THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Founded 1847. YOU WILL REQUIRE YOUR Winter Overcoat FOR QUEEN'S-VARSITY GAME SATURDAY Smart styles, handsome fabrics, great big Ulsters. Snappy Ulsterettes -- large, Convertible Collars, Check Backs. SPECIAL $25.00 up to $40. 00 Livingston's 75-79 BROCK STREE1 If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk | ANDERSON BROS. Limited Private Phone 865. Wholesale 1767. Fish For Friday LOWER PRICES. Fresh Caught White Fish and Lake Trout. Oysters in bulk, Sealshipt brand. Hot House Lettuce. Iceberg Lettuce. Thedford Celery--crisp, white stock. POULTRY now at reasonable prices. Chickens--Fowl--Ducks. For the coming four weeks Poultry men- tioned will be offered at the lowest prices of the whole year. Enj joy it while it is plenti- ful and reasonable in prices.. While the wea- ther permits our outside market will fea- - ture Poultry and F ish. TEA-- No matter what Tea you have been drinking, we believe that if you try Anderson's Hersley Blend you will be more than delighted with its rich flavor. "eset esinransa..45¢c 1b. 3 lbs. $1.30 ~ Expert blending snd 1 roasted gives our Coffee Git' frogtont aroma snd delicious vor tht in Character fatie J alse well-known b Public 458-450. PLANNING ENTERTAINMENTS at the Mowat and Sydenham Hospitals--Notes About the Y.M.C.A. Instructor J. Blake and Secretary |P. G. Wilson, of the local Y.M.C.A, |are planning several entertainments {to take place at the Mowat and Sydenham hospitals within the next {few days, and they intend to feature the events as Scotch, Irish and Eng- lish night, with national songs .aad | sketches appropriate to the occasion. | They are now busy looking up local talent, and it is understood that a number of young people have &l- ready offered their assistance iu this worthy cause. The classes in the gymnasium are now rapidly getting under way, though the attendance at the busi- ness men's class might be much bct- ter. ~The seniors -and younger boys are out in full strength and their training is coming along splendidly. The swimming tank is a favorite spot every week-night, and after the classes are over the members take a plunge as a sort of "dessert" to the main part of the physical work. Instructor Blake intends te start boxing instruction at an early date and already many applications have been received to start this interest- ing work. It is probable that a small tournament will be held in the spring if the training classes in the winter are successful. Strong basket-ball teams are bo- | ing organized at the "Y" and some | epionid material is available. Many new members have joined the local association during the summer and early fall, and as the activities of the winter get going, a number of applications are expected. LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re= porters. | i i | { } | Best value ever. Livingston's boys, overcoats, Read the advertisements because all good things are advertised. The Varsity team will reach King- ston sometime on Friday. Mr, Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west. 'Phone 564w. Mrs. W. T. G. Brown, Ottawa, has been re-elected recording seoret- ary of the Canadian National W.C. T.U. Mrs, B. O. Britton, Gananoque is a delegate to tne world's W.C.T. U. meeting in Philadelphia. Mothers, see Livingston's boys' overcoats. The Ottawa Journal speaks of the Queen's-Varsity contest as "the great game of the year," that Queen's "should win by four or five points" and of the back fielder as "the great Red McKelvey." Arthur C. Alston, advance agent for "Woman's Greatest Sin," is/ In the city making arrangements for his company, which appears at the Grand on Wednesday, November 15th, matinee and evening. Read the ads because all good business men advertise. DEATH OF NOTED DOCTOR IN CONGO AUQ. 22ND Belated News Reaches Sister in Belleville and Comes as a Great Shock. Belleville, Nov. 9.--Dr. Alfred Yale Massey, who had been for the past twenty years medical mission- ary in Africa, died at Coquilhatville, Belgian Congo, on August 22nd, ae- cording to word which has just been received by his sister," Mrs. S. BE. Lane, 13 Dunbar street. Death was due to pneumonia and the belated news came as a great shock to his relatives. Dr. Massey was born in the sixth concession of Sidney, Aug. 12th, 1871, the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Levi Massey. On his JOHNSTUN & WARD. Members of Montreal and Toromte , 86 Princoss. MONTREAL STOCKS. Not. 9th, 2 p.m. Abitit Power .., ... «2 +» 59% Atlantic Sugar 22 Bell Telephone ... ... ... 117% Brazil ... evi ave A131 Brompton .., . vhisai S484 British Empire, com. ... ... 10% | San. Cement .. ar TOR: Can, Steamship, pfd. .. ... 