return to Whig Office. STEAMER RUG--Lost, hospital and the post office. to General Hospital - po. SILVER LOCKET---Found, with pie- tures inget, inttialled, In Grand Opera House, rday, Dee. 2nd. Owner ap- ply at theatre box office. 2 ih SOLDIER'S MBDAL -- Found, with name of Pte. E. L. Farrell, No. 788514. Apply Police Constable Clark, 41 York Street. BPECTACLES Found, steel rims, cor Clergy and Princess streets. wner hay have same by calling at 429 John- son Street. Automobiles Automobiles For Sale 11 TOURING CAR--1930 model; ~always been driven by present owner. Would take cheaper car as PArt payment. Write Box R-11, Whig Office, say what you have to offer. - between the Return USED CARS, USED TRUCKS FROM $175.00 UP. USED AUTOMOBILE PARTS G. A. PALMER, USED CAR & SALVAGE CO, LTD. COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN aE Repain rvice Stations 16 AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--ADd finish- ing a speciality. Also Fiano and Fur. nilure Poilshing. Gordon Young, shup Qunen street, rear of Abernethy's Shoe | Store, or phone 1876w. CHAINS--See our special display of Dreadnaught Chains. Sizes for ail luuacs ul cars. ducaaby pros, ourner Wueen sud Wellingion Streets. __Business Service Business Services Uffered 8 BARBBRING--Men and boys wanted to take notice that J. W, Curzon has moved from 23 Brock Street to 384 Princess street, beiween Barpie and Division Streets. Men's Hair Cut, 20c. Boys' Hair Cut, 16¢c. Shave, 10 cents. CAHPENTERING--Jumes Seiby, cone tractor, 53 Livingston Avenue. Phene 1130J. gtd day contraet or . 4 , ble prices. LI "Prompe. offs S0aE service. Business servi hiro: ess Iu. 14 Market Street. Phone $51J. RY 4 -- Silver Plate Company Directors. The shareholders of the firm of Stanley and Aylward ted, mann- tacturers of Ni verware, met in the board trade rooms Thurs. day morning for the purpose of com- pleting the organization of the new. company formed when the fra re- moved 'to Kingiton. A statement Was presented by the directors of the old company, which. is absorbed by the new, and the dntire assets of the old firm were bought by the new submitted showed the business to be in a very flourishing condition with bright prospects. for future development. J. Elmer Davis, P. M Campbell, G.- ley, r J. Ayiwarg, all of aa and Mr. Davidson, Toronto. The officers are: President, P. G. Stanley; Secretary-treasurer, F. J. Aylward. LINSURANCE--Only the Hours 2-4, and by = ' Business Service 21 Dressmaking-- Millinery DRESSMAKING -- Repairing, Turning Overcoats a specialty. Price $8.00. Children's work done. Miss J. Finkle, 93 Wellington Street, HEMSTITCHING--Pleot ging leat. ing. Mrs. E. A. Card, 366 Barrie St Insurance FIRE--Automobiie and Casualty Insur- Ance. Mrs. H. 8. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Phone lism. INBURANCE--Our Sickness and Acals dent Policy is what you need. e Insurance at low rates. Don't delay. Call or phone kK. Williams, 2 Couper St, mest reliaole represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1880. Ottice: 95 Clarence Street, opposite st Ofrice. INSURANCE--Fire, life, accident "and sickness insurance. In reliable com- pani J. B. Cooke, District Manager Phon Res. §43w. Office 503w. INSURANCE--AIll branches, Excelsior Life, Royal Exchange Fire, Casualty and Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary. QG. Hunter Ogilvie, 151 Wellington dt Phones 75%w and 1087. HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 11 ggestions - \ N Real Estate For Sale 2 | fo. ey, San --t Eas HOME-WORK--Good wages. We need | You to make socks on the fast, easily- | | ledrned Apto Knitter; experience un- necessary distance immaterial; posi-| lively no canvassing; yarn supplied. articula 3c. 18-G for ry counter and store , work; must be ac- Ourate at figures; city references. Ap- Ply in person to 238 Princess Street. Help Wanted--Male 33 BOY---Good, rellable, to do chores on farm. Also .to' learn to clerk in gen- eral store, at times. Apply H. A. Mec- sinn. R. R. No. 3, Stella. ns SHOW CARD 'WRITING--F or us. Make money at home, $15 to $60.pald week- ly for your spare time writing show cards for us. No