4 \ ¥ ~ » \ . { x FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1022. Ton : HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In the Realm of Women---Some I nieresting Features 14, Tenrille Headaches | NEW YORK HORSE sow. psy And Dizziness 2 | : {al correspondent to the To- All Christmas Gifts Boxed Miss 8. Raphael, 237 Kenilworth or es says: - "Only a pre-war royal court could | | Ave. N., Hamilton, Ont., writes: --*] used to suffer from terrible head-|have rivalled the sumptuous mag- aches and dizziness. Last Summer, | nificance of this year's Metropolitan While I was walking up a side street, | House opera. Ermine Sloaky vers : 1 80t 3 Gzay apell and fell in theas common 8s zabbii-skins, chinchil .|la was everywhere, middle of the road. An old gentle- i sables, regal brocades and furs, : man helped me to get to where 1 they covered gowns of Oriental opu- Was going and told me to get a vial of lence. Old-time tiaras and the old ' Be Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, Well, I jewelery display in the famous did, and they did wonders for me. I|}orseshoe boxes was somewhat dim- don't know how to thank you, as I|med but the season's vogue for gore don't get headaches or dizzy spells |geous head-dress made it even any more." | more picturesque. Eastern 14rbans yi When your liver gets sluggish and | of cloth of silver or gold and Rus CONTINUES : ! in-active your whole health suffers, sian head-band effects prev FOR ONE an oid and the only way to keep well is to| while the classic robed favored Roop the liver active and periormive | wreaths of Miter louves, Some WEEK ANY ARTICLE 8 proper functions by using Mil- [adi ith huge jewel cases - burn's a hor Pills. a gen head-dresses ~ with real COMMENCING © NI Mas Price 25c. a vial at all dealers or | jewels with dazzling effect. Lux- SATURDAY mailed direct on receipt of price by lurious ostrich fans, with green, The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Torcato, white or coral as favorite, were Ont. again a lovely nofe '0f color among SEES | EVERYTHING IN THE STORE REDUCED it looked as if they would have to take turns in waving them, so _ : : ; Rmped di xhey vosw: Yor Yoou. To Make Room For the Incoming Holiday Merchandise We Are Launching a Just as Chalipin as the usurping * Czar Boris had furnished his tortur- "SEVEN DAY" CLEARANCE SALE : 1 1 ing vision of bis victim's ghost we |looked up at Vincent Astor's box. , There was an uncanny feel {nthe air. When Chalipin sees ghosts see them too. A ; Ye was a weird big grey thing HOSIERY SPECIALS that nearly covered the rail of the L \, PURE SILK HOSIERY Astor box. Suddenly it moved. It ¥ BO Pure Thread Silk, plain or : a A Seamed backs. Hemmed expanded before you. You gasped, Then you looked again. Did other WE ) top. Shades -Black and 98c Navy only. An Sizes diy iat A Ge (DY Add) Our large stock has been re-arranged and assorted into PURE SILK HOSIERY moving to and fro. Then you saw what it was. It belonged to a pretty "is : . o . . . . lady 1n 3 Dik Ores Ie var 2 od CY 4 Groups, which will assist you in an easy selection at Ribbed Tops. fan with eight plumes that hid at RN our Clearaway Prices-- = First. Quality, pure' Silk x i : Hose. Made by one of our least three people when it was in well-known makers, aif] 45 . Haag BEET $14.75-519.75-"24. 75-59 75 "HEATHER Hosk 5 J FE : : : English Make ------ All Wool, in the popular She JUST KEEPS HOUSE FOR ME. 2 RE : ~ FUR COLLAR AND CUFFS Heather shades of Lovat, . od 3 5 4 Brown and Blue. Specially She is so winsome and so wise i - PEEL x Regular $35 to $ 5. Priced for our Clearaway 85¢ She sways us at her will Eh PRA HY All individual styles. Made from the best English and we : Aut on the Saeation il arise ) y % EL « American Velours, with assorted shades. Most have $ ITALIAN SILK And so I say with pride untold. WE ie FE Saw Ootlar and Cuffs " Al French Benveriy, Sizes d , HOSIERY pb Aare SR SW And love beyond degree. ae y 3 range from 16 to 44 in. long; tull styles ssesmenioee ® Heavy quality, pointed betic Cook Book with Menu Table sent | This woman with the heart of gold heels -- plain or fancy stripes -- Black, Brown, Ires on request. Jireh Food Co, Brock. She just keeps house for me. 2 4 i i F UR TRIMMED With Collars or Collars and Cuffs Grey and White. All n$2 69 wille, Ont. For sale bv in the lot, but not in each James Redden & Co. A full content dwells in her face Full Flare Back styles or belted in dark or light brown Pek a She's quite in love with lite We ¢ shades; full lined; embroidery trimmed with Fur Col- / $ caren o- : Jingrion, Opt. Ant