gy Life's Social Side Editor of Women's Page, Tele- ' phome 243. Private phone 837w. - » . The Wednesday meeting of the Kingston Badminton Club was well attended this week more people com- ing in at the tea hour to join the players. Among those present were Col. Anderson, General and Mrs. Rutherford, Col. and Mrs. G. H. Ogilvie, Col. and Mrs. Constantine, Col. and Mrs. H. J. Dawson, Major Frederick Catson, Major Dunbar, Major Lafferty, Major Ponsomby ' (India) Col. and Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Mrs. Eric Green- wood, Mrs. Douglas Jamnett, Mrs. _ Martineau-Strife, Miss Martineau- Strife (England) Capt. and Mrs. J. ¥. Preston, Mrs. Keene Hemming, Mrs. R. J. Leach, Mrs. Owen Hod- gins, Prof. and Mrs. Callander, Prof. and Mrs. Hicks, Miss Edith Carruthers, Miss Marion and Miss Mary Ogilvie, Miss Laura Kilborn, Miss Cecil Macnee, Col. Foulkes snd Dr. McKee, * LJ * Mrs. W. H. Hughes, Alfred street gave a most successful tea and show- er on Wednesday afternoon for the Church Woman's Aid of St. George's Cathedral, when a good musical pro- gramme was arranged. Miss Louise Hil}, a brilliant young pianist, play- ed delightfully, and Miss Anna Mit- chell and Miss Marjorie Booth sang charmingly. Mrs.' J. R. C.. Dobbs The Beauty of A Plush Coat depends on the freshness of the pile 1 Your last season's plush coat looks shabby when contrasted with the new 1 Send us your old coat and you won't feel "second best" to anyone after we have cleaned and steamed it. Our special process possible only in a modern= ly equipped plant revives : the plle and restores the richness and lovely soft- ness of the plush. PARKER'S DYE WORKS 1922 CROP CALIFORNIA | Walnuts Get in your supplies | now as price will | soon be higher. ; Cock 'O The North | RED SALMON | | 27c¢ tin | | i and Miss Marion McArthur acting =» Gccompanists, Mrs. E. J. B. Pense. the president of the C. W. A. presid- another interesting programme was arranged with songs by Mrs, A. Self, Miss Isobel Hughes, Billy Laird, by Miss Frances Beaudion, end a violin number by Reginald Best. Miss Pearl Nesbitt, Mrs, Laird and Miss Frances Devlin were the plan- ists, | . . . General and Mrs. J. H. Emaley, King street entertained at dinner on Wednesday evening for his Honor the Lieutenant-Governor, Col. Harry Cockshutt, when the other guests were: Principal and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Mrs. F. W. Hill, Col. and Mrs. Norman LesMe, Mrs. Carhart, Mrs. W. Harty, Miss Loretta Swift, Col. Fraser, Messrs C. Bermingham and T. J. Rigney. . . . Mrs. Herbert Steacy, King street, entertained at bridge on Monday, {When three tables were in play and the prizes won bs Mrs. C. E. Tay- lor and Mrs. Frank Smythe. Mrs. Smythe made tea at the charmingly arranged tea table, . . . Mra, Balfour, Duke street, Hamil- ton, entertained informally at the tea Mour yesterday for two charming visitors in town, Mrs. John Mackie, { Kingston, and Mrs. Berkley, Mont- real. * . Mrs. W. Dale Harris, Ottawa, an- nounces the engagement of her daughter, Jessie, to Henry Montaguc Spencer Lewin, Montreal. The mar- riage will take place on Dec. 23rd. . . *- . Mrs. Bruce Taylor entertained His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor at tea on Wednesday afternoon, when the party included General Emsley and Col. Fraser. . - » Mrs. R. E. Kent "Sombrsby House' entertained the Monday Bridge Club which did not meet on Thanksgiving Day, on Wednesday afternoon, * * . Miss Marjorie Henderson, Ottawa, will come to Kingston on the foot- ball excursion and will be with Miss- es Mowat, Johnson street. Miss Symons, who was the guest of Capt. and Mrs. J. C. Murchie, King street; for a month, has return ed to Halifax, « Mrs. E. Douglas, Buffalo, N.Y., and her sister, "Mrs. Wells, Tam- worth, who have been visiting their brother C. Wheeler, University ave- nue and other friends, have returned to their homes. Col. and Mrs. W. P, Elkins are in town from Halifax. . . . Miss Alice Goodwin, who spent the holidays with her sister, Mra. Grant Cadenhead, Alice street," has returned to Toronto. Miss Mary Taylor, Osgoode Hall, WHY BABIES CRY It's often hard to find the trouble --It may be teeth -- it may be