Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Nov 1922, p. 5

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. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. g MRL esi ' ° ; ® ® * 0 AGENCY FOR ALL Kingston and Vicinity || Storm Sash OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES d . Special attention given your family 4 Cheese Sales, creased by the new legislation which I debt or in trouble of any kind, so i Made to Fit Or friends going to or returning from clean Perth, 50 to 20 1-2¢c. permits a large amount to be.sued for | far as is known, and deep mystery | 348 Ole Country, Passports arranged Sn Victoriaville, 409 at 18 3-4c. In those courts. He has frequently | surrounds his disappearance. i Glazed and P . d to sit from 9 am. to 6.30 p.m. con- r-- J. Fou information as) - Rey im- Business Men Here, sidering the actions lodged. In Sent to Reformatory. | nme Ry., Kingston, Ont. - perf » C. M. Van Luvan and J. E. Anglin, | Kingston four additlonal courts have Five months in the Ontario Re- | Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, corner used by Battersea, were In the city on Satur- | had to be added to the yearly ist. formatory, with a further indetermi- | Johnson and Ontario Streets, King- , day. . ---- ate sentence of one year, was the | Ston, Ontario. los : -- es me How It Works Out, term imposed in Brockville police | S. ANGLIN & CO. Open Day and Night. eh | A Lad Injured. When someone stop advertising |court upon Dennis Burns, James | Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yarq Bay and Weitingtos 'PHONE 99. He the | Master Billy Powell, Napanee, mat Someone stops buying; Burns and Oscar Adams, of EMza- | : When someone stops buying, bethtown, on two charges of bur- | Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. R14 Phuc va, Factory vith an unfortunate accident when IEEE Small PUI--Small Dose -- Smal » ) 3] Price [ne caught his leg In falling from a Someone stops selling; glary, one of entering the storeroom | [ Real Estate [fence, and tore a deep gash in it| When someone stops selling, at the Ontario Hospital for the In- i\ s {above the knee. Someone stops making; sane, and the other of entering a ---- p ] : : and Insurance 4 P Oo ING A Monster Pike. Wits Sous sigs ar general store at the village of Lyn. | IANO TUN wes aneen see FROSTS | Plano Tunisy and Repairing. | With a hook and Mne, Morley P.| When a whole lot stop earning, | Collection for Sufferers. Also Otgen Work. {White landed a monster pike at Stili more stop buying. { ~The following contrjbutions wers | OTOR ;Christy's Lake the other day. It Keep Going! * 'coliected by T. Moir and M. Timmons, | MOTOR CAR REPAINTING The 8ame Superfine Lasting Finish Ingurance ia all its branches. PHONE 352e oid liable Companies only repre- All work guaranteed. 3 WA i Hl ER B BROWS . - | welghed exactly '15 pounds and has Bellrock, for Northern Ontario fire | {been on exhibition all week at Noo-| The Late Mrs. George Huycke, | Sufferers. The Best Is the Cheapest--The Lustre Lasts {nan Bros.' butcher shop, Perth. The West Lake community was| 6 $2.--Mrs. John Timmons, Elsie ------------ Er y Moir, Jahn Pomeroy, Daniel Pome- % [ > R. H. u addell 9 DAVID SCOTT St eines shocked on Thursday last when the | | For Fall and Winter. News came over the phone that Mrs. |TO¥, Mrs. James Meeks, D. I. Amey, | . ( Plumber Phones 326-806. 86 Brock St. 4 " i CF Rav y | b hone J We have received all our fall an? George Huycke had passed away. | B. F. Revell, Gertrude Thomas, STOP IN AT THE NEW ENG Plumbing and Gas Work a spec talty. All work guaranteed. Ad- | winter goods, consisting of Boys' and | Mrs. Huycke had not been wel] for $1.50.--Mrs. Leonard Meeks. LAND CAFE dress 145 Frontenac Street. | Men's: overcoats, Boys' and Men's |somo time with heart trouble. She| $1.