Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1922, p. 2

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FURS Christmas Gifts THAT ARE APPRECIATED A - McKAY Gives . SATISFACTION GOOD WEAR and MAINTAINS HEALTH and HAPPINESS Your inspection invited. Furs selected now may be delivered Christmas Eve. Manalacturers Flat Fors John McKay Limited KINGSTON, CANADA TR CROTHERS Poh MEADOW CREAM CAKE Light as a Snow Flake--delicate as a Dream. Take one home as @ family treat. ' At all grocers. Price 20c. each. KINGSTON Established 1869. I SEE OUR OPENING IN TO-NIGHT'S WHIG ANNOUNCEMENT New York |} Candy Store ||} 3 314 Princess Street ||§ z Belleville Creamery [ Island Rolls and Prints Matthew's Pure Lard DIFFERENCE, Cullen's CASH AND CARRY 3Be. Rolled Oats (mew pack) ¢ Ibs. 30¢, ORDER EARLY AND SAVE THE | ALFRED and PRINCESS sy, VV VV utter Butter; 4 Ri SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR NEW . HEADWEAR, NEW GLOVES, NEW FURS. a wonderful assortment and it's years sluts prices were so reasonable. We have ready tor your inspection THE DAILY BRITIS H WHIG. STOCK COMPANY IN VERY FUNNY COMEDY "And 8he Turned Up" De- lighted Audience at.the ? Qrand Opera House. -- "A langh from start to finish," was the verdict of thosp who had the privilege of attending the first performance of *"'And She Turned Up," which was presented at the Grand Opera ' House by the Rex Stock Company on Thursday even- ing! It is without doubt one of the funniest comedies which this popu- lar company has presented for thy approval of Kingston audiences dur- Ing its second year's stay in King. ston. "Bill" Yule, who plays the part of Caraway Bones, the under taker, is a scream in himself, and kept the audience in roars of laugh- ter. To marry a charming widow, with a grown up son and daughter, and later find that the widow's hus- band was not lost at sea, as was supposed, is the experience of "Bones." When the undertaker first paid a visit to his newly-acquired family, he met with a very cool re- ception, which terminated in his be. ing thrown into the pond, and it is beyond the power of description to say what "Bill" looked like when hLe was fished out, and his clothes be- gan to dry, and likewise shrink | "Father Medway" (Howard Brown), finally turns up from the sea, after being lost for ten months, and he is followed by a dark shadow in the {person of a native of Africa (Hazel | Williams), whom he 1s bequiled into marrying. The : fun them comes faster, but as the riddle unravels, it reveals the fact that the Captain was not legally married and the shadows begin to get brighter. Rex Snelgrove and Zana Vaughn, who play the parts of the son and daughter, George Medway and Sa- bina Medway, as usual fill their FOUR KINGSTON GIRLS GAVE UNIQUE CONCERT Big Audience Enjoyed Every Moment of Programme at Grant Hall. The concert given in Grant Hall on Thursday evening under the aus- pices of Queen's Alumnae Assocla- tion was unique, for the programme was given entirely by four Kingston girls, three of whom have travelled far afield 'to perfect their{great mus- ical talents, and have brought home to our quiet city the splendid result of their labors. The large audience gave these young girls a hearty re- ception and enjoyed every moment of the delightful programme. The two bright daughters of Principal Taylor, who Kingston now clajms as her own. played the opening group for violin and plano. Miss Leslie Taylor who Re Repairing; Repairing 4,143 illustrations. PHONE 919, has studied in New York, has twice played with a Chatauqua company teuring the Western States and is! now first violin in- the Grand Opera House orchestra, was accompanied cleverly by her sister, Miss Lois Taylor, an undergraduate of Queen's, The slsters play beautifully together and Miss Leslie Taylor needs no - ments on her success as a violinist her satisfying technique, her fire and brilliance having captivated King- ston music lovers long ago. Of the nine violin and piano numbers per- haps those which gave most pleas- ure to the audience were the *'Suite in A Minor," (Sinding) "Nocturne," (Chopin-Wilhelmj,) and "Zigenner- welsen," (Sarasate) the Misses Tay- lor kindly responded to the applause. Miss Phyllis Knight, who has stud- ied the plang abroad bas been