stomach--but oh | so often it is just a chafed irritated skin on which poor Soap has been used. The Jeumedy for this is so simple! Hours o suffering--night night of disturbance--have been avoided by mothers, who have ingisted on--Bady's Own Soap. Of course it costs a little more, a very little more, however-- than what is often bought and used--but four generations of ian Mothers are there to vouch for its purity, for the healing effect on Baby's delicate skin, for the lovely pure flower ce it leaves when Baby and clean is taken from his bath. Don't you think, Madam, it's worth BAYing the 15c. a cake, a little less if etiereian foe Babys Oren Sich asks for 's Owa Soap. . €d at the tea table. In the evening | a cathedral choir boy, a recitation | REDUCE YOUR FAT WITHOUT DIETING duc- Years ago the formula for fat re tion was "dlet""--~*exercise." To-day it is "Take Marmola Prescription Tabieta Friends tell friends--these friends Se! others. They eat substantial food. ive | as they like and still reduce stead y | and easily without going through long i sieges of tiresome exercise and stalva | tion diet. Marmola Tablets are sold 3 all druggists the world over at one dol- lar for a case, or If you prefer you can order direct from the Marmola Com. pany, 4612 Woodward Ave. Detroit, | Mich | Toronto, will be with Principal and {Mrs: Bruce Taylor, Queen's Univer- sity, for the week-end. Mrs. Gordon Horn, Toronto, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Harold Simp- Ison, Cataraqui. { Mis Ingersoll, who has spent a {few weeks with Mrs. Oliver Chown, University avenue, left for Cobourg today and will later return to her home in St. Mary's. - * * Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Boyes, Kings- ton, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Boyes, Napanee. Aylsworth Sills and three children arrived at Napanee from Saskatche- wan to spend the winter with Mr. Sills' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sills. Mrs. Aylsworth and her daughter, Mrs. Mitchell, will leave Tamworth about the middle of next week for Holyoke, Mass., where Mrs. Ayls- worth will live with her daughter for the winter. z Miss Madaline O'Connor and Miss Mary Costello have returned from Westport. Miss Nellie Kirk has from Gananoque. LJ returned + =» Dr. Dennis Jordan, Toronto, will be with his parents, Dr. and Mrs, W. G. Jordan, Barrie street, for the Queen's-Varsity game. Messrs. Morrison and G. R. Smith, Ottawa Collegiate Institute, will be in town with the Ottawa week-end excursion. Miss Zetta Woollard, who spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Woollard, Brock street, has returned to Toronto. Mrs. W. P. Wilgar, Mack street, has returned from a short visit to Ottawa. . * » Dr. Howard Folger, has come from New York to spend a week with his mother, Mrs. Howard Folger, "Edgewater." Miss Grace Bollard, Ottawa, will be with Mrs. W. H. Hughes, Alf, street, for the week-end. > Dr. Gordon Bicum, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. Joyner, Division street, for Thanksgiving, has left for Hague, Sask., where he will practise his profession. ' The cenotaph will be placed in the Cricket Field, opposite the Court House, before Armistice Dag, so that those wishing to place flowers or wreaths in commemoration may do 80. Queen's Concert. Emil Telmanyi, celebrated Hun- garian violinist, is to play at Grant Hall under the auspices of Queen's University director, Ada Lingham Wagner, Friday evening, November 17th. Tickets may be obtained at Uglow's or Queen's post office commencing Saturday. | Wit the Edtr Be | That the Woman's Institutes in the three counties from which we jEveaive news of the activities of this i live organisation, have contributed largely to the aid of the sufferers in the fire sone. That the all black gown is giving place to the black gown with a touch of color at the girdle and in the em? roideries. x That St. George's cathedral branch of the Junior Auxiliary sent the loveliest Christmas bale to Cumber- land © House, Saskatchewan, with presents, sweets and nuts for 86 Mt- tle Indian boys and girls. The jun- fors dressed the dolls, making knit- ted sweaters and" caps, and on Christmas Day will have the joy ot remembering they have made other people happy. That the Toronto National Club will run an excursion to Kingston for the Queen's-Varsity match. That Kingston has had a lucky escape from Patricia O'Connell, the Pp Arish girl who pulled the wool Over the eyes of the Ottawa Y. W. C. A, the Montreal business men and the manager of a first-class Que- bec hotel, where she got credit that ran into three figures, saying she was a bride-elect waiting for her husband, a New York doctor, who would marry her in Quebec. She is at present in jafl in Cornwall awatt- Ing trial. 