Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1922, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6, 1022. FYI CI TRLITEeEE AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Bpecial attention giveu your family Or fr.ends BOiLg Lo ur returuiug frow the ©id Codutiy. Passports arranged for. For {uformatien and J. P. HANLEY, C. P Ry., Kingeion, Ont. Office: C.N.-G.1 n, Johnson and Outario : King- ston, Ontario. Open Day and Night "PHONE 99 INDIGESTION Relieved by "Fruit-a-tives" the Fruit Medicine Indigestion, Weak Digestion-or partial digestion of food, is one of the most serious of present-day complaints-~because it is résponsible for many serious troubles. Those who suffer with Indigestion, almost invariably are troubled = with Rheumatism, Palpitation of the Heart, Sleeplessness and excessive Nervousness, "Fruit-a-tives" will always relieve Indigestion because these tablets strengthen the stomach muscles increase the flow of the digestive juices and correct Constipation, which usually accompanies Indigestion. Hc a box, 8 for $2.50, trial size 250. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. rates apply to aud T.A.G.T. yroer - cy JOLET p b : Colling w suesslon at Livingston Ave Fr rooms, hot air furnace 3 bath, eleciric light, newly rated $27.09 per month session January 1st CHATHAM rooms and t month. FPtsses VICTORY 3 Bald, a four per frame, let $14.00 on At once. Bought and THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. - Men Who. Have The Goods. Vatch the merchants who adver- {tise consistently this month. -THEy are the men who have goods. rudy Beore Advts. " The ideal way to invest your {Christmas money is to study our istofe ads before making your pur- {chases , | | | | Elected To Office. W. A. Marcelis, Kingston, has | | Dr. {been dlected an' officer. of {tario ligers tor the next two years. | Mayor Will Seek Re-Election. Mesor Macdonald, Renfrew has definitely decided to seek re-election at the forthcoming election. Macdonald has already served strenuous years with distinction. two PIANO TUNING inno Teunieg asd Repairing. Also Organ Work, R. H. Waddell Phones 3.i6-506. n4 vruek Sto 4 rn. Went To Next (A uncl. A resolution that a grant of $5,000 {be made to the proposed continua- the On-| Board of Chiropractic exam-| py ling would have been completed by the first of December. The contract | calls for all mason work ta be finish- | F ed by that time, but the plastering | th the heat- |t} is still to be finished, and | ing system is not installed. It is 'stated thatthe plasterers are wait- ing for the steam to be turned on so| that the new plaster will dry. There iis a possibility that the new build- | ing by the first of the year. Helping Fre Sul'ferers. _ Cedar Lake public school, in schoo: section No. 4, Storrington, has been {doing its "it" to help the fire suf- ferers in northern Ontario. children collected sufficient funds tor the purchase of twenty pairs of Mayor | Woollen mittens, which were turned | out by their parents and sent on to {northern Ontario, and the consigu- {ment will bring comfort and cheer |to the fire-swept area. | Now For Shopping. All work guaranteed, PETER D. BROWN tion school at Merrickville was pre-| With the foouball championship sented at Leeds and Grenville County Settled, and the municipal elections | Court but it. was placed over to the Over, the citizens of Kingston can - Kingston and Vicinity -- {ed by the children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. 8S. A Badgley, ford on Nev. 20th when they " their home to celejrate th anniversary of their marri- eir three daughters and hus- e sons and wives with thelr grandchildren were Badgley's mother, eleven { present also Mrs The ur {over their dining table which, when 1 lit, will help recall the happy evenrig, {spent on- that special ocoasion. An {other feature of the evening waa the {baptist of four of their grandchild fren. The | | | Died At Rixdnersyille. | David Adams passed away on Sun- day at his home at _Rednersville. He born in Ameliasburg and spent He had been fw | hf entire life there. |il1 for the past two years. There sur- | tvive his widow, five sons, Hiram, | Ameliasbure, Carman, Rednersville, ID. W., Belleville, A. J., Toronto and Harald, Consecon, and five daughters, Mrs. R. Wadsworth, Carrying Place, Mrs. E.. Mastin, 1 gift to their parents was ~ {ing will not be ready for the open-ia beautiful electric hanging lamp put Markland St. Phone 2307m. 0" DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. | Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 3638 moviag of FREIGHT, FLRMTURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION rt nit | | {January session. 