canvassing. e in- Struct and supply you with work West-Angus Show Card Service, 17] Colborne Bld. Toronto. SPECIALTY SALESMEN -- Systems, Limited, have some very de- sirable openings for men with the necessary energy, enthusiasm and in- telligence to se McCaskey Credit Systems, Cash Systems and Sales Books. Both Credit and Cash mer- chants are served with our latest Cash and Credit models. A very satis- factory commission, arrangement wherein commtssions earned are ad- vanced weekly. A real opportunity for acceptable applicants to become members of one of the best known and most thorough national sales or- gariizations with the opportunity for real training and earnings incident thereto. The successful applicant will be carefully trained. Previous ex- perience in selling Cash Registers, Computing Scales, Adding Machines, ete, preferred, but not necessary. For interview, write McCaskey Systems, Limited, Galt, Ont. TOOL-MAKER--FIirst class, none other need apply, to make blanking forming les. Springer Lock Mfg. Co., Belle- vilie. TWO SALESMEN--Experience unneces- sary. Apply Room No. &. Royal Bank Chambers. askey Bolicitors, Canvassers, Agents 33 NURSERY STOCK--An agency for a eliable nursery firm 1s profitable. You can sell in country, 'town or city, We Brow and sel] the best only, and want reliable, energetic agents for unrepre- sented terr'tories® Write now. Pel am N ery T Feachers Wanted = 86a TEACHER--For Echo Lake school, 8. 8. No 10, Hinchinbrooke, Frontenac county. Salary $600.00 per year, Ap- ply H. McLeod, Sec.-Treas.,, Echo Lake £. 0, Ont. Situations Wanted--Male 1& furnaces of trust. Apply 206 37 or an place Colborne Street. ER me oe Business Service o Articles ror Sale 81 MILLIN Y GOODS © Consisting of Trimming, Velvets, Plush and Veiling. i150 some smart sample Hats. 1i2 Lower William Street. SCALES -- Canadian Toledo, hones: welght, no springs, also number of second-hand payion and Bramford Scales.. I. A Sieriing, 208 Princess St. Phone 1228 + 2 : WOOD--Order your Supply mow for the Winier months. Any lengih, desired Write for particulars and price, Ww. F. Good, Parham. WOOD--Good, mixed, limited quantity ai $10.75 per full cord. $5.00 a hal cord, delivered. Apply G. G. Richard- son.: Phone 1154J. "% - 1 Barter and Exchange Sia RECORDS--We exchange records With ahiane anywhere, only S00 Jor 31 or $1. per dozen. Chai § one ph Lona on Stan way. Only records in good Record Exchange, Canonto, Ont.' &+ accepted. Give 'us a trial Radio Equipment a 62a RADIO--WIll there be a Radio In your home this Christmas? Let us demon strate one of our quality _reeeiving sets for you. Canada io res. Wanted--To Buy - 06 FOX TERRIER--Pup, male, black and white, about three months old. Apply Box 8-12, Whig Office, stating price, ete, Christmas Qift Suggestions Gifts for He = a BOUDOIR SLIPPERS--An ideal gift -- wonderful assortment of styles and Oolurs, from $1.26 up. L. 'Abramson, 336 Princess Street. Gifts for Him' B BATH ROBES-- For men, excellent quality; an ideal gift. Priced at $9.00 and $12.00 at Louls Abramson, 336 Princess Street. BRACES--Have Santa Claus give the boy his first pair of braces. Very practical and very Bratitying to his Vanity. 26c., 30c. and 35¢c. E. P. Jen- _king Co. a COLLARS--The gift that ig always use. ful, Kant Kreéase Collars. Comes in Quarter-sizes and made in the smari- big shapes. 30c. each. Jd. P. Jenkins 0. COLLARS---Glve him a half dozen of the new Ductex Sem!-Stif, Unshrinkable Collars. Comes in Yuarier sizes too. 26c. each... K. P. Jenkins Oo. FARMERS Attention! Army Blankets, Rubbers, etc. Bargains in every line. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. Phone 1461m. MENS JEWELLERY--In fancy gift boxes. A pair of Kum-A-Part Cuff Links to match his shirts are very ac- ceptable, .76c, and $100. EK. P. Jen- _ Moving, Trucking, Storage a3 ABHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 4 Russell Street. Phohe 2265. STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, Airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299. _305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 389 Painting, Fapering, Decorating 26 PAINTING--ZAnd apernanging; wor - manship guarantee i prices right. Ses our choice selection of Wall Paper, B, Re Lyons, 314 Barrie Street. Phone w. PAINTING --Paperhanging Decorating Slasing, Hardwood J'loor Finishing etc, rst class work, reasonable prices. Wallpaper samples. Estimate; submitted. A. Mounteer, 208 Alfr PAINTING, ring and Decorating--- now is the time to get the right man and ol 8 the right prices. Or. ders promptly attended to. Work guaranteed. all or pnone A. Ander- son, 15 ot Street. Phone 1966, Professiona: Services 2k T, Son and Drev Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wallington. TEETER -- tic MARCELIS--Wm,, A, D.C, PnC. ner Princess and Barrie Streets. floor, Harrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. © Comsultation free. Telephone 832J. Hours 9 to iam, 1 to 6 m. LUCY--Dr, Geofge F. Dr. Jenn Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be- tween Princess and Brock. Telephone 943w. Hours 9 0°12 a.m. 1 to 6, and 7 to 9 pm. Spinal analysis and con: suitation free. - Residential calls by appointment. . Ors 2nd Dental 28d. SPARKS & BARKS -- Dentists, 189 Wellington street, corner of Brock. Phone 346. KNAPP--Drl AE, Dentiat. Office: 288 Princess Street Phone 662w. "Logal 28e. CUNNINGHAM & S -- Barristers and Solleitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston, B. Cunningham. K.C.} SHEA--Ambrose, BA, Barrister and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Raya Bank, Money to loan. Phong 1989. Medical 281. BENNETT, C. W.--M.D., 133 Clergy St. Office Phone 851. Res 1845m. Office _hourg 1013 am. 2-4, 7-8.30 pm. ROBINBON--C. K., M.D, 385 Barrie SL Hours _10.30-12 am.; §-4 pm.: 7-530 p.m. Phone 1646. r. Frederick, wishes to announce that'he has resumed the Bractiee of surgery (a Kingston. ractice limited to sur, ery and radium Office: 14 Wellington St. appointment. ._ Repairing CABINET MAKING--AIl kinds of wood turning, furniture repairing and re- modelling «done. Our re airing is fully Guaranteed, and our prices are mode- rata Phone, call or drop a card Henry H. k. 212 Montreal 'Street Tel. 6; 3 R SHI i 5 Call and see Wi Driscoll, i John street. Phone 206F. 3 Ila your chance! Bulls to mea- ute. genuine ba ne, ok! Serge ults with ts. $37, while they last. OK R! jxira Fran Owles, 196 Colborne St. repal bethd lek service in It. 4] SHOES. Repaired, half soled and heel- i Fine on done. FF. A. Jarvis treatment. Ni Shoes half soled 'and fon Susrantesd. R treet, near Alber St. work and reaRONADY pricec: and material. ¥ ot Look for The Veteran Sie ington Street. nds repal x } les. L. erling, Ta Street. Ln 0 a R ine work done a: Teasonable prices; 24 hour service E Eloi. 313" Barrie Street, near Earl n y wa oun wrinkles? Suits cleaned -and pressed uick service. Overtoats turned, J ompaon 94 William Street. UPHOLSTERING -- Covert buttons made Sat a, = popu Sha ering and re ng J. Boos ha ' 244 Universit, eave arde F. W. Haroid. 104 ___Financiai FRONTENAC--Loan Society, incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on int and Investment and Tarm properties; municipal a county debentures; chased; Investment bonds for sale; de- posits received and Interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence Street, Klagston. RIE Correspondence Courses 42 BUILDING TRADES---Need Men. We will train you for success gp Archi- tecture, Drafting, Surveying, or what- even it Is that you set your heart on doing. Trained men are in demand. Arrange for Interview. Phone 1002w. or 863J. International Correspon- dence Schools, 130 Clarence Street. ne Instruction ~ Musica, Dancing, Dramatic 84 URCHESTRA---Your dance or banguet will be a bigger success If you en age Treneer's Bociety Orchestra. - one 9i0w. or 1164F. Ted Treneer, 261 King street. URCHESTRA ~-- Harmony Six, for dances, social evenings, banquets or converts. For engagements apply Art Chris 283 Queen St. Tel. 1023m. ORCHESTRA---Clare Smith and his or- Chestra for all social functions. Perc Udlen, corner Clergy W. and Division. hone 973w for engagements. Live Stock MAR fine, 'well-bred, hackney; 10 years old; kind, sound, good driver; #136 runabout light waggon, harness. Apply 332 University