--James Porter, Mrs. Sidney and enjoy a noon- S day lunch. Cheerful surroundings EN ------------ Phone 1277. tuits, also a large range of cloth for [will be missed. Besides her hus. |Grant, Mrs William Moir, AW sults made to measure at reason-|band Mrs. Huycke leaves two daugh. | 50c.--Mrs. S. Pomery, Mrs. Bd- to het Dome cooking maky di. * able prices. Prevost, Brock street. ters, Elda, wife of Percy Collier, [Ward James, Frank Clark. fag Hers truls + deligut, 25¢.--Freddie McMahon, Clifford DENTAL SURGEON. ----. ------ East Lake, and Reta, at home, ani { McMahon, Mrs. Damon. Bale cloth- Cheque for Firemen. one son. Corner of Johnson and Wellington WOOD Chief Armstrong has received a ing. treats Phone 868 substantiat cheque from the village The Conquest of Fear. -- ey . ' Vietory Bonds bought and sold. hdd Of Odessa, for his firefighters, tn ve- | 1, »), 5 evoment. Fear kills al-| From a noble breed, a noble steed. ramon FUR ITUn, SAFES, Hard and Soft Wood Soguiion of the £064 Serviefs they luo oversthing, One so ahety of Imme i fo where'er the rounded PIANOS, CARTAGE and sToRAGE o% || and Slabs cut to any ||rendered at the big fire in the vil- |), 5 secretary, a cook, a sale, an sky . 884 KING STREET N lage on Thursday morning last. ¢rportunity--oh, millions of *hings. | Bends o'er the cradle where thy : BRY DESCRIPTIO . ; Transfer Co. length. ~-- Conquer your fear. All of those children lie, rr eee Engagement Announced. tkings you are afraid of losing you | Their home is earth, their herald, N aaaes??,. tvmnans | KENNY & FAI | ON Me aud Mis. M. Chapman, Tavis: | qn wopines throvet, in cle ag every tongue, - mw WELLINGTON STREET tock, anonunce the engagement of vertisements. Little fear dispellers. | =~ 187-141 CLERGY STREET = | {their youngest daughter, Della, 10); cr doormen telephone pum- ---- : (J. 8. Haggerty, Tamwonth, son of PHONE 637. | Ler on a corner of your desk and let | Mr. and Mrs. D. Haggerty, Centro- us chase away any need four. = marriage to take plac e { Dr. Waugh = De Doan Zince th a | Dentist P Cc T R eT ET "Ph K on e en | NOSTRA ASPEN 0 Sale of Cattle. PR Piped a ove MIEN | 108 Wellington St. Fhone 236 At the Alfred Keech sale in Rish- |," London, Ont., in the person Lor cd H. W. Gallag- . Ont, FOR Cream Applied in Nostrils | | @0nd. conducted by of John Moler, who has been missing lie 'es * THOMAS COPLEY Bice Head Colds at Once. BoE, Sowa Jou Jor $304 pices, bilng. from his home since August 26th last. HEADACHE. BILIOUSNESS 888 . v . ' He left London to attend the wedding | CONSTIPATION, | G B . e owner over $30 ini Telephone 987. It your nostrils are clogged and bikie gin Boi were grade |°f 1 friend in Toronto, but never | INDIGESTION enuine eaver your head is stuffed and you can't Holstel reached his destination, 4nd has no: | KIDNEYS, LIVER, !| breathe freely because of a cold or| © Steins. since been seon or heard of, and some BOWELS catarrh, just get a small bottle of I> for Hallosbn of his friends are of the apinjon that To. nd oals Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Help for Jury, he met with foul play. He was not r Apply a little of this fragrant, anti-| The Bay View Red Cross Society [| BePtic cream into your nostrils and |sent $43 to Mrs. B. Jemmett, Hail- let it penetrate through every air pas- |eybury, to assist in tHe relief of sage of your head, soothing and heal- | those who suffered so greatly durlag ; - i -- » 0 Ing the inflamed, swollen mucous [the recent fire fn Northern Ontarin. SERMON hy membrane and you get instant relief. Mrs. John Galt, treasurer; Mrs. El- > ON THE Mn J y er S a Ah! how good it feels. Y. = ng rum. A LS eels. our nos- 1 7 7 Sade in Kingaon Dy trils are open, your