1 For Fall and Winter. We have received all our fall and | winter goods, consisting of Boys' and Men's overcoats, 'Boys' and Men's cuits, also a large range of cloth for | suits made to measure at reason- |able prices. Prevost, Brock street. | reeset ee | | =| | Left For Next Council. Kingston Transfer "wae odin SveMane add, 158 WELLINGTUN SIREED Dr. Waugh ie' Dentist 106 Wellington Bt. hone 250 1A HUMAD COPLEY 'lL elephone 487. When wanting anything done in the! earpentery line. Estimates given on all! kinds of repairs and new work, also! hardwood floors of ull kinds, All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop i Queen Street, Bell's Vanilla » HIGH GRADE 1 26c. A BOTTLE Cheapest In the long Made in Kingston by-- run. { DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE co. |! rt ------) 4 WATTS | People's | Florist | 177 Welungion street, | Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Fhone 1763. Res, 11387, W. R McRae & Ca QOLDEN LION BLOOK. - PEA COAL and COKE HARD AND SOFT WOOD Cut in stove lengths. BOGCTH & CO. Grove 'Inn Yard Phone 133 AAAI AA rein GUNNS MAPLE LEAF . COOKED HAM Made from Pork Sausage, Put up in one pound net tins. Cooked fresh -- the flavor is surprisingly different tu what one expects, Just the thing for holiday trips and burry-up meals, ° BON MARCHE GROGERY Corner hing aud hurl Streets, Phone 1544. FOR SALE Quebec Heaters, Fire Kings, Radiation and Piping. Also all kinds Gf building material. "I. Cohen & Co.' 275 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 DAVID SCOTT Pltmber Plumbing and Gas Work a spect jialty, All work guaranteed. Ad. dress 145 Froatenac Street. Phone 1277. WOOD Hard and Soft Wood and Slabs cut to any length. KENNY & FALLON 137-141 CLERGY STREET PHONE 637. IF KIDNEYS BOTHER TRY DOSE OF SALTS Flush the Kidneys At Once When Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers. No man or woman who eats lots of | meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Too much meat may form uric acid, which | clogs the kidney pores so that they sluggishly filter,or strain only part of the waste and 'poisons from the blood; then you get sick. Rheuma- tism, headaches, liver trouble, ner- vousness, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders often come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or at- tended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be- fore breakfast fora few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This fam- ous salts is made from the aold of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia and has been used for gen- erations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus often ending bladder disorders, Jad Salts 1s inexpensive and can- not injure; makes a delightful effer- vescent lithia water drink, which everyone caf take pow and then to help keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby often preventing serious kidney complications. EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any r Hairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service. X J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, Save Your Coal CHOICE HARDWOOD Cut 12" long and split ready for ranges $4.50 per load 16" long for Furnaces $4.25 per load Try a load this mild weather, W. A. Mitchell & Co. " 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. » A girl may show good taste, most of her lower limbs et cetera, but you twill never catch her showing her | ears, os i : X ET A petition with eightw-three signa- | | now devote their thme, to Christmas |ehopping, and there will be no excuse for late shoppers. The Kingston storekeepers have their Christmas goods ready for the approval of buy- ers, and a visit to the stores vill Belleville, Mrs. George Simpson, Ceonsecon, and Mrs. F. Hennessy, Ameliasburg. He also leaves one hro ther and three sisters. Deceased was a son of the late Robert Adams of show a very fine display. There are now fifteen days for shopping so J 'Shop Early." ms ---- Passed Away At Sand Bay. The deat® occurred on Tuesday at her residence, Sand Bay, of an ola tures was presented to the Renrrew : Council requesting it to re-estaulish and highly respected lady in the per- the collection service for garbage. S04 of Miss Annie McDonald, at th: | This was laid over for next council #8© of eighty-four yeard. She was ito deal with. born in the county