5 ® A Simple Home Supper. Your family will enjoy the follow- ing simple yet nourishing supper: Steamed Salmon Cheese Straws Cocoa Food for the Gods Dessert Steamed Salmon: One can of sal- mon, one egg, one cup of bread ferumbs, two tablespoons of cream, butter size of an egg and salt and Cayenne pepper to season. Pick the salmon into small pieces and put it into a baking dish mixed well with the beaten pgg, the bread crumbs, Scasoning, cream and come of the butter melted. Sprinkle more crumbs over the top, dot with the remainder of the butter, and bake, covered for one-half hour in a hot oven, set in & larger pan of water. During the last few minutes remove the cover to al- low the crumbs on top of the dish to brown. Cheese Straws: Mix together, to a paste, one-half cup of grated (or fine- ly chopped) mild cheese one-half cup of bread crumbs one-half cup of flour and one-half cup of butter. Season with a few grains of Cayenne pepper one-fourth teaspoqn of salt and a pinch of mace. Roll this paste out Into a thin sheset-and cut it into long thin fingers. Place these on a greas- ed pan and bake six or eight minutes in a hot oven. . Foods for the Gods Dessert (Con- tributed): "One cup of sugar, one- fourth pound of dates, one-fourth Found of almonds and three table- spoons of cracker crumbs. Beat whites of three eggs stiff and add one heaping teaspoon of baking powder, then add the ingredients mentioned above. (The dates and almonds should be cut into emall pieces.) Turn the mixture into a pudding pan, ISH WHIG. piace the pan in a large pan contain- ing a little water, and bake in a wmod- erate oven for one hour, covered. Serve with cream." Here is another recipe for this des- sert, gent me by "H.H.C." in response i0 a request for it from *"M.B.J." which I recently published: "Food for the Gods: One cup gran- ulated sugar, one cup nuts (hickory nuts, black walnuts, English walnuts Cr pecans may be used), one cup of dates seeded and cut fine, one tea- spoon of baking powder, three and cne-half teaspoons (heaping) of cracker or bread crumbs, and three eggs. It is not necessary to beat the eggs; simply mix them well with the other ingredients. Bake quickly, then cut into squares and serve with whipped cream. Some prefer to bake this in a wellgreased and floured muffin pan." "M. F. B." has also sent a recipe for Food for the Gods: '""Three table- spoons of sugar, one-half cup of corn sirup, three eggs (yolks and whites beaten separately), seven heaping tablespoons of bread crumbs, one level teaspoon of baking powder, one package of dates chopped, and one cup of cliopped English walnuts. Bake 45 minutes in a slow oven. Serve with whipped cream. This re- cipe serves eight people." Tomorrow--One Thing That "Every Housekeeper Should Have. All Inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department will pe answered in these columns in thek turn. This requirés considerable time, however, owing to the great aumber received. So #f a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question--The ditor. To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble FRIDAY, NOV. 10. This day may be considered rather unimportant as influenced by stellar operations, It would be wise, how- ever, to keep business well in hand, as there are certain minor testimon- fals for annoyance and anxiety. A similar anxious and disquieting con- dition may obtain in domestic, social or affectional matters although in neither case is the outlook ominous or grave. Plans for new projects may be taken under advisement, as clear vision is favored by a friendly Neptune. Those