Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1922, p. 2

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DONT BE LEDASTRAY There go i kinds and quali- ties of ody Seal made from Fall, Winter and Inferior Muskrats, cost- ing from 75c. to $1.35 per skin less than what we pay for'Ontarto Spring Muskrat. This makes a difference in the first cost of the garment of $60.00 to 375.00 The market is flooded with this stock. > Hudson Seal (made from Ontario skins) is still the King of Furs for Ladies' Coats. It is durable, it drapes nicely, it retains its beautiful lustre almost indefinitely, and is the light. est weight and most durable fur known. We make Fur Coats to special measure and order in all the popular Furs. : un A eplendid stock of Coats, McKay~ quality and make, ready to try on, and wear away in Hudson Seal Per- sian Lamb, Raccoon, Muskrat, Mar. mot, eto Your inspection invited to exam. ine our values No obligation to buy sw -- re If you live out of town, vrite for catalogue and full information Joha McKay Limited KINGSTON, CANADA - MEADOW CREAM SODAS SHOULD BE ON EVERY TABLE --ALWAYS CRISP AND FRESH. CROTHERS KINGSTON Established 1869. ? : THE "JAPAN TO-DAY" ADDRESS Given Before the Kiwanis Club by Rev. Dr. John G. Dunlop. 1 Today" was the subject of t interesting address by Rev. chn G. Dunlop, before the Ki- wanis Club at the weekly luncheon In the Frontenac Hotel on Monday Dr. Dunlop was for "hirty-five years ority on the present state of the pen- ple, industrially, commercially and soctally. "My thirty-five years in cen Japan, and the two winters I spent in China, appear now as a great show, | What I saw was lifo, but mos: of the {time it was a show, Today the com: mon pecplé as well as the intellect Uwis, gre going through a perfod of dieillusiénment partly about them- selves, and their origin, As a race they were the descendants of the Gods! and 'heir royal house is still regarded as of the Gods dnd must be jworshipped. Some intelligent people do not belleve and it is the fitera- [tion of knowledge respecting their tral ff Tacial origin that makes them afraid They are part Malay and part Mongol, selves they are in great fear. It js easy by observing the individuals to distinguish the crosses between tribes of Northern and Southern Asia. All (are black haired, and have the Malay features and eves, and the variations ure the crosses with Mongols and Chinese The emperor js an imbecile although his wife is normal, The prince regent is the ruler. Today the {old 'confidence in the great leaders is gone and they have no men holding i the place of Nogi who committed sui- cide upon the death of the late Em- peror. . . "The Japanese have had much to uniearn regarding business. There was a time when they looked upon the American and Englishman as the Gispensers of bounty. "This was due to the attitude of the missionary who {asked for nothing but gave all. In- ternational tradé exacts the liquida- tion of debt--business is differen, and they are afraid." The speaker paid a high tribute to the indus¢ry of the people, sixty per cent. of whom are agriculturists on the verge of starvation. From a total {area of 150,000 square miles, only | 20,000 square miles can be tilled, the remainder consists of hills where even sheep cannat be raised. But it is nct in the number of square miles that a country is made great, It is" in the number of its square people. { With 36,000,000 people on the land {of the grain raised in the United States, probably 12,000,000 bushels {of grain and 3,000,000 tons of other crops, | 'There is an increased death rates | as result of the adoption of Europ- {ean industrial and commercial sys- tem. Ours has been going down ow- Ing to the adoption of sanitation but In Japan there 13 a poor physical con- GRAND ASSORTMENT OF Fancy Fruits Extra Fancy Seedicss Raisins for Christmas Caké, Puddings, Mince Meat--while they 1agte Perfection Oil Heater AND SAVE COAL [ Famey Seediess (1s) ..3 for 38e. } Faney Seeded (1w) } (WagstafPs Mixed Peel, per Ib. 48e. Lemon and Orange Peel, Ib. "39e¢. bt Shelled Walnuts res [ Broken Walnuts asc. b Shelled Almonds 48¢. I Fancy Table Figs, per Ib, .... 