of Armagh, Ire a {land, and came to this country with Woolen Mills To Start Up. {her parents, the late Mr. aud Mrs. The Renfrew Woollen Mills have |i'erdinard McDonald, when a little tarted operating again after a long girl of nine and always resided in th¢ ghut down. The\prospects tor busi- township of Landsdowne. She was a ness are excellent and it is expectel £00d neighbor and always had a kind that the mill will be running full Word for all. Her death was due tu [blast by the first of the year. | her advanced years. © | Celebrated Birthday. " "Mrs. W. B. Robinson Dies. | Mrs. D. Wilson very quietly cele-|[- Mrs. Mgrgaret Bmmett Robinson |brated her eighty-ninth birthday on' widow of {he late W.. B. Robinson. Thursday at the home of her son, passed away on Friday at Belleville, |C. H. Wilson, Athens, with whom at the ege of elghty years. She wae a | ishe resides. Mrs. Wilson is bright: daughter of Isaac Frost and was born | |and cheerful and enjoying fairly in Yorkshire, Eng. Since early life {good health, |she had been a resident of Belleville. Mrs. Robinson rash hemi of | Results. {John street Presbytefian church. She Some people have to know results had not been enjoying good health | before they will start; but anyway, for eeverai years past. There survive results do count and they count tre-|one son, Charles A. Stinson, Chi- | mendously. If you are timid about cago, and two daughters, Mrs. E. B. advertising--Ilet us show you some Ireland,» Rio de Janfero, end Mrs. results--some convincing rosults of | Frank Reynolds, Denver, Colorado. | 48004 advertising. Gift For An Associate. To Prevent Fire, On Wednesday the members of encampment of the 1.0.0.F. united 507, secretary of the Canadian Fire in honoring C. E. Deviney on the Underwriters' Association, in which eve of hs departure for Toronto. Ile 10 draws attention to the great was presented with an address, ac- 0anger in life and property from companiied by a very fine club-bag. | Christmas decorations, such as drap- eries, scenery, and cotton, to repre- Shortage of Masons. sent enow, Displays of -this nature It is stated that there are not | 2nd the" lighting arrangements in enough masons in Kingston who do | connection therewith add very con- all the mason work which Is in the Siderably to the ordinary risks. Mr. | course of construction at the pr. |RObertson makes a strong appeal for| sent time. Out of town mechanics everyone to take all the necessary have been brought in to assist in the Precautions to prevent fire. construction work. ------ Celebmited Fittieth Year. Rebuilding Scale Factory. A very pleasant event was celebrat- ! There is to be no delay in rebulld- | ing the Scale Factory, Renfrew, | T which was completely destroyed by | fire two weeks ago. The contract for} rebuilding has been let to W. A. | For Infants and Children Moore. The factory 1s to be in run-' In Use For Over 30 Years ning order by January 1st. ! TE the n Signature of A Terrible G. W. V. A. Lease Renewed The lease on the rooms at present oocupied by the G.W.V.A. has been renewed for another two years, as it 1s considéred that the site is a very desirable one. It {s the inten- tion of the local branch to bufra their own club building at some date in the future. Feelings of Want Provincial Highway. Leeds and Grenville County Coun- cil is to petition the Ontario govern- ment with the view of having the provincial county road from Forth- ton by way of Delta and Philipsvilie to a point of intersection with the provincial highway at Crosby de- signated an a provincial highway. "Howwonld you feel if you wakened in the middle of the night with a flashlight shining in your eyes and the gruff voice of a man threatening that, 'If you make the slightest noise, I'l) shoot?' That was my experience the end of last March wl Bi my hus- was away in the woods and I was alone with my three children, Everytime I think of this experience a shudder passes over me and as long as I live I shall remember it. At the time I really thought I would die. It's a wonder my heart did not stop beating, I was so weak that even if 1 bad any desire tomove, I could not. 1 was bathed in a cold, clammy pers- iration. Even to recall the is etails pow makes me shudder, It was a result of this shock that I contracted a high fever and for hours at a time I was delirious. I got so bad that the doctor finally gave up hope of my ever recovering, but by careful nursing, I was finally pro- pounced out of danger. The shock +bad left me so weak, that, for no reason whatever, I would suddenly burst into tears. All the life seemed to have been taken outof me. T kept For sale by The Elmer Davis To Speak. The laymen of the Methodist church--Lansdowne, Union, Dulce main, Selton and Oakville--are to hold their annual gathering im the basement of the Methodist church, Lansdowne, on Thursday. Elmer Davs Kingston, will address the gatH- ering. 