whose birthday it is should devote themselves to their business, which may offer some anxieties or annoyances. Similar perplexities may visit the realm of heart and home. A child born on this day will be popular and good-natured, and may make its best success in the em- ployment of others. BUTTONHOLES FOR YOUR TYPE The woman with auburn or bright red hair has rather a difficult prob- lem, if she, too, loves to wear arti- ficial flowers. The only imitations permissable are white waxy lemon or orange blossoms. Some of the blooms that "never were on land or sea" are more becoming to her than reproductions of real flowers. She will probably find what exactly harmonizes with her crowning glory in a millinery shop. Green or black velvet roses and silk poppies in black, brown or green, look well on her. The most difficult. type of all is the overly plump one, She must be as brave about turning her back on showy flowers as she would be in renouncing candy. Only a very small unobtrusive French bouquet 's suitable to adorn her fur neckpiece; she should avoid flowers made of satin; think long and hard before wearing a corsage knot, and never, t | visiting at E. never wear flowers pinned upon her blouse. EVENT AT VERONA SCHOOL. -- A Concert Was Pu: On And a Treas Given The Pupils, Verona, Nov. 7.--On Friday Nov- ember 3rd a pleasant afternoon was spent at the school where the par- ents had been invited to attend. A good programme was rendered. Mr. Card occupied the chair. Addresses were given by Rev. Dr. Lawson, Mr. Leadly and William Goodberry, at- ter which Rev. Mr. Crowder dis tributed a treat of candies and nuts, donated by E. L. Amey. A Thanksgiving service was held in the Methodist church on Sunday uight, after which sacrament was dispensed. The Ladies' Aid met at the par- sonage on Thursday. Mrs. Lawson served refreshments. to a large at- tendance. Music and singing were given by Dr. Lawson. Miss GuiM, Mrs. Genge, Mrs. and Miss Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lee spent Sunday at G. Lakin's. Claude Percy, Parham, and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Martin, Kingston, spent Thanksgiving at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Yorke, Belleville, are M. Yorke's. Miss Greeba Campbell has accepted a posi- tion in Toronto. Mrs. Richard Wag- ar and sons, Marshall and HaroM, left on Sunday night to join Mr. Wagar at Leighton's Corn N.H. W. F. Watson, teaching # ome time at Perth, has returned homé.- Secured the Names. Twice within the past month C. I. Fawcett's hardware store, Tweed, has been burglarized, the thieves gain- ing entrance through a "window in the rear. Cartridges appeared to be 'he article most in demand. Acting on a tip which he received recently, Mr, Fawcett visited a certain home and took the constable with him. As & result of his visit he is now in pos- session of the names of the culprits, and prosecution will likely follow. anit, At Montreal on Monday, Miss Min- nie Davis, daughter of W. Davis and the late Mrs. Davis, Napanee, Ont., and Victor Zender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zender, Montreal, were led P= Coffee 7 CRA K=2D , <CNEZLl Ng NYS 4 \) VP 2) n L\ 4 LENT Hall Coffee h om Hef JOHN BARRYMORE ---- [N -- SHERLOCK HOLMES Founded on Sir Conan Doyle's Celebrated Detective Stores. How the Famous Detective finally landed Professor Moriarity, the most notorious London crook of his day. A thrilling English Drama screened for English people by the greatest Dramatic Actor of the Day. OLD-TIME HOME-MADE PEPPERMINT CREAMS" Peppermint flavor whipped in cream and coated with delicious chocolate 188 Princess Oppos Randolph i Ite = i: For sale in Kinguton bye J. BH. & Bre, We As Sawzen, Aburnethy Shoe Co. A. M. Reid. BARNUM'S | : BAKERY CREAM PUFFS--CHOC. ECLAIRS Fresh Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. Housekeépers--Notice Are there any Electric Lamps in your house that need replacing? We have all sizes in stock. How about your Rugs and Carpets! Let us show you a GOOD Cleaner. ' Come and let us prove you can do ALL your washing in ONE HOUR. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC (0. - Phone 441. 167 Princess St. -