head is clear, no Mer Alkenbrack, secretary. ji LA TS - 3 N DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE co. || more Jawking, snuffling, blowing; no Is Now Improving, SN Detivered by TEs st ECM ( il N BR K S : m pro . ) H HRIS TAA oC . ore headache, dryness or struggling Will Davidson, Ganano- Sh S i ee e \ TREET -~ for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is just what sufferers from head colds jun que, has returned from Kingston, It's a delight. where she had been with her daugh- Em catarrh need. TTT ~~~ [ter, Mrs. Elliott, for the past month. ---- \ Mrs, Elliott, who had undergone an ain. W23, Su 2, . : win a-- operation in the General Hospital, is iy : doing nicely. (Arranged for publication in 17 sections) 0 VER v a Section 16.--Matthew 7:7-12. whom if his son ask bread, will he 'Was Occasioned for It. give him a stone? The people of Kingstom went wild t---- in their elation over the victory of | Definite Answers to Definite Prayers. 0 10. Orit he ask a fish, will give $ Queen's in Montreal last Saturday. 7. Ask, and it shal 31him a serpent? $ and both the newspapers devoted at seek, and ye shall rk given you; 11. If ye then, being evil, know ® O ° nd; knock, least two pages to a great report of it shall be opened unto you: and pow to give good gifts unto your the game. And no one blames them > children, how much more shal) your for the display of their exuberance of | 8. For every one that asketh re. |Father which is in heaven give good bi R ceiveth; and that keth fi . |things to them that ask him? Joy Ananoque Reporter. Bo ooketh Sudeth 12. Therefore all things whatso- WARM, FANCY BACK WEAVE ! and to him that knocketh it shall be 8 for the Curlers. opened. ever yo would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for With the first cold snap of tha ULSTERS ' Beason, comes the word that one 9. Or what man is there of you, all this is the law and the prophets, hundred new curling stones have ar- . nny $ $ rived from Scotland, for the King- ° 0 ° * ' ston Curling Club, and will be regdy for distribution next week. They are the very best of Scotch stones -- [er Smsvigtor. Re YOUNG MEN'S SUITS * v Hand Amputated; Hunting Accident. 7) 4 Gordon Ohlmer, Palmer Rapids, ; : $ 1 5 0 $ admitted to the Pembroke General Hospital suffering from a seriously | / é 0 fo 35 00 injured due to the discharge of the Vib | oor or aie habs stu ea ' Na right hand amputated on Wei 2, i TWEDDELL'S made to save it. \ 3 ' 131 Princess St. : SL 'a3 A (One door below Randolph Hotel) Formerly of Hillier. W. M. Davidson, editor of the Morning Albertan, Calgary, and for- merly @ member of the Alberta legis- lature, has definitely announced his We carry a supply of parts. candidature to contest the Calgary Prompt service. seat made vacant by the death of R. C. Edwards. Mr. Davidson is a Hil- J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. Yak buy 4nd a hesihar of Sort Buvid ~~ BLE: 0g : ~~ ha rr . . Ee poem | Now is the time for "| The friends of Mrs. Elisa Farr: We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. son, Cherry Valley, will be interested to know that she recently celebrat- 4 i W\ : ed her eightieth birthday at the 3 oF 7 » home of her daughter, Mrs. Letitia 3 kL MeKibbon, Chicago, with a surprise e 00 én S perty given by her daughte: Mrs. Garrison is In good health and ex- cellent spirits. ---- o Youte 8 a MITTS, GLOVES, CLOUDS, ". Changes Spelling A deed poll has been taken. out by Allan Tasker Lacey, ftudent-at-law, 1 alB SCARFS, JOQUES, SWEATERS, and son of SR - / " PULLOVERS, HOSE, ETC, We carry a very large assortment of all these articles in the popular styles and colors at very attractive prices, The Waldron Store.

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