Ave." {Phone lusidw. Wanted--Live Stock HENS Wanted, alive, 20 cents a 8 a pound. Lggs, butter and honey wanted. (rates and egg cases loaned, Albert Lewis, Dundas West, nto, * -------- | pe Merchandise STIR Tose. 3 Articies For Bale Bi ANTIQUES --One solid walnut, high, four-poster bed, one solid mahogany grandfathers cloek, works gi essees Antique Shop, 507 Princess St. Phone 1045w. . BOBBLBIGHS--$25.00, Long sleigh, 330. Louble Driving Harness, $30. Singer Sewing Machine, $15. Apply Frank O'- itieily, Veroha, Ont. B81CYCL. .leveland an columbia Lioycles stored for winter; Baby Car- riage repair work done; Skates sharp- ened and hollow ground at Muller's bi- cycle Works, 371-3 King Street. Phone 1961w. i BrlCK--Quantity of hard and soft. Ap- ply B. E. Wathen, 143 Nelsun street. hone 618 or phone 1391J. CHRISTMAS et the Jewelry line--we are ceriain to satiafy at either of our two stores. Lyons, the iwo-store Jeweler, BNGINE--Fairbanks Morse, 8 horse power, clutch puliey, Bosch Magneto on steel wheel truck; suitable tor gene eral use. Price $300. Easy terms. Ap- ply Herman Buck, Sydenham, Oat. FURNITURE --Kitchén range, 3 bufn- er oll stove and oven, gas plate, re- stair 4 incieum, chairs, Phone ° geod, seco han and stoves. Any person ha and Jsiture to Juapuss est pri hy in| Pelucess Street Paine 1940 HA 14.00 cord; $5.50 quarie cut any ; slak-wood $2.10 gtk: quarter cora; alin ub rter cor a w. [ on t, Cones near L.vigto HARD COKE--¥i6.60 ton, Test years . os des Dry bg w r 80 » kindling. Clinkers or cinde a ar ways, walks or till ins. Bawd Any quantity. Ail deilvered. WwW. C Bruton, 348 University Ave. Phons 1038w, or Whis, of made to sive. &ny guantyy, tog Praniana Lorn, Aloe Satu ress Co . 37 Ling street. Phone 1961]. " CUAL JATTR L-your order, any ing. t or drop a card] Retscn to Hars Clergy Street, | 90M at a = ERT te er | Charles Lightfoot, of Stratford, bas been engaged by the hockey club management of Mitchell. Uffics, : PIANO--Lindsay HERE Few. beaut! A-E10L Rid ' new, ful, m 1 1-3 3 Deda} 3 pitno Joni Bie, net _kins Co. ; DAD---<Never wants anything, but thesé Sox will piease him immensely. All wool cashmere in black and assorted _ovlors. ibe. E. P. Jenkins Co. HOSE--In Wool or Silk. Always an appreciated gift. Priced from boc. to Sas Louis Abramson, 336 Princess e ett mete sone Sesion. HOBE--For brother's new Brogue Ox- Lords, how awvvut 'a pair or two of aill-wool Heather E. P. Jenkins Co. Ung, give him irisn Linen, 26c. $2.16 per dozen, boxed. BE P Jenkins Co. NEUKTinST--He expecta them, he will appreciate tnem. Keal aristucrais these new knitied Grenadines at be. EP. Jeakins Co. SnIRTS--Men's snirts in Silk, Percales, A Very useful or $l.uv to V4, uls Abramson, 338 Prin- cess Street. TIES--He expects thein, he needs them. Don't disappoint ham this Carfstmas A large variety in stock from bve. to $1.76 at Louis Abramson, 338 Prine Oss. Street, v E he kind he won't for- &el, With smart hana.es on eight rib frames and covered wich slik ang wool, at 33.00. E. P. Jenkins Co. ° _Rooms For Rent Rooms With Hoard ROOMS WITH BOARD -- First With all cunvenlences; also one large front room win lireplace. Apply 2u¥ University Avenue, near Brock street. 4 - Rooms Without Board 6s BEDROOM-- Large, furnished, well lieated, centrality located. Apply Box U-13, Wig Office. - PPIY BEDROOM--Furnistied, use of 8i tting | room, electric lignt, bath, use of tele- PhBe, central Jucation, . Apply phone) STREET, 3¢1-- Furnished] BARKIE rooms, close to business section. Mn-| uire 361 Barrie Street. { a ROOM --Fu: --Furnished, warm, with fot and cold inning water in room; | odern. conveniences. A 0 . son Street, Phone poy 195 Joun UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 243 -- First | e Fooms and voara; all improve. | centrally located. Wanted--Rooms or 78 KX M--After oHda by medioai stu- ent; in vicinity of University Ave. and Earl Street. Apply b, -1 Whig Office. DP Box 7-13 Real Estate For Rent IRR drip = o ae Apartivents and Flats 74 FLAT--Central, § roms. all conveni- ences, H B Wi. wi ). Phone 1098. OLNSON STREET, 116--Unfurnished t, hardwood floors and hot water deating. Immediate Possession. Phone 2 Er ---------- viness Piaces For it 5S GE HUOMS-- Rooms on King sites; «formerly occupied by the 10.0.5. Apply to Cunningnam and Smith, ma ae Houses HOUBES--Nca 41, 3 & room each. Improvenieuis Queen street. Hes 7 H Concession 8st, 2:7 Kideau St, modern Bingie garages, 0 All reul reasonavle. Ap- iy M. Susman, Phone Sa8w. NalaoR oTREET--sclid brek all! SVuveniences, § ¥ $ Es 1c Phone 1098. X ve TCO near Chal- ; rem 48 per month' Apply R. C. Bell, 130 Clafeice Street, SYDENHAM ST.