57% Can. Steamship, com. .. .. 19 Can. Car, pfd, ... «cvs.» 63% Call, Car, com. ... ......-. 29% Dominion Textile .. ... .... 190 Detroit United .. ... .... 55% Dominion Bridge ... ... . . | Gen. Blectric "e's 5 % Laurentide ... .. .... . 9214 | Montreal Cotton 92% Mackay ... series. 106% a Breweries seew 52% Ogilvie '... .. cies 26284 Quebec Rails ... 24% Spanish River .. .... ... 92% Smelters -...,..... ... .. 27% Shawingan ... ... .. « 112% Steel of Canada 61% Toronto Rails ... ses 93% Twin City ..v ... .. .... 80 Wabasse ... ... .. 78% GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Chicago. Wheat-- July ,.. May ... Dee. ... Corn-- Jul¥o.. oe. JL. May .. .... ... Winnipeg. Wheat-- JUIY eee esieece 2es +... 102M MBY vu eae sss vos +... 1088, DBE ens oa: ii ve. +s "99% Noy. ss sss ss esse oo 100% THE STOCK MARKET. Reported b, McKinnon & Co., Royal Bank Building, Market Street. NRW YORK STOCKS. Nov. 9th, 2 p.m. NAmMN. 1080, .'.i.......... 128% Baldwin Loeo. .. .. .. ... 13313 B.&£0, ., vv sais. "5th B.R.T . Cosden OH) .. os ov. vu 4ouu.s 497% CP. Roi:iasaiveecaaen oe Crucible Steel . St. Paul .. .. Brie. .i.. . Gen. Asphalt G. 8S. .T . sevenss 0% Marine Pid. .. «. siviivee, 51% MeX, Pole. +o ox susnsncessd23 N. ¥. Co vavencrcanecerssas 982 New HAVER ov ve vyveseesss 33T NOP Pag, ..ccvvvneninieane S414 SOW. Pac, .. ss nniensrrrad, 938 Sou. 'RY. ..vevverrrecinens HN Studebaker .. +. «0 v.00...129% URL PRE. cuueriiniovranssa 14TH U.S. Steel ., .. 4s s0v.e.. 110% Tob. Prods. .. es os senseae 55% MINES Hollinger .. .. .. ..... +i :1345 Teck Hughes .. .. «4 ov..., 301 MeINtyre .. «oc os 04. 4esss..1833 WeBt Tree .. cv vv ve sirens 114 Attention! Knights of Columbus. Don't forget to attend the euchro at K. of C. Rooms, Friday night, Nov. 10th at 8 o'clock. Mrs. George W. Bishop is dead in Brockville. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Blanchard, Napanee Her husband, father and one son survive, as well as two sisi- ters, Mrs. J. McConnell, New York, and Mrs. H. Smith, Napanee. In times of peace and victory re- member those whose sacrifice made peace and victory possible. Wear a poppy Armistice day. Livingston's boys' overcoats. Pric- es to fit any purse. DAILY MEMORANDUM, Irishmen's Euchre and Dance, Thurs- day ey evening. 8.15 sharp. mber Robert Meek School and Sale Friday, Nov. 10th, from 3 to 6 Ane. Ladies of Princess Street church will hold their annual tea and sale Fiiday, Nov. 10th, from 3 to 6. 18 mother's side he was a d dant of the famous Yale family. He was edu- cated at Albert College and at To~ ronto University. He taught high school at Wiarton for one year and then heard the' call to the foreign field. He chose the work of medicine and went to Toronto and graduated at the medical school in that eity, taking his degree of M.D. at that in- stitution. For some years prior to the time when he went out to Africa he was engaged in medical mission. work in Labrador. In Africa, through his! practical work, he was held in the highest esteem by the various gov- SILCOTT--TO! t South Lake, ont, on a Dat 1923, by Rev. F. g yeare, Anna Mildred, Ais, of r. & Mrs. ad Hoth 1aks, 10 Albert rove, ™ ernments and held posts of import- Fun ance. THURSDAY, NOV. 9, 1022. J.LAIDLAV & SON LIMITED KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE Phones 754.755. Store Hours, 9 to 5.30. A Cuddly-Looking Quilt Is Easy to Make The old-fashioned Quilting Bees were larky affairs. Many of the younger set have renewed this pretty and practical pastime, Everything essential to the success of such a function is here: Silkolines, lustrous and full of character by way of patterns; 'Sateen, sturdiest of all, in every known shade; Cotton Batting in several sizes, CHINTZ In a range of pretty patterns and colorings, suitable for Comforters, Draperies and Cover- inge. enly 3 O° yard Pretty Chintz, in floral and blue bird patterns in a number of lovely shades, suitable for the making of Comforters, Draperies and Coverings of all kinds--boxes, etc. It is a good quality, with a Cambric finish, and is exceptionally wide -- (36 jnches)--a width ideally suited for these various pur- poses. 36 inches wide. FIGURED WINDOW SATEENS SHADES For Comforters and 59c. Coverings of all kinds. Excellent quality Window Shades in a special selling at 59c¢. 60c. yar d They come in Green and White, Rich in color and finish, these are 37 inches wide and 72 inches Sateens make pretty draperies, long, and have a strong, durable comforters and coverings. roller. : In floral, striped and various other patterns, they come in love- ly shades, either light or dark, MAIL AND TELEPHONE ORDERS receive imme- diate attention. Samples will be sent on request, HURLBUT SHOES FOR FALL Sizes 5 to 74, 8to 104,