380. Cooking Figs, per Ib. ..... . .1%. White Rose Flour (8%) .... 20e. b Flavoring Extracts ....3 for 28e. : feing Sugar bh Cullen's CASH AND CARRY FOR SALE BY W.H. Cockburn & Co. Cor. Princess and Wellington . Ad Ad a ALFRED and PRINCESS STa. | dition. During the war Japan pros- pered commercially and the wealth thus made is held fn reserve, Wages soared. A carpenter, who was form- erly paid twenty-five cents per day, cbtained a house at from eighty cents to $1.70 per month. This, how- J [ever, is changed and as labor which {was near tho slave line ten years ago | has since risén, Japan cannot coin- {rete with the German or British | manufacturers, not even in silk, They ! have bean living on th War reserve pand are now in bad shape. The im- {ports exceed exports and Japan al- ways was a debtor nation. The gov- jerning authorities are afraid today {of Japan--afraid of a Japanese revo- { lution." { The system of government is that adopted from England, Lut the house {of representatives, which stands for the British House of Commons, is not | the supreme power. Above it are the crown, thé Blder Statesmen, the cabi« Inet. The old bureaucratic system is in operation today. Diplomacy has ever been a dirty game with the Jap- anese in their dealings with China and Russia and they had tobe driven from both of these countries. |. The lower orders are going down {There are 150,000 deaths from tuber- i {cuiosis every year; and cancer of the | {stomach is very prevalent. Poeu- monia is very common due to the lack of heat in the houses in the fall and winter. The political, commere- 1a! and industrial facts are hard for a missionary in Japan and is an auth. | and with the loss of belief in *hem- [his refreshing style with his nd | {they are not producing one-twelfth | DAILY BRITISH WHIG. gDATLY BRITISH WHIG furs, .Princes and dealers in fine v He provid "treet, was the booster, ed a pretty feather for eacli guest te wear in his ha: and in addition some very fine prizes in high grade (¢It hats won by Jack MecGall, Mur lock Johnston, Jim Armstrong, J. D | Boyd, Frank Day, A. T. George Bawden The president announced that the | iclub would entertain Queen's domin- | | {lon champion football team some evening In January, the date being | left to the players themselves, CHURCH IN CHRIST'S TIME, W. F. FitzGerald, { That men are still interested in the } 1scator supper session in the Y. M.C.A. [Monday evening to hear the second {of the series of lectures on church history, entitled, "The Church in the | Time of Ohrist," by Canon W. F. FitsGeratd, M.A. After expressing tp the class his | |appreciation of the interest shown, ! | the president, Karl Lelshman, called {upon Canon FitzGerald for his ad- jdres. The speaker briefly summar- {zed-the main points of his previous {lecture on "How the Church Became Fossibla," and proceoded to deal in Subject, Stating at the outset that | "whatever opinion men may hold of | {the revelation of God in Jesus (Christ, it must universally be admi:- ted that His life is the most imporg- ant epoch in history." Christ was the { "Founder of-a Society": the popular {dea on which He based His church | was a "Kingdom of the Heavens," jan ideal state in which the hope of Israel was to be realized. Several important phases were {then drawn to the attention of the class--starting at the time when {Judea was made a dependency of Syria, and the character of the vari- cus Roman Procuators from Copo- [nius on showed how the country was jkoverned. The nature of the Phari- {Fees was not so bad asa cursory read- | ing of the scriptures might reflect---. {the "Zealot wing of the Pharisees {whose motto was 'Be Zealous" re- | mained after the revolution ° was ierushed, and thefr fanaticism eventu- 1aly made for the ruin of the Jewish {nation. The hatred of the Turk for |the