7 ' Su Stores are supported, not by the casual shopper-that happens to pick up something, that has dropped (pn while waiting for a train or a beau, but by the people who read the stor® ads and come to the store for a det- Fire Chief James Armstrong has| Trenton subordinate lodge and the received a letter from John Robert-! | Stewing Lamb | FOR | LIF 0) GT-R [TR RN CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, "GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guus, Rifles repaired and refitted. Parts suppiied, Sang dled, knives, scissors und ecuge tools ground. Locks repaired. heya Htied (0 ail kinds of locks, Al wakes of Laws smowers shurpeuned nnd re- paired. We cul ropuir anything that ws repairable, J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kiugston Phone 2056J. . Dominion Meat Store Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 1268J. , TO-MORROW'S SPECIALS: Hamburg Steak .... Pork Sausages ..... ata 20c¢. Pure Lard" .... Ox Tongues .... Brisket .... Oven Roast Pot Roast ...... Pork Roast . .. Side Pork ...... Lamb's Liver .. Pork Liver ... Beef Liver .... PROMPT DELIVERY \ i Experience" "1 Recall My Experiences with the Burglar with Horror!" getting weaker and weaker, so much 80 that my husband and children were constantly worrying about me, Doctors prescribed for me and while Iwillingly tried their medicines, onl very few of them did me any good, but unfortunately the good was not lasting. My family asked me if I nD ty Carnol and I said, 'I was willing to try anything,' but fait that it would notdo me any good. Four bottles of Carnol taken regularly, has completely restored ny former health and strengthand, whilel occasionally recall my experience with the burglar with feelingsof horror, lamotherwise as well and strong as I have ever been. Carnol is the most wonderful preparation I have ever msed for building and restoring health and strength. It Has done wonders for several of my friends to whom I have recommended it."" Mrs. McC. of... Carnol is sold by your druggist, and if you can conscientiously say, alter you have tried it, that it hasn't done you any good, return the emp bottle to him and he will refund yonr money. Leon Mahood Drug Co. inite article. Those are your best customers, : Will Be In Belleville. Sir Henry Thornton will be in Belleville on Dec. 11th when the city and Chamber of Commence joint- ly give a complimentary banquet to W. D. Pobb, now Sir Henny Thorn-| ton's right-hand man in the manage- | ment of the Canadian National Rail- | ways. ' } Buflding Not Completed. It had been expressed that the day and ing .STOP IN AT THE NEW ENG- LAND CAFE and enjoy a noon- lunch. Cheerfulisurroundings real home cooking make din- here truly a delight. work on the new dairy echool bulld- FUEL DRY, SOFT KINDLING. DRY HARDWOOD. : SOFT LUMP COAL for open grates . and furnaces. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworkisig kactory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Btrects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phivue 63. Phone 1415. "Tactory RUBBERS! RUBBERS! The slush is here and that means Rubbers. Those ' who bought our Rubbers last year know how good they are. Those who didn't have a treat instore. A full stock of Men's heavy and light Rubbers, Rubber Boots and Overshoes in the famous Ames Holden make, guaranteed' JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 23}]. 70 Brock Street FURS 'Genuine Beaver Coats ourdier's BROCK STREET OVERCOATS *15.00 t0°30.00 WARM, FANCY BACK WEAVE <ULSTERS 1$25.0010°40.00 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS | *15.00t0°35.00 TWEDDELL'S : 131 Princess St. ° - (One door below Randolph Hotel) "X Gifts She Would Like SILK HOSE-- : Black, White and colors. Also many novelty styles, from 75c¢. a pair up to $5.00. SILK and WOOL SCARFS---- A big variety of new colors from $1.25 up. SWEATER COATS---- The largest variety of new styles and colors ever shown here from $2.75 . up. GLOVES... Kid and Wool in all the wanted col- ors and styles from 50c. a pair up. See our Christmas Handkerchiefs. i W. N. Linton & Co. I Phone 191. ~ 5

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