little heard by the Kingston public since her return and her exquisite music was listened to with delight, a per- fect tecnique, Sympathy and charm characterize her music, her numbers were well chosen and as Miss Jean roles perfectly. "Billy" Seymour as "General Batic" {is exceptionally good. The role of "Mary Medway," the unfortunate Captaiy'e wife, is | cleverly portrayed by orence Win. | ters. Gloria Machan as "Ada Baltic," and Joe Kelly as "Nod Stedam" play their parts well. Hazel Williams plays every part she is assigned to in a remarkabe manner, and to see her as the '"'darkey" is a treat. Howard and Hazel Brown furnish- ed a vaudeville number between tho second and third acts which was loudly applauded. Those' wishing a good laugh should witness "And She Turned Up," which will be repeated at the Grand tonight, Saturday mati. nee and night. FIRST KINGSTON VOICE" TO BE SENT BY RADIO Jack Elder, Scotch Entertain er, 8ang on Wednesday Evening. The distinction of being the first Kingstonian to have his voice broad- casted goes to Jack Elder, the well- known local tobacconist, who is bet- ter known outside the city and in some circles within it as a very able singer and Scotch entertainer. On Wednesday evening the Canada Radio Stores tried out their broad- casting apparatus, much to the de- (light of many amateurs in the dis- trict and the first voice to carry over the air was that of Mr. Elder, singing some of Als favorite Scotch songs. } Reports from the district indicate that this first concert was a great success. A telephone message from Clayton, N.Y., on the following \lay to the Canada Radio Stores, said that they heard Mr. Elder wonder- fully well and that they wanted to hear some more in the near future. "Jack" Elder's services as an en- tertainer are so much in demand that he hardly knows how to keep up with invitations. The latest one is from down in Glengarry County ana is for New Year's eve. He may be forced to refuse some but those who know him rather think that this in | vitation will not go unheeded. | IN MARINE OIROLES There was a heavy sea on Thura- day evenim; and Friday morning, and there has been little movement among the vessels. Many of the boats were forced to take shelter during the night. The tug Oswegatchle, which.clear- ed from the Davis drydock on Thurs- day morning, was unable to make Oswego, and is now here for shelter. The steamer City of Hamilton ar- rived from Toronto and Hamilton on Friday morning and cleared for The most comprehensive work struction, operation and repairing Automobile Schools are using this Contains everythin teries; Electric Systems and How To Test: Carburetion, Radiator Repairing, Ford on Automobile construction, Dyke's Automobile Encyclopedia A Text Book. A Reference Book. The Book that will show you how. published that treats of the con- of motor vehicles. Book as a Text Book. The leading Operation and lectric Starters, Generators and Storage Bat. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Tire Repairing, Ignition, Repairing, etc. 1,238 pages, OPEN NIGHTS ---- Chown, accompanist, she excelled. "My Heart ever Faithful Back-Lay i ignac was MNer first number, "Gow | cert-Etude" (Liszt) and "Scherzo Chopin were remarkably beautiful and she wag recalled to play onee more. Miss Jean Chown, whom To- ronto would claim, but who is e Kingston girl, sang first, three songs by Tschaikowsky her great voice, floating out through" the large hall with utmost ease. Miss Chown's wonderful range grows more wone- erful 48 the months pass, ler high notes are marvellous for a contralto whose lower register seems well nigh perfect. The next group included "Prelude,'® Scott, Chaminade's love- ly "Silver Ring" and **The Shepherd's Song," (Elgar) The last group "Eastacy," with a violin obligato by Miss Taylor; the dear old Scotch song, 'Loch Lommond" end "St. Nicholas Day" (Martin) Miss Chown gracefully responded to the applause of the audience by singing "Coming Through the Rye." OR -------------------------- . Protect Your Health The Tonic and Laxative Effect of Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets will keep the system in a healthy con- dition and thus ward off all attacks of Colds, Grip or Influensa. 