-- Eleftric jigh < Ain. Kent $16.00 per moni 'a' Ey Wiison, real estate, Uptown Post Of- fee Fhone 108 a we Business Property BATUS BREWERY For sale of to Te i Fal8 § vote Sale or to let Apply G. M. Macdon 1 > Jlar- | ence Stree: oh, HC. 3 lar 1 ms and Land For Sale 88 ° THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, 88 BROCK ST. $5.800--40 Acres, all and good spring, - Sion, stone nouse, 3 rooms, with good Celiar, barn, drive shed, hen ho Nn Piste With impiements ae stock. y workable, 2 wells 4 miles from K REAL FARM---In the Township of Erne estiown, 197 acres; 13y acres worka le, 3 welis and never-railing spring ia pasiure, also creek, 77 acres Buod pase lure and wood land, containing about $4,000 worth of iumber. House of 10 roums with H.W. foors; 2 double barns, hog pen, drive house, gar ele. Water in house. "Price $10,000. Cash payment of 34,000 will handle. Office Phone 68. House Phone after six p.m. 2260J and 2240M. OLBORNE ST. ame house, § toilet, gas, in goud location. Pri 3 2u0. This house is a real bargain. B. Trumpour, 237 Bagot Street. Phong Tod or bdpg, © i 217 FRONTENAC STREET -- Br house and store, corner Frontenac a Owner leaving city. Priucess streets For particulars apply on premises. E. W. MULLIN & SON Estate and Insurance Brokers h Iw See Display on, e See Dis y Adyt. on Page Two. HOUSE--$ rooms, with toilet and lot; centrally kcated; south of Prins §8 St. - Easy terms. Apply Box F-2, Whig Ofmice. re --- -- Real BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE: $1.950--Frame Bungalow, 4 rooms, B and C., electric lights, close to oar tracks. kasy terms, $2,600--Bungalow, § rooms, 3 le0e path, eeciric liguts, good garden, fight of way. . § $3,700--Frame, 7 rooms, im vi stable, west-end. 3 Pro ments $3.500--Brick Y.? giectric lights, henhouse: $3,500--Brick, semi ll improvements, rooms, 3 plece bat large lo t, stable ~detaclied, 10 rooms, HOUSES--To rent, $22.50, $20.00, $15.00 BATEMANS REAL ESTATE 189 Wellington Street ha -~ Whetner it is someones to whitewash. your cellar, bank your house, T down your screens--or any one of the theusands of odd jobs to be done around & house at this time of year, ou will fin | sumeone gependable through Wh wani-ads. a IS TTI lo-Day's Blunder ; Corrected Now that long skirts are in vogue again, the extremely tall woman finds ° her height accentuated. In order to avoid this effect, she should always buy a skirt that has some form of trimming on it to break the long lines. INESS SEMVICE W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce, Buildin , Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 'or 36m. General Insurance A necy, 3 Writing: --Automobile, re, Accle dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burglary etc. Representing caly reliable com panies. : ee -- Veterinary DR: i. MURPHY, B.V.Se. Veterinary. Surgeon Phone 2193). - 680 Princess Street, Kingston. MERCHANDISE ee re Dressing Tables From 50 to 75 per cent. be- low manufacturer's price. Here is a chance! ' J. Turk PHONE 708 1 Densmere House Two comfortable rooms vacant after November 15th, All conveniences. First class meals. Epecial attention to transients. 72-14 Sydenham Street West. Telephone 791m. MRS. E. P. DENISON NOTICE | P. M. DRISCOLL, late of the ol4 Grimason Hotel, wishes to an- aounce that he has taken over the - Lakeview House Corner of Queen and Ontario Sta. First class meals, 0c Good yards and stables. Your patronage is solicited. well as coal. Goes James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street DOMESTIC COKE Especially for Hot Air Furnaces--Heats as farther than coal.

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