Assyrian was also referred to by |the speaker, who stated that "no | Christian nation can expect fair play {from the Turk." The standing of f the various high priests in the time {of our Lord, which is sometimes a | Puzzle to some, when explained, |shows how Annas was sti} the choice {of the pecple after others had been named. The administration of Pilate 26-27 A.D., was one characterized by cruelty and indecision of character, {and he was the most odious of the procurators. Such was the state of the land In the days of Christ. The people hated the yoke of Herod, | along with the yoke of the pProcurator of Judea. The work of John the fascinating study--His message "Re- rent Ye" really meant "Change your mind, your heart and your conduct." Three stages of Jesus' ministry werd summarized as follows: First. Jesus declaring the nature of the kingdom : secondly, Jesus declares Himself to be the Christ: and then Jesus reveals Kis Divinity. The subject of Canon FitzGera'ji's be "The Church of the Apostles," and the lecture is open to all, irre- spective of "Y"" membership connec- tion. -- An Old Fashiomed Mother, The entertainment of this name which-was given in the school room of the First Baptist church, last week, was so much enjoyed that the urgent. request for its repetition fs being granted, and the Sunshine Class will give the entertainment again tonight at fhe same place. hamorous situations and sayings in the programme, there-isn't a 'laugh in very line" as sometimes tha 'tears unbidden start," but the sum Hughes, | | (A Lecture at the Y.M.C.A, by Canon | j deeper things of life was emphasized | (DY the increased attendance at the nd Se EOIN aR Annual Subscriptiop$ For Holiday Presents K : A GIFT THAT LASTS THE WHOLE YEAR THROUGH : f & . » : This is the time to save magazine money for the coming year. We can fill your order. for any Magazines published at lowest clubsrates, : THE MAGAZINE GUIDE Listing the best Magazines and 'Weeklies at the lowest prices. Call or write for a copy--free, v THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE . PHONE 919. OPEN NIGHTS \ Beptist, the "herald of Jesus" was a | lecture for next Monday night wili | While there are numerous decidedly NEW ARRIVALS FOR CHRISTMAS _ SILK SCARFS-- tr 2a Women's and Men's Silk Scarfs in Roman Stripes and plain colors, in all the most popular shades. $1.50 to $5.00 - each. NOVELTY NECKWEAR > : : New Neckwear, including Collar and Cuff sets and Col- lars in Bramley and Tuxedo styles in Organdie, Crepe and Velette. Newest out and popular priced. BOUDOIR CAPS-- . A dainty range to choose from in combinations of Silk, Crepe and Lace; beautiful creations. 50c. to $2.00 each. GLOVES-- Fabric Suede, Silk lined, Mocha lined, Cape{Kid, Wool: popular colors in long or short lengths. Also/Gauntlet ef- fect. Popular priced. CHRISTMAS HOSIERY The best range in the city--Hagather, Silk and Wool, pure SA ~ Silk--in all the wanted colors and popular prices. Special Cut Prices on Suits, Coats ahd Dresses. 5 Newman & Shaw THE. ALWAYS BUSY STORE total and ultimate effect is decided- ly wholesome and helpful, as well as most enjoyable. ' . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Good- bullding ot, Ellerbeck Street Frontage 54x165, to a 33 foot lane, for $600.00. $1,350.00--Raglan Road, detached frame dwelling, § rooms and FOR RENT $10.00--27 Patrick Street, 4 rooms and tollet. $16.00 132 Stephen rooms, bath and gas $30.00--9 St. Lawrence, 7 rooms, electric light, bath and gas, Protect Your Health The Tonic and Laxative Effect of Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets will keep the system in a healthy con- dition and thus ward off all attacks of Celds, Grip or Influenza. 