or) Hilo weal with grate, 1 Baa : lars and Fur Collars and Cuffs in notch collar style. All gifts boxed on ® vast oli-lagnioney "Wits. : BOR 10, IB, BU COIY + ververatnsnrsersssoiensrsn Ae hat thou oil from morn' ry : QUEER FEELINGS |=".oc-: = =. SR UTILITY COATS, With and Without Fur Collars What though I weary grow, A spring of love and dear delight yn B Doth ever softly flow. Check Back Tweeds of the Burberry style. Also heavy NY - Velours and Tweeds with Fur Collars, Belted or Full % 0 b request. Our children climb upon her knees Backs; sizes range from 16 to 46. Large sizes, suit- Women Should Know How Lydia E. And lie upon her breast. = able for large people ...covvveenn.. » hae sieasdne And ah! her mission seem to me The highest and the best-- And so I say with pride untold 1 And love beyond degrve, TRICOLETTE BLOUSES sow TE sr 'o%18 5 | ur ke Bou or ma Cape Gauntlet rele Sah, shut A CHARMING ARRAY, --Jean' Blewett. Cloves Ss trimmed ina 4192.69 SAMPLE DRESSES VOILE BLOUSES $19.75 TO-DAY'S FASHION|| Strap Wrists. Reg. $3.50. Values to $5.00 . ..$2.96 Rosas too 240, By Vera Winston. - Perrin's make-- beautiful, soft, pliable leather, wre] 95 . CAMISOLES - The latest creations right from the style . full flare cuffs. Colors are { Tan and Grey only ...... Maker's samples. Various as- : centres. Materials: Velvets, Charmeuse. sortment of styles and trim- Also Crepe and Tricotine styles and the SERGE. DRESSES Pry ca Agra Rg very latest Circular Skirts. Some have All Wool Botany Serges -- Navy with elastic sherring and hem- 98¢c Bertha Collars. Side panel drapes. Nov- only; in sizes to 42; neat Braiding stitching ...... sessseceas elty ornaments. and Draping in straight-line Dresses. Boxed on request. AFTERNOON AND HOUSE DRESSES STREET DRESSES Regular to $4.50 , ; ak Sagan 1 the bu $14.95 Thorks of Savious Nish; «$1.49 A special grouping of Street and Af. 3 ; : ternoon models, revealing mew ideas UNDERSKIRTS 0 Subsilisbuuts. Colors Colors: Morecn and $l 1 9 Bs 43 Be dow dupidy) Ma. wis tay Y Jor 8 earns, tine. Styles: Drapes, Side Panels, Side an, . saa | Drapes or straightline models. Former prices were from $20.00 to $32.50. CL RIMITED Il4 PRINCESS STREET A Pleasant Vafley. Leona Joyner, Kingston, spent a |visited at Carman Ashley's on Sun- ing on the northern lakes in pursuit | operation among dairymen with g Pleasant Valley, Nov. 32--Farm- | recent week-end with Mr. ang Mrs day. Mrs. F. Knapp, Newboro, and I the fiany tribe. W. Bauder and | view to lessen the cost of getting So have finished plowing. R. Reid, |Thomas Bradford. Little Miss Doris | Mrs. Thomas Butterill, Tichborne, |son have returned from their annual | preducts to marker, 3 'Ellerbeck has recovered from her |were recent Euests at Benjamin Bot- (hunting trip. te eeecss recent illness. Miss Helen Kerr at |ting's. Mrs. Fry, Norwood, fs " Belleville Principal Dies, - o 1 Thomas Bradford's. Mr. and Mrs. spending some time with friends Elect District Director. Belleville, Nov. 24.~Collapsing ag flls Stover, Blginburg, and Miss|6. 5. Campbell, also Mr. and Mr, here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker | Renfrew, Nav. 24.--At the aunaal | he went down {ato ine basement. of Marion Waiker, Sydenham, were re-|0. B. Kerr. and family, Verona and children, Harrowsmith, visit:d meeting of the Eastern Ontario |the College Hili (Thurlow) sche: Deep brown broadeioth of a fine gant Sues of their sister, Mrs. W. [were recent guests at Edgar {at John A. Hughes'. 8. Barr has re- | Dalrymen's Association, John FF. [to see about the fire in the gy silky texture makes the cout a . hock: ne young people {Hughes'. Mrs. Charles Treneer, {turned after.s visit with friends at | Gibbons, Northeote, was elected 'dig- | at the close of the day's\school, } while wide bands of dark eastern land Me © oF , Ellerbocy sq Ur. [Yarker, and Mrs. Richard Eller- Dexter, N.Y. Mr.. ang Mrs. 4A. [trict director, and Freeman Brown, | burt Hania, princips] of the institn : | mink add their finishing note. The and Mrs. Clyde Ellerbeck afe re- (beck, Moscow, visited their sistar, |[Cowdy are at Elmer Hughes'. Miss dairy instructor of the district. L.ition, died ope hour later at Bi To thine own self be true. * single button is also of dark brown. dolelng over the arrival of a wes |ars. N. Ellerbeck, recently. Mr. |Marths Wagar is at.T. H. H. Wat- [A Zufelt, president of the King-]| home on Gordon street, to which SA 10 0 (daughter on Sunday, Nov. 19th. Miss (and Mrs. Fred 'Snider, Napanes,|eon's. Local fishermen are camp- ston Dairy School, urged closer co- | was carried unconscious: j