30c. Made in Canada. ---------- At Saskatoon, Sask., on Friday last, the death took place, following a surgical operation, of Della Shaver, wife of Lyman Locke, and a native and former resident of Iroquois. Mrs, Locke was born near that village forty-one years ago, the daughter of Edward Shaver. Tweddell's Sale of Overcoats, $19. - Nea The Hat Store New Hats For Men, Ladies and '= Childr en pick from. Som broidered. Oth frills or panels; shape necks. sizes. Regula 75¢.--Women's Bloomers--winte 50c. --Boys' Heavy Ribbed Wool $25 and $35 Dresses on Sale Saturday $10 Each A big clearing sale of Dresses, including Taf- feta, Serge, Tricotine. Smart, sna e beautifully beaded or em- ers made with self drapery, long or short sleeves; different Colors Navy or Black. Broken r price up to $35.00. SATURDAY ............ $10.00 EACH A COAT BARGAIN, $25.00 our best sellers--picked from onr large range. Fur-trimmed; plain, full backs; belt- 24 only. Coats of ed fronts: also the all-around interlined, Cuffs. Colors: 'Brown, fizes in the lot. SATURDAY .... "steve ua " Women's Fur-Trimmed Suits $2.00 SERG 150 yarde Dress Serge--Navy Twill--tull 54 inches widé---pure Botany yarn-- $2.00 value, color guaranteed. SATURDAY Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE fancy stitching, large Fir Co'lar and Castor, Blue, Regular up to $40.00 each. HALF PRICE r weight--extra special Hose---black. All sizes. styles to Belts, full-lined and tlack--ali HALF PRICE E, $1.39 or Black---nice, fine $1.30 vue. 5c. 50c. pair Seves seven The Late Harold Brown. The death occurred at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, Division street, on Weines- day, of Harold Brown, aged three years, after a long illness. His death is the ogeasion fer much re- gret. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. John Knox, Kingston, Mrs. George Kenrick, Pleton, and Mies Nellie at home; and four brothers, William, Charles, James and Lloya at home. The burial took place on Friday, and the services was con- ducted by Mr. Boothman, pastor of the Pentecostal church. -- The Late Ira Cook. Ira Cook, a hly respected resi- dent of Clarendon Station, passed away at the General Hospital on qrsday. He had been under treat- ment since the 1st of July last for rheumatism. He was born near Win- chester seventy-four sears ago, and was one of the pioneers of Frontenac county and was wilely known as a most industrious blacksmith. His wife predeceased him several years ago. He is survived by nine sops and three daughters. They are 'William, Henry, Darius and George, Hailey- bury, recently burned out in the big a #OR SALE $6,000.00 -- Albert Street, semi-brick bungalow, § rooms and bath, hard- Wood floors electric light, all mod- ara, Jot 54 no Shontags with drive- Y; ®ood outbuildings. a if desired. Easy terms $3,600.00--HBrock Street, semi-detached brick dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, electric light ang gas. Easy terms if desired. Fire Insarance "at Lowest Rates | Howey to Loan ATE FOR RENT $35.00---380 Earl Street, 7 rooms, bath, gas and electric light, $30.00-- 9 rooms, light, $16.00--131 Queen Street, § rooms and toilet. St. Lawrence, 7 bath and electric EW. Mullin Son Real Retate and Johnson and Division Streets - Smart Patent One Straps, Military Heels Modlskly correct for either business or dress wear, these hand- Some, new, Patent One Straps. We have several new lines just to hand fa this popular style, and ean Sssure you splendid quality See our values at . . $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 i S.J. MARTIN "SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION" 3 We have evorytling that fashion - demands abd our large stock ~ makes choosing easy. AN prices fro iiss and family had a summer home at Picton, and were Yearly visitors to Kingston, having been here a few months ago. The body is to arrive here on Sunday afternoon and In- terment is to take place in Cataraqui cemetery. Wednesday evening Rev. A. BE. Kelly' united in marriage Miss Pearl Race, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Race, to Jolin - Charlton, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Charl ton, both of Brockville. : 4 Mr. Nixon Tweddail's Sale of Overcoats, $18, § ef fl E iit

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