30c. Made in Canada. Street, ¢ tollet; revenue §180.00 per year, 1 A good investment. | Farmers, who were in the city on Monday, reported that some of tha Phone B589w. Fire Insurance roads in the back part of the county were in a very soft condition and at Lowest Rates. E.W.Mullin& Son "KINGSTON'S FAMOUS FUR STORE" GIVE "HER" FINE FURS traffic was very difficult on mud | M L Real Estate and oney to Loan Johnson and Division -- 'Men's Sturdy Work Boots roads. Here are several lines that are brimful of real service. They are made of leathers best adapted for long outdoor service, and will give splendid satisfaction. 3 (1) nm Ofl Grain Blucher Boots with outside counters, ain toe, military style and heavy, sewn and nailed water- proofed leather soles, at $4.25. Same style in black. (2)--Dark Brown Menonite-Grain Blucher Boots with toe Caps, outside counters and heavy sewn and nailed waterproofed leather soles. This style also in Black. Both lines priced at $4.25. (8)--Black 9" high top Black Oil Grain Blucher Boots (Ames- Holden McCready make), with toe caps, full tongue to top, and heavy sewn and nailed waterproofed leather soles, Priced at $5.00. All sizes in each of these styles. Also excellent Work Boots at $8.75 and $4.00 S.J. MARTIN "SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION" : (Japan to face, Twenty-five years ago | {she had no warships and bought one {from a Dutchman for $25,000. To- {day they spend £8,000,000 on a single | warship, while "he army has been {gradually raised to twenty-three di- {vislone, representing an enormous {burden. It is amazing to think what {the Japanese are in themselves and what they Have achieved. They have their railways, posts, telegraphs, ju- diclary, schools and colleges. Dr. Dunlop did "not think tha! we bad anything to fear from the Japs in physique. You can't get seven hours labor per day ott of them. They are 2 menace to British Columbia, but we have other problems. The orig- inal French in Canada were a gause ot paralysis to us in time of orisis. The United States has its 10,000,000 negroes. "What I do advocate," said the speaker, 'Choose Them at "King- ston's Famous Fur Store" from the largest stock in the city. " Christmas Gift For Those Who Need Them Would Be a Nice Pair of Glasses For Grandmother or Grandfather A pair of Kryptoks--the new double vision Glasses for readimg and distant use, all in one solid piece ' of glass. ee For Mother or Father-- " . A pair of Torics for sewing or reading--giving the . greatest possible result to the wearer. For Sister or Brother-- : A 'pair of ""Shur-ons" can be adjusted to their lenses while you 'wait. The best Eyeglass worn to-day for appearance and stay-on qualities. WHY NOT A FUR COAT ? The Coats we show you are made | from the highest grade skins--gar- ments of Seal, Persian Lamb, Musk- rat, Raccoon, etc., all made in our own workrooms and carrying our full guarantee. : Our variety includes plain and trim. med Fur Coats ranging in price from $75 to $400, as well as a wonderful Ary at tt tate Cataraqui's Water Shortage. | they have to be very careful or else On Tuesday morning, people who the wells will go completely dry. Hive at Cataraqui report that the wa- L/ 4 : assortment of Capes, Scarfs, Muffs, etc. We buy direct from the trappers and save you all middiemen's profit. Quality con- A vote of thanks was tendered to i . tor situation ha not proved dar Frank t e past few days. ells that de axion of Be dry in years are out] crusade against citizens who Dave of commission at the present time not paid for a tag for their dog. In ! and the people have to travel consid-| ¢ of all the publication given {he j erable distance to get drinking wa-| matter there are still quite a number Al ter. The cattle in many cases have who have not complied with ths ge a 8 'to be driven to the Cataraqu! creek law In thé police court on Tugs . W., XY. Mills, proj . ; : : E i ! for water. Some Cataragui residents! day morning, a few more citizens Mills and Compsny, manufi 'urers - " have a little water in the wells, but' were fined for their neglect, 2 Must Pay for Dog Tag. The police are continuing their - , Consult us for styles, etc. J.S. Asselstine, D.05. Eyesight Specialist - 342 King S

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